Okay so... I started small and y'all know what happened next...

When I got started I was in a nifty case. Its a handly starter case comes with midi to cv, power and 1/4" outs... Well I grew, got some moduals I like some I did not next thing I knew I was in two nifty cases.

Its the end of the year and I had a day off so I drove over to detroit modular, love those guys, with the goal of moving into a larger case and picking up a few new friends for the case... OOPS I forgot to do the math.... I picked up a DOEPFER A-100P9sw and it has the PSU3 in it. It's poweer specs are: 2000mA +12V| 1200mA -12V | +5V 4000mA

Below is my case... As you can see I have a nice disting ex size hole in row 1 and a Spherical Wavetable Navigator size hole on row 2. With that row 1 and 2 is what I currently have. Row 3 is what I picked up yesterday and is yet to be loved.
my rack

Now here is my delima... I am planing on selling the SWN. Its fun to goof around with but I should have done more research before buying it. I just can't for the life of me work it into my workflow... The disting ex being gone for now is fine. I am not in love with it BUT I want to spend some time getting to know it before I give it the ax...

Cutting those two from the rack and adding my new puts me at:
Power Consumption: 1792 mA +12V | 934 mA -12V | 161 mA 5V
80% would be: 1600 mA +12V | 960 mA -12V | 3200 mA 5V

So I went from more than enough power not enough space to more than enough space not enough power :-(. And I have not even open up the new case yet :-( My hope for today was to come ask. How do I fill the holes not what do I do with power so I can fill the holes!

Any reccomendations on solving power issues? I COULD canabalize one of the nifty cases but I would rather not start hacking up my nice shinny new case.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...