euro needs more multi fx boxes! nice work!

@KaOsphere sold me an Intellijel Shapeshifter in really nice condition. Secure packaging and really quick shipping plus very friendly contact - I can absolutely recommend him for trades.

Hey that was great! I particularly liked the beginning third with the quantized envelope sweeps! What quantizer were you using?

Thread: New Start.

So I am really a Bass player at heart but since moving to a new area and leaving playing in bands for a while I have found myself addicted to watching various Modular/synth vids tuning into Sonicstalk etc generally wanting to try/setup my own electronic performance/ Gig type rig.
I have jumped in at the deep end with a couple of bits but could do with some advice on where to go next.
Firstly I purchased a Synthstrom Audio Deluge which I'm currently trying to learn how to use (new to sampling also) but I saw it as a good control centre for the setup or some of it.
Next I have ordered a case 84HP x2 with a Doepfer A100 power supply and have won a couple of pitsburg modules as a start point and also won a couple of modules a Pittsburg Waveforms and Mixmult.
I'm open to many styles of music but my aim is to eventually perform with it as a standalone rig and currently love big expansive soundscapes and complex beats.

Any help would be great thanks.

Joe (TheDirtyLow)

Oops :)

I'm pretty sure this isn't made by


Thanks @yrn1 for what was possibly the fastest ever transaction on mg: Posted to paid in like 7 minutes. I recommend him for your trading needs. Straight up guy with exc comms and fast turnaround. Thank you!

When I decided to get into eurorack I fantasised about quantizers. The idea that you can use CV signals not "meant" for melody to create melody really spurred me.

The melodic, plucking sound that's part of the beat was created by mixing two function generators and putting the resulting signal through a quantizer before it went on to Rings. All the melodies are combinations of a sequenced line and a random CV.

Do tell me what you think! Praise or criticism, equally appreciated.

Excellent. Thanks for the insight.

thanks @rean1mator for the single vco. good seller


A very good seller, thanks!

When you edit a module and upload a new photo, will that replace the existing panel photo, or add an additional one? There are a few I think I could upload, but I didn't want to replace anything that's currently out there.

When you upload a new photo it will replace the old one, but the old one still is not lost.
For every upload a new version is added.
Other people who have set their module image to HEAD version (default) will see your newly uploaded image.
HEAD means: always show the newest image.
If they switch to an older version it will stick there, newly uploaded images will not affect their racks.

On a related note, why are there so many alternate panel photos that are exactly the same image?

When you click on those arrow buttons technically you browse through the versions.
The Panel Selector function was added to ModularGrid lately and is more a hack to make different images possible. It's a compromise.

-- js213


Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Excellent transaction with @exper and packaging was superior. Hope we'll do more biz. Thanks.

When you edit a module and upload a new photo, will that replace the existing panel photo, or add an additional one? There are a few I think I could upload, but I didn't want to replace anything that's currently out there.

On a related note, why are there so many alternate panel photos that are exactly the same image?


The final decision about my rack. I hope... Feedback is welcome!
ModularGrid Rack

Hate to read a negative note, but for $4k+....Shhhhhoooooooot. That'd buy a lot of standalone gear, some very cool FX plus drum machine(s). Is modular just for the wealthy? Go....

used alongside my Arturia Microbrute, its main function is providing more modulation sources for the modulators on the Brute Oszillator.

Try using it for filter modulation - instead of a smooth change with a sine wave you get steps in the filter cutoff. Or use it to switch modes, for example on MI Warps have it plugged into the algorithm cv control; I've also used it to do something similar on my Flame FC16 CV to switch effect modes.

Thread: Bubbles
  • sec PR to GAIN VC from DOORWAY

@Tall-Dog Electronics
Hello, your uBraids version looks great and smartly made.
Gongrats ! Any plan to offer Panel/PCB set for DIY fellows ?
-- Hathorm

Thanks very much, Hathorm. It is indeed a possibility. The caveats are that it is an extremely dense board, and requires a) lots of previous experience with SMD, b) either a reflow oven or stellar soldering expertise, c) JTAG or serial/FDTI programming experience and tools, and d) the understanding that we cannot offer DIY support for anyone's DIY build. Given that, let me know if you are still interested, and I will get back to you ASAP. All best, MWG

-- mwgilbert

Challenge accepted.
Just Pm'd you :)

@Tall-Dog Electronics
Hello, your uBraids version looks great and smartly made.
Gongrats ! Any plan to offer Panel/PCB set for DIY fellows ?
-- Hathorm

Thanks very much, Hathorm. It is indeed a possibility. The caveats are that it is an extremely dense board, and requires a) lots of previous experience with SMD, b) either a reflow oven or stellar soldering expertise, c) JTAG or serial/FDTI programming experience and tools, and d) the understanding that we cannot offer DIY support for anyone's DIY build. Given that, let me know if you are still interested, and I will get back to you ASAP. All best, MWG

@Tall-Dog Electronics
Hello, your uBraids version looks great and smartly made.
Gongrats ! Any plan to offer Panel/PCB set for DIY fellows ?

THIS... is a mature name on a module;€
-- HEK-

It is indeed :D

for passive multiplication i would never waste rackspace but use things like instead.

maybe add some vca to be able to modulate things?

attenuverters are also always nice to have.


hahaha my god

I can't belive someone actually use this machine for eurorack ... besides me. Do you got any sounds out on the net?

Stuff like this should really be marked as private, unless there are plans to offer them commercially.

If this was stereo, it would be perfect!

This is my first patch on the modulör, inspired by a youtube video. I do this for learnig about moduls and patching but i think the modulör makes no sense for me because i don't need the midi/cv modul, the FX modul (it's not so good) and because the quality of the integrated moduls is not so good. So i will not buy it. :(

Just received a microBraids from @Virgil (he built the module too)...everything just perfect!!!

Thanks for the catch, fixed now. Matte black PCB.

So the site says PCB and anodized aluminum.
Which is it?

This and other proposals for reducing duplicate modules are all for nothing unless someone goes through the database and actually deletes the existing duplicates. People will just keep creating more duplicates as long as the state of the database makes it look like that's the generally done thing.

North Coast Synthesis Ltd. ( ) - fine handcrafted modules and kits

I second that and also like to add that rotating in 90° steps would indeed be awesome. I have a rack with 4HP modules mounted sideways in an additional 1RU row.


Hey ! I'm new on this website and I'm thinking about my first modular configuration .
I spent my day thinking about one that would fit to all my needs and it seems that Erica Synth already got me.

My needs :
-A polyvalent and stereo synth (I'd really like to Pan each VCO to get a big wide sound without any FX section.)
-A synth I could play via USB from my DAW, with sync modulations.
-A synth that doesn't sound like a typical subtractive analog mono synth. (My Moog Sub 37 does that job already)
-A 84 HP synth (I need to rack it)
-A synth that costs < 2000 euros.

So I did this. What do you think of it ?


Hello ! Je suis nouveau sur le forum, et je planche sur ce qui sera mon premier modulaire.
J'ai passé la journée à chercher une config qui répondrait à mes besoins, et c'est définitivement Erica Synth qui gagnait à tous les coups.

Mes besoins :
-Un synthé polyvalent, et stereo (J'ai vraiment envie de pouvoir Pan chaque VCO pour avoir un son bien large sans devoir passer par une section d'effet.)
-Un synthé dont les notes seront trigées via USB depuis un DAW, et les modulations syncro avec la clock de ce meme DAW.
-Un synthé dont la plage sonore dépasse largement les limites de la synthèse analogique soustractive. (J'ai déjà un Moog Sub 37 qui fait ce job à merveille)
-Un synthé qui tient dans 84 HP (je veux le racker)
-Un synthé à moins de 2000 balles

Et donc j'ai fait ça. Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Thread: We Devolve

Tell me if I have a clue or not. It's all new to me. Looking for the ability to sneak a guitar through it, use an external Moog synth or use the onboard tones....I need Midi and I know it.

@richc90 - got a NLC Sloth from him, has been a pleasure to deal with. Lightning fast shipment.
@iridite - purchased an Epoch Benjolin, all good!
@Triglav - purchased a modded A-171-2 - perfect!

got a Doepfer clock divider from @robbert and it's a great guy. i asked to send to the wrong place, returned and he sent for me down to brazil. what a great guy!

got a Morpheus module from @Nuuttipukki ; great value, excellent shipping - clearly a bona fide seller

Greetings to Scotland! Love using S&H inserted between FM modulator & carrier - can give very liquid feel to the sound

Grounding problems with pressure points in this case?

Awesome looking rack. I can't comment on the technical stuff since I don't feel like I know enough though.

Check out this series. This guy is doing the same thing (starting with Mother32 and walks through how he picked his first):

Previously: Independent box w/ Meadowphysics, Teletype, Peaks, STO, STO, Lxd, Cold Mac, Discrete SVVCF, LoFi Junkie, DLD.
Currently: Control skiff for 6U w/ Switch, Meadowphysics, Teletype, White Whale, Earthsea, Ansible, Ornament & Crime, Just Friends, ER-301.

Old notes for independent design

Love the idea, main thing I might change is trying to use Cold Mac to swap with the O'Tool+ or Samara to swap with the LoFi Junkie and rearrange a little for more CV manipulation. Between Peaks and Teletype I think I can get by on modulation.
Especially if I pair with Doze in the Branches or Bloom in the Depths.

I do wish I could get Earthsea in here though. And the Mangroves, Sisters, Cold Mac travel case is immensely tempting.
But realistically, dual STOs, Lxd, and a Cold Mac is probably the way to go. Pam's new workout is same size but meadowphysics is already our clock and I feel like there'd be some awkwardness there.

It's also sort of tempting to get the ER-301 in the "Techno" case/Bloom in the Depths by swapping out E350 + Braids but not convinced there are sufficient modulation sources if we do that and there's no need for Braids/E350 in Doze in the Branches.

Just got a MI Tides in great condition from @Yochwired. The contact was very friendly and shipping was fast. Thanks a lot!

alt text

This is where I'm at right now as far as planning my rack. I already have the SV-1 and Elements and am getting the clouds next week, and then the 4ms quad lfo and then the veils after. I have 10hp free and I'm wondering what I might be missing? I've been told you can never have enough VCAs and modulation sources but I figure this system is small enough for the VCAs I already have so what could I do for modulation? OR what other utilities would I find useful using in conjunction with the other modules. I'm decently set on what I have planned so far but am also open to other suggestions.

I'm looking to do a mix of natural sounding / vintage synth sounds like Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith and Animal Collective and I love granular synthesis hence the clouds. I also want to use the system to process external audio so anything that can help with that is a plus. Hope that can give you an idea for what I might be looking for.

Any suggestions are very appreciated! :)

4 Oscillator
3 séquenceur
4 lfo

All means how many modules?