plus 62 hp for Intellijel-format tiles...we'll call those 31 hp, as most tiles are sort of "half a module". 93 + 93 = 186 hp, with me being charitable. But as far as JUST the 3U modules, you've only got 124 hp.
-- Lugia

very charitable, I'd call them 1/3rd of a module - so 20ish hp

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Welcome, supernatur!

Judging by the size/composition of your rack, I'm guessing you watched this Andrew Huang video.

I was going to try a small rack, too, but what I learned from the folks round here is that Eurorack is a slippery slope, meaning you don't simply stop buying modules. Thus, bigger case is generally better case.

Don't get me wrong, the video is a good video. But the car-size modular behind Andrew is a bit moar realistic than the plate-size one in front of him.

So, when and if you do start, you should probably start with a big(ger) rack, like a Mantis.

Hope this helps!

After seeing lots of videos about modular systems, I'm planning my first

ModularGrid Rack

I'm using a beatstep pro as controller.
The choice for a 62hp from intellijel, is because I'm planning multiple little cases as one big case. Next case it would be for drums.

What do you think.¿
-- supernatur

Well, I can't see what you're doing, but I can guarantee you that what you're planning will be expensive and rather pointless. Cases are some of the biggest expense in Eurorack, especially since they come in as an "up-front" cost when you're starting a build. But hey, let's do some math...

So, right now you're talking at least TWO Palette 62s. These go for $299 a pop, so $598 gets you 124 hp of space, plus 62 hp for Intellijel-format tiles...we'll call those 31 hp, as most tiles are sort of "half a module". 93 + 93 = 186 hp, with me being charitable. But as far as JUST the 3U modules, you've only got 124 hp.

Now, around here the Tiptop Mantis is generally considered the best all-around starter case. And they give you 104 x 2 hp for a total of 208 hp...for around $350. Definitely FAR cheaper...and as for power and ergonomics, they're pretty damn good. Plus, if you need 64 hp for a certain module the Palettes, you're screwed. But in a Mantis, it's easy. Which brings up the next point: small cases are really more suited for "mission-specific" adding a modulation "sidecar" or some such. And while it IS possible to mash a modular into one, you're going to have to make a lot of compromises that will wind up giving you less while costing more.

The best rule of thumb for case sizes is to whittle down a module complement to your desired result...then double the case size that it calls for. Sounds stupid, but the fact is that there's a buttload of "in between" modules that are the "glue" that makes the rest of the build work, and they're the ones everyone forgets. So, when you remember that there ARE important uses for some attenuverters and the like, they're going to need space because you're going to need them.

Now, as for the drums...this is another rabbit-hole. Yes, you CAN get loads of drum modules. Yes, the BSP HAS trigger sequencing. But this doesn't mean that you MUST do that. Fact is, if you just go out and snag something like Uli's RD-8 or 9 (or 6, even), you could get TWO of those and still not come close to the cost of doing that in modular (and yes, even in a Palette 62!). Nor would the functionality come close in terms of sequencing and integrated functions in those drum machines. By all means, yes, do your master clocking in the modular (Pam's to the rescue!) but DON'T just throw a couple grand at an issue that can be solved for less than $500.

So, yeah...that's without even seeing the build itself. But then, with how you're planning to do that, just the details about the cases alone are sufficient to indicate an impending cash bonfire. And since money works better for buying things than using it for kindling, I strongly suggest a rethink here.

I just published my first EP produced and partly mixed on modular. It has two tracks in which I remember traveling northern Japan, matsuri, taiko, and nature. The next two tracks are a serious reality check of what happened since. You can listen to it on BandCamp. Feedback is welcome!

Modular playlist on SoundCloud

Ah, I see Nate Horn on reddit made them. I reverted the module listing so the original panel shows as the main one.

@Synth-Cat What's with the alternate panels? Who made them? They are not official, I assume. If not, I suggest making a separate upload, indicating that these are non-official, alternate designs.

This can be had in the US new from XOR for $498 thanks to the current exchange rates.

Nice topic.
I think I'd start having fun with this... while thinking about the next 104 HP ;)
ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Bought this as a PCB + Panel DIY set in 2020. It was claimed to be shipping as the modulargrid listing states being "available".
Have seen no evidence this module has shipped so it probably should be listed as a prototype
Was not delivered nor refunded as of 2022.

After seeing lots of videos about modular systems, I'm planning my first

ModularGrid Rack

I'm using a beatstep pro as controller.
The choice for a 62hp from intellijel, is because I'm planning multiple little cases as one big case. Next case it would be for drums.

What do you think.¿
Some advice would be appropriate.

I dig it.
-- vidret
I am glad you do ☺️ Thanks!

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Great tunes, thanks for sharing.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

OK...3 x 104? Done!
ModularGrid Rack
Hooo boy...have I lost my mind here? Might look like it...but...

TOP: This is all voicing. And I sort of violated the "all in 3 x 104" rule here, in that I put an external signal input (with envelope follower) in here. The idea there is to add some odd, quasi-random signal into the fray; I prefer a shortwave receiver for that...probably due to too much exposure to Stockhausen rays. Anyway, that's got a little compressor just after it to level the signal out, and then we're into the synth voices.

Each voice consists of a Doepfer A-111-4, a Codex Modulex Veils clone, an Alyseum QMix, and a stereo VCF. Each VCO has its own VCA, then that VCA feeds a QMix channel where it gets manually panned and summed to stereo. The first four feed a Rossum Linneaus, and the second goes into a Make Noise QPAS. These two stereo filters are quite different in character; one is more like a subtractive VCF but with some VERY odd modulation capabilities, and the other is a multimode with all filter outs live. Accordingly, the first block is "lead" and the second is "wash". We'll get back to how that works out in a bit...

MIDDLE: Generative requires some level of "structured" noise signals, and there's little else that's better than the ol' reliable Source of Uncertainty. This gives you various random and psuedorandom signals to route around the build. Then a Ladik Min/Max stores highest and lowest CV values across four CV inputs. So, since that's there, I put in a Joranalogue dual window comparator. That one module can provide SIX gate outputs, all dependent on the CV levels present at each comparator's input. Then a Ladik Derivator follows, firing gates when its inputted CV goes up, down, stays steady, or moves in either direction. That's a lot of gates, you say? Maybe...but then, you can use 'em to turn things on and off in either the modulation or audio paths, so feeding a couple of modulation signals up to those gives you a lot of switching potential. And then, a Tenderfoot Quad Quantizer.

But wait! Doesn't the Pam's in the next row do quantizing? Well, it can...but it's more busy as a clock source here. Instead, the Quad Quantizer is for taking modulation signals and "melodicizing" them. Four all those you four different moving lines, and the Quantizers constrain each to whatever "scale" you prefer for each one.

Then that hugeass Erogenous Tones VC8 is actually your level control for the filter outs above. The Linneaus and some of the various QPAS outputs get routed through this (left is 1-4, right is 5-8) and summed separately by channel. By doing this, one VCA can be lowering a level on one channel while raising the level on the opposite channel, generating some stereo platform motion. After the VC8 is a buffered mult for splitting the L and R outs, and these go to the Dual Delay and Aurora, with a third stereo feed for direct mixer input. The Dual Delay and Aurora have stereo (Veils topology) VCAs which can go either before or after the FX devices, depending on how you want to deal with the effect tails.

BOTTOM: Starts off with the aforementioned Pam's. Then the LFO mayhem starts with a Doepfer A-143-9 for quadrature LFO curves...loads of abuse potential there...then there's a Doepfer A-145-4 Quad LFO for four "free-run" LFO outs. And a...ring modulator? can ring modulate low frequency stuff and get weird results, somewhat unpredictable as the slow LFO curves crossmod each other. And as if that wasn't enough LFOs, the 4ms QPLFO gives four more "pingable" LFOs that can range out to as long as 71 MINUTES...which you need to create events that occur VERY slowly across time and which also preferably are nonrepeating due to the timescale involved.

Then we get conventional for a minute with Maths, MISO, and a 3xVCA, which all has the ability to make even more ridiculously-complex modulation curves. Hence that Quad Quantizer...this isn't JUST for controlling envelopes and basic modulation, but it ALSO functions as a stochastic line generator by feeding some of what's coming off of this part of the build and turning that into discrete steps according to whatever "clock" each quantizer is receiving. And lastly, there's a Quadrax/Qx combo for envelopes...or...? Remember, this ALSO outputs pulses on EOR and EOF, which can be routed most anywhere for firing other events.

And finally, the output mixer. This time, I opted to put in a Toppobrillo MiniMix, which is based on a Buchla 200 design but with a few twists...such as two stereo input channels and two channels with autopanners. And the cherry on the cake is right next to it...a Bubblesound Reducer, which is a quartet of synth to line level converters. The idea with those is...well, surprise again, this is intended for a QUAD installation! In the space this fills, you have two stereo outs, with the stereo field crisscrossed via the Reducer. One pair of signals should be "normal", and the other will be "phase inverted" a space about 25' square, so that walking through the space causes all sorts of strange cancellations and reinforcements. No one person will experience this in the same way, thanks to that final trick.

As for this being a "performable" can be, actually. You'd just patch it more conventionally. But in the sort of signal flow I describe above, with the various control signals rolling off of the lower rows, it's intended to really shine in unattended operation. Note also that not everything is automated; some of these modules are intended as "set 'n' forget", like the QMix pannings in the top row, which puts some control back into the user's hands. So, this build, four portable powered speakers on tripods, and two phase-inverting boxes in the signal line to two of them, and you can be good to go in LITERALLY a matter of minutes!

So...what's missing? Well, I would've liked to have put four channels of hall reverb after the MiniMix and before the quad level shift, but it would be just as easy to snag a couple of cheap FX units (like some tc M350s) and put them in the signal paths coming off of the level shifters. But aside of that...nah. Big sequencer, maybe? Nope...this thing "sequences" by itself with a very low probability of repetition. And aside of that...hey, it's got it all sewn up!

EDIT: Also...note the seemingly-ridiculous amount of VCAs here. You might be led to think that that many of them is overkill, but remember: those VCAs are a big part of what makes this "play", since the normal operation for this build is 100% hands off while running. Skimp on VCAs, and you'll have issues getting that to happen!

Bastl, Intellijel, WMD, and TipTop come to mind as generally providing good manuals.

Two Maths is probably overkill here, given what just ONE can do. And I concur with your observations about the VCAs...there's way too few here for what you've got. And those are sorta linked...

Let's say that, instead of the extra Maths, you replace it with something like a Happy Nerding 3xVCA and a Tiptop MISO. With those two, plus your other modulation sources, you can generate plenty of other modulation "sources". And you get a few hp back as a! That combo, or something pretty similar, is possibly better than a second Maths...less confusional, for one thing. But also, you can come up with some very twisty modulation "composites", depending on how you patch it up. You could also do this with the B. 297 and three or four more linear, DC-coupled VCAs.

One other thing I see an absence of are Erica's MScale modules...if you've got three M32s, being able to use them completely with the Euro setup would be pretty useful, and the MScale handles the negative CV values (which, for the most part, don't exist in Eurorack). Otherwise, it's not a bad build...kinda jumbly, but I suppose there's a purpose to that...?

Gave this a shot this case, it assumes an external sequencer is in use as well as a separate drum machine:
ModularGrid Rack
So, what this got turned into is a dedicated synth. The left side is your modulation, right is the voice.

So, this starts with the Arturia P/S since we're dealing with a Rackbrute if the size is any indication. Then a Batumi + Poti gives you four LFOs, a Zadar + Nin with four envelopes, and between those is a dual After Later VCA (Veils topology) and a Frap 321, with those two being useful for altering your "normal" mod sources into other signals.

Next up, there's a Doepfer A-118-2 for sample and hold, noise, and random signals. This gets followed by...count 'em...FOUR VCOs. Two Klavis Twin Waves mkii modules give you wavetable-based sound generation, plus they come with quantizers on the inputs. These sum down through a Codex Modulex Veils clone and then feed into G-Storm's clone of the Korg Delta filters...lowpass and bandpass, using SSM-style circuitry, giving things a nice, retro feel. This is also the same VCF used in the Korg Polysix and Poly-61. The little sliver next to that is a pair of LPGs, which can also be switched into VCA modes, and then it all feeds into a Frequency Central Stasis Leak for stereo tap-tempo delays, reverb, and chorus. And at the right end, an Erica PICO Output handles your stereo output and headphone levels.

Now, if this isn't an Arturia cab after all, then remove the Arturia P/S and put a Bastl Ciao! at the right end. This will then let you mix a second set of signals over the main feed, which alters your ability to use the LPGs, making them more capable as percussives (via the A-118-2's noise output) panned left and right, plus it gives you balanced 1/4" outputs and, yep, it's got a headphone preamp too. Also, pull the current LPG and PICO Out, then swap in a Make Noise LxD. Plus, this swap would allow you to use the top section of the LxD as a VCA and then this passes on through to the lower section which can function as the LPG itself. Loads of possible swaps...

Pair this up with a Beatstep Pro, and you'll have a potent two-voice (yep...doable!) paraphonic, or stereo gated synth. Just remember to have some inline patching widgets handy, as the build is way too small for mults.

Many beginners post their racks and wonder if they are suitable for ambient generative patches. Most of the time the answer is NO with patient explanations from guys like Lugia, GarfieldModular and JimHowell.
I think it would be very valuable if you and others designed proposals for generative racks as simple and basic as possible. Hopefully no bigger than 3x104 HP.

I like the Make Noise manuals. Lots of patch ideas and clear explanations.

Which module manufacturers have the best manuals?
My impression is that the manuals are often far too concentrated and difficult for beginners like me.
Although I do not have so many modules, I have downloaded and read several manuals from different manufacturers.
Some that I like are those from Mutable Instruments and Doepfer.

I'm having trouble finding info on that specific model, but yes, if it supports ADAT then yes that's pretty much it - you'd just hook up the optical cable and use the extra channels. Do note that ADAT and S/PDIF use the same physical connector but are not actually compatible protocols, so be sure which you've got on the MOTU!

thanks for the reply! does that mean I use my MOTU and the optx via ADAT can be installed to show up as an additional 8i/8o channels ?

the ES-8's ADAT ports are additional channels of the ES-8. If you just want more eurorack jacks from an existing interface with ADAT ports you probably want something more like and/or the ES-3/6

hey guys,
I'm thinking of buying an ES-8 because it looks like a really useful module for interfacing with Ableton & MaxMSP. I have a Motu Ultralite mk3 and was wondering if anyone has any experience with using the two at the same time.
It says on the website you can use the ES-8 with another interface via ADAT, but I've never used ADAT and also have no idea what that would look like (for example, I can only select one interface/driver in Ableton or MaxMSP, so how does it recognize the second interface...?)

Very interesting ideas, thank you very much!

Let's try to make it work. You'll need small fingers.
ModularGrid Rack

I kept the modules you already have, and the Nerdseq -- if you want a nerdseq nothing else will do.

  • The NerdSeq is the brains of the whole affair; expect to use every output to modulate something.
  • I had 2hp left over at the end so I stuck a hi-hat in here... a hi-hat is always useful.... and here the cables don't get the way too much.
  • Since you have a lot modulation from the NS, I replaced the TT Kick and Snare with BIA. It can do both jobs at the same time, and it is more fun. Added a Dual Attenuverter to give some hands on control of the modulation going into the BIA.
  • Added a filter to go with the CEM VCO; any 4hp filter will do, but the MS-22 seems cool.
  • Added Skis - use one envelope and one VCA with the CEM oscillator, one Envelope with the filter, and the other VCA on the FX send (more later) of the BIA, so you can sequence how when BIA gets sent to effects.
  • I left Rings as it was.

Finally the mixer section.

  • the tiny ph Modular mixer is your FX sub mix : mult an output from each voice into here; this goes into ....
  • the FX Aid XL gives you lots of cool effects and lots of modulation of them; I reckon creative FX use is the key to having fun with this case and making interesting sounds. I don't have an FX Aid but I want one!
  • The main mix is the Erica Drum mixer. It gives you enough (stereo) channels but only one is pannable -- loads of other options.

Anyway, there's one idea. I think this would be flexible enough to do something listenable, but limited enough to make it fun to find the solutions. It really does all hang on how much you like fiddling with the NerdSeq. Personally I would do something else : probably a lot more basic modulators in the rack, and a a beat step pro for the sequencing.

-ONE TIP TOP, saca su audio para un filtro, que le hará modulaciones.

malekko block envía modulación a estos 8 objetivos:
-4cv para: dfam, plonk, bajo, plato2 (que será el pico drums2 a semicorcheas)
-1 cv para triger/numero de sample de ONE, version rápida (p.ej. percs en 7x4)
-1cv para controlar el filtro de ese sample (acorde con ese ritmo)
-1cv para triger/numero de sample de ONE, version lenta (p.ej. para vocales)
-1cv para controlar el filtro de ese sample (más lento, tipo curva LFO, p.ej.)

-Luego voy muteando/desmuteando en malekko, la versión rápida o lenta (puede elegir una u otra) los cables: 2 cables van a parar a la entrada de ONE y 2 cables van a parar a la entrada de Filtro de one.
-Cuando estoy en la versión rápida (tengo muteada la lenta) y los cables envían CV a one y el filtro, para conseguir ese sónido de perc rápido, y su modulación que le corresponde.
-Voy grabando memorias en la malekko, en ellas pongo distintas modulaciones, y sobre todo grabo 2 cv para ONE rápido (1cv triger/numero de sonido y otro 2v para filtro), y 2v para ONE lento

mixer (A):
-plato 1 (hat)
-plato 2 (pico drums 2) para semicorcheas
-ONE (samples)
mixer (B):

El mixer (A) saca su fx a Pico DSP y el mixer (B) saca su fx a FX AID
Habrá 4 atenuadores sacando, las 4 señales para external mixer

-dispara los trigers de:
bombo, plato1, plato2
-dispara los trigers y cv de:
bajo, dfam, plonk (el cv-nota de plonk, sirve para cambiar su sonido)
(los de ONE los dispara el malekko, que tiene funcion mute)
La memoria puede llevar grabada una linea de bajo (p.ej.) (u otras cosas grabadas) y luego si quiero tocar yo, la borro en el momento y grabo una linea de bajo mia

ModularGrid Rack

Link to the case

I've started my eurorack journey a couple of years ago and the empty spaces in my case(s) are gradually disappearing. Main goals of this case are having fun (!) and making psydub,ambient and berlin school stuff. I think I've grasped the basics of modular synthesis but I know I've still a lot to learn and discover.
I would love some advice on the best way to complete this system and organizing the already installed modules.
Some details on my current setup:
- this system is paired with 3 Mother 32 semi modular synths
- Hermod is linked to the Roland MC707 Groovebox (707 for tempo sync, drums and poly stuff)
- Top and bottom row are seperate cases, enabling me to use the bottom row as a movable control surface and the top row as a self contained morphagene oriented case (hence the headphone module up there).
- My main voices (beside the 3x M32) are 2x Plaits and 1x rings, giving me a broad range of sounds.
- Beads and typhoon together are a bit of overkill, but I really like the emi-verb mode on typhoon, giving me a nice reverb, leaving the granular tasks for beads.
- One of the mixups is used as a 'send' module to beads or typhoon.
- amount of vca's is rather low (x5) but Plaits and Ripples aready have integrated audio vca's in the module. The Doepfer A-133-2 can be used as an extra dual vca if necessary.
- My µmarbles has lost it's main function due to Hermod, but I can't depart from it (yet), as it was one of my first modules. Now its main use is 'controlled randomness'
- The amount of modulators is imho quite high, but they're used for modulating the M32's as well.
- On my wishlist: a sequential switch and a wavefolder.

Any feedback, suggestions and tips on improvement and layout are most welcome!

I agree with your points. I already have a complex system in a 2x104. Since I have this old 88HP rack collecting dust, I do not want to sell it or to expand my system so I was wondering if I could turn it in a standalone system, out of mere curiosity. thing that's a far better substitute for Ears, fits in the same space, does everything Ears does but which has a MUCH better external audio interface would be Nonlinearcircuits' Envelope Follower. It's sort of misnamed, though...there IS a good envelope follower and gate comparator on it, but it ALSO has the proper preamp circuitry plus a 1/4" input, which really makes it into something closer in capability to the Doepfer A-119.

One of the really neat things about the 258t is that you don't have to go with the internal signal routing. For example, putting a VCA with a slow rise and fall envelope between the second oscillator's output and the FM input on oscillator 1...this "fades" the FM clang in and out over the duration of the note. A frequency shifter in that same insert would also be quite nuts, plus if you feed its signal into a delay before sending it back to the 258t, you'll get this swirling weirdness of rising FM indices if you can set up a feedback path from the delay and back around through the frequency shifter. You can do this with a pitch shifter, too...the Butthole Surfers really got into that sort of whirly psychedelic bad craziness on both "Rembrandt Pussyhorse" and "Locust Abortion Technician".


You're trying to do too much in too small a build. I would suggest losing the drum functionality altogether and going with a drum machine off the shelf, as it'll cost less in the long run, plus you'll get more out of one of those than just the snare and kick that's already there in this build.

Secondly, without modulation sources and VCAs, this'll sound as dull as dishwater. VCAs let you control amplitudes for both control and audio signals, and modulation sources can be used with them (envelopes, especially) to better articulate the notes, in addition to the "all-over" purpose of adding some animation to the patches.

Third, single skiffs like this aren't necessarily the best place to start. These are better suited for "mission-specific" builds, such as putting together a modulation "sidecar", extra sequencing, etc. You CAN get a whole synth into one, sure...but it's not all that simple, plus you have to make sure to NOT use big modules so that you can arrive at a playable device that provides all the functionality while not being so cramped that you can't use the instrument properly. A much better place to start would be Tiptop's Mantis case...hefty power, light weight, and not expensive at $350 or less depending on where you are. With 2 x 104 hp, you have plenty of room for modules such as the Nerdseq and Dual FX AND you can get everything else in there that should be in there.

First off, +1 for the (Unicorn) API, it would allow some features that won't be making into the main site (in time or ever) by community without creating a new competitive site, splitting the user space.

And the primary request:

Bookkeeping of my actually owned modules

I'd like to use MG for two things: keeping track of my current actual setup, and toying with the past or future racks that don't actually exist. The second need is filled, but the first isn't, since I have multiples of many modules, and "my modules" just won't cut it.

One way I could see it done (without breaking, only adding):

  • Add a active flag for a rack, as suggested previously. In this case it would mean that the rack physically exists, and is not an archive or future plan.
  • For each "my module", add a number field to specify how many of the module I actually own (called instances below).
  • For each "my module", show how many of them are currently in my active racks.
  • Add ability to list all "my modules" where $owned_instances < $instances_in_active_racks. This would show what actual instances of modules I own, but have stored away (not in the racks).
  • Bonus: Add ability to list all modules in my active racks, where $instances_in_active_racks > $owned_instances. This would show the modules (or instances) I don't yet own, but have decided to actually get by adding them to the active racks.

As little harder bonus, in the active rack you could almost be able to view which modules are not in "my modules", but it would require some additional logic to determine "which of the 4 Links-modules in my 2 active racks are the 2 that I actually own".

Especially now that I'm designing and building new cases, and all of my modules are stored away in cardboard boxes, I would desperately need this x)

In future rack changes I could uncheck "active" for the racks that are going to be retired soon, create different size replacements racks as "active", and it would be easy to add the owned module instances not in the current active racks.

Considering that I have Rings, Ears (not really useful but..), Plaits and 4ms Listen I/O with Doepfer 1-190-3, and I want
to order Veils and Maths.. What should I put next to get that modulated, long ambiances. Or ambient noises, foggy chords in the atmosphere of Silent Hill, Twin Peaks etc. ?

veils and maths - check - don't slouch on the veils - pre-order from somewhere that is still offering them!! they will be gone before you know it, once the last batch appears

next I'd go for a decent sequencer and a matrix mixer...

for a sequencer I'd go for an Erica black over Rene - rings will take one channel and if you want to sequence chords on plaits, then you'll use another 2 - this will leave one over for the future - always a good plan - and with the black sequencer you can tie notes and you get another track on each channel for modulation as well as the pitch and gate...

matrix mixers are incredibly useful for taking copies of modulation sources and deriving more related complex modulations from them, amongst other things...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Just a quick little patch that came together. Here we have Qu-Bit Chord in four separate channels with modulation of wavetable, voicing and panning and mixed manually. Then we have four separate channels of Mutable Instruments Tides in VCO mode, also modulating various Tides settings plus panning and also mixed manually. Stochastic Inspiration Generator is driving MI Elements, and Plaits is just droning away. Effects by Happy Nerding FX Aid Pro, Chronoblob II and Strymon Starlab. Modulation by Maths, Triple Sloths, Ochd, Quadrax, Batumi (panning Tides voices in quadrature mode) and RND Step. Cheers!

this user has left ModularGrid

Smart contact and fine transaction with @Astcfx
Thx !

[redacted - user has finally refunded me]

I bought a Rozendal CEM3340 osc from him about 6 weeks ago

1 month later no module, no replies to PM / email requests for tracking number, then finally a reply offering to resend the module which never left the country and was returned to the post office supposedly. 2 weeks later, still nothing. No more responses regarding what he did, if theres a tracking number etc,

Long communication absences are blamed on covid or ‘being away’.

I guess I am lucky I ‘only’ lost 85 euros on this guy, but nevertheless it is a lot of money to me. Of course after many successful and hassle-free transactions on here I was complacent and used F+F. My own fault obviously.

If anyone knows an equivalent EU-wide body to Action Fraud in the UK, please let me know, but for now a report is filed with them.

The above course of action is recommended for any scams (Action Fraud or your country’s equivalent).

Any other suggestions of courses for action are welcomed. I’m not working right now so although I can barely afford this lost money I can freely commit time to putting in as much effort as possible for nailing this guy. He’s made me pretty damn angry.

Hard to believe someone would put themselves into this position for the sake of stealing 85 euros. It really blows my f***ing mind.

I'm in the market for a super lush multi-timbral osc, was thinking of the 4MS Ensemble because it does the nice sounds. But who doesn't like warm beef.

It sounds very warm and beefy, with a crazy range and lots of FM options. I really like being able to blend from sine to saw and square, and FM the thing to oblivion. But I'm only scratching the surface :)

Also: Hi! I'm new too. :)

Honestly until your post I didn't know about it. Super interesting project. What's your review so far? Any nice sound samples?

I don't have a dog in this fight but man Lugia, you really are so kind / knowledgeable with your advice. People like you, Omri, Beny, Div, Look Mum.. all making this community thrive. Thanks a lot man.

Arrus – out of interest, how you getting on? Did you go for it in the end?

Hi all,

Super newbie to this forum, this is my first post (be kind, hahaha)!

I'd be keen to hear your thoughts on some of the scheduled Tiptop Buchla eurorack modules. I got the dual oscillator, and I love it, but I'm really keen to see what the quad low pass gate (292t) and the sequential voltage source (245t) can do.

How do you think these (might) compare to other existing modules? Some examples might be (but I'm no oracle on this, so may have got it totally wrong) the MN Optomix and 0-ctrl (perhaps)?

Anyways, I really like the sound and leftfield philosophy behind these modules, and I'd be interested to hear how you think they stack up against alternatives.



one thing that would be useful for pedalboards is power spec sheets like you have on eurorack setups.

would be useful when looking at what power supply to buy for a board.

there is already power information in each pedal so collating it would be helpful and save time.

Is there a way I can tell the cat that the mess is actually part of my rack? I like cats - but this cat is annoying me.
-- cosmicmusicfoundation

No, you can't. Cats can't be trained. But that said, try to coax him with kibble. Salmon kibble?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

add extra rows for the semis...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

My modular rig includes some semi-modular desktop units that I consider part of my rack (but not IN my rack) - the semi-modular desktop units sit, well, on my desk below my modular rack - and so I have decided to put those pieces below my rack on modulargrid - but this cat keeps telling me to clean up my mess. Is there a way I can tell the cat that the mess is actually part of my rack? I like cats - but this cat is annoying me.

Thread: Racks, when?

I asked about this years ago, I don't think it is a good comparison though, comparing to the pedals section. I reckon a considerable number of people will make use of a 19" rack planner, I am even a paying unicorn user now ;-)

Sad news. ‘Planning for the future’ is ‘impossible’... A situation that many companies are experiencing. A page is being turned in the world of modular.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

ModularGrid Rack

Thoughts on this?
I already have the two Sylph modules.. then there is a sequencer, multi-effect and a mixer..
What are your thoughts on this?