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Any suggestions for a main (brain) sequencer?

I use a couple of different small modular sequencers, but want to try to go with a main sequencer

What met my eye recently was:

winter modular eloquencer,
erica synths black sequencer
Oxi one

I would like to have a very performative sequencer,
saving compositions and playing after power circles should be supported

Right now I use mainly
Bloom + clank chaos + marbles + Mimetic Dgitalis + Pams + traffic + others



for drums, I love the Winter Eloquencer with 8 tracks of cv/trigger and easy to see all 8 tracks one one screen plus chaining, song mode and ability to save and recall patterns. Easy to use and fantastic. For melodic stuff, the Black Sequencer is fantastic. I have both sequencers and many others.

I enjoyed the Eloquencer for gate sequencing but I figured out that I like a more old school approach to pitch/CV sequencing (960 or Doepfer Dark Time style). I didn't like using a single knob to program notes and probability. I think I'd be looking at a Metropolix if I was going to get something more modern with an old school hands on feel.
Let us know what you decide! Have fun and good luck.

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Frap Tools Usta

I like my Black Sequencer... patched into my sinfonion with a beatstep pro for changing patterns on that... I also have a few other sequencers, to change thing up... I'd keep whatever simple sequencers you have - they're very useful for modulation, for example!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I struggle a bit.
Thank you for your advices
Right now I see no approach to decide yet.
Maybe you could help me to thin things out?
(Writing this also helps me to recap on it)

I want something to keep things easier and play live.

I want to be able to play tracks / projects I did prepare before and mangle them live.
My goal is to play recognizable tracks, that I can fire of and do live variations.
Reduction and simplicity is also something I have in mind.
(Before I did more complex stuff, that is harder to recreate and to focus on on live situations.)

black sequencer -
has 4 channels + mod lane each
(Could be enough, if I focus on main parts and reduction)

Eloquencer -
looks very nice to me. Very simple to access and straight forward.
it reminds me on the oxi one but without odd magic features.

Oxi -
seems to be a good everything device. (Maybe also as a daw sequencer)
But I dont like to have much stuff in front of me outside the rack)
Im temped to try it for some magic in daw production.
A plus could be its versetility - to use it for computer, eurorack and hardware synths. - I think of it more as a playable sketchbook and producion helper

Im also temped to use a Acid Rain Constellation for drums.

In fact, I have much generative and random stuff and I think I need really something to give more of a leading structure.



The Hermod+ comes to mind. Or NerdSeq.
Oxi One is very powerful, but indeed a standalone device.

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

also consider Squarp hapax as it can both MIDI and CV and external portable. Love this one the best such a nicer user interface and great for live performance with touch pads and great options. This is my main sequencer for modular and hardware synths if I am not using a in rack modular sequencer. Cirklon another consideration but the 2 year wait list is tough.

Frap Tools Usta is great, shame it can only sequence in the forward direction,
but you won't find more beautiful, clean, and well-built hardware anywhere.
Xor's NerdSeq can do nearly anything, but the opaque documentation restricts it's utility somewhat.
Not really a traditional sequencer, the SIG Stochastic Inspiration Generator provides tons of fun.

consider a pointandclicksystems pacbot 0.5 mk2 or pacbot 2 mk2 to go with that hapax. this is actually my own setup. i also use expert sleepers fh2 and expanders directly with hapax and expert sleepers es8 and expanders with pacbot 2 mk2 with vcv rack.