Triple Sloths, Ian Fritz's Hypster (slow chaotic modulation, and fast chaotic modulation - up to audio rates) - both are must-haves, in my opinion. The 8-Bit Cipher is GREAT for off-kilter rhythms, I love pinging Sisters with it. Though I don't have one, I hear the Plague of Demons VCO is excellent. Those are where I'd start.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Yep @baltergeist, it's a fair point. Lots of turmoil in the world at the moment. Totally agreed on Turkey though, incredible country at its core.

Re: Nonlinear Circuits, I keep looking at their modules and haven't pulled the trigger on one yet. Any recommendations? What's your favorite, or what would be most interesting?

@GarfieldModular, saw this today and thought of you, if you really wanna get serious about frogs!

Thank you both! Yes, this was made with Ciat-Lonbarde instruments. They're banana-patchable stand-alone instruments rather than eurorack. I just picked up a Plumbutter and I'm looking forward to getting to know it too. I've actually sold most of my eurorack modules. I still have three of the small Doepfer cases that I use in conjunction with the C-L instruments, and a larger Pittsburgh rack where I keep the rest of what I haven't sold yet (can't seem to let go of my Nonlinear Circuits modules, those have their hooks in me).

I haven't been back to Nevşehir since I visited between high school and college almost thirty years ago. I loved Cappadocia, hell, I loved everywhere I went in Turkey. I want to go back, but I don't know when that will be possible, or advisable, at this point.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Great piece @baltergeist, and Nevşehir's a cool town too, visited in like 2010 I think. The drones in the background are especially nice. Kudos.

@GarfieldModular, Coquantus is made by Ciat Lonbarde, so it's not a Eurorack synth. You can learn more here:

Thread: Tetra

NP - have you checked out the maths illustrated manual - even if it doesn't inspire you to buy a maths, it may inspire some patching of the quadrapol/Delta-v combo!

I just had another look -

again - kinks and a matrix mixer (AISynthesis do a reasonably priced, reasonably sized one) will massively expand your modulation capabilities for a reasonable price

I'd probably also want some more audio mixing options - I see a 2hp mix for submixing the drums and a unity for audio and the quadrapol/delta-v for cv, but it doesn't really seem to be enough - maybe a quad cascading vca such as veils or intellijel

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Baltergeist,

Wow, this is very intriguing and special! The music is so special and at the same time builds up quite some excitement, listening it again now and for sure will have to listen a few more times to enjoy it to the full :-)

That anti-rhythm is indeed quite nice too. I can't find Cocoquantus here in the modules section, what's the exact brand name and model name?

Thanks a lot for this little jewel and kind regards, Garfield.

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yeah - it's small, inexpensive, has 3 functions - if you have stackcables or enough mults, you can patch it to get 7 different, but related modulation outputs from a single modulation source

it's similar with matrix mixers - put mult x modulation sources in get x more related modulation outputs

once you've got a few modulation sources - things like these and cascading vcas, switches etc are generally less expensive for getting more out of them than getting more modulation sources and will lead to more interesting modulation -that's not to say never get any more modulation sources - it's more: there are other ways, as there almost always are in modular

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thanks Steve :-)

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Thread: MDLR


weird size rack - I count 94 - and with an intellijel 1u? unusual but not impossible - unless you are using the intellijel cases 1u modules designed to connect to points in the intellijel cases are pointless - check the 1u - at least some of them are specifically designed to work with intellijel cases!!!

I think you are adding too many large functional modules (specifically sound generation and processing and modulation generation) and not enough utility - which is where you need to concentrate in order to make this more than a single patch wonder - not enough possibilities for the multing, modifying and combining of control voltages, no where near enough vcas

For the number of sound generators and modifiers you have, though I don't think you have enough modulation - take out the furmana and add kinks and a matrix mixer

How are you sequencing?

How are you mixing?

Personally I would abandon the concept of planning a modular at this stage in your journey

I would simply get as big a case as you can (Mantis is good, or whatever this is if you really want the 1u) a single sound source, a single modulation source, a single sound modifier, a way to listen and a way to play and learn to patch what you have inside and out before adding anything else - once you've done that you will probably know that you need a module to do something that you are missing, buy that and repeat - continue in this vein for 6 months or so - then take a look back at this and try to build another rack around these modules - it will probably be 50% bigger - and that's just adding modulation for the furmana!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

It seems a big consensus about kinks :)

Thread: MDLR

have i missed something here?

Thread: Tetra

do you want suggestions?

if so modulation (Maths and stages perhaps) and utilities (kinks a matrix mixer) would seem like a good place to start
-- JimHowell1970

Hey, I have quadraPol with Delta-v to cover almost everything what Maths does.
OTOH, Stages look cool! Never considered it and it seems like can cover what I was planning to do with Ladik 4-step sequencer and even more . .
Thanks for the tip!

Nice, thanks for sharing. I'll try and aim in that direction and see how it goes.

I'll try to provide some details when I'm done with the track I'm working on. Played with the shift settings quite a bit, not sure what they're set to. Mostly using the Octatrack to sequence it right now.
Right now got the scale set to Tet12 either fully CCW or one of the first four scales. Detune at 11-12 o'clock. Balance slightly past noon. Root at 9, Spread at 12, cross FM CCW, twist and warp somewhere between 9 and 11. Like I said, not sure about the shift settings and I also add CV to pitch, root, scale, twist and warp via Octatrack CC to CV and a heavily attenuated Ochd.

Thread: Tetra

do you want suggestions?

if so modulation (Maths and stages perhaps) and utilities (kinks a matrix mixer) would seem like a good place to start

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: Tetra

1) OSCs
- SV-1b main OSC and second OSC
- Mangroove
2) Filter
- Three Sisters
- SV-1b Filter
3) VCA
- quadraPol has 4 VCAs
- Delta V has 2 VCAs
- Doepfer A-147-2 has a VCA
- SV-1B has a VCA with distortion
4) Mixer
- Unify
- quadraPol
- SV-1b
5) Envelope
- SV-1b has ADSR envelope
- Delta V has two VS envelope
6) S&H
- SV-1b
- Pamela's New Workout
7) MIDI interface
- mmMidi has 2 melodic, 8 drum MIDI outs
- SV-1b has 1 melodic MIDI outs
8) Gate Sequencer
- Euclidean Circles v2
- Stoicheia
9) CV Sequencer
- Mimetic Sequent
10) Clock divider/multiplier
- Pamela's New Workout

Missing units

11) Waveshaper?
12) Delay?

one sound source - any of the VCOs
one modulation source - maths
one sound modifier - a filter
a way to play - either use the BSP you already have or get the es9 - up to you
a way to listen - quad vca

maybe add kinks to this

learn everything inside and out

add one module at a time - unless you realise you need more utilities to make it work properly - and repeat....

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Two loops of a forty year old Hondo II POS acoustic guitar through the Cocoquantus 2, along with some Tetrax, and pedals. I'm really enjoying the cracked/anti-rhythms the Coco produces.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Hey Garfield,

thank You for your participation and your kind and nice words! Its not always as easy as it should be...

But as with all things we have to return to a "normal state" and go on!

In this spirit,
all the Best,

Hello all,

This is part of my morning jam sessions where i'm learning to play my modular better so that I can eventually do a live show.
For today I put in an new OSC for a bassline and I am working on trying to blend the voices, keep the jam going, and most of all have a good time doing it. :)

Have a listen if you like:

All comments/questions are welcome.
Thanks and may you have a great day today wherever you are.

A few notes:
1) the kick is coming from my Octatrack MKII
2) I have the Manis running into the clouds for the lead(ish) line
3) I am sequencing in two parts:
a) the O&C is running hemispheres with Enigma Jr.
b) the steppy

One last question:
Do you have a recommendation which modules I should definitely start with?

Thanks again for your help!

other than ergonomics - no - but they are very personal - go slowly and expand slowly (with what you need, not just what you want) is the key to getting a playable and interesting modular

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thanks for detailed answer @JimHowell1970 and @Lugia
Indeed I need to change my way to procede. Looking for modules on Youtube isn't the best way to explore patches and trigger your creativity. You get easily seduce by sexy modules while being new. I totally agree


First yeah I have to take those moog modules out of the case to free the space in order to add a bunch of utility and logic modules (I haven't looked up for a matix mixer but now that I did, I cleary need one) I think I'll go for a joystick too (Planar² seems great fun)

yeah a matrix mixer and a handful of stackcables makes you modulation go a lot further - especially when paired with a kinks

For sound sources, it's clear that I need more. I was planning to get a piston Honda and some filters (one Polivoks filter for sure)

Not convinced - I count 6 in total (including clouds) already!

I was planing to get more VCAs (Hexvca Befaco) and a quad attenuator in order to throw a bunch of them in my patches to have more control of each patches and send them to my mixer Worn Soundstage. I believe this enough to have a good mix of all my patches, but I'm not 100% certain.

I would just go with 2 2hp trim modules for attneuation - and see if you need more vcas - you may not

I'm not planing to sell anything yet, I'll buy more modules and explore the patches. See what do fits the best and then sell what I don't need anymore.
Thanks a lot for bringing your expertise!

-- Angular_drift

I haven't sold a single module in over 3 years

Mind you in the last 30 years I have only sold 3 guitars and a bass - to fund modules - I still have guitars and a bass though

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Bought modules from @Halfgeleider @x2mirko @hirnlego and @duda within the last few months. Smooth transactions all around. :)

Thanks again for your feedback!

I distributed the VCAs in the rack and exchanged the hexmix with the quad vca. So I count 9 VCAs now.
I also added planar 2 as it seems to be a very interesting tool for me.

ModularGrid Rack

Still something crucial missing ?

I want to use the ES-9 for that and I already have an Arturia Keystep Pro with lots of cv output possibilites. But thanks for your idea!

Thanks for detailed answer @JimHowell1970 and @Lugia
Indeed I need to change my way to procede. Looking for modules on Youtube isn't the best way to explore patches and trigger your creativity. You get easily seduce by sexy modules while being new. I totally agree

First yeah I have to take those moog modules out of the case to free the space in order to add a bunch of utility and logic modules (I haven't looked up for a matix mixer but now that I did, I cleary need one) I think I'll go for a joystick too (Planar² seems great fun)

For sound sources, it's clear that I need more. I was planning to get a piston Honda and some filters (one Polivoks filter for sure)

I was planing to get more VCAs (Hexvca Befaco) and a quad attenuator in order to throw a bunch of them in my patches to have more control of each patches and send them to my mixer Worn Soundstage. I believe this enough to have a good mix of all my patches, but I'm not 100% certain.

I'm not planing to sell anything yet, I'll buy more modules and explore the patches. See what do fits the best and then sell what I don't need anymore.
Thanks a lot for bringing your expertise!

Nice one @GarfieldModular, that groove is pretty funky for a frog lol, good depth too! Well done.

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Hi Garfield,

Sorry yeah I looked at the Erica Synths Drum sequencer but for the size and price point, would go with something like 512 Vector Sequencer, Winter Eloquencer or see what the new ground control is like as these provide tons of useful features to chain songs and presets and more. I may just get a simple trigger sequencer for drums/bass like VPME Euclidian Rhythms and clock it with Pamela for the short run until I get a much larger 3rd case next year.

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Yeah I ran various test patches after I hooked it up. By itself, it is very boring. However when you modulate it with a crazy LFO like Batumi it comes alive and sounds amazing. The only two modules that I am having trouble getting on with are the Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer and Malekko Quad Envelope. Those work but are tricky to figure out and not very precise. I like precision in my sequencers. Probably need a good trigger sequencer and clock modulator like Pamela's New Workout. Thinking that and Expert Sleepers Disting EX will be the next modules for the year to round out my build as I need these tools. Maybe add Plaits and Erica Synths pico drums then have a solid jam portable modular system.

Hello All,

Today I was playing around with the Make Noise - Telharmonic and the QPAS, these two fit quite well together. The below track starts with these two modules only (except some LFOs and other stuff, naturally), slightly bit reverb on top of it, but not too much (though it doesn't sound like that but really not too much reverb), then later the track has some joining elements of "Searching For The Frog" (for details see: and a bit of percussion.

This is third take since I am not having/using a DAW (yet), I have to redo the entire recording if I am not happy with it. Still not 100% happy with it, one of the percussion sounds on the left hand channel sounds a bit too loud in my opinion, but wanted to have this posted before saying goodbye to this nice weekend and have to start to work this coming week ;-)

Thanks a lot for listening and I wish you all a good start of this coming week, kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

I am so glad that you like the Polivoks filter :-)

Maybe I do just something wrong with it, I might consider the Batumi, got that one on my wish list anway, so perhaps that helps me to get the best out of that Polivoks filter.

Thanks a lot and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Well to be precise here, Erica Synths - Drum Sequencer is not a drum module as such, it's rather a sequencer that can control your (Erica Synths or others) drum modules :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Thanks Garfield,

It is really fun building new setup from scratch. I love the black polivoks filter from Erica Synths! Especially when modulate from batumi it really comes to life. I can get some crazy acid bass lines to drones to weird bubble pads. Thinking pico drums or drum sampler would be great addition to my second case.

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Hi Garfield,

Yeah think 2 Erica Synths Pico drum modules would work as the BIA has good bass/drum and that would not take up much space in the rack since I want another synth voice and support modules, clock source and sequencer. I've heard that Hexinverter and WMD also make superb drum modules. I really only use a bass, kick and clap drum in my music anyways.

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Cool thanks Lugia. I plan to get some logic modules to pair up in my second rack. Trying to balance enough voices with filters, VCAs, envelopes and support modules is tricky. I think in a 6U case if you have 2-3 oscillators, LFO, and 2 filters then you have a base for tone and can spice it up quite a bit with support modules and sequencers. I look at the Moog and ARP 2600 synthesizer as reference point.

Hi Sacguy71,

Or how about Erica Synths' - Drum Sequencer? Would that be something suitable for you?

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Lugia,

Thank you very much for the additional information and hints. I put Der Plan definitely on my wish list and once I am going to do another "music order" (meaning CDs and Vinyls), at least one album of Der Plan will be on my shopping list :-) I just done recently an order so I have to be a bit patient. Difficult, knowing there is lurking so nice/fun music around there.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Jingo,

I am sorry to hear about your lost in the family :-( My condolences.

Glad to hear that you are picking up making music again and wow! You just plugged in a few cables and you come up with something so solid as this track! Nicely done, it could go on and on and I still wouldn't have enough of it. So give me more :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: Welcome back :-)

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Yeah, logic and related clock modulators are the key to sequential voodoo. I include in that things such as pulse delays, as well, since that also shifts timing. Logic modules are infamous for looking boring as hell while ALSO unlocking plenty of rhythmic trickery, so they get the short end of the Sexy Module stick like a lot of other things...and this is a mistake.

F'rinstance, if you'd like to just play the last note of a triplet for a bit of polyrhythm. Normally, this would be a bit of a hassle. But if you have a Boolean module, it's easy...just use a NAND gate. Then send it your triplet pulses plus a pulse that covers up at least half of a beat. When both signals are present...nothing. But when only the triplet pulse is there at the end, THEN you'll get a pulse out of the gate that can fire things for JUST that note. Way easier than trying to gin up a second sequencer on a wholly different timing.

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Thanks nope I have it on low power monitors. Hopefully can move into larger place and have more freedom to crank it. I want another couple of drum modules for clap and snares. The BIA is great but hard to get more than one drum or tone at single time from it. Looking at VPME drum machine module as it has 4 voices in one module or maybe Mutant drums modules. Bass, lead and drums in portable case are perfect for jam sessions.

Der Plan is excellent. For a more avant-garde take out of them, look for the soundtrack they did for the ZDF film "Die Letzte Rache"...which was ALSO partly their production as well. VERY Residential. "Funf Jahre", if you can find it, is a great overview of their synth dadaism.

Hi Mowse,

Oh I missed this track this weekend. Nice demo of the mentioned devices. Nice picture by the way :-) Love to look at it while listening at your music.

Nicely done and thanks a lot for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Lugia,

Ha, ha, and I thought I would be the only one knowing Pyrolator or Kurt Dahlke, if you prefer ;-) Yeah quite funny music, especially "Wunderland" album is fun. Thanks a lot for mentioning Der Plan, totally overlooked that one (how could I?!), will check it out, sounds even more funny.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

He, he, indeed some massive beats. Cool! Didn't you got any complains from your neighbours? ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Congratulations on your second case :-) How is the Black Polivoks VCF from Erica Synths coming along? I hope you are able to get some nice sounds out of it? Let me know your opinion on that module.

Nice demo and I wish you much fun with your extension of your modular synth! :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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So I am planning this build

ModularGrid Rack

Does it have enough support and utility modules and if not, what else would you change to improve it?

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The AI Synthesis matrix mixer is on my list for my second rack. Kinks arrives this week. I also should receive the Intellijel Quadrax with expander for maths type stuff this week. Since I already have Batumi in one rack, for second build went with IME Kermit MK3 which has 4 channels of LFO and EG goodness and ability to create presets as well.

I need some patch notes on string machine style pad state, that sounds rad 🕵️ The style I was referring to above is kind of pad-y too, spread up, root low-ish, put an analog osc underneath it for extra weight, add a pinch of the FM, and then run it through a smooth lowpass filter with just a bit of resonance.

@troux thank you. So far I've spent most of my time exploring the EnOsc on its own, understanding the modes and figuring out how the other parameters interact. And then left it in a string machine style pad state, which is stunningly beautiful but I feel also kind of underutilizing it. Forgot to set it into full mayhem mode and patch it through filters somewhere along the way... will try that once my current patch is done.