Thread: EMW AR 3X


does anyone know the maximum attack and decay times for this module? I've searched around and mailed EMW, but no answers this far...

Thanks in advance

The dankest.

I would use this on every patch.

Thread: Current

I kinda strolled around the muff researching about synchrodyne+expand, saw some old post where you were happy with it, clicked on your modgrid to lurk & wondered why only synchrodyne left :-) I am still note sure if I'll like it, there seems to be no THE sound of synchrodyne + expand, synchrodyne on its own tends to be bubbly-complex, which I like with the expand the demos get more varied + "abstract atonal horror fx vibes" - not sure if its just the taste of the demo makers or the combo pushing in this direction, what do you think?

Thread: Current

? I sold it three years ago? Back then I had a smaller case, kinda miss it though. Why you ask?

Thread: Current

hey summa, your synchrodyne expander disappeared? what happened?

Hi, @moriyama. That's a very helpful comment, I'll definitely look into it. Thanks

Hi Bruno,

for the throat singing/formant sounds you will need banpass-filters.
There are also special filters like the Rare Waves Grendel...

Is that an 84 hp on top of a 104 hp? Yay this is exactly what I made the "no case here" panels for! :)


I am completely new to modular, and planning a very specific rack. I would like to have a portable system that performs various layered, slowly evolving overtone-meditation sequences. Much like throat singing, Ohm chanting, singing bowls, etc. I would like to keep it small and affordable, and I don't need overly complex rhythm and structure modules. It would be very much centered around shaping the waves into interesting and enjoyable sounds that would stimulate the brain in as many ways possible. This is a rack I have put together based on what I have investigated and on what I have found is available (and not too expensive) in Europe. Four modules in there I have already purchased (Dixie II+, EON, VCADSR and Tangle quartet), the others are just ideas. For the layering I guess multiple oscillators are a must, but I was happy to find the harmonic oscillator that outputs the first eight harmonics as separate sine waves. I think I might need more mixing/VCA and effects for the outputs of my oscillators. For now I have added two tangle quartets but that might not be the best solution. Worth mentioning that I also have a Microbrute and a Novation midi controller that would possibly be part of this setup.

I would love to have some help on this project before I start ordering random stuff I will never use in the end.



ModularGrid Rack


You don't make adds when selling your modules at MG. Use the search function and you will find this:

Use that one instead. This way it's easier for both seller and buyer to find each other.

Thread: So Far

ModularGrid Rack

I have a fifth row that I was going to use for a Tonestar and Charcot Circle. Another mixer is also in the works. And another vca. Along with a Roland filter. I kind of like the large multi purpose modules but I don't know. Any suggestions? I'm using the new electribe for drums and a jd xi for sequencing. So there's that.

Top looks more interesting to me.

So I finally got some money together. Looks like I'll be spending it too and get over this research part that's just taking too long by now. I always thought I'd start with a synth voice like the atlantis and an effect module like Clouds and just build on from there. But starting with a simple VCO, an optomix, a Braids as second VCO and a Maths as envelope and LFO is about the same price and might give me more options in the future. I'll go by London Modular this week or next to just sneak a peek but would love to hear what y'all think. Top row or bottom row?

just posted the vid, haven't had my hands on any of them... also really interested!


-- thisisprisma
-- exper

have you had any hands on, or just posting the vid?
i've seen this one and a few others. DATAs visual response seems to lag in comparison.

thanks to the both of you for responses.

Just bought 2 modules from @allert
Very good communication via the website. Very friendly user.
As for the modules they arrived fast and were in great condition. They came well packaged and bagged with good bubble wrap protection. The box was also well protected and sealed. I recommemd buying from this user.

If a compactflash card could talk, it would say "yes".

No experience with the DATA, but the way I see it, there are different focuses.

The O'Tool is compact and powerful - two traces, extensive (and accurate) tuning and voltage measurement in 8hp.

The Data has 4 channels, and some extra clock and oscillator functions.

Can't recommend the O'tool + enough though. Tuning has been great, its just the right size to visualize information without taking up too much valuable HPs...

opinions, observations, user experiences please.


I am a complete and utter noob when it come to electronic music making so I apologise in advance if these questions are very basic in their nature.

A while ago I was given an Arturia MicroBrute and a Volca Beats to settle a debt.
At first I was going to eBay them in order to get back the cash I was owed, but I started playing around with them and through some YouTube searches learned how to connect the two by the sync out on the Beats to the Gate in on the Brute. I've been having a lot of fun since.

The other day I spotted a modular bass synth by a company called Dreadbox in my local pawn shop. They are asking £180.00 for it. It is a module with no keyboard.
It has a midi in socket on the back and some patching sockets on the top.
If I where to get this synth, how would I incorporate it into my current set up?

What I would like to do is to be able to have all 3 units running in sync and each unit playing its own separate sequence. The Beats playing the drums, the bass synth playing a baseline sequence and the Brute playing a lead sequence, as an obvious example, leaving me to tweak and adjust the sounds on the fly.

I know that the MicroBrute has a sequencer so can I use it to drive the base synth and also a separate lead part? Or do I need a separate sequencer for each synth.
I am also aware of the midi out mod for the Volca Beats but I don't know if that's relevant to this situation.

Like I have said already, I am a complete noob at all this. I discovered this world by accident and I think that I'm getting well and truly hooked. I have tried searching for answers but I don't really know how to phrase the questions correctly for google or the forum search to be really helpful.

Any advice would be welcome.
Thank you.

I think I might just get myself a minibrute as well to use with my modular.

I thought you'd find this interesting. Talking about his simple modular set up and for use with the minibrute.

Juicy!I need normals sound in my set up too!

That is nice but a bit expensive. I like the Dreadbox Erebus as well but trying to keep prices down a bit so am looking at the Erica synths VCO2 vs MFB OSC 3 (triple vc0). And of course checking ebay for some deals :) I did start of thinking I want to do this on a budget, it isn't so cheap though but still trying to save some bucks somewhere!

I was really impressed with this simple set up:

Well...I found really interesting dreadbox omikron dual vco. Really fat sound!Ideal for bass duties.You can check it on youtube.
What about mfb triple vco? It seems compact and cheap for what it is!

I'm interested in what you discover. Likewise I am adding modules to expand my Doepfer Dark Energy but I'm building a small complete system now. I thought about going down the traditional Deopfer but to me by spending a bit more you get a lot more.

I have Polaris, Braids, Peaks, Veils and looking to add Maths - I thought about Function but people tell me on Gearslutz Maths is worth the extra $. And a good VCO module.

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for response!
Mutable instruments is a must have in a modern modular set up I think but I look for them later.I try not to be confused that's why
my first modules will be more sound processors for my microbrute.

From what I've read the Doepfer A-110-2 VCO is very well respected. Bang for buck though it is worth considering buying multi modules : Erica Synths Pico VCO and Expert Sleepers Disting MKIII multi module. I'm looking at the MFB OSC 3 triple VCO. Mutable Instruments are really good and offer a lot for the price and what I have built my system from.

Hi to all modular freaks.
I own an Arturia microbrute and I want to expand it via eurorack system.At first place,microbrute and eurorack,will operate as a single unit.Later,when more modules will be added,I will have two separate instrumets. As you see my steps are small.Noise gen. is something that I miss from microbrute such as a second envelope and lfo. Well,someone told me to avoid doepfer's vcf,vco and look somethig better.I searched the net,but any other solution seems too pricey for me.
What are your thoughts on my basic system?Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance
Cheers!(sorry if my english is not proper)

Hi There,
I started building my eurorack this year and have thoroughly enjoyed the flexibility that it offers but feel now I need some help with getting the most out of my system, not much HP left but want the remaining space to count.
I usually find myself leaning to buying more Drum voices/Oscillators/Modulation but is there something more important connecting parts that are lacking?
The application of this set up has been very helpful in spicing up old arrangements in Logic/Ableton which have lacked that 'something'.

Be great if you could cast your eyes and let me know your thoughts.

Don't let your memes be dreams!

Wish this came in 12HP size.

This is a multitracked demo featuring the E330 as the sole sound source. It's produced from a proto-type kindly provided by Synthesis Technology

To hear some unprocessed/noFX single track sounds from the piece, check here:

Duplicate of ?

Sorry for missing your answer and the late response.

I mean, that is not a property we need to search for e.g. does someone need a "show all expander modules" function?

-- modulargrid

Exactly that: A property to NOT search for .e.g., a possibility to exclude all expanders (and 1U and alt panels and whatnots)
Does that make more sense? (oh and thx a lot for your great work so far :-))

Hi Rustig,

I'm working on a similar setup. Great idea to split up the signal, is it working out for you now you have the fxdf and Maths? did your setup change by now?


Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.

Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.

Hi, it's POB -- You can watch a live modular synth performance with this setup right here.

Hello All

Just been bitten by the modular synth bug after a background that mostly involves jamming on bass guitar etc. Looking at buying my first modular system and trying to weigh up all the options! Any help is much appreciated :)

-- Bottle

Your avatar looked like a jizz-covered ass at first. Got all hot and bothered for nothing.

Oh, and hello everyone!

Now with more dollars and less sense!

lol, this guys are very serious about trademarks :D
"Information for re-use, adaptations or derivative works
Sound Study Modular is trademarked, and should not be used on any of works you create from these files."
... that's why we don't see Tom Whitwell's name anywhere.... even though he asks modestly or appropriate attribution... hmmmmm

-- f33d

Agreed. Very sketchy all around.

...we should wait until they come out with their own original design and we can trademark it and sell it as our own! PastaFarian Modules! We're original as FUCK!

Now with more dollars and less sense!

lol, this guys are very serious about trademarks :D
"Information for re-use, adaptations or derivative works
Sound Study Modular is trademarked, and should not be used on any of works you create from these files."
... that's why we don't see Tom Whitwell's name anywhere.... even though he asks modestly for appropriate attribution... hmmmmm

All sounds made with this rack since early 2015 are available on Soundcloud :

Le skiff est enfin terminé !

So, this is a re-branding of Tom Whitwell's Radio Music?
-- ZontarianMoments

Essentially, yeah. Sound Study takes open-sourced designs and releases them as their own.

From their web page: "Sound Study Modular is series of modules and consoles based upon classic, out-of-production and open-source synth projects. We aim to make it easier for the DIY community to obtain and build legacy and open-source projects that are either difficult to build or difficult to find. We are in the process of converting a host of surface mount open source designs to through hole designs as well."

Honestly, the whole thing seems sketchy like that guy that takes Mutable's designs and turns them into DIY PCB's. I felt dirty buying the Kontact Mic, but I got it to destroy with my terrible soldering skills, so not too dirty. Think I'm not the only one sketched out by it because Synthrotek was the sole distributor of their modules and they're already blowing them out and clearing out their inventory.

Now with more dollars and less sense!

So, this is a re-branding of Tom Whitwell's Radio Music?

Thread: mocante case