I haven't seen this requested yet, but I apologize if this is a duplicate (or if it already exists and I'm too bad at computer to find it)

(Edit: I see something similar to this is actually a fairly popular request, and I just missed a few pages of the thread on my first read. Whoops!)

I would love, love, LOVE some more advanced search filtering options for modules. For example...

I want to be able to get a list of modules where (Function CONTAINS "Oscillator"; AND Width IS "12 HP (Max)"; AND Manufacturer IS NOT "Mutable Instruments"; AND Manufacturer IS NOT "Instruo";)


modules where (Function(s) CONTAINS "Oscillator"; AND Function(s) DOES NOT CONTAIN "Synth Voice";) AND (Manufacturer IS "Intellijel"; OR Manufacturer IS "Mutable Instruments";)

That sort of thing would be extremely useful, to me. If that sort of full-fledged advanced search isn't practical, even just the ability to exclude a manufacturer or a function from the list of search results would help a ton.

I am so glad that I am not the owner of this modulargrid.net website when I see feature requests like that

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Synthmage00,

But it actually makes sense what you are asking here, just not sure if this is easy to be implemented...

I was just joking in my previous comment ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

I would like to use my own color scheme for my patches - one colour per voice. I can achive this by clicking often to get some cables and take only the color I need at this time and erase the others. Picking up from your color palette would make this easier. But
making a screenshot seems to use allways the stackcable logic – color by lenght. It would be nice, if the same colors I see in the patch were used for the screenshot.

And finaly it would be great to have a text function similar to the knob marker, where you can write a text at any place. You can use this for example for documenting the channels of a mixer or a sequencer.

We would be interested in features that support the eurorack DIY community, such as: 1) a rating for the build difficulty for DIY modules, and 2) a link to a Mouser cart for DIY projects (could be community maintained, or maintained by the person who adds the module).

this user has left ModularGrid

A row-lock, or better, a module-lock; but I suppose it's difficult to implement.

Hi, gang! Now that XODES has come up with these really excellent tile frames, and there's also some other similar devices...could we get a way to add tiles/modules to these, sort of in the same way that the half-height Buchla modules work over in that part of the site. It seems relatively simple (just alter the image/grid layouts so that you can drop tiles in) to implement, which of course is probably totally wrong on my part.


would love it if messages in the inbox could be grouped by thread

Keep up the good work!

I would love more options for filtering out modules from the search results.
- Blank panels
- Clones
- Certain brands

This would really improve my searching! I do not want to have to wade through large amounts of modules that I already know that I am not interested in to be able to find the ones that interest me.

I would love more options for filtering out modules from the search results.
-- jgb

Actually, that seems like a fairly good idea...perhaps these could be configured as filters within the user settings...? They'd be a total mess to implement in the selection menus, but if you know what you DON'T want ahead of time, having them as user settings seems like something relatively basic and simple to implement.

"Simple to implement" according to someone who uses test gear side-by-side with the latest revision of Ableton, that is!

So I’ve seen this question brought up through this thread 2 times through the years, but never saw it responded too.
May this feature exists but I’m just too dense to figure it out.

But is there a way to rotate a 3u tile 90 degrees to go into a 1u row?

Sorry if this has been suggested already. I think it would be great to have a rating system for complexity. A "one" would be one of the easier/less complex modules to fully understand. A "five" would be a module that took a lot of learning to figure out how to fully learn how to use because of its complexity. Thanks for the great website!

Multiple lists of modules:
It would be very useful to be able to create multiple lists. This helps when reorganizing your system, keeping an overview of a wishlist, and perhaps grouping modules for particular activities (e.g. 'on-the-road modules', 'live jam modules', 'fieldrecording set', etc).

At the minimum being able to separate the modules that you have from those that are on the wishlist would already be great. And also: 'modules-I-own-that-are-currently-in-my-system' and 'modules-I-own-that-arent'

Tagging of the modules (& racks) in your collection

For all kinds of reasons it can be very useful to tag the modules in your collection. E.g. #wishlist, #jamming, #playmorewith, #3modules, #mylar, #colin, #trade, #sell, #field, #untamed, #live, #smallcase, #combo-X (X = a number), #greatwithclouds, #unpredictable, #generative, #starrynight, #stockhausen, #divkid, #hainbach, etc

Hi, gang! Now that XODES has come up with these really excellent tile frames, and there's also some other similar devices...could we get a way to add tiles/modules to these, sort of in the same way that the half-height Buchla modules work over in that part of the site. It seems relatively simple (just alter the image/grid layouts so that you can drop tiles in) to implement, which of course is probably totally wrong on my part.
-- Lugia

Yes please!

Hi, gang! Now that XODES has come up with these really excellent tile frames, and there's also some other similar devices...could we get a way to add tiles/modules to these, sort of in the same way that the half-height Buchla modules work over in that part of the site. It seems relatively simple (just alter the image/grid layouts so that you can drop tiles in) to implement, which of course is probably totally wrong on my part.
-- Lugia

Yes please!
-- hpdr

So now, 3rd wish for this possibility to combine XODES tile frames with 1U modules :) Thanks!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

So now, 3rd wish for this possibility to combine XODES tile frames with 1U modules :) Thanks!

-- Sweelinck

As a workaround, one can replace 3U rows with 3 x 1U rows. Not super nice result, yet it's a way to actually plan the rack with real modules, as the 3U modules will somehow temporarily attach to the 1U rows. Simply add 2 x 1HP blanks instead of the adapters.

The thing is with this method, the boring cat will not leave you alone, and the positions of the modules will not be properly saved... but still, if you're not only into fantasy modular, and you actually need to plan a build, this method can help.

I would love to have a way to assemble a case made out of several cases, so it really resembles the real-world situation.

For now I've simply created a huge case, but in real life, my case is made of a 3x3U 168hp + 2x1U 168hp base and then two 4x3U 84hp suitcases on top. Would be great if you could add multiple cases to one view, and drag them to a more or less real-life position.

(Also, with this, I'd solve my "wishlist" problem. For now I simply use the bottom rows of the huge case as a sort of wishlist, dragging the stuff to the top that's more on top of my wishlist and gradually dragging stuff down that's not entirely off my wishlist, bus has lower priority. With this, I could simply add a wishlist-case, or, as someone suggest, a case containing modules that are not in your real case anymore.)

The power consumption specs regarding the modules is crucial. When submitting a module, mandatory fields on this point would be useful.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Option to lock SOME modules in the rack but not all of them.
Example: I know I want some sequencing and control in a specific layout. Then "Optimize Rack Space" command would shuffle what is not locked. Thanks for such a fun site / tool!!!

I have loved using MG; thank you for building it!

I have three things I'd find really useful:

  1. I really enjoy using racks to build/plan my "wishlist" of modules that I'd like to buy and figure out where to put the new ones... so some of the modules in my rack I own already (and they're in my Collection), but others I don't yet own. It'd be amazing to be able to dim them (e.g. put a 50% opacity solid black/white div over the image) as "placeholders". That way I can see where I'd like to put the modules I haven't bought yet, and at a glance tell which I have and which I don't have. A small add-on would be to show two total cost numbers for the rack: total, and total to buy (wishlist, or things not in my Collection). A toggle in the rack settings ("Dim things not in my collection") would let people opt-in to this display mode. I'd guess this could be based on the "in Collection" boolean/flag for each module.

  2. The total-rack power values are great, but sometimes I toggle back and forth between the Data Sheet view and the Rack view to see row-by-row statistics (which are at the bottom of the DS table). It'd be fantastic to be able to turn on/off a row-statistics view to the side of the rack, aligned with that row. Module count (passive count, too, but not as important to me), and power consumption in the row. That would let me see things like a specific row has a lot of power-hungry modules and the row below/above it doesn't, so that I can move things around to balance that out. An add-on here would be to make the "consolidate space" button that rearranges modules take power-balancing into consideration, too!

  3. Rack statistics, and maybe even Collection statistics: I am a bit of a nerd for how my rack (and my module Collection) is balanced: each module has tags for functions (e.g. Oscillator, LPG, etc)... what percentage of the modules in the rack are Oscillators? How many things that can be LFOs do I have? Do I have way too many VCAs (how could that even happen?)? A chart would be awesome, but even just a table showing counts would be fun. In the same way, what about manufacturer breakdown (This rack is 30% Instruo, 41% DIY, 3% Make Noise, etc), module widths, or other facts about the rack in aggregate? I am the type of person to build a spreadsheet to figure stuff like this out, but maybe other people aren't ... like that.

Thanks for asking for feedback/ideas!

Hi Gimbalgambit,

Yes your 1. request is great, I would like to see indeed planned modules in my rack but dimmed or greyed-out or whatever is easy to implement. It would be good to have that as key combination or something like that while building the rack. For my own use, I don't need your reference to my Collection, but if that's easy to implement as well, why not? :-)

Rack statistics, is of course a lot of fun if easy possible, however if things needs to be prioritised, I think to have the option of planned modules in your rack that are somehow dimmed/greyed-out would be seriously fantastic.

Great idea!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Two ideas for ways of finding modules you didn't know about before:

  1. A "random module" button that'd send you to a randomly chosen module page. I like to scroll through random manufacturers from time to time trying to find neat modules I didn't know about before, this could serve the same purpose but be a bit... user friendlier? It'd probably be useful to also be able to exclude modules with specific features or only include modules with specific features, similarly to how the normal module finder works.

  2. On a module page, a "frequently used with" segment could be interesting - showing the modules most commonly paired with the one you're inspecting. This'd probably have to factor in how popular the other modules are in general (else it'll always just be clouds and maths I guess). I'm not as sure this one would be useful as I am with the first idea as I can't think of any very common module pairs other than Rings->Clouds rn, but maybe that just shows my inexperience :P

also please make the "observe this thread" button not throw away the entire comment you've been typing up lol

Some feature is missing? Post your idea.
-- modulargrid

Would be nice if we could adjust both the minimum width as well as the maximum width. Never going to be one of the most used features, but if for some reason you want to see only modules that are 10hp wide or more, like you've got a gap to fill in a rack and want to fill it with something useful.

Checking out page source and a few network requests, I came up with two more ideas!

  1. Save some hosting money and bandwidth! It looks like each rack view is loading both the "thumbnail" WebP rack image for each module as well as the full-size PNG that is shown when you click the magnifying glass in the hover-tools. For my 6-row, 150U wide cabinet, that's a total of about 7MB. On subsequent page loads that gets smaller (hooray, cache!), but it seems like it'd save time for users and money for you to only load the full-size images on-demand, when the user actually clicks on the full-size magnifying glass. It looks like the gear.svg file is loaded on-demand when I move a module -- same concept could save a lot of network bandwidth for your site and your users.

  2. ModularGrid API for Unicorns! The rack data is embedded in the page server-side (it seems like), rather than loading with a separate GET request; moving a module happens over a GET request to a path that acts like loading a move.json file, rather than a POST, etc. The great thing about an API is you could offer developer access to Unicorn accounts: An API key that paid accounts could use to build their own UIs, add their own UI/UX features, etc. The APIs could still require a valid user login/session (so that MG still controls feature access and user accounts), and if you asked Unicorns to enter the URL to whatever they build, you could check their work out and learn from whatever they build. Modular Grid As A (paid!) Service! Another cool thing: you can build a new API server separately from the current site, if it's too complicated to convert the site to web-client-and-backend-API-server — https://api.modulargrid.net/ or whatever — and use the same image-store and database(s) as the web site uses.

Would it be possible to display the current firmware version for modules where applicable..?

Would depend on the community/manufacturer to keep it up to date but would mean I look in one place

I have loved using MG; thank you for building it!

I have three things I'd find really useful:

  1. I really enjoy using racks to build/plan my "wishlist" of modules that I'd like to buy and figure out where to put the new ones... so some of the modules in my rack I own already (and they're in my Collection), but others I don't yet own. It'd be amazing to be able to dim them (e.g. put a 50% opacity solid black/white div over the image) as "placeholders". That way I can see where I'd like to put the modules I haven't bought yet, and at a glance tell which I have and which I don't have. A small add-on would be to show two total cost numbers for the rack: total, and total to buy (wishlist, or things not in my Collection). A toggle in the rack settings ("Dim things not in my collection") would let people opt-in to this display mode. I'd guess this could be based on the "in Collection" boolean/flag for each module.

  2. The total-rack power values are great, but sometimes I toggle back and forth between the Data Sheet view and the Rack view to see row-by-row statistics (which are at the bottom of the DS table). It'd be fantastic to be able to turn on/off a row-statistics view to the side of the rack, aligned with that row. Module count (passive count, too, but not as important to me), and power consumption in the row. That would let me see things like a specific row has a lot of power-hungry modules and the row below/above it doesn't, so that I can move things around to balance that out. An add-on here would be to make the "consolidate space" button that rearranges modules take power-balancing into consideration, too!

  3. Rack statistics, and maybe even Collection statistics: I am a bit of a nerd for how my rack (and my module Collection) is balanced: each module has tags for functions (e.g. Oscillator, LPG, etc)... what percentage of the modules in the rack are Oscillators? How many things that can be LFOs do I have? Do I have way too many VCAs (how could that even happen?)? A chart would be awesome, but even just a table showing counts would be fun. In the same way, what about manufacturer breakdown (This rack is 30% Instruo, 41% DIY, 3% Make Noise, etc), module widths, or other facts about the rack in aggregate? I am the type of person to build a spreadsheet to figure stuff like this out, but maybe other people aren't ... like that.

Thanks for asking for feedback/ideas!
-- gimbalgambit

These ideas are brilliant. I was hunting in here for an API discussion, as a few times now I’ve had to resort to copying from my rack data sheet to a spreadsheet and stripping out the text (“mA”, “mm”, “hp”) to better-arrange my modules according to power zones. Allowing some sort of API access like this for Unicorns, along with pull requests for other features that can be opted into for Unicorns, would circumvent this.

Would it be possible to display the current firmware version for modules where applicable..?

Would depend on the community/manufacturer to keep it up to date but would mean I look in one place
-- matt_was_taken

This could already be added into the description field by the community or manufacturers.

I have two feature requests of my own:

  1. a few times I’ve had my panel changed when somebody had added an aftermarket version, most recently with Pamela’s New Workout - I was surprised to find I suddenly had a black panel. It may be a good idea to give a manufacturer-prefenced first panel option.
  2. The current method of dealing with modules with optional 5V on certain modules is clunky at best (different versions for e.g. BIA, SMR, RCD) and broken at worst (no version for Mordax DATA). Is there a way an optional voltage flag could be enabled per-module?

ℹ︎nformation source | Bandcamp | YouTube

It would be neat to list which expanders are available for the current modules when editing a rack/viewing a module.


It would be neat to list which expanders are available for the current modules when editing a rack/viewing a module.
-- bofh

+1 on that. Granted, the expander info is in the module descriptions in a lot of these cases, but having an in-page link to the expander from its "parent" module would actually be pretty helpful. For one thing, it would clarify that there IS an expander in the first place, but I think it would also help with giving builders a clearer set of options about those expanders. The only drawback is that it would involve a lot of scrambling around in the database and setting up links, but this may well be worth the effort.

hello, enjoy modular grid.

Im not sure if this exists but it would be great to have a section on the site for "latest modules" or "Newest Modules"
or add a filter to the module finder for year created.


hello, enjoy modular grid.

Im not sure if this exists but it would be great to have a section on the site for "latest modules" or "Newest Modules"
or add a filter to the module finder for year created.

-- tunnelsurf

it already exists, order by: Newest...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I've just started using keyboard navigation on Modular Grid and I think it would be nice if there was an option when you're in Move mode to swap the module with its neighbor. It's nice to be able to move a module to either end of a row with < and >, but if you just want to move it on the other side of a couple of other modules, you have to move the module one HP at a time. Maybe if you could use Shift + left or right arrow key it would just switch the positions with the nearest neighbor.


It would be nice if each module had a specific field for the manual, guide, build docs, etc. Obviously it would be awesome if MG acted as a repository and uploads were enabled (to preserve data should mfg's go dark), but hosting ain't free, so links would be cool, with the ability to create a mega-manual for a rack, of all of the links to the manuals. Obviously these links will break and it's up to the community to keep them fresh or host the data if a manufacturer isn't any more.
Maybe this exists, and I'm missing it, so sorry in advance (I also didn't see it requested when I tried searching forums).

Also, thanks for making and maintaining such a great community resource.

It would be nice if each module had a specific field for the manual, guide, build docs, etc.
-- zmorriss

It sorta does...but the field doesn't see enough use, IMHO. There IS a field in the new module markup page that should be filled with a manufacturer's URL so that there's on-page links to the module's (or the line in general's) manufacturer, etc. It just doesn't get filled out by a number of posters.

I'm adding another vote for supporting XODES-style layout with three 1U modules stacked in a 3U row. You can sort of do it, but it doesn't save the module positions.

I'd like a desktop layout where you could blend a screenshot of your modular rack, or many, along with any standalone equipment like synths and drum machines or guitar pedals and effect units. The pedals feature kinda does it already but it would need the addition of a lot more desktop devices and of course the screenshot as a device idea. This would make Pod layouts possible where you could arrange several separate small racks in a single space.


I would also love to separate the Pulp Logic TILES size from the Doepfer 3U / Intellijel 1U STANDARD size. They are two different things and deserve different attention. Both are relevant in Eurorack but don't mix well. If I could search for only one or the other it would avoid much confusion while planning a layout.

Thanks again


I would also love to separate the Pulp Logic TILES size from the Doepfer 3U / Intellijel 1U STANDARD size. They are two different things and deserve different attention. Both are relevant in Eurorack but don't mix well. If I could search for only one or the other it would avoid much confusion while planning a layout.

Also +1 on marking the Intellijel and Pulplogic tile types. It strikes me that a solution might be to put checkboxes in the new module submission forms, then have a letter or letters in the row that has the module name. Granted, this would also involve going back and correcting the huge pile of earlier submissions, but given that I've seen a couple of dings on MG about not having this, it might be time to implement something.

You might set it up so that if someone is entering a module that they've designated as a 1U tile in the form factor part of the form, then that activates a set of checkboxes for, say, "no format" (for things like utility bars, etc), "Pulplogic", "Intellijel", or "both" (if both faceplate formats are available). And make it so that if this isn't checked, the form won't allow itself to be submitted...so the tile typing MUST be done before submission is possible. Then, when people look at a tile listing, they'll find a "P" or "I"...or both, or when needed. Or neither. If that could get done early on, it'd open up time for going back to correct previous listings as there wouldn't be any non-categorized tiles getting added anymore.

+1 for the idea of a way of differentiating modules already owned within a rack from those under consideration for future. This would be terrific if it can be implemented.

i have 3 feature requests / thoughts

1) position of pasted module
currently the pasted module is pasted on the next free space on the very top left.
it would be very useful when you track a click event and place it exactly there after pasting.
this would be especially helpful when rearranging a large rack from scratch with 2 browser windows.

2) "move row" feature
the existing "swap rows" feature is nice. but in some cases its tedious to reach the goal.
for example: adding an empty row at the very top of a 5 rows rack requires a lot of swap-row operations

3) links to deleted racks
its totally fine to get a 404 when trying to view a deleted rack.
but it would be nice to have all users public racks as a fallback


thinking of mouse click event within free space:
it would be nice to see how much free HP the mouse clicked area contains without the need for moving a module next to it

1) position of pasted module
currently the pasted module is pasted on the next free space on the very top left.
it would be very useful when you track a click event and place it exactly there after pasting.
this would be especially helpful when rearranging a large rack from scratch with 2 browser windows.

On the other hand, if MG drops modules into the "soonest" open and properly-sized slot, you know where they are.

3) links to deleted racks
its totally fine to get a 404 when trying to view a deleted rack.
but it would be nice to have all users public racks as a fallback

-- modular01

Uh...do you realize how much storage space that would take up on the server? I mean, hell, MG's right on the edge of having 10,000 module listings in Eurorack alone.

I keep a rule of thumb of 6 months since creation or last modification as a line between "keep" and "delete". That's long enough for anyone who needs to go over them or copy them. Besides, right around NAMM, Knobcon, and Superbooth you typically see surges in new modules, and some of the older builds can have "superseded modules" when those big product intro shows happen.

1) position of pasted module

On the other hand, if MG drops modules into the "soonest" open and properly-sized slot, you know where they are.

In my case i pasted a 1 HP spacer module 6 times in a huge rack that has been 95% full with modules
it took me several minutes to locate where those have been pasted and move it to the desired position

also the moving of those tiny modules in a huge zoomed out window is very hard to achieve. And the moving wouldn't be necessary at all when it had been pasted in the right place.

So generally i agree but this does not apply to tiny modules in huge racks
Imagine you have a huge rack where you paste > 100 modules
100 times * no need to locate&move module after pasting = lot of time saved

3) links to deleted racks

Uh...do you realize how much storage space that would take up on the server?

yes - very little

rack-id | user-id | deleted
  123   |   456   |    1

so when clicking on a rack-link for example found in the signation of a post in the modwiggler forum
you get invalid rack

it would be dead easy to add a link to this page
see all racks of user 456 in case user 456 currently has any public racks
sorry for beeing not clear enough...

Feature request:

Allow 90 degree module rotation and mounting of 1U modules into adapters like this one please:

I searched first, couldn't find this requested yet, apologies if this is a duplicate.

1) Modules usage of bus-signals

i think it would be helpful to add 2 properties to the module specs to have an overview which modules makes use of the 2 signal lines of the power bus:
Bus Gate: in | out | none | unknown
Bus CV: in | out | none | unknown

2) showing rack size in users rack list

for example this list modulargrid.net/e/users/view/200335
Some users have dozens of racks and wouldn't it be nice to see XU x YHP in this list without the need to open each racks detail view?

It would be cool to sort or filter the 'My Modules' page based on which modules aren't in the current rack. Easier than hunting your list for modules that don't have the green number badge..

one thing that would be useful for pedalboards is power spec sheets like you have on eurorack setups.

would be useful when looking at what power supply to buy for a board.

there is already power information in each pedal so collating it would be helpful and save time.

First off, +1 for the (Unicorn) API, it would allow some features that won't be making into the main site (in time or ever) by community without creating a new competitive site, splitting the user space.

And the primary request:

Bookkeeping of my actually owned modules

I'd like to use MG for two things: keeping track of my current actual setup, and toying with the past or future racks that don't actually exist. The second need is filled, but the first isn't, since I have multiples of many modules, and "my modules" just won't cut it.

One way I could see it done (without breaking, only adding):

  • Add a active flag for a rack, as suggested previously. In this case it would mean that the rack physically exists, and is not an archive or future plan.
  • For each "my module", add a number field to specify how many of the module I actually own (called instances below).
  • For each "my module", show how many of them are currently in my active racks.
  • Add ability to list all "my modules" where $owned_instances < $instances_in_active_racks. This would show what actual instances of modules I own, but have stored away (not in the racks).
  • Bonus: Add ability to list all modules in my active racks, where $instances_in_active_racks > $owned_instances. This would show the modules (or instances) I don't yet own, but have decided to actually get by adding them to the active racks.

As little harder bonus, in the active rack you could almost be able to view which modules are not in "my modules", but it would require some additional logic to determine "which of the 4 Links-modules in my 2 active racks are the 2 that I actually own".

Especially now that I'm designing and building new cases, and all of my modules are stored away in cardboard boxes, I would desperately need this x)

In future rack changes I could uncheck "active" for the racks that are going to be retired soon, create different size replacements racks as "active", and it would be easy to add the owned module instances not in the current active racks.

A 'slide' mode would be great. If I'm swapping out a 2hp module for a 3hp module, having to manually move every module down 1hp is really fiddly. It would be great if I could enable 'slide mode', and the modules already in the rack are 'locked', but I can slide them around and the modules 'push' eachother. Kinda like I do when I'm laying out my rack in real life before I plug/screw anything in.

A 'slide' mode would be great. If I'm swapping out a 2hp module for a 3hp module, having to manually move every module down 1hp is really fiddly.
-- stogoshuffle

It can be if you're manually dragging the modules. But the other mode is quick and works like you'd want here. Hover the cursor over a module, then hit either "," or "." to move it left or right respectively. Even if you have a pile of little stuff in a row, this can be dealt with in seconds by using those shortcuts.