Thanks @mowse! And agreed, Clouds + Mimeophon is a nice combo. As to the "reference only" point I took it to mean "these (meaning Cwejman modules in general) are way too expensive unless you have a specific need," but the RES-4 is a really unique module, so I figured it was worth it.

Outstanding! Really great results.

I do the same with Clouds, often placing it before Mimeophon and stripping out some of the "goo." Often, I modulate Clouds 'texture' to create spikes sent over the Mimeophon. Sometimes, I place QPAS between them to further strip out unwanted elements. I don't own rings, but the RES-4 has intrigued me for a while. I'd like to better understand @Lugia's thoughts on reference only since that's something I understand only at a surface level.

Well, it's certainly an unfortunate situation. Wishing you both the best.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

I have no dog in this fight, but this right here would seem to cook your goose:

Hi the package has arrived. Everything works. Thank you!
PS: Did you sell the Make Noise Erbe-Verb?"
@kaskonauta left a positive feedback on my account.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

@farkas it's kind of weird but I think I enjoy Clouds most before or after another delay, to help remove the "This is a delay!" sound that I can't help but notice a lot of the time when there's just one of them. Clouds' smeariness on its own doesn't do it for me, but in layers it can turn into some pretty interesting results.

Yeah, I have never really connected with Clouds. I've heard other people do cool things with it, but I can't seem to get a satisfying result. I do love Rings though.

Given the prominence of those two I'll take that as a compliment lol. Rings really is a great module, Clouds I kind of go up and down on, sometimes I love it but it's a persnickety little guy. The A-118-2 helps a lot in getting interesting results in particular, but I'd like to throw a Wogglebug at Clouds too.

One funny note on this rack if you look, there aren't actually any VCAs, I came today to upset all the conventions of modular!!

@kaskonauta wanted to buy a Maths 2013 from me (230 euros w/o shipping and PP fee)
He later offered to buy along the Maths an Optomix V2 (180 euros w/o shipping and PP fee)
I proposed a price for the package : 400 euros including shipping (12 euros) but w/o PP fee. Turned out 397 at last (minus shipping). The parcel is sent. @kaskonauta also manifests an interest in my Erbe-Verb.

"Hi the package has arrived. Everything works. Thank you!
PS: Did you sell the Make Noise Erbe-Verb?"
@kaskonauta left a positive feedback on my account.

2 weeks later, "There is a problem with the mixer's center knob number 3 ... Why didn't you inform me?"
"I've never had this problem and would have told you (in fact, I would not have sell it at all) ...
You can try and have it cleaned up and i ll refund you . If you want to have it sent back to me, we can discuss about it, no problem ...
I think you will understand I will not make 25 euros off the Optomix alone (180) including shipping (12).
I received 397, so will refund you up to 205 once the module is back."

@kaskonauta does not agree on the price.
Paypal dispute (my first one) : @kaskonauta pretends the Optomix is also faulty.
@kaskonauta loses his dispute.

He now keeps flooding me with paypal payment requests or comments on my youtube channel.

The knob on Maths can be cracky (never witnessed that though), that's why i offered paying a cleanup or refunding.
@kaskonauta wanted to keep the discount price and refused both solutions.
As said previously, he lied during the Paypal dispute in order to obtain a full refund which was a bit too much for me and probably helped him lose the case. He later justified that : "I don't know if also the Make Noise Optomix is in fully working condition, because I don't trust you anymore."

Nice. That's probably the best use of Rings/Clouds I've heard. I have both and have never gotten anything remotely close to this. Haha.

patch details in the video description

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Love this a lot.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

@mowse I really like the DV. It is definitely going to stay in my Rack although i have many other Reverbs.
I think the DV is perfect for long Reverb Trails. And I really like how it sounds.

@klodifokan Oohhhh what should I say? Thank you so much!! That's incredible!

@troux Thank you!! There's more to come :-)

Maybe, when all things come together like i have planned I will release my First Digital EP at the Ende of the Year.
I planned 5 Tracks for the EP. Expect an EP full of Bittersweet, Sad Tracks :-)

I tend to always end in this kind of Soundscapes :-) But I think that's part of my Musical and Personal

Thank you @farkas! I'm leaning into Rings into Clouds here a bit which is rare for me, but after putting it through the RES-4 it has a kind of distinct feel. It's likely I'll try more experiments in this direction.

Hi GarfieldModular

Everything is working - haven't checked all the cv inputs yet - just clock and outputs - but I expect all of those to work too

as a simple performance style sequencer it is great - I'm not going into details - you can read the manual (which includes the build docs - which could do with a little bit of an update, for clarity)

points to note - the repeat does not trigger extra gates - gate is only triggered when entering the step - so it's more of a hold function - but this is easy to patch round - mult the clock to an EG for example

is it a metropolis? no - it's much much simpler - no quantization (but sinfonion works well), no memory - but do you really need that, in a performance sequencer? and it must be remembered that a metropolis is over 600€ (new) and as a full kit this cost 120€ and took about 2 hours to build

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Should work assuming you are using a layout with clock output on Yarn (Gate/trig 3 -> Clock In) and clock PPQN are the same on clock source and pam.

The problem ( If Im correct ) with the Pams expanders is they do not provide midi in, only out. It assumes that Pams is the master, I need it to be the slave.

There is 2 expanders for Pamela. Pexp-1 and Pexp-2.

Hi all,
does anyone have a solid way of clocking PNW to midi ? I want to sync modular to my DAW (Logic x) with Logic as the master and modular as the slave.

I had a yarns diy running into the Pams clock but it was little eratic.
Ive also tried using my Behringer crave as an intermediary but its not at all smooth or consistent.
Looking for a new solution, all opinions welcomed


Wow. Beautiful as always @troux. I think this might be my favorite track that you've done.

Despite @Lugia's maxim "Those are for reference only!" I figured I'd grab one from Big City Music, and it's a pretty sick little module, with a range from quad filter marimba pings to weird spacey drone movement. Hopefully I can figure out how to make it sing a bit too. Anyway, here's a chill drone I put together this evening before bed. Hope you enjoy!

Made with:

ModularGrid Rack

Approachable and usable combination that yields immediate results. I'll continue to dial it in over the next few weeks, but the first thirty minutes were pretty telling. Most importantly: a far better purchase than some shiny, fancy module.

I've had that Pro-1 in my cart many times, but haven't pulled the trigger. It sounds great in the videos I've watched. I'm surprised it's not more popular.

this user has left ModularGrid

Thanks Garfield,

Yes, I have delay/reverb and compressor on my external K-Mix mixer since I don't have any FX in the rack. Saves space in a small setup to have the effects processing in the external mixer. I also have a bunch when I use the Elektron gear. Next step is get a Doepfer 14U monster case then I can buy the larger modules and decent sequencer/mixer in rack. Also want few more percussion modules as they are super fun: Chimera, Fracture, Plonk, Hexinverter Bassdrum and Clap/Snare maybe Erica Synths drum sampler and bass module. I am waiting for WMD Metron to come back on for sale.

You mentioned: "Uli has (I can't believe I'm actually SAYING this) EVERY RIGHT..."

Ha, ha

I also can't believe you are saying that, knowing you are usually quite critical about Uli's stuff ;-) But fair enough, if indeed Behringer's 2600 is in real as good as it looks (from video's etcetera) then I look forward to buying and using one!
-- GarfieldModular

Actually, I'm hard on most anything that crosses my path. I don't have the time or money to screw around with screwy companies. This is also why you don't see a Hydrasynth in my studio, but you DO find a Modal Argon8 instead. Act like a lunatic in response to a perfectly legit question about upcoming supply, and you're gonna lose me...and ASM's rep did just that. Very crazy, very dumb.

The thing that started changing my opinion about B's stuff was probably the Pro-1. Before I opted to get one, I'd heard from a colleague that Dan Bell (the legendary Detroit techno producer, and a Pro-One fanatic from way back) had A-Bed one against the real thing...and found NO difference in sound quality and performance. Now, yes, it uses the reissued Curtis chips, which would make it really difficult to screw that design up...but even I was rather impressed with the Pro-1 when it arrived. Build was good (NOT something I would've expected from B. given some of their past junk), and the sound was immediately recognizable when I dialed in some fave settings.

When the B.2600 arrives, I won't buy mine right off, even though I'm in line for a unit from the first batch at Sweetwater. Instead, I'll actually take a day and GO TO Sweetwater and sit down with it and then give it a real thrashing! If it performs like the synth that I learned modular synthesis on at the very beginning, then it'll be going home with me. Otherwise not.

Oh, and this doesn't let Uli off on his shitty behavior (don't think I've forgotten the Trump-grade slurry BS of the "KIRN"'s that brown shirt collection goin', Mr. Ear?) and his long past of thumbing his nose at intellectual property laws and rights. Those are definite MINUSES in my book. But as long as Uli fucks off somewhere else in his giant Shenzhen factory and lets more sensible heads run the show, hopefully we'll see more "on-track" behavior and less of...well, what made Behringer Behringer in the first place in the eyes of a lot of people, myself included.

I don't understand why someone just rated it with one star - an explanation would be nice.
-- airic

Internet-itis. A weird motor control issue that afflicts certain users who feel a compulsion to click on lots of crap they don't know anything about. Ignore 'em.

Hi Mowse,

Oh yes, sounds like a great sound track to me, interesting and tense for the listener!

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Funbun,

Yeah, finally a new track from you, and what kind of track, great one! :-)

I miss a bit your lovely video's though... I loved to watch that river you live nearby, beautiful videos. Next one perhaps with video again? ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Nice Tuesday jam! :-) Is that me, or do I hear there some use effect "somewhere"? What effect(s) modules are you using, if any?

Thank you for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi JimHowell1970,

Beside the good fact that the Atemga chip comes already pre-programmed, it's good to hear you got the SMD stuff pre-soldered too ;-)

Can't wait for you to finish it and hear about your first experience when using the ready module! :-)

Thanks a lot for keeping us updated, have fun with it and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Lugia,

You mentioned: Uli has (I can't believe I'm actually SAYING this) EVERY RIGHT

Ha, ha

I also can't believe you are saying that, knowing you are usually quite critical about Uli's stuff ;-) But fair enough, if indeed Behringer's 2600 is in real as good as it looks (from video's etcetera) then I look forward to buying and using one! :-D

Kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Updated typos.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

im seeing opinionsabout the matrix mixer from AI synthesis,specially if its to small or crammed to use?

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Just patch notes - no need to follow!

Westlicht PER|FORMER Tracks

  • 1: Plaits (Mode 1, slow phasing detune)
  • 2: Rings Green (Medium pitch)
  • 3: Knit - Plucked (med/low)
  • 4: Mixed
    • Warps Saw clocking SYNC3 thru Wasp filter
    • Pico Voice - Light Blue (PWM?)
  • 5:
  • 6: A8r - 808 Kick (1)
  • 7: A8r - 808 Snare (2)
  • 8: A8r - 808 CH (3)

Attributes: They/them, Queer, Enby, Poly*, Anti-hierarchy, Nature/Tech Weirdo
Sites: | |
WTB: Euro VCAs, Mixers, Env Followers & Interfaces.
Building the modular since ~2003

Hi JimHowell1970,

I am curious about your experiences with the Tesseract Modular Fader Step once you received it.

Ha, ha, yes, I have the same feeling/experience with Metropolis, I tested it at my local dealer, liked it but indeed so far haven't bought it. It's the steep price I guess and not sure for that price if one gets enough (i.e. doubting the price/performance).

Please keep us updated once you receive the Fader Step. Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Fader Step has arrived - I got the smd pre-soldered full kit - there is a lot of panel furniture - so build still took a while (maybe 2 hours*) - still need to program the atmega chip** - couldn't get my macbook pro to recognize the port to send the hex file to - but didn't spend long on it - I will try again tonight - maybe that the cable is non-data

  • I also built 2 tex mix 4*mono channels and a tex mix master (all smd pre-soldered) total build time about 4 hours

** turns out the atmega chip comes pre-programmed - although not really mentioned in the build docs!!! everything else was very simple and documentation is pretty good apart from that - I will get back to trying to program mcus next week though (Blue Lantern Basics via a FTDI Friend)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I have used the 2020 Veils now for a couple of weeks and simply love it. Having the illuminated sliders gives a very quick overview of how the different channels are set up. The feel of the sliders was surprisingly satisfactory.

I don't understand why someone just rated it with one star - an explanation would be nice.
-- airic

unrealized expectations probably - saw someone complaining about the lack of cascading cv... rtfm before buying!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

DIY dos not necessarily reduce costs

you need to look very carefully at your mixing solution - it won't work - the frap tools mixing solution needs a minimum of 3 modules - for a single channel mixer - the module you have included in the rack is just the master - no channel inputs!!

I'd rip everything out and start again - put back in a single voice (a minimum viable synth) and work out how you would play, modulate effect and listen to that voice - think about how you will patch it - consider utility modules

then add another voice and do the same exercise - utility modules become more important

how do the voices interact? how will you cross modulate? how will you combine modulation sources to make more interesting modulation?

and then add another voice - repeating the same exercises... utility modules become even more important

you will probably need to replace a few modules along the way

you case should now be full - or nearly full - aim for 3 or 4 voices (max) in a 6u case is enough

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

there's an audio impulse file (kick) provided by Make Noise - download this - paste it into your project as appropriate and play it out of your audio interface into the sequencer

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

it's not for sale yet is it?
anyway it seem a gaz factory (too much functions, utility...) too complicated for me.
it's like when you go to eat a pizza in a pizzeria and you have 6 pages of differents dishes things including chinese food.

Tried the gate out and the cv out from the beatstep but can't get the behringer 182 sequencer to sync to the tempo i set in ableton,

Yeah, I agree with Lugia. You're on the right track, but you've got some modules that might not be the best use of time, space, and money. This kind of reminds me of my original plan, which changed drastically as I started actually putting it together. My advice would be to go slow. Start with a sequencer (doesn't have to be Eurorack, but could be a Beatstep Pro or Korg SQ1), something like Plaits, Maths, and Veils. Then see what you are missing. Need a filter? Buy that, and then repeat. Need a big a** button? Buy that, and then repeat.
Unless you really need the phantom power of the Little Mikey, the Doepfer A-119 is an external input/preamp with envelope follower that can be had for about $70 used. I kinda hate working with Disting, but adding one to a small rack is a decent idea. It will help you understand a bunch of different functions (albeit, not in a very fun way), and give you some ideas for the next fully featured module you should buy.
Have fun and good luck.


Well, that's certainly a pile of modules. But that's ALL it is. You're missing things that can make this build stand up and howl, such as attenuverters, submixers, logic and other clock modulators, and so on. There's also a lot of audio sources and modifiers, but the modulation sources are pretty lacking. And WHY are you taking up 8 hp in a small build like this with a BUTTON? Put something useful in that space!

Also, that's the wrong sort of input module for external signal's JUST a preamp. You need something with an envelope follower to really make that work optimally, so that you can do things like opening/closing filters with your volume level, etc. And two Distings? If you have a problem with menu-diving, especially on a minimal-feedback UI, you're really going to regret that. I like the idea behind the Disting, but I think the implementation is cryptic and crummy...not anywhere as immediate as you'd expect from a modular synth.

One more thing: if you're all about the DIY thing, DON'T build your tile row for Intellijel spacing! You'll find a much better selection of tile modules, including a pile of DIY ones, if you stick with the "original" 1U row spacing.

This is why, when I did my "classical training" in theory/comp (which was a bit looser than hardass conservatory definitions of this, mainly because where I did my undergrad was far more open to things other than the typical "serious music" and what that entails), I thought it was CRITICAL to get some audio engineering under my belt, in addition to my required electronic music coursework. These sorts of things aren't what I'd view as "electives" anymore; composers in this century need to know how to work with this technology, given what's been replaced by it. F'rinstance, I haven't scored anything with a pen since the mid-1990s...using scoring suites is so much better, plus I can check my work instantly; previously, doing a playthru check would entail sticking paper in front of a bunch of players who'd probably not looked at their parts until that very short, a real nuisance! Composers these days ignore tech, popular musical forms, etc at their peril!

Could you explain what you've tried thus far? There's a few ways to use these, but unless we can see what you've tried already, we could wind up rehashing things you've done already. Or, conversely, if you HAVE done this right and still don't get a proper result, that could indicate a fault with the module or whatever you're using to get a clock from the PC to the sequencer.

Neither of those. Try this on instead:

I'm just starting out in the world of modular, and to be honest while it's been confusing a lot I think I might have made a rack that functionally works, but I'd like to check with some people who know things first! I'm a classically trained musician, so getting into this synth world is an exciting way to find new forms of expression, but also as a steep learning curve.

The main idea behind this rack is I want to build it over time, I don't expect it'll be finished for a couple of years, starting with the bottom row and building up. The end goal is a modular that will be a stand-alone synth voice I can play with MIDI keyboards, as well as being able to process external audio for effects, like my electric bass. I tried to design it so the bottom row is a full modular synth voice, and the top is a second voice and effects rack, with some sequencing that will let the whole thing play on its own.

I'm also trying to be quite DIY with it, partly because it should bring costs down and also because I really want to be involved in the creation as much as I can. It'll also help me bring some family who don't really get the whole 'synth thing' into my world a bit, since they work with wood and electronics a bunch (I'll be making my own case as well).

Thanks for any advice!

Nice and fat sound @mowse, how're these two fitting in next to the SoundStage?

Big thumbs up @Quantum_Eraser, looking forward to more.