This is fascinating. As with all AI, I worry that it will discover and continue to reproduce an algorithm that is "popular" but uninteresting. Kind of like when you enjoy Seinfeld on Hulu or Netflix so the algorithm recommends Friends next. Haha
As for the Eno quote, that is pretty much exactly the musical idea that I have been exploring. I'm an Eno fan, but have never heard that quote before. I like the immediacy of recording live, I like the mistakes, I like the happy accidents, I like wondering why I made the choices I did while listening back to the recordings, I like challenging myself NOT to intervene in the music.
Of course all of these conceptual approaches don't always lend themselves to interesting music from the listener's perspective, but there is plenty of pop, rock, and hip hop that can scratch that itch for everyone (myself included). I just don't have any desire to work on anything with sparkling production, perfect EQ and mixing, verses and choruses, etc.
So, for me the answer to the question, "Of all the things you can do now, which do you choose to do?" is probably a selfish one. I tend to just do what feels right in the moment and move on to the next idea. If someone else finds it interesting, that is welcome but has absolutely no bearing on the next choices I make.

+1 for this, the number of time I wrecked my rack when searching for a module is very high while I hardly every use keyboard shortcuts. It would be a great improvement to deactivate them and lock this option.

It is amusing to note that, so far, the subject seems intriguing without eliciting any comments or reflections on it. Yet several bridges link the world of modular to that of artificial intelligence applied to music :

  • The use of random.
  • The self generative capacity.
  • The integration of computer science, at least in digital modules.
  • A common and progressive appearance in the Music of the 20th century.
  • A remarkable shared development at the beginning of this 21st century.
  • A strong potential for innovation, and even for mutual articulation...

I still have this beautiful reflection by Brian Eno on the subject of computers and sequencers that comes to mind, and which, I think, applies equally to these two worlds:

"The great benefit of computer sequencers is that they remove the issue of skill, and replace it with the issue of judgement.

With Cubase or Photoshop, anybody can actually do anything, and you can make stuff that sounds very much like stuff you’d hear on the radio, or looks very much like anything you see in magazines.

So the question becomes not whether you can do it or not, because any drudge can do it if they’re prepared to sit in front of the computer for a few days, the question then is, "Of all the things you can now do, which do you choose to do?".

I read in this Forum dozens of topics related to the choice of modules or the correct configuration of a setup. I am not saying that these questions are not interesting, on the contrary. I notice that the best answers, and by the best of us (I don't quote names, we'll recognize them) refer us most often to this same question from Eno: "Of all the things you can now do, which do you choose to do?

Is there any musician here for a comment, or even an answer to the initial question?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

An amusing but legitimate question...
Mutable Instruments: sober, almost zen, well-proportioned and ergonomic. Like their manual by the way.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Another from my first album in the works, Reticulating Splines.

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I love me the orange knob look of IME/Harvestman modules! Befaco look nice as well.

Artwise- the Instruo and Frap Tools have lovely looking art pieces.

@Lugia- yeah Folktek modules look super rad! The Folktek Matter module looks especially tasty

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My new CV.OCD box came today to relieve me of the PTSD suffered by the Doepfer A190-4 module. Way easier to use! Here is fun jam I came up with my modular systems and Octatrack. Octatrack for most percussion and bass and BIA for kick beat.

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Hi there,

I have the same Doepfer system that came with the A-190-4 MIDI to CV module and it has been a royal pain to use. You need to navigate the odd menu interface and set MIDI channel to match the MIDI on your Cirklon sequencer channel settings.
There should also be a clock and MIDI setting on your Cirklon and Octatrack sequencer. These have to match the values in the Doepfer MIDI to CV module or it won't work.

I have an Elektron Octatrack and it took a lot of back and forth with Doepfer and Elektron support to get the stupid module to work. I did but decided to get the CV.OCD box which is portable and easier to use. I now use the cv.ocd as it took me 5 minutes to setup and get working with both my modular systems. I do use the Doepfer moduler to record to my DAW as it has USB that works well with Ableton but other than that it is too obtuse for me to use. I will probably sell mine and get a more useful module for other stuff. I highly recommend the CV.OCD box - cheap, easy to use and no cryptic ancient LED screens. Plus it is small and you can use it with multiple modular systems should you ever buy a new case or expand or want to connect to a friend's modular system.

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Explore using Kermit Mk3 as complex dirty oscillator and LFO at same time

It is easily one of the greatest modules created in what it can do in small space. Up there with Expert Sleepers Disting and Ornament and Crime.

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Came up with this jam today using Elektron Analog 4 as master sequencer/controller plus drums to modular:

Works great as I get to control two modular systems at once in sync with the Elektron Analog 4 as master clock/sequencer and also add more layers of percussion from the Analog 4 to modular.

I didn't realize the AJH folks were involved with this.
-- farkas

Probably because I really meant to say AM Synths. Got all those alphabet-soup makers names mixed up...easy enough to do!

I didn't realize the AJH folks were involved with this. I love everything about those guys.
I'm also coming around to Uli's willingness to put these slightly modernized clones out in the world. People have been clamoring for them for years, and my RD8 is incredibly fun. They sound great too.
Korg could have nailed it, but really blew it. No sympathy here.

Korg? Who's that? Ohhhhh, yeah...right...the guys who made the ARP 2600 "reissue" for SPECIAL people.

So for the rest of us, here's this. Cheaper, AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!, and in preorders now, apparently. Oh, and none of that "limited" bullcrap having to do with a "road" "case" that seemed to be made of black saran wrap and posterboard.

Normally, I'm not really down with Uli and how he runs his business. But this WAS partly designed by the AM Synths people with the specific intention of replicating the ARP 2600 in a more modern manner. And if you buy one, you can help starve a Korg marketing exec, hopefully the one that yanked us all around back at Winter NAMM. This one time, they deserve whatever Uli can pull off here after the s**tshow Korg put us through with the biggest bait-n-switch since the Micor Coupland!

EDIT: almost forgot the cherry on this cake: $600-ish. NOT nearly $4k.

Frap stuff is quite cool...very symbol-oriented layouts. The Instruo modules also have a really great post-Buchla semi-industrial look.

But if you want modules-as-art, I'd have to give the nod to Folktek. I have a Mescaline with the gold panels, and it looks at first glance like some alien artifact...but when you start to work with it, you discover how intuitive it all is. A brilliant balance between eye candy and pure function.

MiRack is nice, but have you looked at Drambo? Definitely worth checking out. Its interface is less skeuomorphic and more optimized for taking advantage of (touch-)screens, I'd say.
-- senor-bling

Touchscreens, you say? Hmmmmm...this might need a bit of investigation...

Random*Source, ALM, Make Noise, and some of the Oscillosaurus MI clones (Rings and Clouds in particular) come to mind for me. I'd also agree on Frap Tools, I need a Falistri!!

Hard for me to argue against Mutable Instruments. XAOC are great too.
I am also one of the weird people that like the gold panel modules. Haha

Not beautiful sounds, or concepts, or circuits designs, the question is about the prettiest face. Whose front panels could you look at all day, even without wiggling? (Blank panels don't count -- only modules that do something!)

I will nominate (in no particular order)
- Frap Tools
- Xaoc Devices
- Nano modules

Who's your favourite?

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Thread: Techno Jam

Thanks Garfield,

It is fun creating techno on modular systems. More hard hitting and cutting than regular synthesizers for sure. I don't have the Mutable Instruments Marbles module but I've used it with VCV Rack. It is on my wish list as I'd love to build a Mutable Instruments/Intellijel modular system with so many great modules from both companies. Perhaps after I get a much larger new case.

Hi Gabor,

Wow, that's a nice and cool track, very interesting to listen at! This video view over your rack is beautifully done too! One can really see almost everything, seeing what you are doing, enjoying the view.

An overall very nice video serving beautiful sounds, this catapults me in the weekend, thanks a lot for sharing this! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Senor-Bling,

I need more time to get that all sorted ;-) So many nice things to check, so less time...

Thanks a lot for the hint and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Patch details in the description.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Thread: BeeqSynth

My Eurorack MDLR 126HP - 14U
(Bottom Row not in case but in 4MS Pods: Xaoc Praga + Hrad, Acid Rain Navigtor (2x) Mordax Data, 2HP Verb, TG4 Modulator
Future Sound Systems, Joranaloque RX2)

Idea of this rack:
Nerdseq as main controle sequencer for musical approach to EDM & Techno.
Rhythm controle: Frap Tools Sapel, 4ms clock multiplier, mult, 2x Shakmat Knight Gallop 1x White Gallop.

WMD Crater & NE BIA for Kick, Tiptop One and Erica Pico2 for snare/clap.
Patching Panda Hats, Sapel & WMD Chimera for HiHats & percussion.
+ a lot of mixing, attenuating & modulating: NE Mimetic Digitalis, Malekko VB

Controle Synth: Nerdseq & WMD Arpitecht

Synth Voices + Filter/LPG:
- Frap Tools Brenso + Intellijel LPG's
- Industrial Music Tech Piston Honda MkIII + Joranalogue Filter8
- Acid Rain Chainsaw + North Coast Synth MSK 009
- SSF ZPO + Verbos Four Pole Filter (LPF)

Drums into 4 channels of WMD Sequential Switch: muting & routing (under CV controle) to:
- Erica Pico VCF1
- Behringer HPF
- Eripa Pico DSP
- Clean out

Synth into 4 channels of WMD Sequential Switch: muting & routing (under CV controle) to:
- NE Desmodus Versio (Rev)
- Alright Devices Chronoblob 2 (Del)
- Verbos Four Pole (HPF)
- Multable Instruments Ripples (LPF)

Into 4x Intellijel Quadratt submixers, into Xoac Praga+Hrad, into aux Overdrive & Rev

Everything under CV controle of Polyend Preset!

Thread: New Stuff

Happy birthday! And thanks for your good, direct and sincere work!
-- Sweelinck

Thanks for the support and kind words @Sweelinck. You're awesome!

Thread: New Stuff

Happy birthday! And thanks for your good, direct and sincere work!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

MiRack is nice, but have you looked at Drambo? Definitely worth checking out. Its interface is less skeuomorphic and more optimized for taking advantage of (touch-)screens, I'd say. Also, it's more voice oriented, rather than just giving you a huge empty wall. Which to me makes sense in a virtual environment where you have different constraints than in a hardware modular system. Or maybe it just fits my approach better... :)

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Indeed it is a great module and came with my Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 to get me started on modular. That and Quadrax are solid contenders to Maths. Since I already have a Make Noise 0-coast that has Slope/Contour which is like a mini-Maths, I wanted some variety. Befaco Rampage and Frap Tools Falistri also look like interesting variations on the Serge/Buchla complex function generator as well. Eurorack has infinite choices compared to the limits of other systems. But it all points back to the big three of modular: Moog, Serge, and Buchla. If I was filthy rich, I would just get a Moog System 15, Buchla Skylab or the classic modules, and Serge setups. But I'd need 50-100k for Serge/Buchla/Moog systems compared to 20k of Eurorack.

A-171-2 ain't no joke, y'all...given that it's a copy (with blessings) of Ken Stone's variant on the original Serge VCS circuit, you could also look at it as being 1/2 of a Maths, minus a few behind-the-panel features.

Any chance the SERGE format could be relabelled as '4U' given that Serge is a brand not a format and there are a lot of other brands in that section?
-- loudestwarning

I think I can guess the answer here...there's two different 4U formats: Buchla and Serge. And they're FORMATS because the Buchla method is to separate the audio and control paths, while the Serge is 100% banana and has NO path separation. Each are definitely 4U in height, but they're not at all the same where the patching methods are concerned and not exactly 100% compatible.

The Koma ones are 100% recommended...the Strom+ has plenty of juice, plus I like the 4-pin Molex linking method. The only reason I didn't go with them is that their availability can be a bit erratic; it's probably best to try and get their stuff either direct or from someone in the EU like Schneider's.

Thread: Techno Jam

Hi Sacguy71,

Great jam! If you and other members continue like this I will be soon a Techno fan ;-)

Plaits is a nice module, I am very happy with it and it can do from semi-normal sounds to the more less common but interesting sounds, up to the user "where the sound should go". Do you have already a Marbles (Mutable Instruments) module? Perhaps that would be a nice addition to your setup? For me Marbles is on my wish list.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Great stuff and thanks a lot for this demo, I wasn't so much aware of the Doepfer - A-171-2 module. You make me a good appetite for that module with your video :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I was contemplating the one on reverb but have a hard time paying $290 for something that was $250 new... it's gone now anyway. I am considering just grabbing a Troika, It's more economical (and realistic) than trying to find 3 Tona's but damn the wavefold on the Tona is the stuff of my dreams.

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I am definitely interested in getting one of the complex Instruo oscillators as well as their new pin matrix mixer! They look amazing and sound different almost a futuristic gothic piece of artwork. I think that from a purely aesthetic point of view, the Instruo, Frap Tools and Verbos stuff has the best look in a case. Would be fun to build a full setup for each if budget allows.

Any chance the SERGE format could be relabelled as '4U' given that Serge is a brand not a format and there are a lot of other brands in that section?

Av3ry. Not really modular, just some 'next-door neighbour'... :)
What do you think of this? As a musician, and particularly as a modular musician, what is your opinion or feeling?

'Av3ry is an AI program and a virtual persona, who is composing music, communicating with people and learning from interactions. The main component is the on-demand conversation and art generation of the bot. (...)' - Audiobulb Records.

More information here:

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

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Thread: Techno Jam

Came up with fun techno jam this evening after burning out on drone patches.

I really love the Noise Engineering BIA module and want 2-3 more similar type percussion and bass modules. Perhaps Plonk, Fracture, Chimera, Plaits and Erica Synths Bassline? That would let me do full on techno/ambience sets without needing to rely on my two Elektron boxes.

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Had fun experimenting with modulation and Doepfer A171-2 VCS today

Dang it, if I were rich, I would just get a Serge and Buchla setup and call it a day. Maybe one day if I ever get lucky and strike it rich. I priced a Serge basic setup including touchpad and was 20k!

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Thanks Garfield, it really is fun and good therapy for me after a long stressful day. The beauty of modular and semi modular is like building blocks you can use separate or combine and mix together. The 0-ctrl is a fun touch sensitive sequencer controller sort of like if Serge and Buchla had a love child and Make Noise adopted it and tweaked it from Pressure Point DNA.

I am still waiting on stores to get the larger MDLR travel cases in stock as I want the 14U Performer Series Pro case that has a 1u row for Intellijel tile modules as well. That would be the equivalent to 3x the space of my two 6U cases so I would be able to buy larger modules like WMD Metron, WMD Performance Mixer, Sapel, Brenso and other large sized modules plus lots of utilities and not run out as fast. If the stores don't get any MDLR cases then I may get a Doepfer Monster Base plus Doepfer Monster 12U case and be done with it since the base is portable and can hold sequencers that I can use with my smaller 6U setups.

“Nope...try to avoid messing with the integrity of those Moog skiffs. They're pretty beasty, and drilling into them would sort of waste that.“

Ehm...Moog skiff? That’s not I have actually build it with plywood, it is deeper than the usual skiffs you can buy around, as I originally thought to fit in some doepfer modules. It could be easy to cut it and cover the hole with something to avoid dust getting in

But I get your advice, I should definitely go for a 4ms or maybe a Koma Strom PSU, they have passive expansion. Probably the ideal solution to power just another 60hp row.

Check these out, then: The Hungry Robot modules are housed in stompbox enclosures, and seem like a really good fit for users who've realized that "hey...I need a..." after their build is done. Cheap, too...I think the highest priced ones top out at $150.

Ok, you definitely have a good point. I got a question on this topic: would it be a good idea to drill a hole in the case to allow air to circulate better?
-- Startics

Nope...try to avoid messing with the integrity of those Moog skiffs. They're pretty beasty, and drilling into them would sort of waste that.

But what I WOULD suggest as a solution, since the Row 25s have so much "uninvolved" panel space, might be to add a little heat sink of some sort to the front panels of each one. That way, heat that could build up on the front panel (many little P/Ss do this...the uZeus, in fact, has a little warning about the excess heat on the front panel) would instead be dissipated. And since metal transmits heat better than air, that ought to draw the heat off admirably. Just make sure to use a little bit of the same sort of heat transfer paste you see used to seat heat sinks in computers before epoxying the heat sinks down...heat paste in the middle, epoxy bits at the ends, and that should be golden.

Hey farkas,

That's cool and thank you!!

Nope, but I can build anything, built loads of modules of all degrees of complexity; the Burst looks very straightforward, won't be a problem at all!

Will definitely be a fair price, I will DM!

Hey @Kel_. Have you tried building a Befaco Burst yet? I was thinking about ordering a prebuilt one, but would rather give you the business if you can build one at a fair price. Let me know what you think.

Hi Sacguy71,

Ha, ha, yes, looks like you had a lot of fun and enjoyed it :-) Nice stuff hey, that modular synth stuff? :-) Sounded to me that near the end you opened all the "registers" (Dutch saying, meaning opening all full) and went full for it, sounded like even more fun!

So how is your (large) case choice decision going, already made a choice or are you still considering and checking all the options?

Enjoy modular, thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

A Tona just showed up on Reverb

by the look of it one of those row power 25s is powerful enough to power all 120hp

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Ok, you definitely have a good point. I got a question on this topic: would it be a good idea to drill a hole in the case to allow air to circulate better?
Given the power required by my small case I believe I could be ok with 2000 mA, which should allow me to power 120hp with no problems. Am I right?


Hi Guitarsenal,

Ha, ha, yeah just two very plain filters, but might be useful if you just want to cutoff at a certain frequency.

Did you or anyone have heard of any update regarding Behringer versus their Eurorack modules? Pretty quiet around that theme, isn't it?

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
-- GarfieldModular

I am logging my Behringer System 55 modifications on the mufferwiggler Behringer System 55 thread. Pot And cap changes, demos, and analysis.