Had a great experience buying a uclouds module from @PinPinKula! Works great, shipped fast, and they answered all of my dumb questions thoroughly!
Had a great experience buying a uclouds module from @PinPinKula! Works great, shipped fast, and they answered all of my dumb questions thoroughly!
The last update from TipTop on the uZeus entry messed up the current draw sum on my Modular Grid racks. It should be 0 mA on the +12V rail, 0 mA on the -12V rail and 0 mA on the 5V rail, as it doesn't draw any current. Also, the new picture is messing up the appearance of the racks. Could somebody please revert it to the original form?
KICK ASS!!! May 2018 edition...
Well, with Superbooth out of the way, the deluge of mindwrenchingly-amazing modules has abated a bit, but Eurorack being what it is nowadays, that by no means says that the interesting stuff's not still popping up. And this past month, there's also been some relative bargains showing up. So, let's dig through the last month in Eurorack and see what looks particularly tasty, shall we?
1) Bastl Instruments TIMBER. OK...now this is interesting. Combine an overdrive/distorter with a wavefolder, add a crossfading VCA between 'em, and you get...THIS. Bastl definitely has some peculiar ideas, and this is one of them...in all the right ways. The TIMBER even incorporates a feedback circuit for added chaotic behavior, and does all of this in a convenient 7 hp package. Given that this sort of waveshaping morphing behavior would've previously required several modules and a good bit more panel space, this module is a killer timbral alteration device for smaller builds.
2) Instruo Cs-L. (Yeah, there's some different characters that's supposed to be there, but I'm a lazy bastard.) There's several companies offering their takes on the Buchla complex oscillator, and this is yet another one. But Instruo's iteration offers a compact size and some unique quirks that makes it skew more toward that Buchla-like complexity than some others. As you'd expect from that term 'complex'...yeah, what it's got is complex, to be sure, so my suggestion would be to get over to its listing and check it for yourselves. It'll be worth your time!
3) (and 4 and 5) Ladik U-041 Median, E-480 Contour Generator, and C-410 Clock Source. Holy crap...they must've gotten something in the water supply over at Ladik's place! In one month, here's THREE killer devices out of the same company. The 'Median' is a very interesting device, somewhat related to the more familiar minimum/maximum modules from a few firms. But in this case, Ladik added upper and lower constraining voltage adjustments that also give the module the ability to function as a very interesting clipping audio waveshaper, in addition to the more traditional CV selection processing/control. The Clock Source offers a stop/start/resume/reset arcade button control in addition to an onboard clock divider, plus there's a lot of jumper functions there that beg for an additional switch panel to play with for some outright strangeness. But the best is the Contour Generator...wow! Eight stages of up/hold/down voltage movement, timing-per-step clocking, integrators for voltage behavior, yet more jumpers that can configure this as one-shot (envelope gen style) or looping (think: really, really complex LFO). And this all in 8 hp and for a measly $83-ish US! This creature has massive use AND abuse potential and it's dirt cheap, to boot! Those looking for compact and cheap modulation sources need to look into this one.
6) Mordax GXN. Granular hardware is getting hotter and wilder as of late, and with the GXN, it also gets smaller. Here's all the usual functions you've come to expect from a granular synth, plus loads of CV modulation possibilities, all usable as either a live polyphonic sampler, live granulator, or for the usual 'let's mangle the sample!'-sort of granular purposes, but mashed down to a small-build-friendly 20 hp and, according to Mordax, an expected MSRP of no more than $600 when it launches in a couple of months or so. For those who can't leave sound intact but work in tight spaces, here's a potential solution to what you've been needing.
7) Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Primary Oscillator. Yeah, you KNEW this had to be in here...how can you say 'no' to this level of timbral VCO control for a paltry $229? This might be the next 'you use this or else' VCO, really. And why not? For the price, in this size (12 hp), about the only other thing that approaches it in sonic 'holy crap'-ness is Mutable's Plaits, which this would make a great pairing with, to be honest. The sole flaw might be the current draws, but if you're running a more up to date rig with a suitably-hefty power supply, that might not be a major issue unless you go bug-nuts and want a whole row of these things. Which, frankly, would be damn interesting!
And that's it for May! Like I said, not a huge pile-up, but definitely some paradigm-shifters in there.
I have a similar experience with @Drazen and I had the same feelings but on the other hand you can not list an item in Marketplace located Middle East or Central Asia ( Is this a technical limitation ? @modulargrid ). It would be adequate if @Drazen would have indicated in his Description
-- cereyanlimusiki
Yes, it would be enough if @Drazen had completed the relevant field on the "Description of your Offer" panel (where you can indicate where you are based and if the buyer can pick the module from there, despite the limited general region options of the "Price and Location" panel ) just as the majority of other traders here do. But, of course, this crucial informative field is wisely erased from all of @Drazen listings...
It's possible to do it yourself since the panel is symmetrical.
Just flip the panel to the 'blank' side and then mark it there.
Might have to get some extra knobs if you can't flip them.
All the best,
Currently don’t have the MI stages and the instruo c-sl or the case. Currently rocking a doepfer 9u. Just trying out various configurations in dream land.
Thanks @Drazen for the Sub6 mixer. Arrived quickly, and "like new" as described!
-- SpaceCowboyUnfortunately this guy @Drazen uses unacceptable selling practices.
The case: On all of his offers on marketplace (and there are many of them) he's marked his region as EU.
Having proceed transaction with him, buying a used Make Noise “Rene” for 360€ (shipping incl.),
i was very unpleasantly surprised when realised that according to DHL shipment tracking information
he provided, the true location dispatch was actually from DOHA / QATAR !!This means that (under the relevant laws of Greece, where I am based) now have to pay an extra fee of 70€
for customs clearance, plus an additional fee of about 50€-100€ (depending on weight, kind, etc.) for “used
electronics" tax, even if the package marked as "gift".During this misleading info tactic @Drazen obviously applies in order to find a broader list of potential
buyers, than on his true non EU region area, now i should pay no less than about 480€ for a used item while
on my local store (synthesizer.gr) a brand new "Rene" costs 499€!This is outrageous!
Even though cannot call this strait as a Fraud (as the extra money won't go in "Drazen’s" pocket), however it is
an extremely faulty practice and definitely a real Fraud in terms of buyers wallet.EU residents Beware of your transactions with "Drazen Saric" :(
-- dmgd3ar
I have a similar experience with @Drazen and I had the same feelings but on the other hand you can not list an item in Marketplace located Middle East or Central Asia ( Is this a technical limitation ? @modulargrid ). It would be adequate if @Drazen would have indicated in his Description
@Drazen is a good trader.
I bought his Alright Devices Chronoblob and it was a smooth transaction
My first transaction with @Inflexus was perfect!
I am on my way to building my first 104hp skiff. The modules I have purchased and have mounted are as follows.
MI Elements, MI Ears, Pitts Mod Midi to CV converter, Pitts Mod binary filter, Pico DSP, and the Rosie. Obviously new to all of this and wondering if there are suggestions based on space left used by MI clouds and Erica Synths Eg/lfo. Love clouds but having a time finding a used unit. The MI Veils is my most likely next purchase. Does all seem logical? I am building this set up to accompany an Elektron trinity I have had the last year or so.
I have an O-coast and M32 as well that sit below the skiff.
I want to sell my Modularsystem. It´s full working and come in 4 Cases:6TE, 8TE, 2*10TE. The Units Location is in Germany.
If possible for both sides, going international should be no problem. 4200 Euro
For Single module request feel free for asking.
Purchased a Roland Scooper from @sceledra - super fast shipment, the Roland was in great shape as described with all the original packaging. Works great - thanks!
* 4ms Listen 4 1/4 (x2)
Thing is, selling off the bottom 3U and replacing it with an Empress Reverb and Norns might be even better.
Send/return might be tricky but I could swap the Veils in for Blinds if needed for the extra gain.
That ER-301 though...
* Atlantis
* Metropolis
* Rubicon
* Frames
* O&C
* Flux V2
* O/A/x2
* Tides
* Peaks
* Earthsea
* White Whale
* Meadowphysics
In a support case:
* ER-301
* Voltage Block
* Telharmonic
* Samara
* Batumi
* Erbe Verb
In a Drawer: (+ 4 8 10 12 14) ;; 48hp
* Links
* Optomix
* Loquelic Iteritas
* Veils
* Belgrad
* Chimera?
* Akemie's Castle?
So what's the minimum setup that I need to use just Clouds?
-- soundmodel
Have you tried the free "virtual" version of Clouds in VCV rack (a free Eurorack simulator)?
The "Audible Instruments -> Texture Synth" module is an implementation of Clouds (legit, since a lot of the MI stuff is open-source).
You can then use the "VCV Bridge" virtual effect VST/AU plug-in to route the output of your DAW through your virtual Eurorack. Or, if your sound source doesn't support AU/VST use a virtual audio device like Soundflower or Loopback (on Mac - I'm sure there are PC & Linux equivalents) to route your audio via your virtual rack.
NB: remember, the first hit is always free... you'll soon succumb to that creeping feeling that using virtual modular gear doesn't quite hit the spot and craving real knobs and patch cables...
Very simple patch. Xaoc Batumi as an oscillator fed random, quantized voltages and going through Three Sisters that has all the parameters modulated by Batumi and then some reverb. Turned out nice, I felt, on my back on the living room floor. So I recorded it.
Thank you @PinPinKula for the μClouds. Very nice communication, fast shipping, and the module is in great shape. Very happy to be turning my sounds into crazy clouds. Thanks too for the patience while I figured out the PayPal stuff. Would definitely buy from/trade with again!
Thanks for the replies.
I think you might be right that I've accidentally messed up the calibration.
I've tried to re-calibrate it following the instructions but it's not working.
I've emailed Erica Synths and will see if they can fix the issue.
I feel like custom blank panel functionality shud be extended somehow, or maybe tick the "don't show in search" box by default. when i see softcore furry porn women uploaded to the front page of search as a synth decoration it just looks misogynistic to me. especially unnecessary since it seems to b one random persons blank panel.
Someone needs a full modular I think...
-- norde
Modular synths are designed to work exactly like the drug pusher in a dark alley that says "Hey kid, first one is free" and then once you are hooked, it's near impossible to break the habit. While the first module usually isn't free, thinking you can get "just one module" is the same trap since the more you think about it the more you will realize you'll "just need one or two more modules" and "oh, a slightly bigger case" and "oh, I've got empty space now, I'll get a couple mores to fill it in" and "OH, I HAVE to have that new amazing module that was just released but I'm out of room so I'd better get another case too and . . "
yes clouds should have enough gain to deal with line level - not tried it to be honest but if that's what the spec says then that's what the module does (it's mutable instruments!!!)
the big question though is not what audio are you going to feed into it, but what are you going to modulate it with???
clouds loves modulation - and attenuated modulation at that!!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
@ideo, great buyer, very good communication, thanks!
I'm looking for a long, slow glide effect in a 1u tile, something to create a slow guitar bend sound that can then be treated with big ambient reverb and delay. Am I right to assume that I can accomplish this with something like a pulp logic slew tile?
No worries, always good to get feedback :)
There was a post on the forum awhile ago about noise on attack which ended up with a BoM updated... C3 was changed to 10nF.
Is that the same issue or something different? Maybe having such a wide range isn't such a good idea.
Also AndyC has written an alt firmware... https://forum.gmsn.co.uk/t/v-1-01-on-github/600
Recently had a nightmare situation hooking up my non-modular gear to a club PA mixer that produced poor volume controls. Want a good mixer that can be used for both modular and non modular gear.
Yeah, I can see that working well...anything with a lot of hard, fast transients tends to benefit from compression. If you're looping the DFAM with that Morphagene or something similar, the CMP-1 could well wind up being invaluable.
Added the Mordax Data so I could see whats going on, and it also adds a couple much needed simple wave forms such as basic sine, square and saw waves. which i didn't have. Its full now and i'm satisfied with the outcome. i have tons of options to work with. Also decided to keep the cmp1 as it works well with samples from the Morphogene.
Is it possible that you hit the Program button mistakenly and then accidentally miscalibrated the module? I'd try running the calibration: http://erica-media.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/Black_MIDI-CV_Manual_200x166_E_Preview.pdf
(NB: MG's forum doesn't like the underscores in the above URL...try going to the page for the module itself: http://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/eurorack-modules/by-series/black-series/black-midi-cv-v2/)
For percussive envelopes: exponential envelope response into an exponential VCA. Have you tried changing the EG's mode switch?
Both are clearly labelled as clock inputs, and Dieter's really clear about that on the Doepfer website. Also, noise doesn't have pitch, per se; you use filters to skew the frequency range of the incoming noise signal to get weightings that are 'pitch-like', or in the case of digital noise, you use a clock signal to alter the rate of state-change...which also doesn't exactly equal pitch.
It sounds to me like you needed to do a lot more research before doing an actual physical build. I'm not sure, from the several comments you've made, that you 'get' how this equipment functions either as individual modules or grouped in a build. And it also doesn't exactly seem like you 'get' what MG's for; you use this site to preplan builds and work out issues related to them with the information provided on here, from which you should be learning that first bit above.
Oh thanks for the quick reply Rob. It's kind of hard to put into words. I'm familiar with the envs on my sh101, teisco 60f and fenix 2 modular. I'm happy with those envs. When the D and R are set to about 5 I know what to expect. When D and R are set to shorter intervals I hear a short percussive sort of sound. On the GMSN the rules seem to be different. Like I turn the knobs to where I want it but that sweet spot isn't there. I can get a few nice sounds out of it, but it doesn't seem to be so snappy as the envs I'm used to. I bought a new doepfer hihat 808 cymbal generator so I was hoping to get some hi hats out of the synth, but the envs just weren't responding like I hoped they would. Couldn't get percussive enough without sounding a bit weird. Perhaps that's the design though. Sorry for being a twat. I really appreciate the fact that you are taking the time to respond to users. GMSN is a bargain high quality synth. That quantiser is on my wish list, looks epic :-)
Hey David.
Sorry to hear you think it's the pits.
What do you mean by narrow range? Each knob can be set from damn fast to about 10 mins.
I would rather you let me know if any issues directly through the forum rather than telling people to avoid the module :)
More than happy to talk through any improvements you think might be worthwhile.
Kind regards
It's pretty cool except for the ADSR. The Sequencer reminds of Knight Rider, Kitt the car.
I thought the clock input was a CV control. I was wrong. Shame there's no CV control of noise pitch!
This sequencer rocks. If only there were a 16 step option. It can go forward, forward and back, or random. It takes up 24HP though. But it's worth the space in your rack if you need a cheap sequencer that works well. It reminds me of Knight Rider, Kitt the car.
On paper looks great with loads of features. But in use the range is narrow and hard to get good sounds with. It's the pits really to be honest with you. I'm in love with the other GMSN modules and the open source ethos. I give this one 1/5. Please avoid this module!
Needs a voltage control input for the LFO speed. Can't dubstep without that.
I 'm sorry, I m definitely new to modular but from the page of MI of clouds
"Stereo pre-amp with a gain range covering modular and line levels."
And then on the specification
Input impedances: 100k.
Audio input gain range: line level to modular level."
Doesn't it means that I can run ex. my drum machine outs to clouds ins and then from clouds' outs directly to the mixer?
I excuse in advance for the ignorance
Have you checked your midi-keyboard? Some keyboards may have advanced settings for such things.
Otherwise one external cause for such thing could be wrong (AC?) current coming in to the vco, what are things between midi to oscillator?
Looking for a Falafular Snare8 to complete my set of Falafular drum modules.
Could be fully-built module, or bare PCBs.
Will pay reasonable price + postage.
London UK
Hi ..
it seems the reseller choice on the side of a module is automatic. How can a manufacturer specify exactly those links?
[sorry about the multiple threads.. the search function was still active and I couldn't see my thread]
Hi everyone, Paul here! Looking to jump into the modular world since I have a deep love for sounds. I've been playing experimental music solo and in bands for about 10 years now and looking for advice. I'm going to post a thread in the Racks forum and go into more detail about what I'm thinking about, but basically I'd say I'm looking to create both "sci-fi" kind of sounds and more harsh textures.
Very nice trades with @robocoder & @UndercoverBrother - both items as described, packed like an effing tank, fast delivery & response during the process. Highly recommended, will trade again :)
Please look at my rack. I am almost done, with now wishing to also use my laptop and vcvrack, realtor blocks buchlA patch 200e and prob iPad too
I want to hear them all together possible to record the rack? I'm using a Yamaha mg10gx with clouds to the jbllsr308s the po32 and also not shown is a korg sq1 connected to pc usb and CV to 0coast...I am really early into this as I'm a guitar gone synth guy too...
should I get the empress effects zoia??(sp) instead to do what I can?
I have been told max msp will do alot for me but I just cant program I dont have the patience..I've tried .. anyway thanks for looking..rack is mantis009