no it's a similar concept
-- ivager
Whatever, anyone eating Whimsical Raps' lunch is fine by me! I await more information.
no it's a similar concept
-- ivager
Whatever, anyone eating Whimsical Raps' lunch is fine by me! I await more information.
I think that this forum, like the rest of the forums, is completely voluntary, so, it is not necessary to answer a post, not even for allusions.
I believe that, once you have given your opinion, answered the questions asked, or advised in good faith, there is no need to engage in disqualifications, insults or discussions that lead to nothing, I think the best thing is to ignore. Although internally you give him a F*@&- off. It is my opinion.
Yep @amenbreak I appreciate where you are coming from.
'We' the people of the internet behind our sometime faceless usernames never know who we are dealing with or what people are like.
A little story from us in the brewing world:
There is this guy all British breweries know, lets call him Terry for annonymity, well Terry collects beer memorabilia and Terry comes across as manic, demanding and persistent to the point where you are given no option but to be rude to Terry and tell him to F-off.
After our first encounter of Terry we learned from another brewer that Terry was actually autistic and really doesn't mean any to frustraite brewers.
It can be hard to be polite when you get contacted in all possible ways within the space of 10-20mins, then he'll chase those messages up, txt msg, phone call, email, facebook, twitter etc etc All in a very blunt or matter-of-fact manner.
Now we know better and do our level best to treat Terry with the kindness and respect he deserves, when we have new stuff we now shoot Terry a txt msg and let him know so he can send us a Stamped Addressed Envelop. And he's very thankful in response.
So the moral is, we don't know people, we don't understand their circumstances and we all need to learn to think twice. And yeah, I know this is actually really hard sometimes as all the above proves and for us in the brewery we learned from our mistakes.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Are you happy with the module for your musical needs - has it been fun exploring what you can get from it?
-- EuroBadger
I can't claim no, as I have versions 3 & 4! Only IR4 is installed atm in my larger rack, while I'm learning new modules
in a smaller rack, so I haven't puttered with it lately. In addition to modular, I have guitar pedals, and the IR4 paired well
with an Electro-Harmonix Ravish Sitar: I used a Boredbrain UniFX module to send CV out to the guitar pedal and back
into the rack, and as parallel sounds, the two complement each other in an exotic, Eastern music way. Error Instuments
makes fun and very unique modules!
Just for perspective, I calculated that 31% of modules I bought brand new arrived broken (I probably bought like 50 new ones since I started). Given that at least half of those times, it was capacitors broken off the pcb's, I suspect most of those were due to the terrible courier services we have to deal with in Belgium being careless with the packages.
I know I'm "bonkers levels of unlucky" but as a very unlucky person, I’m kind of used to this and the stellar support made up for it, 100% of those issues were fixed super fast by the manufacturers.
--- Voltage control all the things ---
if you are thinking of expanding I'd say you can't go wrong with a Marbles or a clone of Marbles. Lots of triggers and pitches which you can keep in tune and remember you cam use marbles as a big weird modulation source with all its outputs.
-- wishbonebrewery
Oh list had Monsoon - Big T Music due to freeze button of up to 8 seconds and looping alongside it working with rings. But on finding the 2hp Loop that can lift 5 minutes of audio that I can mess about with in such a small footprint I went with that. One day maybe the Monsoon will be mine.
I have two IRs, the earlier version didn't last very long, and they sent me a hard fix, but instead I bought version 3 as I didn't want to bother, lol.
-- halbroome
Are you happy with the module for your musical needs - has it been fun exploring what you can get from it?
Just a heads up, the black Maths is unobtanium at sane prices. I'd recommend looking at the standard silver panel if you are dead set on Maths.
-- farkasOr look into a nice, black replacement panel.
-- ambientvalent
Maths with a black panel is 100% the same all-but-rare module everybody has ever owned... IMO these prices are ridiculously laughable. Buy Maths used, some utilities (attenuvert/offset) and a good mixer for this case. Thank me later ;-)
Good transaction with @RauldeOrte , recommended seller !
Waiting for a video on this one. Have really enjoyed the Pkhi. Very good build quality and interesting feature set.
no it's a similar concept
-- ivager
Any known release date yet? Would be very keen to hear a demo of this one!
Hi @Amenbreak, I'm not a fan of name calling of anyone, would you be so polite as to delete that meme please?
No matter the level of frustraition in attempting to fully understand a person's modular issues I feel that stooping to name calling is at best way off topic and at worst is hurtful, mean and school-yard childish.
Yes, I realise the OP has left the forum, but that shouldn't matter. We are all here to discus modular Synths and we can dissagree with each other without this.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Just a heads up, the black Maths is unobtanium at sane prices. I'd recommend looking at the standard silver panel if you are dead set on Maths.
-- farkas
Or look into a nice, black replacement panel.
Just a heads up, the black Maths is unobtanium at sane prices. I'd recommend looking at the standard silver panel if you are dead set on Maths.
I like the modules you choosed.
I think its a good starting point but more stuff will surely follow
PPl will say: "Get a bigger case"
Agreed that it's an interesting collection of modules to start with. Also, let me be the first person to live up to MCGM's prediction: you'll probably end up wanting a bigger case, sooner than later (no disrespect to the intellijel 4u intended). Building a small focused rack is certainly doable, but it comes with sacrifices and really requires you to know how to get the best functional bang for your buck hp wise. Again, totally doable, and you can build an amazing instrument in your selected case, but as a beginner the restricted hp makes things more difficult. Plus, despite what everyone tells themselves, eventually GAS will strike and you'll want to try something new that won't fit. Personally, I'm fond of the mantis cases, but there are plenty of others out there to consider.
More utillity modules like attenuverters, matrix mixer, offsets, vcas etc
You could add a dedicated filter even if the Ghost has one integrated
Vcas-- MCGM
Agreed with all of @MCGM's comment, but really want to highlight this part. You'll get a whole lot more out of the modules you've already selected if you invest in utility modules like the ones listed, especially vcas. Let me also recommend LFOs. Something like the Ochd and it's really useful expander is great for slow organic changes.
As a side note, how were you planning to use the quantizer, was that for the Steppy? Quantizers are cool, but unless you have a specific use in mind, maybe not the best fit for the collection of modules you already have listed (the Pams can do some quantization, for example).
Anyhoo, good luck!
Edited because I made a typo.
If this is a direct ripoff of Three Sisters I love it and I want it!
I haven't done it yet, but I bet an Indian Resonator 4 through a Nautilus would be interesting! I have two IRs, the earlier version didn't last very long, and they sent me a hard fix, but instead I bought version 3 as I didn't want to bother, lol.
You know best in what directiion you wnt to take your Rack, if you are thinking of expanding I'd say you can't go wrong with a Marbles or a clone of Marbles. Lots of triggers and pitches which you can keep in tune and remember you cam use marbles as a big weird modulation source with all its outputs.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
I enjoy my Indian Reasonator v4, you can make entire patches with it or use it for subtle ambient backgrounds.
It could be thought of as a one-trick-pony but it all depends what you do with it, I'd personally fill your rack with other things first and wait for your next Case or bigger rack before getting the IRv4
-- wishbonebrewery
Thanks for the detailed reply, I feel I will probably get it sooner or later due to its ambient uses as you mentioned. Yes I will need a bigger case at some point ( Rackbrute 6U is on wishlist, this is the one I am most fond of so far) - although not as huge as the set up I see you have!
What would you add rather than the IRv4? in addition to the Big T music Veils.
Many thanks
I enjoy my Indian Reasonator v4, you can make entire patches with it or use it for subtle ambient backgrounds.
I'd say the Trigger in and drum out aren't really needed. Probably a module suited to a specifically 'weird' or bigger case but I can imagne you'd have lots fun with it and the 2hp loop and you could put it through Rings as the reasonator its meant to be for some processing.
I've combined the output from the Indian reasonator with sine waves and put that through a wave folder, lots of ways to treat the output in inthersting ways.
If you are able to dial in your modulation carefully you can make it fairly repeatable too if needed but it can take a bit of faffing about. but yeah, stick it through Clouds, Mimeophon, a big Shimmer Reverb from your FX Aid etc, all lots of fun in my opinion.
It could be thought of as a one-trick-pony but it all depends what you do with it, I'd personally fill your rack with other things first and wait for your next Case or bigger rack before getting the IRv4
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Nice chillout :)
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
I like the modules you choosed.
I think its a good starting point but more stuff will surely follow
PPl will say: "Get a bigger case"
Maestro is cool for (rhyrmic) modulation
Maths is cool, but I if its your only utillity it is to less
If you integate the minifreak you might spare the ensemble osc out
BIA for almost everything is nice
You would need a midi cv interface, if you want to control or sequence the minifreak or other synths with eurorack.
More utillity modules like attenuverters, matrix mixer, offsets, vcas etc
You could add a dedicated filter even if the Ghost has one integrated
you need the exra intellijel output module for the intellijel case to get sound out of it.
Or a other output module for modular to line level output - or a VCA
Hi all, Just wanted to hear your views on this unit - was it enjoyable / limiting in any way. Yes I would love to own one of these but as you can see from my set up there are oscilators everywhere or the potential.
I have a 84hp set up with 18hp remaining and am currently looking at Big T Music Veils - as I don't have a vca plus the resonator.
So is this a good move - for my ambient generative journeys?
Thanks in advance
(Oh, my 2hp Loop I got for Christmas is an amazing piece of kit)
Hey there,
I'm ready to buy my first Eurorack setup so I've been researching various modules and, as you may know, the selection available is impressively vast. I'd appreciate your guidance in making some decisions.
My aim for my initial Eurorack setup is to delve into repetitive yet evolving rhythmic patterns, enriched with melodic bass lines.
I own a Minifreak synth at home, which I adore. Its modulation matrix sparked my interest in the Eurorack universe. I'm eager to integrate my Minifreak with a Eurorack to enhance my compositions.
In terms of housing, I'm aiming for Intellijel Designs Palette 104 4U:
Here are my questions:
Thank you for your help!
Listening on YT now, this flows really nicely.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Merry Christmas all! My recent productivity continues unabated…
Here we have a pretty moody, low key, long-form ambient track with slow-mo, morphing, twisting, trippy visuals created in Artmatic Designer. The music was made with VST synths from Arturia's V Collection and recorded in Presonus StudioOne. On this track I used Pigments 4 for both the main track and for a percussion track, the OB-Xa for the mid-range arpeggio, and Augmented Voices for the high range arpeggio. The shaker track comes from EZ Drummer 2. I used the brilliant built in sequencer in Pigments, tweaked all kinds of ways, for the main track and the percussion.
I think the moodiness in this comes from using the Locrian mode. The Arturia VST synths do sound amazing to my ears. Really fun to explore the collection. I also tried Davinci Resolve for the first time after seeing it recommended here a bunch of times. OMG it’s so much better than iMovie. Won’t be using that POS again. :-) Cheers!
well i guess my next module will be a Klavis. ;) thanks yall for actually being kind and welcoming here. Its made my experience learning modular a joy.
given the amount of time I do spend on this and the other things I also have to do on xmas eve - no...
-- JimHowell1970i would never ask for that time, again thanks for time and efforts you all, much appreciated, I don't want to bother you longer
happy xmas-- Dan_ogq
actually I did just google "edge threshold synth module" - if you'd used "edges" plural & not "edge" I'd have worked out it was a mutable clone - as I would if you'd posted your rack when asked....
happy xmas
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
given the amount of time I do spend on this and the other things I also have to do on xmas eve - no...
-- JimHowell1970
i would never ask for that time, again thanks for time and efforts you all, much appreciated, I don't want to bother you longer
happy xmas
There is a nice illustration by Norman Rockwell on this subject.
Merry Christmas (Xmas) to everyone!
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
So, this is how certain brands get harmed, myths are being spread about malfunctional modules. Mostly these problems seem to be due to user error.
Ranting on a forum is easy, getting personal after receiving some questions and leaving after is... questionable to say the least.
Calling out false claims is harmful to manufacturers when the person posting them isn't able to fully explain the problem or even worse: is causing the module to fail because of lack of knowledge and/or understanding.
Seriously, wouldn't have been easier to answer the question on the first post? straight and easy.
-- Dan_ogq
It wasn't a straight and easy question, maybe this makes me the stupid one... I usually am!
For me at least your question was too abstract, as I said before, and without seeing what modules you are working with it made it a really hard question to comment on. Like guessing what joke will fall out of your Christmas Cracker before you pull it.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
honestly? i am not sharing my rack because i don't want to waste time discussing every single choice I have made so far.
PS no idea what you mean by "edge/threshold" - unless you mean a comapator or envelope follower!
-- JimHowell1970
you didn't even have the time to check on google what an edge/threshold module is, i can imagine how deeply a whole rack would be analysed.
given the amount of time I do spend on this and the other things I also have to do on xmas eve - no...
and you're wrong and obviously didn't understand or chose to ignore the rest of the post - as I said it's not about the individual modules it' sabout the balance... I really don't care what modules you have or don't have - but I do see that given that we've continually said post your rack - you don't take advice well - not our problem - it's yours!
my honest advice - get another row and fill it with a variety of simple utilities... and that's all I can really do without seeing your rack
happy xmas
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
honestly? i am not sharing my rack because i don't want to waste time discussing every single choice I have made so far.
PS no idea what you mean by "edge/threshold" - unless you mean a comapator or envelope follower!
-- JimHowell1970
you didn't even have the time to check on google what an edge/threshold module is, i can imagine how deeply a whole rack would be analysed.
Besides I have already shared half of my rack in a former thread where the answers all ended up being like "hey dude, everybody has his own vision, i can't suggest you any module for your rack since we have different opinions, tastes and workflows, what works for me could not work for you, and vice versa".
Seriously, wouldn't have been easier to answer the question on the first post? straight and easy.
I only needed a few modules to look at for inspiration, or a few suggestions i could use to narrow down my own researches on the modular grid database, but at this point, accounting all time I would need to type my replies (I am not even a native speaker) maybe I better check again the whole database by myself without any suggestion.
anyway, thanks everybody for the time you used to reply on this thread, have a merry christmas / winter break.
In the video you unplug the cable from output A (working) and plug it into input B (shouldnt output anything, so also working as expected)
the arrow from input A to input B means the input is normalised from input A, it doesnt mean its the associated output for A
plugging the cable into input b breaks the normalisation, so the signal going into input a wont be passed through to input b
then you plug the first ochd signal into output A and ... yeah that makes the module work weird. its not supposed to be plugged in there.
it isnt two pairs of in/out... inputs are at the top, outputs are at the bottom (indicated by the dark ring around the socket)
That is why it isn't producing an output/behaving as you expect.
always check which are the inputs and outputs. not all modules can handle incorrect patching... it might be breaking your modules or producing weird behaviour
Merry Christmas
Yes, I have reached out to Klavis, and i dont need to prove myself to anyone on this forum. This place is obviously toxic. I am simply letting others know about my experience. Take it or leave it, but denying someones experience based on you person perseption is gaslighting. Super not cool. This isnt the only busted module im dealing with at the moment but i wont get imto that cause im sure noone here will belive me anyway. I wont take up any more time on your forum. Here is a video of the issue.
Stop putting words in my mouth.
I'm not deny anything, and I see you like the word gaslighting, cool.
As I said I think that you have been very unlucky, and maybe exaggerating things out of frustration, (you diss Klavis and Mutable Instruments, 2 of the most respected brands in the eurorack format, and for a reason, with unparallel support and quality)
The fact that you had issues with some modules doesn't make the brand horrible and low quality.
If a module is defective or doesn't suit your needs you have warranty and can send it back to the reseller or shop.
I think the best solution is to contact Klavis, and link the video of your issues to them. You said that you already contacted Klavis. What's the response? I Hope you can resolve the issue
at this point id be trying any new modules i got on someone else's system first.
I believe your experience completely but weird stuff can happen and your module failure rate (for whatever reason) is bonkers. Im really sorry that youve felt attacked by folks. i think this is just an interesting problem and people are inclined to try and help, not because we think you are stupid. none of us can tell what your past experience has been but it seems like its been frustrating as hell.
It is obvious to me Klavis is just another low quality Eurorack company who cares little about the quality of their products.
I strongly disagree.
I have some Klavis modules in my system, they are all good and works as it should.
Very solid built, skiff friendly, they have clean good panel and ergonomic, and are priced well.
Caltrans: is my main tool for tonal stuff and to keep different Oscillators in tune, no problem since day 1, it works perfect.
Mixwitch: again, super clever, deep and useful module, never had any problem.
So, I think that you have been very unlucky...
I can understand the frustration when a piece of gear does not work as expected, but ranting on a Forum and bash a well reputable manufacturer won't solve your issues, nor change the perception of other happy customers.
Eric from Klavis is helpful and for sure cares about his products, have you tried to reach him via mail to explain your module's issue?
OP has left Modulargrid
I've got a Rings as well which is better as a main voice but its nice to have the 2hp Pluck & Bell too.
-- wishbonebrewery
I picked up a disting ex and it has a rings implementation. There are so many things on that thing it's difficult to use :). but... Ill check that out.
I do stuff and things and whatnot...
I've got a Rings as well which is better as a main voice but its nice to have the 2hp Pluck & Bell too.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.