Shall we play a game? JK...interesting sounds...not sure I would get along with all the icons that are used as labels, but on the other hand as with other modules its probably just a matter of getting used to what they mean over time.
-- jb61264

Yeah, icons may confuse a bit in first approach. The author wanted this device to be mysterious AF) But for me it actually took only about a week to learn the ways around the parameters – not much, I can say..

Industrial and noisier EDM types are gonna dig this...
-- Lugia

I, personally, as a noise musician, found this module quite useful. Also had a nice results during "strange speech manipulations", sounds quite like glitches in modern GSM algorithms.. Maybe I'll shoot a vid about it too)

Hi everyone!
Our humble manufacture presents the flagship device – bit-crushing unit made on Soviet components! We made a little video with basic functions review and lots of sounds from the machine.

Module's page –

Will gladly answer any questions!