does this have a expander ? ..
is this compatible with the Korgasmatron II expander

That's very nice to hear, I've gotten a bit OCD about trying to create the 'perfect' 168hp rack over the past few months. The amount of iterations I've squeezed into that time is stupid, I was starting to doubt if I'd ever be happy with it.. But yes, this looks nice.. Maybe it's the one. Happy now I didn't sell the 3 sisters and W/.

Thank you for all the input Luigia,

God's work your doing

Yeah...actually, this seems a lot more capable than the prior iteration. There's some really apparent-on-examination things in there, plus lots of latitude for exploration/abuse potential. And yeah, you can make the Mangrove sound gnarly...all depends on what sort of modulation you send it, and to where. And like you note, you'd have two divergent 'voices' in there: a more background-y sort with the 3 Sisters' output, and a more in-your-face lead coupling the Piston Honda and Polivoks. Not too shabby!

Don't own the module myself, but I think the main diffs are an upgraded screen and extra CV input that you can assign to anything.

Seems like you have all the info you need :)

As soon as your site is up with a few modules readily available for purchase, send a private request to MG management and the team will process your request. Alternatively you can upload the modules as Other/Unknown but that's not as exciting. Plus, let's face it, there's nothing better for your sales than the module appearing on MG while it's readily available on your webshop!

I have found the following information:
And my site is in construction, but I also have a Fb page:


You have to contact MG owner directly. Do you have an official site?
-- ParanormalPatroler

NANO is an electronic devices brand.
We are located in València, Spain.

Hello cg_funk
Pamela certainly looks like an interesting option.
Do you know if there are significant differences in features between Pamela's Workout and Pamela's NEW Workout?

another option:

ModularGrid Rack

This looks a bit more rounded to me since I don't get too complex with the Morphagene and 20hp is a lot of space.. Really curious about the Mangrove but have only seen it used in softer settings, I wonder if it can get growly if poked (I assume so?).. The 3 sisters would be a nice counter-balance to the Polivoks's ear bleeding, while the Pluck could (almost) replace my beloved Inharmonic String mode of the Plaits.

Thoughts on this one Luigia?

I know it's highly subjecive, but I'd love to get your take on which setup looks nicer to you, or any tweaks you might have to suggest.

Thank you

I think what you are describing is a simpler version of Pamela's New Workout.

Also take look at the different trigger sequencing modules by Noise Engineering.
To make a swing beat, you can send a LFO to another LFO-pitch CV, and then patch that to the clock-in on any module that takes triggers.

The Zularic Repetitor has extra 'random' modes that do basically what you are asking for.

Purchased a Clouds from PinPinKula over a year ago. Quick and transparent transaction, good communication. Clean build, no issues.

You have to contact MG owner directly. Do you have an official site?

Thank you guys for your suggestions and advice, they are very appreciated! Gotta agree also! I have had my eyes on the Mother32 for quite some time now. I think thats the best way I can get my feet wet and learn some basic patching. And then later on, I can start adding to the sound with some modules. :)

Flawed Master Clock

or anything resembling?
or any ideas of how to diy one?


Hello, I want to upload a module with my manufacturer name. How can I add my name to that list?


NANO is an electronic devices brand.
We are located in València, Spain.

Gotta agree with the above, but my inclination would be to go with the Arturia Minibrute 2 and/or 2s. That way, you'd have hardware that's ready for Eurorack addition via Arturia's Rackbrute subsystems.

The power bus problem is easy: check out Pulplogic's Passive Bus Block. This gives you six more 16-pins (you connect it via a free 16-pin on the existing bus boards, so even though it has seven, you really wind up with a gain of six) plus ten prewired tile-tails. And since tile-tails are easily split with Pulplogic's splitter cables, this is pretty much an optimal solution.

Hello Sebastian,

I've been contemplating your plan for a few days now and
have a possible path for you that would give you a great starting point
into synth exploration. My feeling is that a few desktop synths would
provide a very affordable, feature packed solution to getting into eurorack.

Here's an example:
Roland SE-02 Analog Synthesizer Module
Arturia DrumBrute Analog Drum Machine (Standard Edition because it has more eurorack compatible outputs)
These two desktop units would basically do more than the rack you've designed for less than a grand.
You'd have Oscillators, LFO's, Filters, Mixers, Sequencers and, importantly, inputs and outputs.
They both would play really well with a eurorack setup. If you play keyboard, throw in a controller keyboard and
you'd be good to go.

Search for "semi modular desktop synth" and you'll find dozens of options like this.

Anyway, it's one way to go.

At the least, study the flow of these desktop units it'll give you ideas for building a eurorack.

Good Luck!


hello guys :)

Will do so, thanks for the advice! Should I drop the a kind of all-in-one system? Maybe you could tell me what the biggest mistake is I made with this rack so I can learn from it? Thanks!

Thread: synth plan

Neutron is standalone

Hey, it sounds like a pretty easy repair, I have had a similar problem on one of my diy clouds, (one input didn't work) it was a bad op Amp, but the pot could be a cold solder joint or a bad pot. The pot that is used for this build is plastic shafted and not the same height as the rest, it's easy to work around but this sort of thing is reasonable to expect. I'd be happy to trouble shoot your module if you want some help. Im in Portland OR, so not sure if shipping would be a hassle, and I'm pretty busy lately so it may take a few weeks before I get a good time to work on it, but it won't cost you more than parts and shipping if I can get it working. Obviously I can't guarantee results, but it doesn't sound like a very difficult problem, and I'm pretty familiar with that portion of the schematic at this point.
Pm me if you are interested.

That's a really classy case cg_funk, looks awesome next to the sub!

Hmm ya your idea for a layout could be nicer than what I had planned.. Instead of describing here's a photo of how things are currently (
With the Lyra being in the spot the Pulsar was planned to take.

I have found for stands these ikea one's ( are actually pretty decent, I have one holding up the Lyra in the above photo which is pretty impressive considering the Lyra weighs about as much as a rock of the same size.

I should have mentioned before, the Eventide is hooked up to my mixers Aux/Send which has been working well, I just wish I had a mixer with 2 sends so I could bring in another pedal eventually..

Things are a bit squished on the right side as you can see. I'll have to expirement with your idea, that would free up the Eventide and mixer for easier wiggling!

(Edit: also have been expirementing with the idea of replacing the sq-1 with a Landscape StereoField for some bonkers sound processing and voltages.. Desk might not have enough space for that though)

Given the way that SOMA stuff likes to lie flat (the Lyras, etc) and work as both device and controller, I was sort of thinking the best way to set up a tandem with the build above plus the Pulsar 23 would be to put the Pulsar 23 in front, where a keyboard might go in a more conventional rig, maybe with some taller feet in the rear to rake the control panel just a bit. Then behind that on some type of riser (perhaps something like this: with a steeper angle, that would be where the Eurorack cab would be. That way, you can easily interlace the two devices, then the Stargazer could go to the left, Eventide box on the right, and that would make for a pretty ergonomically-friendly rig. One other concern, though...there's not really any sort of interfacing that can go from synth to line-levels, so whatever you're sending to the Space would be pretty hot for its front end. Alternately, you could add (somehow) a small stereo send/return module such as Ladik's A-525 to step down and up, and then deploy the Space box in more of an inline configuration within the Eurorack patch, instead of as a post-Eurorack device. Just an idea...

Thanks for the reply Luigia,

Ya that's right, also the Pulsar 23 will have gate outs I'm sure so can send those back into the rack. Also using a Moffenzeef Stargazer I just got which deceptively deep and a lot of fun. Plan to send that thru Ears most times to make more rythym possibilities.

I did put a lot of thought into the layout as I will have the Pulsar to the left of the case, which is why all the modulation, clocking and sequencing is to the left side. I'd be really curious to hear how you would lay it out differently? I love thinking about layouts, feels like working out a puzzle (which has no end..).

Also have an O/Ax2 which could replace the disting if I find myself needing |Attenuverting and Offsets.. I'm hoping to get by without though.

Thread: see mine

Thank you. This is the exact rack I am using now. For the power module, mine is a “brand-less” 6hp module so silta is to occupy the space lol. Is there any module you will replace or add to the rack? Would love to hear your suggestions!

A106? Wow, that's a beast. Is it really worth the space of the 2 other filters? I don't really use HP sounds much, so the LP normalling to the HP is something I'm not sure I am into. The resonance in/out is interesting, I guess you can make it scream if you crank up the CV here.

Here are photos of my prototype build that I did in just 15mins (in thin crappy plywood).

I am realizing a couple things. 1) I need to countersink the metal otherwise my modules won't fit all the way up to the edge. 2) The 1U row only has a single mounting point, so I need to add some bracket or something so it won't spin! 3) It is tempting to just put my modules in this thing already since I don't have room in my other rack.

Edit: Yep, too tempting, I put all the parts together

Next I have to figure out where the power-entry is gonna go, side or back panel. Also need to figure out some kind of flying-bus or something for the 1U modules, as I have more than 20 parts but only 20 headers on the board.

Personally, I'm a fan of Doepfer's A-106-1. It's their take on the Korg MS-20 Sallen-Key filter pair with some extra nastiness (fun on percussives) and an insert point in the resonance path, which opens up all sorts of abuse potential for mangly things by altering the resonance circuit's behavior, either with or without CV control on the altering device. Consider, for example, what sort of trouble you could cause with just a little mono delay line in that path...

Don't worry about it...pretty much no one gets a build right on their first attempt. There's always ways to tweak and improve. My suggestion would be to spend some time looking at builds done by experienced synthesists on here, as well as studying what makes classic synths such as the ARP 2600, Minimoog, etc the classics they are in terms of module complement, control layout, and the like. Like anything worth doing, doing this takes time and patience.

Thread: see mine

Much of what's needed is there, but you'll have to cut the Braids and Clouds out, since both of them are discontinued. Unless you already have them, you'd either have to locate used ones (good luck!) or use a third-party build of these, in which case the panel layout won't exactly be like this. Also, the SILTA power supplies are a bit of overkill in terms of price and size for what you get with them. A 4ms Row Power 40, for example, takes up 2 hp less, gives you a bit more amperage on the +12 rail, and is a tad cheaper. Or, better still, opt for a powered case such as one by Doepfer, Erica, et al and see if you can get even better amperage numbers with zero hp used.

Seems fairly on point. I take it you'll be clocking the entire thing off the Tempi, using the logic and other pulse sources to set up variations for the Pulsar23? Anyway, the only thing that's a bit bothersome is the layout; I suggest trying to group functions with like functions (VCOs near sequencer/quantizing, processing near the end of the chain, etc) so that the interconnection between this and the Pulsar23 isn't quite as tangly and difficult.

Thread: JupiterPlus

If you want to stick with two rows, have a peek at Erica's 126 hp deep cases...Perfect Circuit has those in the USA. Great price for the size, nice hefty power supply, and major depth, even above the power supply. But yeah, I get the idea now...sort of a modular synth take on an old blown-up Supro amp sound, sort of Howling Wolf-esque.

Yay, my rails arrived from Clicks and Clocks, and I have to say that they just look super excellent. I will post photos very soon.

Now that the parts are here, I can finally start to measure wood and start to make cuts! I had to wait for the rails to make the design exactly to the right size.

In the meantime, I've been rearranging my modules a bit... and it seems like a smart idea to make at least the top row of this box a little bit deeper than initially planned, enough for 60mm modules. The newest re-arrangement has me swapping the precision adder for a dual-quantizer (it can transpose, which is what I wanted it for). I'll just have to fine-tune an attenuverter to 1V with the OTool if I need to do octaves (does that work well enough??)...

Also, I've changed my mind on Three Sisters (seems to weird), and decided maybe the Polivoks + LxD is more to my taste. I went with the Harvestman version because it has a mixer going on in addition. Any thoughts on filters to pair with BIA and the new Lifeforms?

Okay thank your for you reply! So I guess something like this wont turn out to be very playable. Thanks! Guess thats back to the drawing board. :)

this user has left ModularGrid

Good trade with @Tox.ine
@bobje was the seller, @Tox.ine was the buyer

Thread: see mine

Please see mine and give some suggestions!

alt text

Any opinions much appreciated ☺

Thread: JupiterPlus

Thanks Lugia,

I'm going for an aggressive edge to Blues/Rock.
The terminology "noise/industrial-type stuff" scared me a bit, but I've been listening to some music with that tag and, yeah...A nudge in that direction is what I'm looking for.
If I can't tame the Cosmic noise I'll pull it and go more conventional.

The quadrature VCO/LFO you suggest sounds like a good idea, I'll contemplate it.
Might need another row.

Take care,


Thread: JupiterPlus

I can see that working for noise/industrial-type stuff, yeah. Although, my instinct would be to eliminate one of the Optomixes in favor of a proper VCO so you can get good audio-frequency modulation. In fact, one pops into mind immediately: Doepfer's A-143-9...quadrature VCO/LFO. That way, you get AF...but you can also switch it down to LFO range and make big use of the quadrature-phased outputs on the VCAs, O&C, etc.

Well, first up, you get 16 hp back since Clouds is discontinued.

The problem with these sorts of builds is that they just don't work out in small cabs. And that gets back to the 'start too big' idea: if you start off with an improbably huge case, you wind up realizing that, hey, it wasn't improbably huge. That strategy works for all builds, actually; start too large, then pare things down to workability (on your own terms...'workable' differs from user to user) gradually until you get to a result. Also, first builds on MG always turn out in the 'WTF?' zone, as far as a usable instrument is concerned. MG is perfect for this,'s a great place to make mistakes, because they're not costly ones. Screw up? Just delete and restart. Try that with actual hardware; it's very spendy and totally frustrating.

Thread: JupiterPlus

Hello ,
What do you make of this as a stand alone instrument?
The "Cosmic Noise" is basically two Jupiter Storm's.
It's going in Doepfer A-100G6 Rackmountable Eurorack Case with Power Supply.
I want it to work with or without a controller/keyboard, but I have an old Arturia KeyLab 49 that will likely be hooked up most of the time.

ModularGrid Rack


Awesome gear, now I understand what sounds I have been hearing :D

ModularGrid Rack
(please click on the link since its not loading the whole rack)

Hello everyone.

So I want to dive deeper into the world of modular and get myself my first eurorack system. Im reading loads of articels and watching hours of youtube videos. This is what I came up with so far. The Idea behind this rack is that it functions as a hybrid. Bottom row is a synth voice and sequencer. Middle row is dedicated to drum sounds. Top row is in/out and effects.

But I'm not sure if this is even feasible. For instance, I believe that with the current system, I'm not able to output all of the sounds. I feel like there are more outputs or mixers missing. Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Your help is very much appreciated!


Hmmm... could have sworn I replied to you...

Anyway, thanks so much for looking over this dream system of mine I hope to slowly build out. I definitely want some "controlled randomness". I thought I was achieving that well enough with the Varigate 8+'s probablistic capabilities and the Metroplis' clock divider and shuffle capability. I'll have to look up stochastic skipper and some of these delay capabilities, they sound great. I'll probably drop the eloquencer; I don't think it's adding too much for its footprint and would be definitely the last one I'd buy.

BTW, one goal is to build this over time and have sound options, not using all at all times (even the sequencers). I have some semimoduler synths already, so thought percussion may be the way to go for me..

Anyway, thanks again Lugia for looking this over and dropping in some hints; this noob appeciates it!


Oh, yeah...that little DIRT filter is a sneak weapon. I've actually encountered it in real life, but you managed to hit the most excellent 'sour spots' in its behavior and bring out the industrial/acid-type nastiness that it does sooooo well!

Except...while there's a lot of different drum voices, I get the feeling you're neglecting the timing aspects. For instance, I see nothing in the way of gate/trig dividers and/or multipliers, or other clock manipulators (pulse counters, stochastic skippers, clock delays). And with all of that, you'd also need a nice bit of logic to allow conditional gate/trigger variation. It's ok if you just want the output from the sequencers 'straight', but aside of the one Euclidean sequencer there, this is lacking in ways to 'humanize' the rhythm feel and/or create controllable variation. Take a long stroll through the 'clock modulators' section here and get a feel for what all of that category's about, and then do the same with the 'logic' section, then give it another try. You may find that the real trick here is less sound generation and more sequential/timing complexity.

Also, you'll want audio delays. I can't even count the times I've used different delay-based strategies to generate hocket-like behavior to make rhythm patterns more complex.

Yeah, it really does sound like it’s folding waves now and then. Not just distorting them.

ModularGrid Rack

The idea is to pair this with the Pulsar 23 (when it releases) and an Eventide Space pedal. I feel like it looks pretty good, and more importantly a lot of fun. But my theorizing has proved less than accurate before...

The idea here is to have many different modules and sequencer arrangements along with some effects to act as a super sophisticated drum machine.

Sweet dude thanks!! I can’t wait to try it out!