thanks to @bosco for quick shipping, very good packaging and mint module. Take care.

Just ordered the ADDAC301 Floor Control to control some things with my feel while playing the piano with my hands. The other way around might also possible, although I lack a little expression when playing the piano with my feet... :-)

Thread: Change Log

Fixed spammy email behavior

There was a problem with the notification mailer on the marketplace which resulted in lots of identical emails send several times.
That is fixed.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It has been great making deals with @brhmh . Really nice guy. Everything was perfect.

  1. processing of piano sound, 2. deriving cv from your playing the piano to control modules.

Yes, these are the two current options I have in mind.

One feature I would definitely want in there is a pitch to voltage converter.

Looks promising. Are there other pitch to voltage converters that are not so exotic? The RS-35 seems not to be easily available...

Plus more more ways to get cv out your piano. Maybe from the pedal?

Good idea, anyway I need to be portable to other instruments, as I do not want to bring my own grand to the gig. ;-)

Curious what you come up with in the way of processed piano!

I'll post sound snippets maybe this weekend. Promised...

Hi. I see two basic strategies: 1. processing of piano sound, 2. deriving cv from your playing the piano to control modules.
The Clouds sure is a great choice for both. One feature I would definitely want in there is a pitch to voltage converter. Plus more more ways to get cv out your piano. Maybe from the pedal?
Curious what you come up with in the way of processed piano!

Hey you Moduleheads,

I am mainly a pianist with a strong addiction to experimental music.
In my head there is this strange idea of playing a piano concert, where I modulate the original sound of the piano into some electronic devices that will respond and interact with my playing. Further I wanted the option to add some drone sounds or sequenced patterns, and finally some drums, can be triggered with my piano playing or a predefined beats.
So this is the basic setup I almost finished, so I am just a day or so before testing this beast.

The piano sound will go into the Ears and then splitted clean into the mixer and into the Clouds. The Mother will provide the clock for the trigger module that can play the drum sounds, trigger the Peaks or the Clouds. The Mother Sequencer and VCO can provide a basic drone sound or basslines. Or it can be used to control the Clouds.
There are the basic scenarios I tried to cover.

I am open for comments. What can I do better? Am I missing something? Are there options I am currently not thinking about? Is the answer always 42?


Hey Robert. :)

Damn. How many SSM2044's do you need? 2? I DO have 1 spare in an SSM2044 DIY board that was sent to me as a gift back in the later 90's. I never HAVE attached it to a panel.
Back in the later 90's I had purchased 25, as I was building modulars for other customers up til '98. I lost a LOT of parts from a former girlfriend who through a lot of my stuff out when we split up in 2006. I DO have the 1 spare though that I could fire off.
But you need 2 don't you?

@EricaSynths such a super little module - I'm on the look out for one.

Making deals with @magneteyez is always a pleasure :)
Recommended user.

Thread: Reggie budget is really really bad...i may take the challenge and build my own case...
-- RhamptonStudios

Right you are. With more time on your hands than money you may find this inspiring: cardboard DIY case. That's what I did. I went for 2 rows though. It's way more more durable than you might think. In fact mine doesn't show any wear after 15 months and five times on the road. It's an easy build done in one afternoon and, of course, it doesn't get any cheaper.

Thread: Reggie

Wow,,THAT IS THE COOLEST!!...I love be honest and confess that my budget is really really bad. i barely was able to get that System 1m & 0-coast which is the world to me...awesome setup..but if i wanted a case, power supply and very very simple setup...i would like to get those single units..that go straight up and down but only take up 1 space for ex, your orange 4LFO one. if i can get a very small mini rack with a couple of things that size like your 4lfo and put like 4 items side by side being all the same size in there including the power supply,,i would be fact i may build my own case being i'm a RC Pilot and built Planes and Gliders,,i may take the challenge and build my own case...
this is my budget

Thread: Reggie

...if i can just get that image above i will be greatly happy..what gear are you using btw
-- RhamptonStudios

Remember you will still need the PSU or your modules will do nothing ; -)
My rack is constantly changing. A while ago it looked something like this this.

Thread: Reggie

Thanks for the response wiggler55550. i can't wait to get into the eurorack world. love the sci-fi sound it can make. Already i have the System 1m & the Make Noise 0-coast. if i can just get that image above i will be greatly happy..what gear are you using btw

Thread: Reggie

If your case doesn't have power you will need a converter module like uZeus with a wall wart or brick style external PSU.

you're welcome, but maybe you can actually help me out here. the reason i knew about that dual ssm is that i am up to build the neutron.
i already got the pcb and some of the components but i am having trouble finding the ssm chips from a trustfull source.
i asked doepfer and Dieter answered me, but unfortunately they have to keep their stash for servicing/repairs...
where did you get your chips?

Thread: Reggie

I like this one. Do i need a power supply with this as well?

ModularGrid Rack

I haven't given ups for 2 nice people i've bought stuff from in the past on Modulargrid.

@lenni for Intellijel Metropolis
@evzone for Mutable Instruments Clouds

Thread: problem

Im fairly new to eurorack. I recently added a mutamix to my A-100 P6 case. it has the old PSU2 in it I believe.

if i crank more than 2 channels up on the mutamix the audio starts to break up, presumably because of a lack of power, yet it seems the modules I have shouldn't go over the max 1200ma output of the case

any help appreciated


* Rene
* E350

Braids could be replaced by Peaks, Links, and an A-151. A-151 would help for interesting melodic variation, Links would help tie things together, Peaks is drums or modulation depending on patch/day of the week. That does bring us down to just Akemie's and/or self-oscillating filters as a voice though.

Still worried a tad that there's not enough modulation as is. Or rather, all current modulation is either sequencing or random.
Can always swap out the E350 for Braids if I want an amazing LFO. Think we leave as is for a few weeks.

Basimilus Alter or Drumbrute would be cool but can do sample stuff with ER-301 or add in post on computer.

Euromod is the new project to build an Eurorack Synth to Smartphone Interface.

Join our distribution list and we´ll keep you informed. If we are successful in our Idiegogo campaign we´ll send for free one Euromod to one lucky person from our distribution list.

Please drop me an email to or visit our web page

The new Eurorack Synth to Smartphone Interface (Euromod) is concepts based in the combination of an Android application over a Motorola Moto Z device with a special Motomods developed by Bluesxp, the Euromod.

The Bluesxp ´s Motomods Euromod sends and receives analog control voltage signals from and to the Eurorack.

Main features:

• Accommodates a Motomods compatible smartphone using magnetic connection to a Eurorack system.
• Can process and store digitally 4 analog signals at 24 bits and 48 KHz resolution.
• Generate 4 CV signals from live performance, stored data and/or external MIDI.
• Interface controls are a combination of touchscreen, five physical level knobs and a multipurpose pushing encoder.
• Mix 4 analog signals and converts external MIDI to CV when smartphone is not connected.
• Four red/green LEDs monitor CV outputs activity.
• Both module firmware and dedicated app seamlessly updatable from cloud.

Very soon on Indiegogo ...

2421 jijuesu

I don't think there's necessarily anything extraneous here. I still worry about lack of variety, but it's also looking like you're well covered.
Don't forget that the Atlantis actually has two really good VCOs, so you've actually got 5 in the rack, in addition to other sources that can oscillate fast enough to produce sound, though they may not track. I think at least one VCO should be something that you're really excited about, but you could possibly swap one out for something else.
Since you've got the quad VCLFO, I wonder if the other two LFOs could be swapped for something like a Maths.
Maaybe a bit more in the filter department for variety. They are really going to color your sound in enjoyable ways. Are there any others that you're excited about? I added the Wasp for fun, but you can always swap that out for something that you find interesting.
I'm glad to see Peaks in there. The 'menu diving' that it does have can be frustrating sometimes, but it comes with a handsome manual and I use it in pretty much every patch.
Even though you've got the Linix in there, I was thinking that 4 VCAs for audio, and 4 VCAs for your modulation intensity could be good. A number of manufacturers have quad VCAs, like the Doepfer one in the other rack. I'll add the others I've seen.

Some stuff you could swap for:
- Maths or the Make Noise Function, which is like half a Maths minus the mixer. Having voltage control over the rise, fall, and 'both' gives you really interesting modulation options that aren't quite the same as a VCLFO.

Here's another demo from the prototype/breadboard E370. Says designer Paul Schreiber, "the sounds the breadboard can generate is about 10% of what the final one can do".

The Kickstarter campaign will be launched Feb 2017 - more info at :

Smooth transaction with @demyottens, thanks very much!

I can recommend alien, mnpzn, kansha, strat & p_ache. Bought several stuff from each of those lovely people and never had any problems.

Got a Rosie from @octon. Excellent communication and quickly shipped.

had a great trade with @zvuku!

What module can you tell me for ambient/drone and sound desing rack ?

Thx mt3. Pickit3 purchased and got there in the last, :)

The manual says 25mA max.

Hi all!

I am quite new to the world of modular madness, but I want to dive in deeply with a project I have in mind for a few months now. I want to do concerts with piano improvisations, playing against or with drones and rhythm patterns from a modular system.

My requirements are:
- not too sophisticated options, because I need to control the drones at the same time as my piano playing
- very good audio quality, for recording along with an acoustic grand piano
- the complete system should fit in a 2x84 case
- no need of an additional laptop
- MIDI clock out for an optional drummer, who needs to get a MIDI click from the system

For example I like the sound of the Erica Fusion series. The video of their Drone Rack is quite cool. Also the new Octasource looks promising, although I think it would not meet my request for an easy to control system.

I have the rack and a Moog Mother 32 as basis. And I am completely about what you modular-pros would recommend.
Hope this is going to be a nice conversation.


The Base Setup

Thread: Pluk

Simple Pluk patch...uses Braids internal VCA, decay set to 13

the description states:
- current +12: ?mA

how much voltage does the SPA needs?

This is other stuff i am thinking about getting this is not a complete rack. ModularGrid Rack

This is all of the modules that i can get my hands on and build within my price budget. I dont have the pcbs for some of the modules mostly the stuff on the top left but i thinking about the possibilities. ModularGrid Rack And this is what i have. ModularGrid Rack

@seasway - a great transaction for a Lifeforms SV1.. packed well and shipped immediately. Thanks!

Oh! I missed that link.
Thank you for kindly telling me.
I will delete this entry soon.


Please mark your duplicate as "Private" since there is already an entry here:

More, inexpensive VCAs since you'll potentially have so many voices, you'll want more for controlling intensity of modulation.
Unity mixer for mixing triggers together.
Clock dividers for triggering events at later defined times - may not need these as much with a BeatStep Pro since you can use a channel to essentially program your own.
Envelope follower for taking outside sources and converting their changes in volume/amplitude into a voltage. Plug guitar in, strike a string; the sharp attack and moderate decay can be sent to a filter's cutoff, etc.
More inexpensive noise and sample & hold modules: noise for getting texture as a sound source, but also makes a great textural modulation source. Aging tape, foggy sounds.
Sample & hold uses a clock source and an input to create stepped voltages. It's great for random modulation timed to a rhythm. You could subtly modulate the length of an envelope that's tied to a rhythm sound, providing little fluctuations in how long it rings out.

Sorry for apparently necroing this thread but I'd like to chyme in now that the brilliant panel swap option has been applied. I've been meaning to ask: is there a way we (as users) can start merging modules? Most of the times the different versions available only have panel/design as the main difference whereas all other characteristics remain intact (or should be equivalent).

I wouldn't mind helping reduce the clutter by merging some modules in one and being able to change the panel (as is already available).


Just wanted to second this notion. I visit MG through the mobile a lot and I need to apply ninja skills to avoid moving a module (thank goo I don't have sausage fingers!). :) So yeah, if/when this is an option that will be great.

@vendenperros was a great user to make deals with

really nice guy!

Yes, the 4ms (PEG) pingable envelope generator is useful as it creates envelopes and divisions of envelopes in time with a clock pulse. Modulation with no way to sync to a tempo can be limiting.

I'm not familiar with the Tempi, but it looks very interesting!

Here is a useful video on practical uses for clock dividers by Mylar Melodies.

I would also highly recommend checking out Mylar Melodies channel; he is very good at explaining modular concepts.

Regarding the sequential switch

Thanks for the reply. By PEG do you mean the pingable enevelope generator? Its 20 hp. I dont really have enough room. I got a few more thinks this morning. You mentioned a clock divider. I got Tempi. I also got a Wogglebug. Will that introduce the randomness to switching? I dont know what a sequential switch is and I couldn't find out how to look it up. Could you give me a name. I went a little crazy this morning. I also got an Octone and another VCA. Again thanks for the help.

ModularGrid Rack

I'm guessing you use some kind of external step sequencer? if so, maybe something to orchestrate all these modules rhythmically; time sync'ed modulation is very useful! 4ms PEG is good for this! plus a clock divider and maybe a sequential switch to mix things up a bit. Also look to introduce some randomness to your switching.

Trying to get into the Eurorack gig after I get my income tax. Wondering if this is a good start? I want to go with Trogotronic's m-168 case though. Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to go for a drone/noise/ambient sound

It was great making deals with user @berth9999

Really nice guy!

I think I got a pretty good on a Jones O'Tool Oscilloscope deal with @ping_panic. Priced much lower than 80% of scheiders I see a lot. And almost new. (Foil still on the display.) Boxed very good. Good communication. Good deal. :-)