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My interests are creating bleepy bloopy electro and drone and textural weirdness from blissful new-age all the way to malevolent noise, so the Chipz and Cellz bundle plus Eowave Weather Drones gives me an intro to both aspects: two very different voices plus routes to combining them, for an unexpectedly reasonable price.

I'm trying to cover a wide range of musical and technical bases in a small footprint for a relatively modest cost, so the first purchase is the bundle, Chipz & Cellz with case and cables, plus the two Takaab modules. Next comes Weather Drones, then the 2hp modules to incrementally increase functionality in rhythmic and melodic areas. At some point I'll probably get a Beatstep Pro but initially I'll be exporting straight to DAW or into a Tascam digital recorder.

Since I have the knowledge of a gibbon and the skills of a neanderthal I've tried to approach it the way I would conceptualize a visual art or writing project, thinking things through in terms of thematic lines and desired affect. This technique has served me well making ambient music in MIDI, although I admit I might be an idiot for trying to apply it to literal pieces of actual technology.

Literal and thematic criticisms are, ofc, both equally valid and welcome, but try to be kind. Or if you're being brutal, try to be constructive!

I am a beginner, but imo:
-I would change the 3 modules 2hp of clock modulation from a Pamela's New workout, more functions, similar money, similar size.
-You will need an audio output, a mixer or at least something that attenuates the outputs of your voices (vca's), this means at least 6 hps more.
-You are dedicating more than 50 percent of your case space to 3 modules.
-I would move to a larger case, or, I would sacrifice cellz and chipz modules.
-A couple of envelope generators would be nice too.
-Find in Youtube some demos of rides-in-the-strom DMO module, versatile, affordable and "in your music scope"
Best regards,
sorry for my English.

Thanks, your English is good and so is your advice!

  • Pamela's New Workout -- okay cool, I was looking at it bc it has a good reputation, so that goes straight in.

  • The Cre8audio case has built-in audio and MIDI outputs, so that's covered here out of sight,

  • Chipz and Cellz are mainly tempting because the ~£90 saving on bundle means you effectively get one for free. So fair point, but there's something to be said for a plug 'n' play system. Especially with a brain like mine.

  • Envelope generators, noted, and I'm gonna check out some DMO demos as soon as I finish listening to this Terry Riley album, then update and maybe make a non-bundle version of this rack.


I suggest getting a bigger case and replacing all the 2hp modules with a doepfer equivalent. As you have it right now it would be very uncomftable to play while patched (because the jacks are super close to the knobs), not to mention I'm not even sure you can cram that many 2hp modules near eachother physically because of the power headers

Yeah I have zero concept of space and workflow in this context so this commentary is gold lol

Added to ferranadsr's comment above this is moving me away from an 84hp bundle toward a 104hp "proper" system.

Making a system from nothing is way more intimidating though...