Just installed this module. WOW she is beautiful. All the way from gentle winds to aggressive pushing the barriers at the edge of insanity. Very well done Make Noise.

Yeah, and my wallet needs more Ben Franklins!

needs another row!

Your wish is my command. Its's online.
-- modulargrid

Thanks a lot, man!

57 and counting :D

For manic unicorn members like myself:
A rack counter, visible close to the "new rack" button

Your wish is my command. Its's online.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

£210 that's for mkI, the cost of parts, panels and pcbs for mkII far below that. people should not be fooled

Frequeny Central lists the price for an assembled module to £210, which roughly translates to 290 €.
Waverider Digital VCO on Frequeny Central
To be fair, I don't see that Holti tries to sell it?

It should be clear that MG tracks all changes of specs open visible for everyone
Change Log

Nonetheless any manipulation of prices will set me on rage mode
-- modulargrid

Don't edit pages with bullshit prices in order to sell the module for more. You can ask whatever You want, but it costs a lot less than 5000 bucks or 320 euros (I'm looking at You Holti), around 200 usd/ 180 eur. Gosh, what a dickhead moves.

nice sounding module btw
-- Endorfinity

Frequeny Central lists the price for an assembled module to £210, which roughly translates to 290 €.
Waverider Digital VCO on Frequeny Central
To be fair, I don't see that Holti tries to sell it?

It should be clear that MG tracks all changes of specs open visible for everyone
Change Log

Nonetheless any manipulation of prices will set me on rage mode

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

For manic unicorn members like myself:
A rack counter, visible close to the "new rack" button. Why? It's good to know beforehand if you're about to hit the maximum, and need to delete some of the not super important plans/racks. Especially useful if you plan to add a group of rack plans, say four variations of a single plan (then you can see if there is still room). And to know where your addiction is going... :)
Yes, one could count them manually, but really, in these days???

Don't edit pages with bullshit prices in order to sell the module for more. You can ask whatever You want, but it costs a lot less than 5000 bucks or 320 euros, around 200 usd/ 180 eur. Gosh, what a dickhead moves.

nice sounding module btw

My live modular set from pdx synesthesia.

I'm curious about the mixing output part. Is the mix, pan done outside the 12U ?


Great soundscapes!

Hi all. I'd love some feedback on these tracks that I recently shared on Soundcloud. Thanks for listening!

Sequenced and recorded with Cubase using old and new analog synthesizers, including this modular system:
ModularGrid Rack

Switched out for a Verbos Harmonic Osc today. Really love this module. So versatile! And lush!

Thread: Change Log

Did some mini tweaks.
The marketplace template includes now a code snippet to embed images from photo sites like imgur.
Funny enough some guys already commented on that template photo.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net


an easy, duct-tape hack for you within the site architecture then would be to iframe this for us, two columns side by side
-- 303

The mobile users won't like this, though...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

How do we correct a mistake in a Manufacturer name?

Just report it in the Forum :)
I have fixed it, thanks.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.

That will not come very soon but there is a nice workaround already:
you can open two racks in different browser windows and you can copy and paste modules between the browser windows with c, x and v keyboard shortcuts.

an easy, duct-tape hack for you within the site architecture then would be to iframe this for us, two columns side by side

Looks good. Just a thought. If you get a more compact mult you could add maybe a little 4:1 mixer for more possibilities.

Richard Thomson

this user has left ModularGrid

Rack updated! Comments most welcome. I'm combining this set up with some looper/delay guitar pedals. Mainly feeding flutes, radio, and my Atari Junk Console into the rack to see what happens...

see it at http://www.addacsystem.com/product/addac-accessories/addac0015

Big ask (??) would it be possible to add a further Doepfer style case with the ADDAC extension?

Thanks for your reply John, I did check the videos and I find the module quite interesting, but my experience tells me that when so many people sell something that much and so quickly something has to be wrong.
I'm glad you love it though, to each its own right? :)
I'd love to try it myself!

I personally love the thing, but I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea as Karplus Strong synthesis does rather stand out.

That being said, it being MN ensures that there is a TON of modulation options available ehich makes it incrediably organic. I like the switch from beautiful pluck (kind of it's "default" sound) to harsh digital noise with everything inbetween. Dual 1v/O & excite inputs can produce some amazingly complex sounds and crazy duophony.

I'm sure the sale of MN's tELHARMONIC has spurred a few to sell, however, it's probably a great time to get one as you'll probably end up picking one up for £150 with some gently bartering.

BUT you'll need a sweet analogue VCO (or 2) to support this module, it's a tad too unique to be a stand alone single VCO which may have truened some ppl off. I've also heard some complain about the tracking, however, it's odd behaviour is the reason I want to keep it - it does stand out in the crowd!

Obviously check out the MN online demos on YouTube.

Hope that helps!

Hi guys, I've seen a lot of these modules on the marketplace and I'm starting to think there is a reason why lots of people are getting rid of it, but it seem to me like an interesting module.
Can any owner or ex owner give me any thoughts about it?


Completly noob in terms of modular.
Im planning to start building one to hook up with my DSI Pro2 (sequencer).
I play electronic/ dance music. I want a trully analog with an added twist.
Give me your advices please.

Sonic State does a feature on this particular setup:

I would check out the Intellijel shapeshifter if you're looking for unique sound efx as well as melodic material. It's incredibly deep for the price, and constantly surprises me with what it can do. +1 for the mutable stuff as well. Especially clouds.


I write mostly Film/TV music and am looking to get a eurorack setup that I can use for discovering some different drone/texture sounds, interesting transitional material (swish, hit, swipe, etc.), and pulses to be mixed with some soft synths and other analog gear.

Leaning toward a mostly MakeNoise system 0 to get started (but in an 84hp case with a +12/-12/5v rail for each row), then wanted to bring in Mutable, and maybe some more esoteric modules--really like the Thonk contact mic one.

Was also considering a mostly Studio Electronics Modstar system that I would augment in a similar way (MATHS, Woggle, Clouds, Tides, etc.)


Thanks for any insight!

Try to find one !

it is now later : (

Purchased thru Perfect 👍

BTW Coolest ever +ADSR imho 

Hi guys !
I'm new here ! Want to upgrade my pittsburgh 10.1+ system .
Here picture how I see it , but maybe there is needless modules .
Need your advices . Thanks

I purchased one... not really understanding what I was getting into. I thought it was just a standard dual filter. . . NOPE

It does so much, WMD really know how to create devices that are more than they appear. The uHC is a sweet filter when the input gains are low. turn those gains up for wild sounds, unstable resonance, it was build for feedback, dont hesitate to self patch this module. If you want something that isnt traditional, it one of the best choices that you can make.

I'm currently in the process of making my first DIY (modules) Eurorack 84HP 3U (brand TBD) case. It will feature 909 clone drum machine using Hexinverter NeinOhNein modules. Everything will be controlled controlled with Beat Step Pro using its drum CV outs. There are currently few modules missing from Modulargrid and I will add them once built. Mising modules are: NeinohNein Kick & NeinohNein Snare.

New studio modular EP up :) Made with current rack. Free, Enjoy ;)


This is my first eurorack. Started the summer of 2015 and quickly grew. Even though this rack quickly grew I am pretty dedicated to not exceed the HP's of the case until I have something that can be fully used/played. My goal is to have a modular synth that can be played via MIDI/Octatrack or DAW, but also as a standalone creative oasis in the desert of menu diving software. ;)

2016-05-02: just ordered some new Bastl stuff: CV Trinity Expander + Mults. My first DIY's. Waiting for Tiptop to release their new quantizer....

Work in progress....

It wouldn't be difficult to make a 2hp clock module, but I'm guessing OP isn't into DIY

Beatstep pro has a clock output :D just sayin. He should get a clock module though if the a-149 needs one though. There are some 4hp ones, I couldn't find any for 2hp

He would need to clock the a-149, control two channels of optomix, 2 channels of vca and several dpo destinations, let alone modulate the modulation with self patching.
-- exper

Actually you're right - I didn't realise the A-149 required external clock.

That said the new suggestion looks great too. If you want to clock the A-149 without using a Maths you could add a dedicated clock module (if there was one that would fit into that 2hp (?) bit on the top right it'd be great, but I don't think that exists.)
Maybe the Ginko Synthese Tap LFO which has a clock out as well as a pretty complex LFO?
The Echophon would mean you can process external input with the modular, which would give more utility for sure.

Either way trust Exper's advice over mine. I only have about 16hp of Eurorack so far and I'm basically a passionate noob in the world of physical modular synthesis. I go by nothing but experience in SunVox and computer synthesis.

Thank You for your input, it's been truly helpful. Yeah, i'm going to some west coast complexity but i'm a little bit afraid of being redundant.
I start to create an alternative rack with more or less the same budget : ModularGrid Rack

Let me know what you think.

Thank you guys once again!!!


No sound is coming out of this module for me. Anyone else having this issue?

Unlisted California Drain module. Besides other issues specs seems wrong.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

-- sempervirent

It is different graphics though. A non-Thonk panel perhaps?