@senor-bling in the less melodic modes (high spread, many oscs, FM up) I mostly end up using it as a drone noise source. That said with the right filter you can tame the crazier modes and get some really interesting full but melodic textures, ones that I haven't seen elsewhere in eurorack, it's just a lot of work to get there.

Thanks for the jam and patch notes.

I agree, it's really worth reading the manual. I still find it tricky to integrate the EnOsc in a track. It's easy in unison mode, of course. And when using only a few oscillators and little spread. But for every other mode, I feel I need to "compose" a track around the EnOsc instead of just starting somewhere and then patching it in when I want to. Maybe that's just my haphazard songwriting style and could be solved a more theoretical approach?
How do you all work with the EnOsc?

I'd add an AISynthesis matrix mixer and kinks - multing your modulation to these will add more much variety than either zadar or batumi

looks like you'd have 2hp left for a 2hp trim module or a dreadbox div

I agree about maths - it is way more than the sum of it's parts - check out the illustrated manual online for (self) patch ideas

another option would be to buy another case now instead of a module - that way you don't have the I only have xhp left itch - hehehe

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

@nokulture, I think you'll find if you try a Maths out that it's super intuitive and solves so many problems, especially in a rack this size. That said, we're all on our own journey, do what makes sense to you and let us know how it goes!

Thanks a lot for tips troux.

5) Add an Ochd
I've considered a lot ochd, it's great to have 8 lfo on 4 hp, but I always wonder how useful could be it, considering all lfo are unsynced and it isn't capable to sync with a external clock, or maybe I miss something? Anyway I guess it was always in scope, just I've hope to find something more handy.

4) Add a Kinks
Yeah, you make me to validate :).

3) Add a Doepfer A-118-2 for your Clouds (and for #2, keep in mind that this needs a square cutoff to trigger)
Interesting... but adding this is worth it , considering you could generate differents waves on PNW (including random)?

2) Add either a Batumi or a Zadar, depending on your end priority here of modulation (Batumi) or expression (Zadar)
I think my priority is expression, but I'm afraid I haven't got enough modulation... maybe if I add an Ochd I'll get enough?

1) Upgrade the Function to a Maths
I'm not sure with this, function it's enough complex for me to keep it a while, upgrade to maths make me a bit scare. Sure maybe in a future when I feel more comfortable. For now, I try to learn and discover.


I did another jam today adding in the BIA and taking the clouds mono.

1) I made Manis to clouds mono (I lost some volume here for this round, but i'll look at why later)
2) I added in the BIA
3) I was playing with some mods on the devices and playing a bit with the filters and envelopes to change it up a bit

I hope you all enjoy.

Any/all feedback is welcome!


@Quantum_Eraser thought I'd share that you prompted me to reread the manual and to watch some more vids, and I'm finally getting some melodic stuff out of my EO to go along with the craziness, thanks for the inspiration!

I am guessing Jim will likely tell you you don't have enough utilities, which I'd agree with.

What I'd suggest, in order of importance:
1) Upgrade the Function to a Maths
2) Add either a Batumi or a Zadar, depending on your end priority here of modulation (Batumi) or expression (Zadar)
3) Add a Doepfer A-118-2 for your Clouds (and for #2, keep in mind that this needs a square cutoff to trigger)
4) Add a Kinks
5) Add an Ochd

To do all that you'd have to cut a module or two (downgrading a Veils for a smaller mixer is one idea to make space) but I think you'll get more out of what you leave in the case.

Oh Oh,

time flew by as I had to get some things going after a family member passed :(. So I was not in the right mood to explore the worlds of sounds any further.

Since yesterday: I patched some cables into my modular and just let one loop run. Recorded it and here we go, just wanted to share.

Have a nice sunday out there! :)
c u soon...

Hi Jim,
my actual rack is this


The place available I would like to add a modulation source, a multi... and maybe if it's possible a kind of utility module like kinks. But I guess the modulation is more prioritaire...


@Lugia Power really is the next upgrade, and ensuring that I have more power than I need.
The List and other people's suggestions helped.

"What single module would add the most to this?" The single module that would give the most wide-ranging enjoyment, the single module that would expand the possibilities the most.

Since adding Beats into my case with the DNi Pro Dot + ADDAC103 T-Networks I've been enjoying much more beat and rhythm based music, I now need to take a step back and experiment with more long-form ambient with what I've got. A lovely moment was discovering what the ADDAC103 was like going through granular processing in Clouds without the reverb wash and lovely step away from beats with a creaky, glitchy and slightly spooky sound.

Other sensible additions with the most advantage would be:

Arturia Keystep - so I can get a bit more hands-on with the notes.
Pamela's New Workout with Pexp-1 Expander - so I can properly sync my external gear (While adding re-sets across my rack) while still leaving the Disting for Sample Playing.

I think Pam's has to be next after a case power upgrade.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Playing two Moog Mother 32's and Rossum Electro-Music Trident through QPAS, Panharmonium, SoundStage, and Mimeophon. Just having a bit of fun tonight. Nothing too serious. The West Coast is on fire.

I've learned so much this year about my personal approach and modular build. A few things have changed, all for the better. Early on, it was often 'cool module' gas, but now each purchase is very much, "want to do this, need that." Lo-Fi junky will be one of those. Most importantly: super fun to play.

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks, @GarfieldModular! Having a lot of fun with the mixing module.

show us your rack - what you alrerady have will help determine better what you should add

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Nice! Did you use the Octatrack for the kick drums or the BIA?
-- sacguy71

I used the OT for the kick drum.
Currently I just have the 2 outputs on the modular setup, so those were running the left/right of the Manis + Clouds.
I plan to expand to have more outputs soon, but was mostly focused on seeing if I could evolve a sound by using the 0cht, the Zlob filter, the Manis, and Clouds.
It was fun to hear that come together.

Plus, adding the effects in Ableton as send effects added that little extra.
basically, I'm looking at a few pedals that I would like to buy: 1) a delay and 2) a reverb, but for now I figured I keep learning with what I have and pick up the pedals in the near future.

I was thinking about adding the patch as well in the future.
That way if people want to see how I hooked it all up, they could try it if they have the parts (or similar) modules.

Thanks for checking out the sounds.

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Nice! Did you use the Octatrack for the kick drums or the BIA?

I'm new in modular, almost finish my case with sources of sound, sequencer, vca/mixer, some modulation, but I keep some place to modulation between 8 and 10 hp. I would like complement my PNW and Function. I saw as true option on micro temps utile, micro ornament & crime or XAOC Zadar. What do you choose from those ? Do you have another option?

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Speaking of percussion, I am really loving the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter (what a tongue twister name!) module that I just put in my setup and it can do crazy bass lines to wild drums. Plus it is small and easy to learn. Here is a demo of it:

It also holds up quite well in a mix like this:

No menu diving, dead simple to figure out how to patch and use and endless percussion options from weird kicks to cowbell sounds.

It's not a bad list of suggestions at all. But trying to categorize specific modules as more or less "important" is sorta pointless. Instead, you should look at a modular NOT as a collection of parts, but a bespoke SYSTEM that you've assembled, which has functions specific to your music. But if I answered the question literally, I'd say it was the power supply...and beyond that, the "importance" of modules really is something between you, your music, and the device itself.
-- Lugia

Sure, but outside the esoteric nature of 'connection,' there are obvious necessities when it comes to building a modular. It's the same thing as when building a guitar. There are going to be required parts, and the luthier (and maybe the customer) gets to put their own fresh take on that particular instrument. And as I appreciate Garfield's semi-scientific approach to categorizing and enumerating those vital parts, I am interested in his further elaboration of the concept. After all, if there is no such thing as importance in a modular build, then nobody really needs VCAs, do they?

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Word Lugia! Indeed and we can thank the wealthy Youtubers who focus on flashy modules and not utilities. Well at least Divkid and MylarMelodies do videos on the benefits of utilities! Here he explains the value of boring logic module utilities to his credit:

Now I have Kinks and Links on the way for my second rack build as well as a Hex VCA so I can better patch my systems. Plan to get Pam and Disting EX for holidays to balance things out.

The Rosie got me with the send in/out but the matrix mixer could do it too. I'll dig the output modules.
-- BousierMort

I'm not big on the Rosie or the X-Pan, either. The Rosie just seems like a concession to DJs, while the X-Pan is an expensive solution to a somewhat simpler problem set.

But, if you're really jazzed on the idea of having FX send/return capabilities...you DO know that you can CV that as well, right? Have a look at a few smaller performance mixers...Qu-bit has the Mixology, Toppobrillo has their Stereomix mkii, and so on. What THESE mixers offer are features such as muting, cue sends, CV over level (ie: AC-coupled exponential VCAs), pan and FX send, and the like. Much more capable, and if you toss a Happy Nerding OUT in after it, you then have a second stereo return for FX on that module, too.

This build is on a scale where something of that sort could be very beneficial, even with the (slightly, over the pair of Make Noise modules) expanded size of those. It'll free up VCAs for CV/mod uses, for one thing, plus it adds a bunch of internal "primitives" that, if they were separate modules, would take up far more space than the mixer would in of itself.

@GarfieldModular Words cannot express how much I love this. How would you order the list if you were to rank them by importance, instead of alphabetically? And how many of each would you say meets the criteria of sufficient?
-- TeslianCowboy

It's not a bad list of suggestions at all. But trying to categorize specific modules as more or less "important" is sorta pointless. Instead, you should look at a modular NOT as a collection of parts, but a bespoke SYSTEM that you've assembled, which has functions specific to your music. But if I answered the question literally, I'd say it was the power supply...and beyond that, the "importance" of modules really is something between you, your music, and the device itself.

oooooooooo KURT DAHLKE!!!!...or Pyrolator, if you prefer. His stuff is so much fun (as is his band, Der Plan) while at the same time, if you dive deep into it, you start noticing the complexity there. Der Plan was part of the whole Neue Deutsche Welle scene, but also had a real interest in noise and trouble. They sort of get tagged as Germany's answer to The Residents, but that's way too simplistic an analysis.

Problem with utilities (and I'm using a wide definition here that includes things like VCAs, mixers, attenuverters, etc) is that they SEEM optional, while those of us here on the other side of the looking glass know that they're not. So, in addition to a list of important ute modules, some explanation for WHY these matter as much as they do (with examples!) would probably also go a long way to curtailing (some) the Sexy Module Syndrome.

yeah - not a bad go - not a fan of xpan or rosie - do you really need crossfading? I'd go happy nerding panmixjr/stereo mixer instead and a 2hp headphone module

which would save 4hp with the 3hp you already have free - that gives 7 which is a pain - something 4hp and something from the erica pico series - or maybe 2 2hp modules - maybe they do a crossfader if you need it

you might want to update your maths to a more modern version - the one with white knobs is the latest!
-- JimHowell1970

Thanks for your reply !
I hadn't checked the math version.
The Rosie got me with the send in/out but the matrix mixer could do it too. I'll dig the output modules.

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Some massive beats

Just for the record.... Until another month or two I won't have any more power sockets to fill.
I just added the AI Matrix Mixer and MI Kinks and I'm experimenting with both.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Functionality - Modules - Total - Status

Attenuverter - DPW-Att Av-1, TH-At-at-at - 2 - sufficient
Clock & random - 2HP-TM, OM-Clock Div Mk2, 2HP-Rnd v2 - 3 - sufficient
Drum/Percussion - 2HP-Bell, AD-T-networks - 2 - consider more
Effects - ES-Pico DSP, MSW-Monsoon, 2HP-Verb - 3 - sufficient
EG - SSF-ADSRVCA, ALM-Pip slope - 2 - sufficient
LFO - NE-Clep Diaz, DK-øchd - 2 - sufficient
Mixer - OM-UPE, BF-StMix, IN-Mixup - 3 - sufficient
Multiple - 2*MA-4x4x4, MI-Links - 3 - (more than) enough
Others - 2HP-Vowel, ExS-Disting Mk4 - 2 - sufficient
Quantiser & Arpeggiator - 2HP-Tune, 2HP-Arp - 2 - sufficient
Sequencer - 2HP-Euclid, PM-µSeq., NE-Bin Seq, DM-Dot - 4 - enough
VCA - MI-Veils - 1 - requires more
VCF - HN-VCF, AD-4 voice cluster - 2 - consider more
VCO - MN-STO, 2HP-Pluck, AD-4 voice cluster - 3 - consider more
-- GarfieldModular

@GarfieldModular Words cannot express how much I love this. How would you order the list if you were to rank them by importance, instead of alphabetically? And how many of each would you say meets the criteria of sufficient?

Sounds like a good candidate for my utility pod, thanks @Lugia 👍👍

Good point @JimHowell1970, White Knobs Maths >>>>>

yeah - not a bad go - not a fan of xpan or rosie - do you really need crossfading? I'd go happy nerding panmixjr/stereo mixer instead and a 2hp headphone module

which would save 4hp with the 3hp you already have free - that gives 7 which is a pain - something 4hp and something from the erica pico series - or maybe 2 2hp modules - maybe they do a crossfader if you need it

you might want to update your maths to a more modern version - the one with white knobs is the latest!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

ModularGrid Rack

Hi guys,
I started my journey into eurorack world some years ago with a semi-modular modulor114, this year I gave it a little brother with a nifty case and my first modules (fluctuations magnetiques and multimode VCA). These two play with a digitakt which sequences throught MIDI.

Now I'm planning to get a Mantis and having a full row for complex voice : Dixie, Rubicon, ufold, FluctMagn, rainmaker.
Around this voice I'd like to use at first the modulor to make that small world moving and adding step by step more
utilities (maths, zadar, mixers, output ..) and a sequencer (metropolis or rene.. can't decide now).

Am I in the good or will you do otherwise ? Thanks you for reading me.

I am learning modular and really enjoying 64 HP it keep me focused.

Today I wanted to try the Manis running through Clouds.
You can take a listen to what I have crated here:

Overall I like how the sound evolves through the filter via the 0cht.

Hope you enjoy.

I am using send effects via my DAW:
1) H-Delay (Waves Audio)
2) H-Verb Long (Waves Audio)
3) Overdrive and Distortion Stop pedal (Waves Audio)

Nice, thanks Jim, great advice there. Yeah, a self oscillating filter would be a good addition, I didn't think about that- multi use modules are key in a small system aren't they.

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Hey GarfieldModular,

I've never heard of Pyrolator or Kreidler, I'll check them out.


Something I find with my rack is that I can sometimes stretch my clock sources too far and occasionally a module won't react to a pulse. I solved this by sending the clock to a Buffered Mult before splitting / distributing it around my system.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


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thanks yeah I have enough to keep me plenty busy learning for the next year or so. Really had fun tonite using the crazy percussion module from Noise Engineering B.I.A. and new Erica Synths Polivoks filter with Batumi and Varigate 4+ modes. Now I can the case for the utility modules and ways to split signals. Probably order the things I need like matrix mixer and what not. Fortunately these are way less.

Nice recommendations @Lugia, I'll check em out. Would those take euro voltages, or would I need to send and receive at line out level? 🤔
-- troux

I would strongly suggest getting some sort of balanced output module for your build. My faves for a while have been two different Happy Nerding ones...the 4hp Isolator and the 6hp OUT. The former is rather basic...just I/O and a stereo level control. But the second one is VERY nice if your case can handle the depth. The OUT offers metering, headphone out, stereo output level control, the same sort of I/O...but it ALSO has a second mixable stereo input, which makes it great for parallelling-in another FX process inside the synth, or you could simply have two separate global mixes and switch back and forth via the OUT. But you want one of those, and you'll want to run 1/4" TRS cables from the modular to the FMR since it also uses these.

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Good discussion and we should come up with a sticky for newbies to modular builds. One reason I got into modular was to get away from computers and menu diving. I prefer simpler knobs, sliders and switches over massive computer screens like those found on the 1010music modules which are computers for modular.

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That is one reason I am hesitant to get the disting but the new one has better screen and exploring wide range of modules and functions in one place is helpful to me as a beginner with limited space and experience. I think that and Pamela's New Workout are on my holiday shopping list and some tools/utilities.

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Just got my new case and hooked up Noise Engineering BIA and Erica Synths Black Polivoks filter. Both are superb!
It was fun to have Batumi modulate the Erica Synths Black Polivoks filter and the Noise Engineering BIA modules.

It is @GarfieldModular, maybe that's why I'm disappointed in it 🤣🤣 Enjoy your weekend too, and thanks for listening.

Hi Mowse,

Oh yes! This is you all right: nice, good and solid. Definitely worth it to listen at :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Nice one, kind of mellow isn't it? At least to me it sounds like a nice mellow entrance into the weekend :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

good idea try not to buy modules - I have only bought 6 this year so far - I'm going to try to keep it down to about another 3 and maybe a couple of diy ones - plus at least some of the components for my diy backlog - otherwise I'll be needing a new case too

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

nah it's a great module as is
I just think I'd rather have a zadar or a batumi or another stages...
or some inexpensive doepfer ones with resets

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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Correct! Well at least the support utility modules cost less than fancy voice ones. My new Doepfer A100 6U case arrived so will hold off adding to it for another year or so unless it is a few key support modules and maybe the new Expert Sleepers Disting EX that will be useful.

Realizing that half of a modular setup is utilities and support modules and not 20 fancy oscillators or filters
-- sacguy71

even when one has a massive case!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities