Thanks a lot Chase :) Much appreciate you taking the time to write this long post.
I had a listen/look at the Pony by BEFACO and also the Doepfer A-111-3.
I suppose I coud also use my Braids though I would rather not sacrifice it "just" for FM purposes :) Hence my question.
The SY0.5 is really nice indeed; not as rewarding straight away like a BIA but in the end it is more of my taste (analog thing about it...). The fact that it responds to velocity makes it a joy to modulate :)
Will go and patch now :)
Thanks for taking the time once again.
All the best,

I am using a Michigan Synth Works SY0.5.
In this YT video, Ben a.k.a. DivKid talks about FM - audio rate frequency modulation through the pitch input of the SY0.5. I would like to know which OSC I should look at to perform this duty. I suppose one with as many waves as possible to have diversity. Would pitch stability be key?
Size and price DO matter: this VCO would nearly only be used to perform this type of duty.
Looking at a Dixie 2.
Any advice?
Many thanks,

Hi to all :)
Not sure this is the right place but...
I am using an Octatrack Mk2 (referred to as OT) as a mixer/remixer for my modular. It sums 2 mono signals from a Ladik A-541 - (usually 1 channel for kick and the other for bass) and a stereo signal from the Make Noise XOH -
I am using the filter distortion in the OT on kicks and generally to beef up the sound coming from my modular.
What Eurorack module could do the same type of "filter distortion" or any type of distortion to get to the same result?
Any idea?
I am also using the filter distortion from the OT on the Master track in the OT to beef up the mix... OT is then going into a FMR RNC and finally an Analog Heat Mk2. For info :)
Current rack: ModularGrid Rack

Couple of questions regarding the module:
1) The 3 OUTPUTS all the way down are the ACCENTS OUT?
2) The next 3 up are the "normal" TRIGS OUT?
3) The next 3 INPUTS up are the FILLS?
4) The last next 3 INPUTS up are the CVs for X, Y and Chaos?

Finally CLOCK is on the left or right of the little logo?
The RESET IN takes a basic trigger to reset?
Thanks for any info and advice.
All the best,

Hi again :)
I am looking for a stereo filter to use after my Monsoon.
A bit more details: I am using a wavetable voice (Osiris) going through a SEM filter which then gets processed by a mid side module (WORNG MidSide+). The side is processed by a reverb (reverse reverb from FX Aid). This is fed into Monsoon. I would like to tame down the processed audio with a stereo filter.
Any advice or opinions on this type of filter?
Currently looking at Shakmat Dual Dagger, Bizarre Jezabel pkhi mk3, WMD Overseer. Multimode would be a plus :)
Thanks for any advice or input :)
ModularGrid Rack

Thanks again for the heads up :) Muchh appreciated.
That is exactly what I am doing :)
Though it takes (not always) Batumi some time to sync properly and correct te offset.

Hey :)
Thanks for offering to help.
I am troubleshooting the issue since yesterday.
As described in an earlier post:
I have 2 patterns for my kick module.
One is coming from a sequencer and the other is coming from Batumi in divide mode (input 2), clocked on every beat (4/4) from my case. The same clock is also sent to sync/reset input 2.
When I switch from the sequencer pattern to the Batumi pattern (2nd output in square mode), sometimes Batumi is not giving me the expected result, ie the sequence falls on 2 and 4 instead of 1 and 3.
Sometimes the solution is to cycle through the 4 Batumi modes until getting back to divide mode.
Also, based on your post, I tried to switch from Sync to Reset (with Poti) and it seems to work but takes various attempts.

Can you describe your issue a bit better? What exactly is the issue? I still think that it has to do with batumi not knowing which of your triggers/clocks is the first one to start the bar. You need to find a way to give the LFO the chance to get that first beat. Then it can sync to that speed.

Which site?

I have no idea how to change FW on Batumi.
Do you mind going through some explanations or is it too much to ask?
I have not found so many resources apart from a few tutorials on YT.
The Reset/Sync thing is not working as expected though...

Thanks for your post :)
That goes to show how much I know my modules :)
I am looking at it right now and will get back.

Not sure if this is an issue or user error/misunderstanding.
I also understand that Batumi is analog... Maybe this explains it all :)
Here is the "problem":
I have 2 patterns for my kick module.
One is coming from a sequencer and the other is coming from Batumi in divide mode, clocked from my case.
Clock is sent to sync/reset input 4.
When I switch from the sequencer pattern to the Batumi pattern (divide by 8 on the 4th output in square mode), sometimes Batumi is not giving me the expected result, ie the sequence falls on 2 and 4 instead of 1 and 3.
Sometimes the solution is to cycle through the 4 Batumi modes until getting back to divide mode.
This does not work all the time though.
Any idea what is going on?
Should I use the reset option instead of the sync option?
The reset sync is on the sync position (through poti) and the clock is plugged in the reset/sync input.

Hi @Loersatz,
This may or may not be what you're looking for, but it came to mind for me when reading your post!

Edit: It is officially discontinued, but I believe I've still seen it in stock at some of the online shops.
-- Chace

Nice :)
Thanks for sharing this.
Exactly what I was looking for.

I have a Doepfer A-182-2 and I am looking at a module that would generate the "opposite" function:
On the Doepfer A-182-2, one input can be routed to either one of the two outputs.
Not looking for the exact same but any option would be welcome :)
Thank you,

Hi @Jukeshoe,
Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.
I have a relatively small setup as well but enough to have fun (9U 84hp).
Here is the link: ModularGrid Rack
I am still unsure which way I am going in terms of drums: I do like the idea of patching my own kick but again, space IS crucial, as you can see :) I am in no rush though and with Plaits and SY0.5, I am good to go.

Hey @Jukeshoe,
Would you mind sharing what type of (basic?) oscillator to choose to design a kick?
I posted something here:
Not sure this is the right place :)
Thank you,

Hi :)
I am contemplating using a basic VCO to design my own kicks.
I am making mainly techno/dub techno/electro.
I am using a Michigan Synth SY0.5 and/or a MI Plaits to design my kicks and other hats/claps/percs.
Yet I am looking into more options for designing my kicks mainly. I am happy with Plaits and SY0.5 (or sometimes samples) for various other perc elements (hats/claps/perc).
I understand that using a basic VCO with various waveforms would also require a mixer (to eventually mix the various waveshapes), some EG (preferably ASR or ADSR) and some VCAs.
- I have a PipSlope Mk2, a Doepfer A-140 (ADSR with a Retrig input which can be interesting for adding some variation as well as an inverted out) and a XAOC Zadar for EGs.
- I also have a basic VCA (Doepfer A130-2)
I would need:
1) A basic mixer: would a Doepfer A-138n (basic 4 inputs) be good enough or a mixer/polarizer (more sound design options) like a Doepfer A-138j would be better?
2) A basic VCO: what should I look into? Bear in mind that this VCO would be used mainly for this purpose. Now I could also use it for other purposes :)
1) I am limited by space (as ever...).
2) I do processing outside my eurorack, therefore compression and saturation are not considered.
Any advice would be gladly appreciated.

Hi :)
I am using various solutions to design my kicks:
1) Michigan Synth SY0.5
2) MI Plaits
3) Sometimes using samples but I am not convinced anymore :)
Nevertheless, I am still pursuing the best solution to design my kicks as ready made ones (macro oscillators or other dedicated kick modules) do not offer as much sound design possibilities.
I have been gathering info from YT and I come to the conclusion that I am more enclined to use a basic VCO with various waveforms, an EG (ADSR or ASR) and a VCA to yeld the results I am aiming at.
Here are a couple of resourceful videos in case it can help:
- The Modular Spaghetti Solutions - Making a Eurorack modular Techno kick drum with an envelope generator. No VCA needed
- Sinus - Tech Talk 004 Make Your Own Kickdrum In Eurorack Pure Analog Deep Full Live Patching
- Thomann - How to create the perfect kick drum | Lets Patch | Thomann
- DJ TechTools - How To Make An Analog Kick with Tobi Neumann
- Voltage Control Lab - Eurorack Modular Kick Drum Tutorial
- Stazma - Analog Kick Drum tutorial: Stazma Modular Tips & Tricks

Just wanted to let you know that it was a real pleasure to make a swap with @rlanguillat.
Contact was swift, communicatoion really good and I would recommend this guy to anyone.
Advice, opinions and critics more than welcome :)
Thank you

Thanks @JimHowell1970 and @Sythic
Transpose would be added value indeed :)
I believe a chalkboard would be an option.

Hi @JimHowell1970
Thanks for your input.
What exactly do you mean by "the precision adding in links is superfluous"?
Not precise at all?

OK so just trying to use what I currently have as of now.
Could I do the following:
1. Send a quantised sequence from Voltage Block to MI Links In1
2. Send a random sequence from Mimetic Digitalis to MI Links In2 (which could go through an attenuator for more control)
3. Send MI Links Out 1 to an Osc Pitch In
MI Links would actually transpose, no?

Works great :)
Thank you all.

OK so just trying to use what I currently have as of now.
Could I do the following:
1. Send a quantised sequence from Voltage Block to MI Links In1
2. Send a random sequence from Mimetic Digitalis to MI Links In2 (which could go through an attenuator for more control)
3. Send MI Links Out 1 to an Osc Pitch In
MI Links would actually transpose, no?

Hi @Chace :)
Thanks for the heads up.
So if I understand correctly, I could:
1) Send a V/Oct pitch CV from Voltage Block
2) Have it going up/down in a random manner from Mimetic Digitalis
Now my question: how do I integrate the precision adder in the flow?
I am looking at the Doepfer A-185-2 and not sure how to work it out.
All these utilities modules are new to me :)
Apologies for the dumb question.

Thank you @farkas :)
I have indeed used the MI Links as a precision adder and it does the trick.
I was talking about a solution with Voltage Block + Mimetic Digitalis + Lapsus Os as I could have more than one voice being quantized.
As you had a look at my current rig, may I ask if you see any "inconsistencies"?
Thanks again for taking the time.

Hi all,
I have a (stupid?) question.
I am using both a Mimetic Digitalis and Voltage Block to sequence CV.
I would like to avoid buying a quantizer as space is a "luxury" :)
Here is my question: let's say I want to send a random CV sequence from Mimetic Digitalis but would like it to be quantized.
Can I send this random sequence to Lapsus Os and offset it with a quantized sequence from Voltage Block?
Or should I look at it the other way around, ie: send a quantized CV sequence from Voltage Block to Lapsus Os and offset it with a random CV sequence from Mimetic Digitalis?
Am I missing something in the understanding of offset?
Any help/hint/advice would be much apprecuiated.

Thank you :)
I am in Spain and have no clue about custom/import tax on ordering from the USA.
Will have a look at it.
Many thanks again for pointing it out.

Hi all,
I am trying to source this module from Hikari Instruments:
Link provided goes to a Japanese website:
Not so gifted with internet and willing to know if there is a way to trnslate the page or is it a no go.
Any help or guidance very welcome and appreciated, as always.


I sent an email to Doepfer regarding this. This is the content of the email I sent:

"Good afternoon,
I am the proud owner of the above case. Very happy with it :) THANK YOU.
The technical details of the power supply give me the following: 2000 mA -12V | 1200 mA -12 V | 4000 mA 5V.
My current draw on the power supply is as follow: 1884 mA +12V | 1099 mA - 12V | 92 mA 5V.
How far can I push the system in terms of power? Is there a threshold that I should take into consideration?
I have tried to balance the +12 V evenly on the 3 rails:
Thank you very much in advance for any help and support from you.
Best of all,

This is the answer I got from Doepfer as per today:

the A-100PSU3 outputs 2000mA@+12V, 1200mA@-12V and 2000mA@+12V. Each A-100PSU3 is tested under these conditions before it leaves the factory with so-called dummy loads.
But the A-100PSU3 will not turn on if the currents are beyond the specifications of the A-100PSU3. We discovered that some modules from other manufacturers consume more current than specified by the manufacturer during power on (so-called in-rush current). If the sum of all currents during power on exceeds the A-100PSU3 specifications it will not turn on because it is not able to deliver more than the specified currents.
Best regards
Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH"

Hope this helps and clarifies :)

I have the same case.
Power Consumption: 1836 mA +12V | 971 mA -12V | 90 mA 5V
All good :)

Actively following this thread, thanks to @JimHowell1970 for mentioning matrix mixers :)

Thank you VERY much Jim,
I appreciate you taking the time detailing your answer to my questions.

Indeed home (studio) usage as no dates for live as of yet.

The Doepfer case I have ( is not that bad: 2000mA +12V / 1200mA -12V / 4000mA +5V. It is the PSU3 version, not the old one.
I was going to go for a Case From Lake 12U 104hp but changing the power source in it (Meanwell if I am correct) to a Doepfer one was going to cost me a lot of cash. I might just go for another Doepfer 6U 84 hp (
I have some hungry modules (4ms Listen4 is 200mA +12V, Sarajewo is 180mA +12V), I am getting to the point where I will have to spare power consumption. I might swap Sarajewo for Chronoblob2 and Listen4 for the Supamix from Eowave.

Regarding utilities and your statement "it's possible you don't know what they are yet..."
You are absolutely correct on this one: I am looking at sequential switches, switches, logic etc...
It does make sense as I am well served with OSCs and modulation but your signature just stroke me (sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities :) Some of these utilities I understand and can see the need for them. Others remain a mistery but surely time will tell...
I will most likely PM you (if that is ok by you) and ask some questions regarding others.

Sorry for asking the stupid question about matrix mixers as I went and had a look on YT which clearly explained it :)
The Doepfer one looks pretty good to me. If you have any suggestions, I will gladly read your post.

Thank you for your time, much appreciated.


Hi Jim and Eowave :)
Eowave got in touch with me to let me know about the current situation :)
Really looking forward to getting that one.

Thanks for your input, much appreciated.
Neither for live or studio really.
Having fun patching :)
I hear you when you are saying 104hp...
Went from a rackbrute 6U to a Doepfer 9U thinking (like everyone else I suppose) it would be "enough"... HAHAHA!!!
And I totally understand when you refer to more utilities: the last modules I bought were actually oriented this way:
- Ladik A-541 for 2 mono OUT feeding Octatrack IN A and IN B
- Ladik A-410 Pan/Mix/VCA
- MI Links not so much for multing but rather as a precision adder
Next one will most likely be Ladik S-090 Dual Probability Skipper and then already thinking about Sequential Switches...
What other utilities do you have in mind?
Could you also elaborate on matrix mixers if you don't mind?
Many thanks for taking the time.

Hi all,
My journey into modular is at this point so far: ModularGrid Rack
This is where I would like to go: ModularGrid Rack
Any advice/opinion would be welcome. I am mainly making ambient and techno on this rig.

I am using a Torso T-1 to sequence all this and also using an Octatrack Mk2 which serves mainly as mixer (Live resampler + effects), hence the 2 mixers in my rack:
1) Supamix (not yet available) to replace my 4ms Listen4 which is very power hungry (200 mAh +12V) ans also because it has a nice couple of features (mutes). This mixer is routed to a stereo pair on OT.
2) Ladik A-541 which feeds 2 mono signals to OT as well. Mainly SY0.5 and Plaits for drum duties although Plaits could serve a lot more :)
I just flashed Desmodus Versio to Electus Versio to have a go at it.

Also looking for a nice little LPG: Takaab 2LPGv2 or Herzlich Labs Omen. Not sure as of yet.

OSCs: I am pretty well served at this point but not sure about NE Manis Iteritas as I am eyeing a BIA.

Filters: very pleased with Polaris but would gladly add a different flavour to my rig:
Shakmat Dual Dagger or XaVCF from G-Storm Electro (this one for a very unique flavour).

Effects: really like the XAOC Sarajewo but I am curious about the Alright Devices Chronoblob2.

Again, any advice, comments or opinions are more than welcome :)
Thank you for your time.

Sounds VERY good :)
80 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

Indeed it is not listed but on sale here:
I did submit a request form as well on Eowave website.
I shall be patient...

I am just looking at this to replace my 4ms Listen4.
No details on power consumption.
Has anyone any details on this one by chance?
Thank you :)

Thanks for your time, much appreciated :)
have sent an email to XAOC.
Will get back here to clarify in case it can help :)

Thanks for that :) Had not yet opened the downloader... My bad :)
Is there a way, in the setup menu, to restore the unit to factory default? INITIALIZE?
Thank you :)

Hi all :)
I see there is a FW update (2.0.7) and I also see my module has less than the 270 EGs as described on the XAOC website.
2 questions:
1) How do you update the FW on these?
2) Is there a way to reset the module to a "factory default" state as I bought mine and all EGs have been mesed with.
Thanks for any hint,

Hi all,
I am coming here to get some advice on my project.
Currently running a 6U 88hp (Arturia RackBrute) with techno/electro in mind.
This is a beginning. I am forecasting a 9U 104hp. Reason is I am currently using an OT mk2 as a mixer as well as basic drum machine (usually no more then 3 voices) + rarely looping/sampling much.
I am using a Torso T-1 to sequence everything modular.
Also using an FMR RNC (as a pseudo limiter) before going into an Elektron Heat mk2 as end of audio chain.
I am willing to expand my system to "get rid of" the OT and this is the reason why I am planning this bigger case.
I would like to add a kick as well as an extra perc voice (could be a BIA as well as a basic clap/hat sample player or voices).
Still debating extra VCA (Tangle Quartet, Quad VCA...). Will need more EGs as well (AD vs ADSR?) and also some more attenuverters.
Just willing to have some opinion.
Thanks for any input.

Thank you very much Cédric,

Very kind of you to have taken the time to detail all this.

I am actually using a Mimetic Digitalis (with Lapsus OS) and really like it.
Hoping for a Voltage Block to restock as it is impossible to find one.
Really appreciate all the tips as I am only starting with modular.
Having a blast :)


Hi Cédric,

Thanks a lot for your help. I was expecting it to be this.

When you say "You have to pass it thru an enveloppe + VCA combo", could you detail the actual connection?
Should I just output the sub OUT to an EG (I have a pip slope mk2 at the moment) through its gate or trigger?
And then to the VCA?

Thank you very much for the help, much appreciated.

Had a glance at your 416 rack and there is a lot of the same I am looking at (Voltage Block for instance).


Hi all,

Second post here.

Just a question as stated above. I have contacted ModBap weeks ago but no answer from them. Maybe someone knows.

Here it is: while using the 2 separate outputs on the Osiris, (one for the voice and the other for the sub OSC), I get a non stop sub out even when stopping my sequencer. Output is connected to a separate input on my mixer (4ms Listen4). I do understand that the sub out gives a full volume, which is not a problem as I can tame it down with the mixer.

The weird thing is that when I hit stop on my sequencer, the sub out keeps delivering its full volume out. It will only stop on a double press on stop on the sequencer. MORE: when double pressing stop on the sequencer, I still get a signal (audio?) coming on my mixer (4ms Listen4). I do not hear anything but it looks like something is still coming out. Confirmed by the fact that I get the same visual signal on the A/B inputs on my Octatrack. Same as the 4ms mixer.

Any idea?

Thanks for any hint in advance, much appreciated as ever,

Thanks a lot for the help, really much appreciated.
I will make some tests and get back here if it can help anybody :)

This is the manual I am actually referring to :)
So that would mean I can send a velocity (cv, not trigger) message to the trigger input?

In this guide, it says that the trigger input has a dynamic response to input levels. Maybe this is what you are referring to.
-- fretless19

Hi and thanks a lot for the hint, really appreciated.
I am using a Torso T-1 to sequence this module and I know I have the option to send cv with pitch OR velocity but I cannot get my head around as to how send various levels of velocity (I can do that on T-1 no problem with as it has a dedicated knob for this function).
When you say "you will need a sequential that has a velocity parameter" it refers to that?
Now, "modulate the trigger before entering into the SY0.5" in the trigger input or pitch?
Really sorry if my question seems stupid but as I said, I am only starting.
Thanks a lot to both of you.

I imagine that they refer to the Trigger input, I see that it responds to different levels of the trigger, so the higher the peak voltage of the trigger, the greater the response of the internal VCA.
Other modules respond the same to a 6V trigger as to a 8V trigger or a 10V trigger. In this case, it appears that the trigger directly drives an internal VCA, so it is sensitive to the trigger voltage.
To take advantage of this you will need a sequential that has a velocity parameter or modulate the trigger before entering into the SY0.5.
Best regards,
-- ferranadsr

Sorry if my question is redundant but I have not managed to find an answer to this one.
I have read somewhere (cannot find it anymore...) that the module responds to velocity. How do I send velocity and to what input?
I am only starting with modular and some notions and concepts are still a little vague.
Thanks for any feedback/hint on the matter.