Hi Guys n Gals,
I was wondering "what's next" for my rack? I have a BSP and Korg SQ1 for sequencing duties and a System 1m in another rack.
It feels that I've ok for VCO and modulation, maybe another filter???
Thanks in advance!
Hi Guys n Gals,
I was wondering "what's next" for my rack? I have a BSP and Korg SQ1 for sequencing duties and a System 1m in another rack.
It feels that I've ok for VCO and modulation, maybe another filter???
Thanks in advance!
If you've got Warps I'm sure you've already installed the Parasite firmware, if not, DO IT :-)
I'd highly recommend all of these alt firmwares.
I'm also on OSX I've found using the 1m via USB rather fustrating. It initially worked, however literally the following day it wasn't been recognised in my DAW (Logic X).
How did you overcome this issue (if you had any issues at all that is...).
On saying that, I've reverted to using oldskool MIDI (for polyphony) and CV (when patched up) more opten than not.
Great little synth though, I really like it's sound.
Hi folks! I'm selling my Doepfer lc6 Case with all Mutable Instruments modules. For the moment I want it to be in just one sale, as a pack, that's why i don't want offer modules one by one on the Marketplace.
Price: 2600 euros
Any suggestions or offers, please private message me.
Black Varishape VCO2: Described here: http://www.ericasynths.lv/en/shop/eurorack_modules/7252-black_varishape_vco2.html
Color Palette explained: http://www.blackmarketmodular.com/#colour-palette/colour-palette-features
BASTL GRANDPA: http://www.google.de/url?url=http://www.bastl-instruments.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/MANUAL-GRAND-PA_WEB.pdf&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwie3YCNzpLLAhVkDJoKHay-BicQFggZMAE&usg=AFQjCNG4K1K0JJQEPerSdl49X1zCvw1X8A
Now read up.
Not everything I have has a manual and the manual may say out, but not all the options that out could mean.
But thanks. hopefully I wont smoke anything.
In general, there is no fundamental difference between audio and CV, both are just voltages. What makes them one or the other is the receiving end. E.g. there is not much use in listening to 1V of DC, but add that voltage to the 1v/Oct input of a VCO and it will play one octave higher. Avoid patching together OUTs of modules that produce a voltage. Other than that I , go ahead and try. When unexpected things happen, unplug and try to figure out what's happening. Also, read up on the manuals when you're stuck. It might help ;-)
Do you have photos of the contraption? I'd really like to make one for myself.
In some cases things seem obvious and in others I think its something you need to learn. I have:
Black Varishape VCO2 - Connections - IV/OCT, EXP FM, PWM, OUT
Black Market Colour Palette - Connections - CTRL A, CTRL B, CTRL C, CTRL D, IN(1), Out(1), IN(2), Out(2), IN(3), Out(3), VCA1, VCA2, VCA3, SUM.
BASTIL GRANDPA - Trig A, Trig B, Cv In, Out
OUT - I know means what it says, But out to where?
SUM is also an out and I know its summing 3 outs on the CP where the Outs are the discreet channel.
TRIG is it an in or an out and from where?
IV/OCT, EXP FM, CTRL - same question as TRIG
Cv in, can that Come from an OUT or just Cv outs?
What is the worst that could happen if you just try plugging something in to see what happens?
Thanks! Yes, thats what tech specs said but when I measured, the case is 55mm deep but beside power supply there are the jacks placed for each module on the bottom of the case and they are approx. 15 mm tall so I guess it will be very difficult. So I wanted to know if somebody tested it and succeeded.
I believe yes if it is not placed above power supply...
The 2040 is 42mm deep and the deepest place (not on earth!!!) in the Cell[48] DC is 52mm!
Can somebody tell me does Tiptop filter z2040 fits (the depth of module) in Pittsburgh modular 48HP case?
Well, what I'd like is users advice
For sale? No, i do it myself.
I used a buck converter dc to dc to converts the 12v to 3v to power the po's and i removed the external plug power connector and switch.
Link to buy the converter:
RfcAAOSwabhUYcNT" target="_blank">http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LM2596S-DC-to-DC-Buck-Converter-Adjustable-Power-Step-Down-Module-1-5-35V-UK-/361209263228?hash=item5419bff47cRfcAAOSwabhUYcNT
You could still try google with 'site: modulargrid.net headphone amp' and add keywords to thin out.
Yes thanks. But, if you search for the combination of both "mixer headphone" it only finds the one I posted, but I'm sure there are diferent options which are not showing.
In the Modules section, search for 'headphone' as a module name.
Make your choice.
...id mention the Klee Sequencer uses shift regs to provide mult cvs out (4) banks
-- xPump
Thx xPump for mentioning Klee, it was even coined the "Shift Register Sequencer" by its inventor.
i suspect this isn't whats being discussed but i thought id mention the Klee Sequencer uses shift regs to provide mult cvs out (4) banks
This is kind of a west coast oscillator meets east coast synth voice meets Japanese envelope/LFO with some other stuff in-between. I'd be grateful for any feedback on my first foray into eurorack. I'm mainly trying to make the transition from "traditional" synths to modular. If anyone sees any big gaps or has any "what are you thinking??" advice, I'd appreciate it.
I'm planning on mounting it in a tilt-up SKB mixer case with Tiptop Z-rails and ears. This will allow easy expansion to a third row later. I also have an Arturia Minibrute that will integrate some additional CV I/O.
Thanks to the following members for buying my stuff @regularfish @brhmh @Jinx @Maffez all pain free transactions
I'm using a Doepfer A-138b for audio (which is tight for my smallish 2x84) and a Ladik M-120 which offers 3 ch of bipolar CV mixing and offset, too. I myself learned about that the hard way e.g. , got a fancy quad lfo, then found out that its full CV swing is rarely useful. Many ch of CV need many ch of attenuverting/mixing.
@wiggler5550, thanks for your input. Yes your right...I totally forgot about the mixer...dooh! I will probably end up adding a couple as I like the flexibility this can give me. Any modules you recommend on this front? CV mixing and attenuation...ooohhh, that's something I know nothing about...yet!
Hi Swirve74, I see 3 envelopes but no audio mixer?
You will need one, all the more with that bottom row.
Also, with your lot of modulation sources you will need CV mixing and attenuation.
After years of talking about building a modular synth, I am finally about to go for it.
The top row of this synth is what I will buy to start with, and the second row are modules I want...but can't afford right away. Hopefully I will buy them throughout the year though
If anyone has any comments /advice on modules I am missing/will need /or might benifit from please let me know.
I'm new to this weird and wonderful world of modular so would appreciate advice from those with experience.
Is there any module with similar functionallity/price in the market today? I mean a cheap mixer with output level and L/R chanels normalized?
THere are dedicated lines for one CV and one gate/trigger signal in a Doepfer compatible modular system. However, these are used rarely. See:
Pin usage: http://www.doepfer.de/a100_man/A100_bus_orientation.pdf
http://www.doepfer.de/faq/a100_faq.htm#Bus CV and Gate
I have a question.. So, I have a Doepfer a-100 powered case and a small collection of 15 or so different modules. With all these pins on the back of each module precisely connected to the rails are there any timing or sync or control voltage signals being shared or tied in to the rack.. It's cool if there isn't, though it seems as if there's more pin connections then just power .. -Thanks - Jupitor
My live set from Volt Divers on Feb.13th, 2016.
It's actually 2 sets. I played my initial 22min set as booked,
then got asked to play again towards the end.
So i powered my case back on, and went for it ! Thanks Jeph Nor for recording!
What a fantastic evening! Thanks for listening :)
Hello all,
I thought you might be interested in this new site of mine which was born out of the desire to bring together all the amazing videos people are making these days. A place to inspire, see tutorials, watch performances and more. We even have our own Soundcloud group - add your tracks if you like!
Its only been just over a month or so but we seem to be getting good feedback and a hell of a lot of visitors.
Please check it out and like our Facebook page if you think we're doing something right.
Soundcloud group -
Thanks to @fungophil for the great tansaction, couldn'tbe happier
try the Turing Machine
or a lfo + A-151 Rev. 2 , A-152 or A-160-5
basically the same idea :)
Aloha All,
New to the eurorack universe, and having a great time researching. I have a few questions though, and don't know anyone in my state who is into euroracks.
I've decided that I want to pursue building a eurorack. Ive ordered a case (LC9) and currently possess a Sub 37 in my home studio. I'm not sure where to start however...I've been watching youtube videos and reading on this forum.
My goal is to create a eurorack that compliments my gear including the Sub 37 to make dope melodies for my tracks. Any recommendations for my first few modules? Would I need a Mide-CV gate such as the Doepfer A-190-4 to receive Midi in from the Sub 37? Also, maybe an additional oscillator such as the Tip Top 3000 mk2.
Basically, my question is if I own a moog, what do I not need to get started in the eurorack. All advice appreciated. Mahalo!
There are a few modules using shift registers, one of them being the famous Benjolin (https://www.modulargrid.net/e/epoch-modular-benjolin). Other modules using shift registers: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/modules/browser?SearchName=register&SearchVendor=&SearchFunction=&SearchSecondaryfunction=&SearchTe=&SearchTemethod=max&SearchBuildtype=b&SearchMarketplace=&SearchIsmodeled=&SearchShowothers=1&SearchShow1u=&order=newest
Do you use a module with shift registers? Why? Do you even care? Just wondering...
How about: hover over a blank spot in your rack (between 2 modules for instance) and a popup tells you how many blank HP are there. Would make module layout even easier than you've already made it.
Hi everyone,
i'm looking for a Model 14 to buy, if you want to sell, just tell me
thanks a lot
Ability for users to annotate their racks in some way.
I use Modular Grid to explore and research future modules. I use the racks to group modules under exploration and use the rows as default categories by shuffling modules around the rows as I learn more about them. This alows me to see all modules under research all in one view rather than in seperate racks.
-- John Jacobs
Exactly what John described.
MG is the #1 module research tool for me.
...option is to specify how many 3u and 1u rows to add when making a case. grow in use soon.
-- exper
That would be very helpful!
So far I have to sketch out my future 1+3+1+3 U x 104 HP case using pen & squared paper.
Or should it be 3+1+1+3 U : - ?
Lest I forget: What's there seems thoroughly thought out and works amazingly well.
So thanks A LOT for what we have.
Honestly, how do you call european countries which are not in the EU?
-- modulargrid
Europe (non-EU)?
Added Switzerland as a region in the marketplace.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
I have another request: Can you make 2 regions for Europe, EU and Non-EU?
-- bj_gzp
I can not find the right term. Non-Eu would also be Hongkong.
I have renamed Europe to EU and have added Switzerland to the list.
That is not the most universal but practical solution to me since we have many swiss users so they deserve their extra status.
Sorry I needed one year for that
Honestly, how do you call european countries which are not in the EU?
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
A CSV export of data sheets would be very useful for me as well. :-)