I recently have been looking for a good fuzz for bass gutiar, and these two in particular piqued my interest. Does anyone have experience with either of these pedals on bass, preferences between the two, or other reccomendations for a solid bass fuzz?

Finally got around to mixing this today... Ran out of time on new years and going back to work after sever weeks out needed some decompression time... On top of that I have been reading code and code examples for my new Patch.init() module :-D.

This started out as me experimiting with different drum/kick/base and filtering them and pushing through FX. I accidently found a nice bird like trill and ran with it.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

This is my first eurorack. I ordered everything, within the coming weeks modules will arrive depending on availlability. Is there anything I am missing? Like, do I have enough VCA, EG, VCF for this setup? I'd love some input please. Sequencing will happen mainly externaly with midi or gate-cv out from my Deluge. I added a sequencer for fun, but also because all my midi channels are filled already.
-- LordWiggle

Most peeps won't comment on your thread because of the B word. However, you have a solid system here, capable of doing most anything you need. My suggestion is master it before adding to it. Enjoy the adventure...


please email me ivager@gmail.com

Thread: JAMuary

Messy but I like the bird-like jungle ambience tweety stuff!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thanks for the manual, ivager! Would it be possible to get a higher resolution picture of the manual, maybe an external link?

Thanks everyone for your tips guys!

I would patch a simple voice with a single sawtooth or square. Then find a sequence I like in marbles. Set a Euclidean sequence in Pams. Then build on that sequence with sound design and effects. Like put the batumi before the CSL and patch the F%^& out of it. Or use the OCHD.


Not exactly what you are looking for but I came across this recently:

I have a somewhat different version, but I suppose the interface will be similar:

What is the “ci” input and “co” output?

I assume that li/lo is low pass, hi/ho is high pass, and ai/ao is all pass.
-- clwilla

With the acknowledged inspiration from Three Sisters, probably Center in and outs.

does anyone have any info on what all the knobs and i/o do? obviously i see signal input and output, i think but the rest is very esoteric. main questions- is there Cv with attenuation over resonance, drive, and delay time?
any info would be lovely

Only slight bummer I see is no attenuation for filter cutoff CV or Q CV.

What is the “ci” input and “co” output?

I assume that li/lo is low pass, hi/ho is high pass, and ai/ao is all pass.
-- clwilla

Is ci/co combined?

Thread: Bug Report

Not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request so apologies in advance.

Email notifications that I receive are following my browser/email client dark modes changing the text colour to white (or thereabouts) but the background remains white making the text close to unreadable.

The new Doepfer A-105-2 filter is absolutely killer for kicks. Just ping the FCV input with an envelope and get an instant kick drum. You can really dial in the tone and timbre using an ADSR based envelope. Should probably work with most 2044 chip based filters :)

Where can I get this 16HP version?
-- Hikove

possibly a typo - looks to be the same layout as the regular 18hp one & it does say it's just a black panel...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

it's only the 4th day of 2024 - give the guy a break... check back there on Monday...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I often use the sine from self-resonating filters to design kicks. Some filters are better than others for this. I've always liked the kicks I get from my Synthesis Technology E440.

Joranalogue Generate 3 was also killer at good, robust kick sounds.

As far as nice snappy percussive envelopes go, I really like using my Patching Panda Punch.

This is my first eurorack. I ordered everything, within the coming weeks modules will arrive depending on availlability. Is there anything I am missing? Like, do I have enough VCA, EG, VCF for this setup? I'd love some input please. Sequencing will happen mainly externaly with midi or gate-cv out from my Deluge. I added a sequencer for fun, but also because all my midi channels are filled already.

please delete post.

Where can I get this 16HP version?

You can try this: https://disquiet.com/2024/01/04/disquiet-junto-project-0627-just-ice-society/

I took part in it for a few years. It's quite fun.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I often find inspiration in focusing on specific sounds / utilities e.g. on Monday I'll focus on a kick drum only, Tuesday I'll patch a drone, Wednesday an FX send setup... Then by the weekend I can bring all the different parts together with the objective of recording a song (doesn't matter if it's naff) :)

.... but lately I'm not finding inspiration...

To much gear can be a burden :D
Ok, lets fix it with more gear, let´s say a:
Stochastic Inspiration Generator? :D

or Clank Chaos
- you just push one button = instant new random everything, with rhytms, melodies and stuff.
If theres something you like, you keep it - if not, roll again :D



it takes a while to realise what you are doing. I would clock from PNW and take some Euclidean Sequences from it --> Traffic --> Plaits/Rings --> Clouds. Learn what that is capable of first and then think about your other modules. That chain on its own will give you wonderful rhythms/ textures or drumbeats.

Amazing! I think that’s exactly what I was looking for what you guys mentioned about the set up looking incomplete. Do you guys have a couple of recommendations for those missing modules? I think voltage block might be a little too big.

I like the idea of the basic modules! This is what I mainly think I was missing. Like VCA's, a filter, CV utilitie, function, generators, and LFOS as you mentioned. Any recommendations on what could cover these missing links?

Super helpful! Thank you all!

(side note: The main reason I don’t like Pam’s is because I just like to keep it one knob per function if possible, which is also why I don’t really like Mutable Peaks either. But ill hold them until I can find something to swap with later)

No one would buy a Buchla 281t or other version of that if they wanted a Maths and understood how both worked. The DUSG and the Maths and the 281 and all the other function generators are not similar experiences even if they have similar elements. They don't directly compete with another product in a way that makes the other one. Behringer changed whatever they needed to change to make the price lower, but they're still selling the same experience. Illegal or not, it's still a choice whether that's the kind of business you want to support if you're already buying a boutique niche product.

A Challenge then?
Make the worst or weirdest sound you can then make a good track with it.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


the example of snap-on being the inventor of ratcheting socket wrenches is totally incorrect - the patent was filed over 50 years before snap-on was founded... the other companies are NOT copying snap-on! - if you don't believe me go to wikipedia and look at the pages for snap-on and socket wrench!! the 1864 patent is clearly mentioned on the socket wrench page and no mention of a patent is cited on the snap-on (founded 1920) page - the snap-on marketing slogan is just that - marketing! what snap-on may (or may not) have innovated with is their sales method...
-- JimHowell1970

I did not mean to imply that Snap-On invented the idea of the socket wrench, but they certinainly created the version of it which is well known today. Whether or not they were the original inventor is besides the point here, the point is their specific design has become a standard, and was copied by bigger companies down to every last cosmetic detail: the handle shape, the location of the decorative grooves around it, the shape of the head, the way the pawls work inside, etc. It's no different than the situation with Maths, for example. Make Noise, like Snap-On, wasn't the first: Buchla started it. Serge refined it. Make Noise refined it further. In the end Maths, like Snap-On, became the standard. And then, others started knocking it off, even down to the minor cosmetic details. As I mentioned before, a Harbor Freight ratchet is a much closer copy of a Snap-On than an Abacus is a copy of a Maths. If you want another example go compare a Harbor Freight pliers wrench with a Knipex.

beds, for example, have been around for thousands of years - the earliest known mattress is 77000 years old, bookcases have almost definitely been around since the earliest book (wikipedia says roughly 1500 years) and the concept of shelves in an open box, as a piece of furniture probably pre-date that by a long way... tables are at least 4500 years (again wikipedia)... the earliest shirt 5000 years (wikipedia) etc etc

What is the point of this statement? Are you implying that it is acceptable to buy from asshole corporations when the product is old?

again you're comparing "mass market" to "niche market", "mass produced" to "artisanal"

Again, why does that matter? Is it okay to buy mass market products from assholes but not artisinal products?

For me, there's a difference between modular synths and guitars in the same way that there's a difference between experimental and pop music. Or an outside comparison - go and chess. The former is small and the latter is big. That causes the communities of the former to be rather close-knit everybody knows one another kind of places whereas the latter are rather anonymous. So when a bully enters, the latter will shrug and go on minding their business. Whereas the former will close ranks and protest.
-- Arrandan

I think you're on to something, but I'm not so sure it's "Small vs. Big". I think it's more about what people are passionate about and what they are not. Here we are on a Synth forum so obviously we care a lot about our hobby or music career so, like you said, we notice when a bully shows up. But the bullies are everywhere else too, it's just that we're ignorant of many of them. We don't see them because we don't look that closely into areas which aren't our personal hobbies or interests. Mechanics are fed up with ripoffs of Snap-On tools....most of us here probably weren't even aware of the ripoffs existing, just as they are completely unaware who rips off modular snyths. In Japan Go and Shogi are big while western-style chess is much smaller. It all depends on your knowledge, and our knowledge is greater in our areas of interest.

I'm very proud of my system, but lately I'm not finding inspiration...

Thread: JAMuary

The vid before this one was Pluck & Bell, this one was all STO's Sine wave.


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Yes, I would recommend that you don't sell Pam's just yet. It's magic may reveal itself to you later. I have mine mostly as a "set and forget" brain that ties my entire system together with a few channels that I change from time to time.
As MCGM said, the Maestro and other basic/utility modules will be useful. I like Voltage Block a lot for a sort of Elektron-style "p-lock" modulation sequencer. That might be a fun addition for you.
Have fun and good luck!

Yeah it is a well know best bang for buck very accurate MM based on my research without having to spend multiples more on a fluke which is the standard, I was just wondering if it had the functionality of “frequency counting” as you describe, I’m new to this myself but require at least a 40,000 count MM to calibrate my OCP, next purchase is no doubt an oscilloscope.

Maybe I should just go for a half decent Chinese bench oscilloscope with at least 40,000 counts, with room for future requirements

here a custom firmware: https://github.com/mebitek/performer
here the improvments:
- Extend retrigger value. max 8 retriggers per step
- Extend probability steps. min value now is 6.3%
- add negative gate offset feature
- add metropolis style sequencer option
- double click to toggle gates when editing layers other than gate
- do not reset cv outputs when clock is stopped
- add various curves
- use random seed each access to random gen layer
- add curve improvements
- add midi improvements
- add noise reduction
- add track names
- add quick tie notes feature
- various bugfixes
- improve solo perform
- launchpad follow mode
- launchpad improve slide visulazation
- launchpad color theme
- launchpad circuit dstyle note editor

hope you can test it and reports bugs or feature requests on github

Electronic music/video producer and composer.
Dark Ambient Cinematic atmospheres from Sardinia.

hm, without checking your MM of choice all that thouroughly, I'd say it is quite comparable to the one I have.

I'm a bloody beginner when it comes to this to be quite honest, so I talked to some electrical engineers with an Eurorackbackground who explained to me that a) the tools to be REALLY precise are well worth 5 - 10 times more expensive than these we're looking at and (b calibration within the standards of musicality are well enough possible wirh MMs like the one shown.

So my advice is not worth that much, but still, I'd say you can get away with that Multimeter, at least so did I and still enjoy to explore the Multimeter itself. I'm happy when I can errortest connections to fix a broken solderjoint on an old crappy mixer at least and countercheck the voltages supplied by Data for makeshiftcalibration.

Acid Rain Maestro could be cool, for rhytmic modulation, but its expensive
I enjoy "clank chaos" as a brain for a little system. But it can be very "chaotic" and you need to tame it :D

I would not remove the pams
It has so much to offer.
If you need logic - pams also has great logic operations in it.
It has lfos, random and much more

Your system looks to me to become a bit drum focused.
With pams you can do insane rhytmic stuff trigging and controlling the sampledrum and plaits.
If you use the logic, its totally awesome.

You could add utillities to combine with the pams and it blooms more.

On its own the Rack seems very uncomplete to me.
look for some basic modules like:
vcas, a filter, cv utillities, matrix mixer, function generators, lfos

you may could add a nice standard vco



So are we talking like the high end Brymen ones, such as…
about 200€?
I’ve been eyeing this one to get for quite some time now myself.

How are things going with the Wishlist feature? Any closer to rolling out that feature?
Also, with the emeregence of AI technology, wouldn't it be great to have module or even rack suggestions based on modules in your collection and modules you might want to add to your collection? One could even go so far as to have an interface where you describe what you sound or function are looking for and have suggestions based on that.


Thread: JAMuary

Last night, I watched an old sci-fi film from the 70s: a story in which the sky is permanently in a state similar to the aurora borealis, with lights appearing and disappearing regularly... Then I went on MG and listened to and watched your video. I had the strange impression that I was prolonging this film.

I suppose Pluck and Bell play an important role here.
Anyway, it's a nice piece for this "JAMuary".

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Thanks for the replies. The idea of the rig is to be easily able to jam out and loop to some extent, be a great synth on its own, and a great groove box with some audio processing/coloring in the future. I dont think im into making "generative" patches but rather using Plaits more as a keyboard synth and being able to sound shape it and evolve it on demand (as opposed to programming a geerative patch that plays itself).

I mainly want to figure out how to make Plaits, and the Sample Drum "sing" better, or utilize them better, modulation wise. The disting is there solely for its microtonal quantizer because I make middle eastern music.

a double shot of tequila please

What is the “ci” input and “co” output?

I assume that li/lo is low pass, hi/ho is high pass, and ai/ao is all pass.

id definitley hang onto pams until you run out of space an then decide if you really dislike it that much. i have two new and a pro. ive had to talk myself out of buying more when i see a good deal on one. they are so versatile. if nothing else just set them all to random and use them as random cv theough the case.

what are tou trying to donwith your rack? are you doing generative stuff or are tou trying to control it with a keyboard or midi?

Britton asbury

What are you trying to achieve that you can't do now? What kind of music are you making?

Hi guys, I did what you all say not to do, and started out last year with an Intellijel Palette 62hp. I have outgrown it in terms of space and have been having trouble getting my setup down right. I just ordered a 6u Rackbrute today, and in this rack I've put in all the modules I own with the exception of the couple 1U modules I have.

I would love for someone to provide me with some feedback on how to make this case come alive and have everything work together.

I really dislike Pams New Workout and Rings, so I will probably get rid of those. Please let me know what I could use to make this flow and modulate better. Logic modules? VCA's? Effects? I'm really stuck on what I need to get to complete this with the main voices being Plaits and Sample Drum.


(edit: the preview in this thread doesn't seem to reflect the modules I put on the rack, please click on the rack to see the actual modules that I own. The modules off of the rack are just ones I like or am looking forward to acquiring.)

Making silly joke entries on Modulargrid probably isn't the best way to go after Behringer.

true, but it is amusing - and stopping it, as opposed to calming it down, as happened, would be censorship - so really bad!!!

Informing people that they're casually antisemitic liars who partially fund their douchiness by trying to undercut and drown out beloved manufacturers/designers, however, is not a bad thing.

no, it's definitely a good thing!!!

I've owned their stuff and not all their products (or even all their ripoffs) are bad.

there are always exceptions to rules

However, once people are told what Behringer is, they cannot claim not to support them by giving them their money - you choose something, you choose the consequences if you're informed on them. "Looking down on them" is just a bad faith interpretation of holding someone accountable for their actions, which isn't even an inherently exclusionary act.


But goofy stuff just undermines the point.

Maybe, a little bit, but it is funny - and you could see it from the other side - sometimes we can get the message across by poking fun at it - tbh my involvement in the digital graffiti started and stopped at laughing very loudly - particularly at 'abacuntus'!

The throttling of market participation by big douche companies has become so traditional by now that there are people here denouncing criticism of these practices because others partake in them as well. As long as those people and the people they're talking to can trick themselves into feeling reasonable, the problem isn't going anywhere.
-- Zacksname

ah yes back to the "occlusion of cognitive dissonance"...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: JAMuary

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
