@damir501 .. second time I bought from him. Excellent communication, fast shipment. Thanks!
@damir501 .. second time I bought from him. Excellent communication, fast shipment. Thanks!
VCAs. None in evidence in your build, and you very much need them. Get something like Intellijel's Quad VCA so you have several in a smaller space that can also function in either linear (for CVs) or exponential (for audio dynamics) modes.
-- Lugia
Thanks lad, i was considering that. Then i thought Frames could function as a VCA. But i guess i need a proper quad VCA.
Do i need a clock? Or like random generator?
I find it hard to figure out... limited instructions/instruction reading (maybe I did not read them)... but pretty much the only use I have for it at the moment with my software, reaktor blocks, are sequencers, LFOs and an input into Ableton, one. Also the inputs/outputs look cool but are loose and seem to be inferior in quality/construction... patch cables will just fall out if bumped lightly, there is nothing holding them in place. I am not able to make the ES-8 work the way I intended if blocks is used as a plug-in with ableton. Blocks has to be used in standalone, which is not what I was expecting. Not too interested in many of the other modules in my software (NI blocks) but I guess I could try to modulate the digital shtuff that comes out of it... I could not get an ADSR in blocks to work, receiving and sending cv... got frustrated, maybe I will read through everything again someday and try again. I was thinking I could use this for VCAs, ADSRs, LFOs, Sequencers... halfway there... Wish someone would make some useful videos.... bahhh hahahahahahahaha ahhh.
VCAs. None in evidence in your build, and you very much need them. Get something like Intellijel's Quad VCA so you have several in a smaller space that can also function in either linear (for CVs) or exponential (for audio dynamics) modes.
P-to-V, definitely. Also, you're going to want an envelope follower so that the bass's dynamics can generate CVs for modulating filters, VCAs, etc.
Another fun soundscape source might be Evaton's RF Nomad. Nothing quite as strange and full of potential as shortwave audio.
Rings should be fine as a resonator. However, there's a lot of CV-hungry things in there, and you're definitely going to need at least one (maybe two) buffered mult to prevent voltage sag/detuning across either the VCO or VCF CV inputs. Another thing clearly missing is some sort of random source...you definitely need a noise source, plus some variety of random signal source such as Doepfer's A-149-1 that can derive random CVs from the noise source. Otherwise, this is coming together nicely.
This is my first Euro Rack, i am not new to synths but very much so to modular.
My goal is to make a "space" ambient modular euro rack. :-) In a Intellijel 84HP 7U case. With modules that are great at what they do, and with a lot of multi functionality. Like the type of functionality of "Maths".
I would appreciate all feedback possible. Is there any module that would compliment my setup? Have i missed some crusial function that i need for it to work? Like a clock generator or such?
Thanks in advance!
Resonator: do you mean like a BBD? Flanger, phaser type things?
-- Tooth
Yes, or Rings, Twin Peaks,...
New Stereo multimode VCA from Steady State Fate, coming soon
Hi gvfgvf. Interesting, more and more players of other instruments are starting to interface/act with a modular.
Have you considered any of these: Pitch to CV, Piezo pre-amp ?
Hi fellow wigglers!
I'm a contrabassist from Sweden looking into eurorack and eventually sample my instrument directly into my system.
I'm looking for feedback while planning my first eurorack. I've worked quite a bit on the soundmachines114 and also have a MOOG Minitaur that was my intro into subtractive synthesis. Other than that I've been reading the forums here, muff wiggler, and also manuals from a lot of different manufacturers.
I own everything in the rack shown here except the 1U modules and the Morphagene. I will be getting an Intellijel 7U 104HP case to house everything.
My questions relate to setting up the system for ambient soundscapes. This is the best description for what I would like to be able to do with my system. Use my bass as a sound source and combine it with a good selection of modules that can really go into deep, somewhat melodic spaces with a lot of harmonic content and modulation. I'm definitely looking towards more generative patches that can respond to my bass playing so the modular system and I can have a conversation for a good length of time on stage.
Thank you all for your responses. Any and all advice/criticism would be appreciated :)
If viewing this in the forum please click on the rack to see the updated version. I seem to have posted an older version of the rack itself.
Quick and smooth buy of ADE-32 from @mikmanner, thanks!
thumbs up for @yochwired , great transaction on a Future Retro Transient+!
You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)
-- ParanormalPatroler
It's just c and v without the Ctrl though.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)
-- ParanormalPatroler
Bugger me - so you can! Thanks!
You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)
Thanks, I hadn't spotted the hp discrepancy. I will look into the Octo module, that looks very interesting and versatile.
You know you can sort by Depth?
Click twice to change sort direction. Valid workaround?
-- modulargridIt helps, but i still have to go through the module description do have an idea of actual depth.
A filter with x = max depth in mm, that excludes all modules without depth definition and deeper than x.
Workaround would be to see depth displayed in the overview, so no further clicks are needed to know actual depth.
-- bj_gzp
New Unicorn user here. Thanks for the amazing site!
+1 for a depth filter in the search settings so if you have a case that fits modules up to 70mm in depth only relevant modules will be shown in the search. It would save a lot of time.
Also, how about the ability to copy or move selected modules between racks? Again, that would be a major time saver.
I feel sorry if this is how you feel. I have never ever tried to hide the location of my modules for sale, if only you would have asked.
If someone just asks for PayPal address and transfers money without making any inquiries apart from "rack rash" then I don't see any problems. I have been honest to all my buyers about the location of my modules and their condition. It is listed as EU as I do live in EU, but as someone who lives from music recording and production I do move a lot and have more than one base. Some modules are shipped from London, some from Berlin and some indeed from Doha, Qatar. If people would have been more inclined to leave feedback then I'm sure the rest of you would know the truth.Cheerio
-- Drazen
So, @Drazen, what you're actually saying is that any potential buyer from EU has to know in advance that you & your modules for sale are jet set travelers, so he better make sure at first that your current location will be really within EU at that given time before proceeding on a purchase in order to avoid any extra customs fees...
Otherwise would be buyer's fault..!
Ok, seriously now, the module i bought from you was cosmetically as described and working flawless indeed. Fine by that.
But, @Drazen, as you're not living in Mars but periodically also in EU&UK besides Qatar as you have stated, you know quite well that customs means extra fees -and i had informed you in the very beginning of our communication for my location. So, in a realm of common sense, as a good honest seller (who has marked EU his region) it was your obligation to informed me on your intention to send it from a country outside of EU.
But i guess the whole problem caused on my lack of Extra Sensory Perception...
By the way -
I don't know about @SpaceCowboy, but i do know that @cereyanlimusiki is not EU based...
That said, any buyers from USA or wherever outside EU, knowing they buying from a foreign country are already aware on the potensial extra fee of their country customs, so they can judge whether a purchase is in their interest or not.
That was not are case...
Anyway, i consider myself lucky that finally (and after extent debate with the officers) the total custom charges had to pay extra was only 87€ . It could be much worse...
Hm...not a bad implementation of the Doepfer DIY, actually. Tandemmed with the M32, DFAM, and the hopefully-coming-soon Subharmonicon (I hope it's not a Moogfest-only thing!), you'd sort of have the four horsemen of the 60hp apocalypse!
Rack in the image is a little misleading; good thing I checked the module listings for hp instead of going by 'eyeball', because that's not 84 hp wide.
OK...top row has 14 hp left (5, 45, 20 present), and if the goal here is a lot of weird crossmod and strange behavior, my suggestion would be some sort of module that can be a 'hub' for all of the in-cab voices at the same time: Abstract Data's ADE-32 Octocontroller. Check the listing...I think it would make for a good 'hub of weird behavior' for something along these lines. On the bottom, you've got 2 hp left, and my suggestion there would actually be two extra linear VCAs (by, who else, 2hp) to tandem with the Octocontroller to add some further levelling oddness to some control paths. Careful with the external mixer, btw...make sure its line inputs have both the extra headroom AND attenuation to deal with the synth-level signals.
Where can I order? Haha
-- Haxyl
you built it yourself - all the info is in the links
First rack to supplement other synths (tt303, bass station 2, volca FM, drone commander, nyx) and drum machines (MPC 2500, MD-UW+). Eowave 6u84hp angled rack.
I want to get unusual tones and sounds from this and maximise the options for creating and modulating them. I've got the 0-coast already. I've included the SV1 as a midi-cv, splitters and tools functions as well as it's sounds. Intending to sequence if needed with the MD-UW or MPC. I have outboard reverb, delay & overdrive and would run the line outs from each module (2 for elements) into a separate mixer channel I think.
Looking for thoughts and suggestions on module choices, 15hp still spare.
Hey, gang...saw the listing for the Mystic Circuits external modules in the Eurorack section, and while they don't exactly fit there (after all, you could use them for much more than Eurorack; think, say, VCA-based AM of some other appropriate-level device signal or something similar), they're still
1) frickin' brilliant, both in idea and execution, and
2) they DO fit under the whole umbrella of what MG's about.
The problem, it seems, is how do you treat them? They're not 'stomp boxes', since they're designed to go into in-line functionality as a single module circuit and they're not a 'whole device', such as a delay line, etc. But they're still synth modules, albeit highly-mobile ones and not fixed into a rack architecture. Definitely a confusional set of little boxes...but, when looking at the video for one, I was reminded that there are a lot of other 'externals' in synth usage, such as various multiples, control devices, pickups, reverb tanks, etc etc.
So why not put together, sort of in the same way the stomp box section exists, a subsection specifically for external synth devices? This, of course, wouldn't be layout-based like the other sections; my thought is that the user could build something of a 'bag of tricks', picking, choosing, and listing external devices to build up an ancillary lineup of things usable along with their builds in the other sections of MG. This is also where the Shopping List function (currently hidden) could come back into play, if users were allowed to merge shopping lists for different builds across all formats into a 'master list' that could show total cost outlay for that user's specific picks.
This could also be a way to integrate racks into the process on MG, with listings in this same section for racks for different formats so that, when the shopping lists are all merged, one could have EVERY cost in-hand. And, in theory, anything that's not a module could be made to fit into this by making the resulting 'bag of tricks' lists more spreadsheet-ish, allowing for multiple amounts of items to be picked. Something of this sort could actually 'close the circle' on MG, making it quite literally the reference destination for ALL aspects of modular synthesis, modular processing (500 series, stomp boxes, etc) and such. Granted, yes, it sounds like a total pain in the ass to code, but my bet is that the rewards...for MG, its user base, and the myriad companies whose data it houses...would be worth it.
Thanks @Drazen for the Sub6 mixer. Arrived quickly, and "like new" as described!
-- SpaceCowboy
@SpaceCowboy Thank you. Best wishes.
@Drazen is a good trader.
I bought his Alright Devices Chronoblob and it was a smooth transaction
-- cereyanlimusiki
@cereyanlimusiki Thank you. Much appreciated. Hope you're enjoying Chronoblob.
Thanks @Drazen for the Sub6 mixer. Arrived quickly, and "like new" as described!
-- SpaceCowboyUnfortunately this guy @Drazen uses unacceptable selling practices.
The case: On all of his offers on marketplace (and there are many of them) he's marked his region as EU.
Having proceed transaction with him, buying a used Make Noise “Rene” for 360€ (shipping incl.),
i was very unpleasantly surprised when realised that according to DHL shipment tracking information
he provided, the true location dispatch was actually from DOHA / QATAR !!This means that (under the relevant laws of Greece, where I am based) now have to pay an extra fee of 70€
for customs clearance, plus an additional fee of about 50€-100€ (depending on weight, kind, etc.) for “used
electronics" tax, even if the package marked as "gift".During this misleading info tactic @Drazen obviously applies in order to find a broader list of potential
buyers, than on his true non EU region area, now i should pay no less than about 480€ for a used item while
on my local store (synthesizer.gr) a brand new "Rene" costs 499€!This is outrageous!
Even though cannot call this strait as a Fraud (as the extra money won't go in "Drazen’s" pocket), however it is
an extremely faulty practice and definitely a real Fraud in terms of buyers wallet.EU residents Beware of your transactions with "Drazen Saric" :(
-- dmgd3ar
I have a similar experience with @Drazen and I had the same feelings but on the other hand you can not list an item in Marketplace located Middle East or Central Asia ( Is this a technical limitation ? @modulargrid ). It would be adequate if @Drazen would have indicated in his Description
-- cereyanlimusiki
I feel sorry if this is how you feel. I have never ever tried to hide the location of my modules for sale, if only you would have asked.
If someone just asks for PayPal address and transfers money without making any inquiries apart from "rack rash" then I don't see any problems. I have been honest to all my buyers about the location of my modules and their condition. It is listed as EU as I do live in EU, but as someone who lives from music recording and production I do move a lot and have more than one base. Some modules are shipped from London, some from Berlin and some indeed from Doha, Qatar. If people would have been more inclined to leave feedback then I'm sure the rest of you would know the truth.
I get the feeling I've created a monster...although in this case, that's probably not a bad thing.
Just got the Fumana and took it on its maiden voyage. Really great sounding and useful (abusful) features. The character is more "shimmery" than I had thought, but it still can "womp." Tilt control perfect for fitting sounds in the mix, and sounds wonderful with a little modulation. It sounds like the unvoiced input arrives at the output unfiltered, and is unaffected by the CH 14,15 sliders, despite the preliminary block diagram in the manual indicating differently. You have to use the input gain and envelopes to dial the response in, but its also useful for "choppy" stuff with fast transients, i.e. using a busy high-hat pattern with env times full CCW will give you bursts of your unvoiced signal. The Odd/Even outs are brighter and have more shimmer, which is perfect for stereo drums, and the ALL output rolls off a fair amount of high end, to help keep sibilance from getting out of control when intelligibility is a factor. Smart!
Of course I will set up a vocoder patch next, but I'm starting to see the possibilities with the individual VCA Ins and audio outs. Using the phase switches and a mix of the Main, Odd, and Even outs (+panning) creates a fatter sound than the ALL output alone, and opens up possibilities for parallel processing. Soon will come the time to take a rich, dissonant, drone-like sound and modulate each individual frequency, as you suggested, Lucia. Brainstorming a few ideas for doomsday patches.
....mwahahahahaHAHA HA HA HA HA HA
I put a 40mm deep module into one of those Moog racks, but I wouldn't get one much deeper than that. Remember that you still need a little bit of space for the ribbon cables at the bottom.
As a rule, the module depths are listed with the current draws on the module listings themselves. The depths also appear in the 'mouse-over' popups, plus the maximum depth in a given rack gets shown, again, down by the current draws.
Unfortunately, some companies and/or users posting modules are a bit slack when it comes to this measurement...annoyingly so, in fact, because (as you point out) it's a rather critical factor when dealing with typical cabs these days, which tend to be shallower. Cab makers aren't much help at times, either; I had to nag on Arturia earlier this week, in fact, when I couldn't find any listing of the internal depths in their Rackbrute cases (ie: over the busboard and over the empty space). To date, they've still not provided that updated info on their site. grrr......
I've recently given in to my base desires and started to build a little modular setup. Bought a Moog Mother32 which sounds well nice, then got the Moog branded two-tier rack and Moog branded eurorack case, with a TipTop uZeus to power some modules.
Then I won a Doepfer A-110-1 on ebay, and the damn thing doesn't fit in the moog eurorack case due to the A-110-1 being too deep for the unnecessarily weird dimensions of the case.
Any way I can find out how deep modules are so I can be sure they'll fit in the case? This site only appears to mention the width of a module rather than any other dimensions? And might anyone recommend a suitably shallow oscillator module to complement the moog?
A smooth transaction buying a Batumi from @Leyy, quick shipping and great communication. Thanks!
I had a perfect experience purchasing a Mutable Instruments Streams from @kingcons Great communications, shipping, and the packaging was bombproof. Buy with confidence from this seller!
Hey Modular Grid,
Sincere apologies if the uZeus or any other Tiptop Audio / MG changes created confusion. We see that it caused a disruption with users and the database—that was not the intention.
While working on a solution to get all Tiptop Audio information updated on Modular Grid, some items were incorrectly labeled, changed or unlisted. We're working to make sure the modules are correct and the experience is positive for all.
Thanks to everyone who helped so that it could be fixed right away.
If you have any questions, message us and we'll get back to you as quick as possible.
I don't interfere with the manufacturers decisions but in this case I have reverted the wrong power specs, because they are potentially harmful.
@modulargrid can we please also edit this https://www.modulargrid.net/e/tiptop-audio-uzeus just because it's no longer available it should not be hidden.
-- ParanormalPatroler
I also have listed the old uZeus again, because I don't think TipTop has unlisted that on purpose. I have sent them another notice.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
I bought an uO&C from @Virgil.
Good communication, fast delivery & a nice guy. The module was in perfekt condition. I highly recommend this seller!!
Yeah, like YIKES!
I've added the temporary version linked below and anyone can use it but be warned I'll take steps to delete it once TipTop's official version is usable again:
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-jlr-s-uzeus-2016-- JohnLRice
microbrute has a sequencer, but it is only 1 channel - so you can only have one sequence running at one time and the number of slots for saving is low, if it's anything like the sequencer on my minibruteSE which I think it is
also not sure how you'd trigger/synch the beats - never had a volca
I also have a BSP and for sequencing a drum machine/bass/lead it's perfect + it has loads of slots etc - much better than my minibruteSE - I use it for sequencing a modular synthesizer and triggering
another option which may be possible is to use a precision adder - but then you are into buying a rack etc - which you may not want to do at the moment - and you would be limited to a specific interval
another option is to not worry so much - get the dreadbox module and try it - you may get what you want from tuning the microbrute and the dreadbox to different intervals - you might want a guitar tuner (there are free ones for your phone)
tbh I'd do this and then get a BSP (pretty cheap used) if needed or go in a totally different direction (if you want to keep your money - run and don't look back - there's a reason they call it eurocrack!!!)
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
@modulargrid can we please also edit this https://www.modulargrid.net/e/tiptop-audio-uzeus just because it's no longer available it should not be hidden. WTF TipTop, congrats on having 0 knowledge of how MG works.
I suggest that locks should not apply to mods so that we can mitigate such mistakes quickly. Maybe a notification can be sent to module owner/manufacturer when a mod edits the module, so that there is some accountability. Just a suggestion.
Yeah, like YIKES!
I've added the temporary version linked below and anyone can use it but be warned I'll take steps to delete it once TipTop's official version is usable again:
TipTop has set the manufacturer lock.
I have sent them a message that they should fix the wrong power specs and should revert the image.
If you find other issues: everybody can contact them with the Message button besides the Manufacturer Approved Stamp.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Is Tiptop trying to subtly hint that I installed this entirely wrongly by putting it on the left side of my rack?