FYI - I did some updates: the third prototype is here.

Dropped one of the three LFOs and one of the two A-118 Randoms, which gave space for a dual quantizer and a logic module.

As you can tell, the two voices (two bottom rows) are identical up until and including the VCFs.

If anyone sees any omissions or has any other comments (like if I've included Doepfer modules known to not be particularly good) I'd be deeply grateful.



added/changed some things.

things i currently own:
2x makenoise skiff

so i wont change up these anytime soon ;)

things i want to get next:
dixie + ultrafold

further ideas for the other modules?

as a companion for the beatstep maybe take a look on the yarns. it could utilize 1-4 of the beatsteps sequencers instead of just 1.

also the saying goes "you can never have enough vca's" and thats true ;o) you will need an vca for EVERY single parameter you want to control the depth of, so one can generally not have enough. mixers are just vca's without control voltage.

also look into attenuverters like triatt, 3xmia, spo etc. and think about where you could use one.

Hello All,

I am Kristof aka Snuckyfication from Belgium, Antwerp province.
I have long been busy in the music but now only as an amateur. I only just discovered the modular synths.
The complexity and complete openness of the system and what you can do with it, draws me to it I guess.
Although I love challenges, I think this one will be a serious learning curve. And since I am in my middle forties, it all tends to go a little bit more slow than twenty years ago.....This might be the start of my midlife....
Are there events around modular in Belgium or neighbouring countries?
Kind regards,


...euh, I thought you could put the mother in the rack as a module..;Guess I understood that wrong then...

It all depends on what you would like to do with it. I am also just starting with my first rack, but I tried to choose my modules based on what I want to do with the modular. I opened a thread to ask for advice also.....
What would you like to do with your rack?

thks but it s not a module :s

! [My Rack] (ModularGrid Rack)

Hi there,

I am completely new to this kind of music/sound making/design. It is really daunting to choose between the tons of modules out there. I would like to create generative music, ambient patches, down tempo, etc. but also being able to integrate this in my normal recording workflow with Ableton. So normal voice, guitars, etc.... After listening to a lot of youtube and what modules they were using to make it, I came to the rack above. I also ordered an arturia beatstep pro for the sequencing. I still have in my studio a machine mk1, MPK225, APC-40,etc..; and newly acquired a book on Midi (Midi Power! by Robert Guèrin) because I still don't know too much how it all interfaces with each other. For instance, how can I bring a microphone in the modular? I mean, I want to talk or sing in the microphone and do stuff with it....what module allows me to do it?
What are your opinions on my decision for the starting modules? Taking into account what I am trying to achieve.
All comments and suggestions are more than welcome and I am looking forward to meeting this community in cyberspace or IRL.
Kind regards,
Kristof aka Snuckyfication

Thanks so much for all the input. Some great advice. I agree that spending more time with the mother will help me get a better understanding. Hoping to make some time available soon and will definitely check out the brain seed and other potential triggers.

It's good to know that my thought processes regarding potential builds are reasonably sound. Uluckily for me I have no one to talk these things out with irl

I would imagine I'll work towards something like this next year perhaps and probably look to add some midi/DAW connectivity modules. For now though I can't wait to get stuck into the mother 32. SQ-1 is on the way too!!!! excitment builds.

Thanks again!!!

I don't know what you mean exactly... if you say you like some sounds from them then it is appealing to you, right.
If it sounds right, it is right. That is all that counts.
Can't help with the sequencer tho.

Thanks rackmode. I'll look into the A-185-2.

Btw - I listened to some youtube examples of the A-137-1 (wave multiplier) and I don't think that's what I want. So I made a new version which drops those & the Erica Pico's, and then adds more Doepfer noise, S/H and random modules instead.

How many VCAs would it be reasonable to have in a duophonic system where each voice is at most made up of three sources (2 VCOs and noise), and when one wants velocity sensitivity? I noted that the A-147-2 LFO has a VCA that can be used standalone as well.

And - am I low on multiples in the new version? (I have two A-180-2 at the moment.)

Doepfer make some great modules for sure, I currently have a A-132-3 dual linear/logarithmic VCA and the A-110-4 quadrature thru zero VCO. Your setup looks all good to go. I wouldn't bother with the A-132-4, I would swap it for the A-185-2.

Hi all, first post here.

I am trying to put together a duophonic modular based on Doepfer. I know synthesizers pretty well (have owned a MS20 and a MonoPoly in the past), but this would actually be my first modular. I live in Europe, and so Doepfer is the brand that seems most economical to base the build on. I will use this mostly for non-percussion/non-rhythm/non-sequenced parts, in other words mostly pads and drones and stuff like that.

* Does this look reasonable? Are there modules in there that are known to be inferior to other brands etc?
* I want to have velocity sensitivity applied to amplitude and VCF cutoff. Do I have enough VCAs for that, and/or missing anything else?
* Anything missing that I absolutely should include? Anything over the top that I could live without?
* Will I be able to get a vintage/non-sterile sound from these VCOs, or are there others I should go for?

The rack is here!

Thanks! /lesuedois

Thank you! Does this make them unappealing? Because they are digital? I like some of the patches I have heard from them. Kind of my style. I currently have a Mother 32, 0-Coast, Maths and Clouds and I am looking to expand. I'm going to purchase an Intellijel 104 hp x 2 rows with a 1u row case. I was considering Elements and Metropolis vs Rene sequencer. Any suggestions?

I've had a mother 32 for about a week with not much chance to play yet

I see. I didn't read carefully enough - thought he didn't have the mother anymore

I've had a mother 32 for about a week with not much chance to play yet

Spend more time with the mother, naturally you will hit limitations like not enough vca's or mixers or attenuators etc...
just buy what you are missing and let your rig evolve on its own module for module is usually the best advice anyone can give you, just listen to your rack it will tell you what it needs.

I don't know how you will play the thing

his mother32 has everything on board
but research the mothers quirks to not get suprised by buggy behaviour. it has some weird things going on like no proper grounding and other quirks that are nice to know beforehand so you dont run into trouble.

I think it is a really nice starting system, with not much to really miss. No errors.
Play with it, and you will see yourself what you are missing.
I don't know how you will play the thing, but I guess you either have cv-keyboard or you play it from math/batumi. If the second is true I personally would miss some triggers. I think Brain Seed would be a good companion for you setup with maths.

Hello Andy,
Neither Clouds nor Elements and Braids are fully analog. They depend on microprocessors - only the input/output and cv modulation stages are analog naturally.
To make a fully analog version of Braids the module would fill up the space of .... I don't know - something really really huge.
Mutable Ripples is a filter and it is for instance fully analog.

Moog Mother 32

I really like some of the things I hear from Mutable Instruments. I have Clouds and am thinking of picking up Elements or Braids. Are these modules true analog? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Relatively new to this.

Thanks Tom. Good luck with the planning!

Like you, I'm in the planning stage so can't be of help, but I see Erica VCO and VCF caught your ear! Looks like a great selection.

ModularGrid Rack
Hello, my first post here. So I want to put together a great sounding monosynth with loads of waveshaping possiblities. I have some good fx already so no fx nodules to keep costs down. Am I missing any essentials? Perhaps some modules are superfluous. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Thread: Boss DD-5

I have uploaded a better one.
-- modulargrid


Take out modules 1 by 1, let the PSU heat up, see if there's any difference. Maybe one is faulty?

Do you have a multimeter?

And/or behaviour

Is it a plan or built? Nice collection of chaos modules anyway :-)

Thread: 1st rack

Any one have any thoughts on if any of this would be a pointless module or too redundant? Would be pairing with an 0 coast and mother 32

ModularGrid Rack

Bring this on!

Since we do not have a feedback/rating system for sellers and buyers on the marketplace yet you can use this thread to name the people you did good business with.
If you prepend an @ to a username, a link to the persons profile page will be generated.
The thread is searchable so it should be easy to find users with a good reputation over time.

-- modulargrid

Had a good deal with @zannielzynga, who sold me a Zularic Repetitor
qick and fast and very pleasant

Thread: Boss DD-5

I have uploaded a better one.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

this user has left ModularGrid

Thread: Boss DD-5

Really wish I could replace the picture I uploaded. The pedal is white and the picture blew out the whites so it ended up screwy.

Thank-you kindly. I'll start looking them up.

Random Voltage
Sample and Hold

Was wondering if any kind souls could spare a few thoughts/suggestions regarding the below as I'm a total noob as far as modular goes. I've had a mother 32 for about a week with not much chance to play yet and naturally it's making me want to learn more. So I've watched some vids, read a few guides and been on most of the big manufacturer websites and with my limited knowledge came up with this:

ModularGrid Rack

Do these modules relate to each other reasonably? If so, what should I do with the remaining space?

I was thinking it would be nice to have some connectivity with MIDI and to my DAW and was hoping for some recommended modules that would do the job as it would be nice to fill the rack.

Perhaps there are glaring errors in the design or I have chosen modules poorly. Some direction would be gratefully received.

Thanks for listening!

I have one. You must email Zerosum Inertia (module entry creator) here or on MW to purchase.

I'm not sure if you already have the case but if you don't I would recommend getting the synthrotek power lunch (44hp) because it's powered on the side of the case you don't have to get a power module. So more room for other modules.

Very melodic and uncharacteristically long for something little old me has been involved in. Mucky beat. Like floating down a river of mud or baking cupcakes with too much batter in the tray.

Praise or blame, kind or rough, any comment will be cherished.

You cannot delete modules when they are already assigned to racks.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Ohh gotcha! Clever.

I am playing with some options for a budget(ish) lunchbox eurorack conversion for a friend.

Based on much YouTube research, I thought this configuration would be fun and useful, any input would be helpful, thank you. :)

The point of not straight out deleting them is so that other users can make the updates to their rack with the correct module. I always include a link to the current listing so that it's even easier to find. Often the duplicate is seen and added by others as well.

You can delete these yourself if you click "edit module"

this user has left ModularGrid

me (@bobje) made a good trade with @igorsv Thanks for doing business!

Well, it is manly!!

Seriously though, this board would be pretty badass, but I think I'm gonna go with the "ur mum" one.

your board makes me moist

My boner!!!

Good transaction with @bobje


I think peaks is being discontinued. So if you want one grab one while they arent silly money!

this user has left ModularGrid

me( @bobje) did a good transaction with @tyuss

thanks @bobje for the solid transaction!