I've never been a fan of the rackbrute - don't like the design - and the power solution is m'eh - rackwart & all -
-- JimHowell1970

My experience of the Rackbrute wasn't good, Power module got so hot that is always smelled like melting plastic, sent it back, manufacturer repaired, lost confidence in the case and sold on. It even made my modules run hotter than my 2x TipTop UZeus power. Now I'm on Konstantlab power for my bigger case and my 2x small cases are on the uZeus and no overheating.

-- wishbonebrewery

Your experience makes me even less of a fan...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I've never been a fan of the rackbrute - don't like the design - and the power solution is m'eh - rackwart & all -
-- JimHowell1970

My experience of the Rackbrute wasn't good, Power module got so hot that is always smelled like melting plastic, sent it back, manufacturer repaired, lost confidence in the case and sold on. It even made my modules run hotter than my 2x TipTop UZeus power. Now I'm on Konstantlab power for my bigger case and my 2x small cases are on the uZeus and no overheating.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


I really wish there was a 'Bottom Row' tag, or something similar, for modules where the jacks are in the upper part of the module while the lower part has the knobs/faders/etc.

This should also include modules that are flippable by design (the display has to be flippable and/or rotary knobs turn infinitely in both directions + programmable...modules that still work well upside down). Either that or there should be a flippable tag with this criteria.

I feel like it would be great when putting together any sort of desktop sequencer, controller or mixer pod/skiff. Also for racks where the bottom row(s) slant forward (ie ES Megarack, PM Structure etc), or the bottom tier in stacked cases.

Thanks for reading

cases have power supplies that are designed to be sufficient when the case is filled with a reasonable distribution of module types - ie some digital, some analog, some passive... although some are just because they are cheap...

I've never been a fan of the rackbrute - don't like the design - and the power solution is m'eh - rackwart & all - the only reason I would suggest a rackbrute was if someone was expanding a minibrute2/2s & even then it's at a push and based on space requirements & even then I'd be railing against them!!! even the branding is too much... if I had one and wanted to play out with it, I'd have to gaffe tape the back to hide the branding - lest 1/2 the audience thought I was playing an arturia synth - not just using one of their. cases for a modular!

in my experience the tiptop mantis is one of the better powered cases - no rack wart!!! - sufficient for almost all audio applications - not quite up to it if tryiong to power a full compliment of gen2 LZX video synth modules - because the -12v is too low - but not far off! but that points towards getting creative with analog utilities etc (doepfer are great for this)

the b-company "clone" of the mantis - the go case - on the other hand - is underpowered imo - due to them making the case 40% bigger but failing to upgrade the power supply which is apparantly a direct clone of the mantis one - which is probablyu= fine if you fill it with their roland and moog clones - but start putting a load of high draw digital modules in it and you end up in the sasme boat as the OP

doepfer 6u racks are also very well powered - the 9u ones seem a bit underpowered to me... haven't looked at the rackspace to power supply ratio in their bigger ones though... but again I suspect the 6 u are fine and the 12 u are fine - but the 8u not so much!

if you follow the formula in my signature (it scales well from tiny to bigger than you can imagine) you are likely to not have problems with power in cases that have decent power supplies

if you are building your own case and adding power I recommend the befaco excalibus power supplies as very good - 1 per 6u works well and they are very quiet - no noticable ripple up into video rates (MHz, not just KHz for audio), no rackwart, equal -ve and +ve rails and available DIY - a simple if tedious build (due to the number of headers that need soldering) - & low form factor - all headers are on the edges, not upright

btw - there's a great primer on modular power in the stickies of the 3u & 1u subforum at modwiggler... including why you need to leave a load of headroom - see previous post for synopsis

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I don't think this is everyone's cup of tea, but was back to some feedback patching earlier today and it turned out pretty nice. Some 1991 High Tech High Life vibes, plus plenty of reverbs turning into noise.

Made with:
ModularGrid Rack

Usually power supplies give their best performance with loads of a maximum of 80%. Taking them to 90 or 100% makes them last less. Not to mention the temperature. Additionally, many digital modules cause consumption peaks when starting up, and if the source is already at its limit, they may not start correctly.

Made a demo

I bought an 860 MK2 filter from @cfemery.

We're both in the UK. I paid yesterday, it arrived today.

Exceptionally well packaged and excellent condition. Made my weekend!

Highly recommended.

One thing to keep in mind : It is not good to run the power supply at max load. It's a good rule of thumb to keep the power consumption between 50 - 70 % of the max load. So a power supply of 2A would be a strict minimum I think (it would be running @ ~80%). to maximise the space I would replace the Arturia PS which is 6hp by either a TipTop uZeus and you have 2hp free or 2 Behringer CP1A.

That said, I don't know your need in the -12v. The TipTop uZeus has a good +12v supply in 4hp but the -12v is kind of poor.
if needed more -12v 2 Behringer CP1A would do the trick and you still keep 4hp free

Can you split your rack into 2 seperate rows and give the links so we can have a more detaled consumption per row ?
-- Folkien

Why would a power supply not be able to operate at say 90/95% instead of 50 to 70% tho?

Currently running this setup.
ModularGrid Rack

This is the data sheet for it

6 Modules (2 passive) Row 1 79 HP max 80 mm 725 mA +12V 130 mA -12V 0 mA +5V
8 Modules (1 passive) Row 2 67 HP max 45 mm 650 mA +12V 481 mA -12V 0 mA +5V
14 Modules (3 passive) Total 146 HP max 80 mm 1,375 mA +12V 611 mA -12V 0 mA +5V

My initial plan was to end up with 2 rackbrutes 6U. Filling the cases as i go.
But if both of the cases need an extra powersupply i dont know if thats the way i want to go forward
Adding a 2hp power from endorphin.es wouldn't be the end of the world
But if i get a second rackbrute its gonna need one as well i guess
Currently pondering to build a case myself.

Found about about this amazing feature recently:

Found about about this amazing feature recently:

Excellent. Subtle. And very good use of Déjà Vu functions. Btw, where is this coastline?
-- Sweelinck

Thanks! Southwest Sweden... :-)

Excellent. Subtle. And very good use of Déjà Vu functions. Btw, where is this coastline?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Ditto - amazing module for 10hp and would like another one!

As Mazz said, a envelope follower generates continuous CV from a signal you put into it by measuring its voltage. A common application is ducking or side chaining where one sound temporarily suppresses another to keep maximum presence. Like a kick supressing a bass line or a voice pushing back background music in a video.
Something like this:
ducking sound --> env follower --> inverter --> vca controlling ducked sound
-- wiggler55550

This is super usefult, thanks: "ducking sound --> env follower --> inverter --> vca controlling ducked sound"

Peace out!

A pretty sounding and low-hp module is the 2hp pluck.
It's 4 note polyphonic, has an interesting range of tones, and leaves you lots of rack room.
They are always a pain to tune because of the fiddly knobs and 2hp stuff is kinda cheap because they're cheap.
More than three 2hp modules in a rack is rarely worth suffering with their fit and control.

But... feeding it into mavis' external in can make for some astonishingly beautiful arpeggios.
Two plucks together is also nice. For tonal variety, add a 2hp bell.
The 3 together have provided me some "wow" moments where you have to just stop, listen, and smile.
cornishe_excerpt This is Pamela's Pro Workout -> A-156 QNT ->PluckPluckBell + Mavis into a Monsoon to stereo out.

Add a Doepfer A-138 narrow mixer to corral them, or you could add a Doepfer A-138s mini stereo mixer.
You'll also need a mult of some sort. The Doepfer A-182-1 stitchable mult
works great for this, adds 6hp more, and so now with pluck/pluck/bell/mixer/mult, we're still only
at 16 hp added and you've got lots of added fun.

I only wish that someone would make a unified PluckPluckBell with less twitchy tuning.


One thing to keep in mind : It is not good to run the power supply at max load. It's a good rule of thumb to keep the power consumption between 50 - 70 % of the max load. So a power supply of 2A would be a strict minimum I think (it would be running @ ~80%). to maximise the space I would replace the Arturia PS which is 6hp by either a TipTop uZeus and you have 2hp free or 2 Behringer CP1A.

That said, I don't know your need in the -12v. The TipTop uZeus has a good +12v supply in 4hp but the -12v is kind of poor.
if needed more -12v 2 Behringer CP1A would do the trick and you still keep 4hp free

Can you split your rack into 2 seperate rows and give the links so we can have a more detaled consumption per row ?

Plaits is a great choice. You might also look into ALM Cizzle for some dancy FM. That all said, why eurorack? Why not swap the nifty case for a keystep (pro) and keep it semi-modular?


An additional note about my previous posts, regarding user @sugarfreedaddy

I want to state here that my problem with him is now solved.
He was unable to send me the module that I purchased, and he was unable to refund me.
I offered that he sends me other modules for a similar value. He did, which means that, I don't really understand how or why, he was in a problematic situation, but in the end he did not scam me.

Happy modular everyone :)

Hello! Every day at dusk the birds in my garden sing their beautiful sunset song. I wanted to record their song and add my modular synths to their singing, to create a dialogue between the birds and my synths. The goal was to make the birds sound like a synth and the synths sound like birds. To create a beautiful duet between nature and machine. Enjoy!


I already got an XOH on the way, last thing to secure is the Euroburo. I'll potentially have the full set by the end of the week if this trade-in I have in mind goes well. I'm excited, it'll be a very fun skiff to take with me on my summer vacations!


This is what I'm currently working towards! I've been using the ZOIA pedal for quite some time and absolutely love it, and am trying to finally acquire a Euroburo to pair with Mavis.
-- liamodellbass

Very cool! I like your style.

There is a used XOH up on the 'verb for sale, just FYI


This is what I'm currently working towards! I've been using the ZOIA pedal for quite some time and absolutely love it, and am trying to finally acquire a Euroburo to pair with Mavis.

Thread: Suggestions

matrix mixer, rectifier, clock divider, lots of logic modules...pams,maths, ochd.

Very happy with my purchase of Kinks and LxD from @Nikiji

Friendly communication, quick shipping, excellent packaging, and of course the modules themselves in perfect condition. Recommended!


Thanks! I like both alternatives. Couple of extra VCA's always good..


I'd throw in an Intellijel Amps (VCA + ring mod and mixer, doesn't matter that it's linear only since DUSG can do exponential curves), and either
1) a Mutable Kinks clone (logic + noise) and a Disting mk4 (tons of options and you can learn about different tools)
2) an Ochd + its expander (lots and lots of modulation possibilities)

@KitKadAndy Amazing seller, I received a brand new Monome Teletype silver. Fast and perfect communication :)

I'm slowly building a mini rack based on the random source serge modules. I have 14hp left that i'm not really sure of what to do with. The so called music i'm making spanning from just noises/drones to little arps etc, towards ambient i would say.

All modules in the rack i currently own. Was thinking about the random source adsr, but not sure. Feels unnecessary.

Suggestions? Mixer? Noise? bunch of logic to spice things up?

ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Suggestions

2024 Studio Volx 3 168hp + RackBrute + Skiffs

Got rid of my old small rack I never used. Newly inspired and jumping to a big setup. Currently own 99% of modules but waiting on Volx cabinet. Racking and reracking in RackBrute with Knurlies at the moment to learn and play with things. I've got tons of weird sound design tools but main focus is funky techno production. Heavily percussive, minimally melodic and lots of trippy effects. Work on 1-4 mono or stereo tracks in the rack at a time with the DAW as a multi track recorder and then use the rack as automation, insert and send effects during mixdown.

Not very advanced with creative patching and CV but understand the concepts. What would you change or what would you feel was missing? How would you organize a case like this?

Plaits! Plaits turned out to be the correct answer.

i just dont like the idea of another powerbrick on the desk.
I'm already starved for sockets as is. Anyone out there with a more elegant solution?

there are power strips... they can often be hidden behind other things, or under tables/desks

another option is a different case with better power supply - tiptop mantis for example!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Im chasing for 4ms pods

pls contact me if you sell (or swap) some - in (EU)



Just the classic Doepfer A-100 P9 atm. Just sold the other one

Not sure there is a such a thing as a proper mains powered 2hp module, though if you can power via USB then there is this from Rakits https://www.rakits.co.uk/product/go/ which might let you lighten the load on the Rackbrute.
-- wishbonebrewery

That would imply that my pc would need to be running as well.
Don't like that idea but thnx for the suggestion.

-- Chrissozz

That would imply that you need a Phone Charger Plug ;-) No computer needed, a computer would / could introduce a load of machine noise into your modular.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


It would be really nice if you could search for modules of minimum size. Also maybe by range. Like for example show me all modules between 4 and 16 hp.

A bit of an impulsive weekend... Moving to a Mantis case because getting a solid instrument in a single 88hp row (especially w/ 5HP for PSU) is a pain the arse :D.

That said, several new modules have arrived and/or are on their way. The main ones are the Harmonaig, Saich, and Lubadh.. all by Instruo. Something about the black and gold, and who doesn't love a 2 hour tutorial video on new modules from the creator himself.. Playing around with the setup on here spurred the switch to the Mantis... I've sketched out accordingly

I'll have 3 'cases' now:
1. Main (mantis) (pic above)

  1. Auxillary (& Alternate sources) - either 3U/6U rackbrute -- sell other. This case will either be physicall above or next to case one.

  2. Utility/IO (4ms 40hp). -- not in love with this extensions case, but trying to keep a stable location spot (I/O) from/to other gear. 4 cables will be run permanently and can quickly be used for in, out, scope (when curious/troubleshooting).

Part of this post is 'rubber-ducking' (talking out loud). but I'm asking again for anyone's opinions/thoughts on improvements on modules and placement? Especially anyone who has experience with 'Matrix' routing... I've used a Matrix before, but it was Live sound (sound reinforcement) scenario. Looking forward to exploring this, but still very green.

One thought I have is kicking Rings out to the 3U (or keep 6U and rack up DFAM) in exchange for Batumi (&poti) -- but the reason is it the way it is now, is it'd be great to have a "useable" second case at some point... (sigh I could move it then I guess...) without too much moving around (2 maths :)). Ochd, though great, can't be my only LFO, but stil finding out if I like Tides enough... or if "only Pam's" works without stepping on other uses.

RNDStep... I love the idea of it switching out the inversions/voicings -- TBD on if it stays in that spot.

Racks 2 and 3....

Modules I want to add soon (Much thanks to previous advice)

Befaco Noise Plethora, (definitely will :D)
100Grit (wish I could try it first!)

Thank you in advance :)

A Disting EX. You'll never get bored, you'll have multiple ways of playing polyphony and you'll have tons of space and tools to do other stuff as well. Get it even if you still get the Coral.

Maybe drop the bloom for a neo trinity?
You can use 6 channels for seqencing, envelopes, lfos, sample and hold and stuff.
The sequencing is differet to the bloom but if you like it, it works.
Its made for small systems

I guess you use Pams to trigger the drums on the rample, because of the channel logic feature
Pams + neo trinity could be a good combo

I personally find that ochd + expander is pretty neat for ambient stuff, but I guess you might choosed the caixa case also because you want to focus on those 1 row utilities. So this is more the cherry on top

Im pretty sure that the Nautilus can do delays that summ up in reverb-alike textures.

maybe its an idea to drop the data bender for the monsoon.
Different firmwares of clouds offer also some feautres of the data bender + the reverb.
Then you probably lack of a filter. But there are also good 4 hp filters like wmd sclpt

Or just fx aid + small filter


Thank you so much 🙏

Here u go.
All modules u already own.
Sequence the coral and the rample with hermod via midi.
Should leave u tracks for cv duties

ModularGrid Rack

Left some space in there for a filter or whatever u want to put there

just pointing out that if you got a plasma voice by gamechanger you would have another 12hp to work with. ... ...

never used it myself, but it looks nifty and i think it might even compliment the moog well, if you think its sound suits your purpose.

i just like playing around on this site. i am not an expert. you know you can search on here by exact size, right? in case just the perfect thing is there to be found that im too lazy to search myself.

peace out.

What are u trying to achieve with an other voice?
How are u going to play the voice? What kind of modulation u intend to use?
Squeezing another voice in 28 hp is a challenge imho.
Maybe something like oxi coral if u are willing to use midi.
Wouldn't u be better of getting some more modulation, fiters, saturation, folders and/or effects?
I'd start with that to complement the M32.
Later u could add a new voice and put the M32 back in its own skiff.

-- Chrissozz

I'm more interested in "stand alone" type voice modules than building out a voice across several modules. The Oxi Coral looks interesting, especially since I am sequencing the rack w/ midi (NDLR). I have a couple LFOs in the rack, plus those the NDLR can send via the midi->CV converter in the niftycase, so I'm not desperate for modulation sources.

I'm also considering grabbing an intellijel shifty to do some note hocketing between the two voices (splitting a single melody line), and perhaps a 2hp Euclid to send gate patterns to the shifty...

What are u trying to achieve with an other voice?
How are u going to play the voice? What kind of modulation u intend to use?
Squeezing another voice in 28 hp is a challenge imho.
Maybe something like oxi coral if u are willing to use midi.
Wouldn't u be better of getting some more modulation, fiters, saturation, folders and/or effects?
I'd start with that to complement the M32.
Later u could add a new voice and put the M32 back in its own skiff.

Not sure there is a such a thing as a proper mains powered 2hp module, though if you can power via USB then there is this from Rakits https://www.rakits.co.uk/product/go/ which might let you lighten the load on the Rackbrute.
-- wishbonebrewery

That would imply that my pc would need to be running as well.
Don't like that idea but thnx for the suggestion.

I guess that your cheapest option is a behringer cp1a in 4 hp.

-- Slim

Thnx for the headsup.
I found a 2hp power + mult from endorphin. If no other options i'd probably go for thin one.
To be honest .... i just dont like the idea of another powerbrick on the desk.
I'm already starved for sockets as is. Anyone out there with a more elegant solution?

I'm pretty bummed out by this. why did arturia put a 104 row power module in a 176 hp rack?

I want to add a second voice to my skiff, any recommendations? Sequencing and FX are handled externally.

Cheers :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Another nice exploration. It’s a Venusian trilogy.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).