Wow, crazy low price
-- fuzboxz

no r&d costs + piss poor build quality = low cost
I mean, look at the demo video, the pots are as wobbly as pots come
-- Fruarse

They're fine, have you ever played Buchla 200e modules? Some are astronomical in price, like 3k+ euro and more. I have, all of their knobs wobble. In fact, they are the same exact knobs Behringer uses and some wobble even more. Interestingly, they are the last things to fail in those systems. My Buchla Easel Command has these and they wobble way more than those on my Behringer Abacus.

Both... that is the correct answer
-- Dub007

The leftover space is for a uBraids or beehive and another quad vca, but I like the way you think!

Please help me with making a decision. Looking for a great multi channel modulation source. I want something more exciting than Batumi. Here's my rack:
ModularGrid Rack

Currently torn between Kermit MK3 and o_C. So far the pros and cons I gathered are:
- More versatile? Many different modes for modulation. Sequencing - euclidean, random etc. Just generally lots of different features. Hemispheres. Much cheaper even compared to a second hand Kermit. Also smaller.
However - More menu diving, less hands-on.
Can be a great wavetable oscillator. Preset morphing. More hands-on.

That's what I gathered so far. Can someone explain just how much Kermit ground the o_C covers? Is there preset morphing or something similar in o_C that kermit can do? Wavetable oscilaltor? Any pros and cons comparing both that you can think of? Just to mention, I've had Batumi, but sold it to fund a Matriarch. Now I'm looking for more modulation again and want to try something new.

Thanks in advance!

So I'm slowly filling out this rack here. Just about filled up one row right now (pam, cs-l, Baths, Belgrad, doepfer VCA and disting).

ModularGrid Rack

The main aim for it would be psytrance. Juicy FM leads, squelches, bubbly sounds, atmos, crazy FX etc. Basically looking for good sound design possibilities and to have at least two voices playing different things at once. Right now it's quite capable, but obvioisly adding plaits, Ripples, marbles, varigate, peaks, Batumi clone, and the rest will push it a good deal forward. It will mostly be controlled with Ableton Push 3 (can output 4 cv or gate signals) but will have some light sequencing by way of varigate and marbles. I tried to strike a good balance between voices, modulation, sequencing and utilities. I don't care much about effects since I do most of that in Live, but really want to have that clouds in there.

Am I doing something obviously wrong in this rack? Do I have enough utilities like vcas and attenuverters? Do I have enough or too much modulation? Happy to hear your thoughts.