Great.. Just duplicated and that worked. Thanks for the advice..
dr space


Thank you ! Yes it seems to be too much mixer but in fact I need all the mixer of the techno system for the drums..
You think I need to remove the Unify mixer ? If I keep the Quad VCA and take the double andore I have to put out the Vermona Melodicer..I would love to have it !

Other possibilities ?

I try my best to listen all of your advices !
And the result is ? Can you confirm its better now and usuable like this ?

ModularGrid Rack

A sneak peak at another track in the works for my first album, Reticulating Splines.

@GarfieldModular Thanks! Much appreciated. Just having a little fun with my Boston crowd.

it's better to use a link - ModularGrid Rack

you appear to have a lot of mixing - but all appears for audio - also I'd split it up a bit

I'd keep the quad vca and add the double andore - 6 vcas is still not a lot for this size case

I'd want more utilities for multing/mixing/modifying modulation

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I think you have to add a 1u row and then look for the 84hp 'tile' under 1u

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

@DrSpace I don't actually know the answer to this, but I do know you can duplicate other people's racks ("Duplicate Rack" above the rack name). You could then delete all their modules and add your own :)


I am getting the Nifty case soon and want to sketch out what I will put into it but I can't see how you can choose that in the racks when you create a new one?? Where is it hiding?? I can see many people have the picture of it in their racks?? Please help..
dr space


Thank you very much Lugia and sacguy71 for your reply and advices. Yes i understand, but i already own the Erica Synths techno system and i love it as a drum machine, I don’t want to remove modules from it...
Can we consider it is my drum machine (maybe with zularic and BIA if it is possible to use with it ?)
Yes too much distortion but i will use some of them with the drums modules if possible..

Lugia: Ok, i was wrong for the space economy, i will remove the ADSRVCA modules and maybe take Intellijel Quad VCA ? Or double Andore can play this role as sacguy71 recommend ?
I will check attenuverters, and remove maybe Plague bearer, thanks again !

Sacguy71: Thank you ! Yes i will try to work my rack again with Kermit and Double Andore (but it is big !)

Is it better like this ?

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Agree well for my future larger system, I plan to build something with the WMD Performance Mixer and 512 vector with add on module and some other goodies.

Thread: Live Set #2

Was asked to play a small label fest for the autumn equinox and put this thing together:

Using the same rack as last time, -MCO, +Pluck and +DTF to help explore some different textures.

ModularGrid Rack

Perhaps surprisingly, Clouds is really the star of this one. I read an interview with Emelie Gillet awhile back where she shared some of her disappointment around the lack of randomness and modulation that folks use with Clouds, so I picked up the Doepfer A-118-2. That plus Ochd can really take things in a texturally varied, almost 20th century classical direction at times. Eurorack... very interesting format.

Anyway, hope you enjoy if you give it a listen!

It's not a bad such, you don't have to have a complete voice in this, since it's just a "sidecar" for the Moogs. However, you're missing a KEY Erica MScale, which is a bidirectional I/O for the Moog CVs which can be somewhat different from standard Eurorack. Take the mult out (you should get some inline mults instead...this system is too small for dedicated panel mults) and put that in instead.

Agree if I was building a large setup like this Levit8, VC8, and Radar would be on my shopping list for key ingredients as well as a good performance mixer like the WMD Performance mixer.
-- sacguy71

Yeah, that little ecosystem that Erogenous Tones came up with for those three modules is super-potent! If it was smaller, it would be even better...but for larger systems, adding the entire subsystem above is a quick and easy way to drop power into things. As for WMD's's definitely comprehensive, but a bit much. I like Toppobrillo's Stereomix II instead...smaller, but still quite powerful due to its many CV control points.

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For dark industrial techno, you need super modulation and the best all in one module: IME Kermit MK3!

That module can be LFOs, EGs, dirty oscillators, S&H, noise generator and combine them as you like. True modulation gem for your style. Here is what you can with it:

I also recommend looking at the IME/Harvestman Double Andore it has dual VCA plus lots of tricks for techno and envelopes in one. I may pick one up along with Piston Honda MK3 or Hertz Donut MK3 to go with Kermit and Bionic Lester. I would ditch the Erica Synths modules and use an external drum machine or perhaps just get the smaller Erica Synths sample drums and save rack space and cash. I use my Elektron Octatrack for samples and drums and it works great.

Thanks for the suggestions. I certainly wasn’t expecting that a another filter would be a good thing to pair up with a Filter8. Something to think about when I’ve got a decent delay installed.
-- SJ900

Yeah, but the Filter8's capability for phase-shifting waveforms has loads of abuse potential. For example, let's say you have three filters that you want phasing at the same rate, but not the same phasing position. With the Filter8, you can open it up so it's not filtering and then use that phase network to turn ONE single LFO into THREE that do exactly that. Take your outputs from the 0, 120, and 240 degree points, and there you are! For modulating things like effects (triple chorus, anyone?), this is a big asset.

Mmmm...the Just Friends is a formant-based VCF. Are you sure you don't mean the Cold Mac for clock manipulation?

Well, when you look at this, there's definitely some shortcomings. For one thing, using the ADSR/VCAs isn't an economical use of space; it would make MUCH more sense to add several linear VCAs on a single module, then solve the other problem present here by adding some more modulation sources to mess with them. I think you're also concentrating too much on distortion effects really only need A distortion device, but a wavefolder somewhere up the signal chain would actually make sense so that you can get more elaborate and controllable (and yes, distorted) waveforms that way, so DO keep the Wavefolder. And there's other issues as well...a lack of controlling modules such as attenuverters will hurt you here, for example.

I think the big problem here is that the Erica drum functionality is overriding the ability of the top two rows to be used both as a complement to the Erica modules and as a self-contained synth on its own. This is why I tend to tell people to NOT build a Eurorack drum machine...the modules for each drum voice are never space-economical and the operating needs of that modular setup are often fairly divergent from what a modular SYNTH has to have to really open up. You might want to remove all of that from the build before continuing so you can get a clearer idea of what those top two rows SHOULD be.

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Fun jam I threw together this afternoon after work:
Kermit is a powerhouse of modular in one.

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Agree if I was building a large setup like this Levit8, VC8, and Radar would be on my shopping list for key ingredients as well as a good performance mixer like the WMD Performance mixer.

Levit8 is the way to go for a larger build like this. The little switches you see on it offer a lot of alternate signal routings, plus you can easily split it into 2 x 4 channels. Some of my larger build experiments relied on these for CV/mod routing and adjustment.

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Besides utility and functional support modules like Kinks and Links, a good mixer helps a great deal. For filters, I like dual mode filters that offer a wide palette of modes in one module and the ability to mix CV for modulation. The Dual Borg filter and IME Bionic Lester MK3 filters that are in my setup are bonkers and offer tons of variety in patches. I recently discovered logic and offset modules thanks to folks here who gave me such advice and these really add spice as well. Where are your LFO modules? Modulation is a big part of modular systems and I don't really see any here. I am a big fan of the Batumi LFO so easy to use with 4 independent LFOs that can work together as well. Kermit is a beast of a module but I don't recommend it to beginners as it is super deep and more of a computer super modulator than an LFO.

I'm going to piggy back on this thread because I'm basically doing the same thing; though in a smaller / different way.

Currently I've got more semi modular and "not semi modular but has a few sync / gate / outputs)

Semi-Modular (or ish):
- Moog Mother 32
- Moog DFAM
- Arturia Minibrute 2S
- Novation Circuit Monostation (some outputs, but not really semi modular)

Groove Boxes
- Maschine Mk III and a whole whack of expansions / Komplete Kontrol / Computer based stuff
- Novation Circuit

The Thought:
- Of my wishlist of things, subharmonicon is next and I was thinking about doing the 3 tier case and being done with it. Then I noticed they have a 4 tier rack and figured "Hey I could add the 60HP and get some modular bits of pieces to very slowly baby step into eurorack".
- I've been looking over some other threads in here and noticing folks getting stuck in fancy module syndrome, or missing pieces, so I'm definitely looking for help!
- I'm aiming to start small, semi modular is my friend because it's all there - with physical knobs, and enough patching to make that part fun but without starting full eurorack and thus requiring a lot more initial outlay of cash
- I'm also not afraid to be told to get another Mother 32 and run everything into an audio interface and do effects with Ableton or Logic VST's.

I started a 60 HP rack with a few modules well liked by some youtubers I follow; added the uZeus for power, Maths because everyone seems to love it, Quad VCA because more VCA's is good - but I am totally open to suggestions.

The Big Question: Am I completely off track? My main goal is to enhance the rack of lovely sounding Moog gear, and other semi modular gear I have or buy in the future; Effects, Quantizing, Fancier Sequencing, maybe a little mixing (though I also plan to move from an audio interface to a mixer so I could simply pipe all the audio out of things into that as well as including guitars/bass/other things.

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks everyone in advance for the help!

  • D

Hi OuterSanctuary,

Yes the Metropolis sequencer is indeed an intriguing module, you are right about that, it's on my wish list as well, then again, I got a huge wish list ;-) So if you like the Metropolis so much, keep that one then and (for the moment at least) get rid of the Shapeshifter and the Atlantis. Soon enough once you get started you will notice that you need more space, then get your second 7U Intellijel casing and then you can make your dream come through with the Atlantis and the Shapeshifter (if you still want them by that time).

Have fun and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks ill take it into consideration i think you may be right with the vcos i will get a shapeshifter eventually. I will say however im totally fixed on the metropolis sequencer its perfect for the music i create but yeah i think your right i should actually try and make a modular synth not just connecting a full sythesizer to a sequencer haha. Thanks for your input Garfield :)

Hi OuterSanctuary,

Welcome to modular synths :-) Let's start with the "easy" part. If I am not mistaken you are looking/planning here at an Intellijel casing, nothing against it, really. Just if you get yourself an Intellijel casing with a 1 U row then only Intellijel 1 U modules (or compatible brands to Intellijel 1 U) are going to fit in that 1 U row... this means the Pulp Logic isn't going to fit. So get rid of that Pulp Logic module ;-)

I have been attracted by the Atlantis module from Intellijel myself several times as well and I still once and a while look at it and think: "Hmm, interesting!"...

But then I sober up from my sexy module syndrome and hold a virtual mirror in front of my face and wonder...

Why should I have a modular synthesizer and then get myself a complete synthesizer module? What's the real point of that? Sure, it's easy and in one go, you got pretty much, kind of lazy way of deciding not to decide to go into the details of all modules and just go the easy path of getting yourself a complete synthesizer module... in a modular synth?

I gave that thought a few moments and then, at least for myself, I felt... oh that's odd... indeed why I want to go for a modular synthesizer and then buy a complete synthesizer module, that doesn't make sense, now does it?

That's the reason why I haven't bought any complete synthesizer module yet because... well then I could have bought instead of a modular synth, just a complete external nice interesting synthesizer, couldn't I?

Don't get me wrong here, I do believe the Atlantis is a fantastic module, I am still considering it, but the price keeps me away from it together with my above "philosophy".

To summarise this: To start with a modular synth and then as the first or second module to buy a full synthesizer module... mwaaahhh, that sounds odd and weird at the same time to me ;-)

I hope you do get my point here? :-)

Instead of starting with the Atlantis and Metropolis, if this was going to be my rack, I would get rid of these two modules for the moment and start with others. I wouldn't start with two Dixie 2+, just start with one, get some experience with it and then decide if you love it so much that you need a second one or if you would like to give another brand's VCO a chance instead? So wait with that Shapeshifter as well, most likely one of the best modules in the world but a heavy one to start with, so you might want to consider another second VCO to start with. Then when you got experiences with that Dixie 2+ and the 2nd other VCO, then check if you still want that Shapeshifter and a 2nd Dixie 2+.

Not sure if you should start with an ADE-32 module, looks quite "heavy" to me to start with, I would rather consider at least one or perhaps two more simple LFOs. EGs you have for the moment enough I think but you are lack on a few classic LFOs.

Beside the QPAS filter, you might want to consider a 2nd filter for some variation. I can confirm though that the QPAS is nice, I just got it recently myself and I am quite happy with it. As a second filter, just as an example, you might want to go with a Doepfer - A-124 Wasp filter, little beauty that is. Or if you want a slightly milder one consider the A-106 SEM filter instead, both are nice filters to use.

Assuming you will get rid of Atlantis, Metropolis and the Shapeshifter, you can pamper yourself with even a third VCO, let's say the Plaits from Mutable Instruments? Then you have a bit more of a variety to play with and the good thing is... you still have space left in your rack. Leave that free space, you need that for the near future once you got a bit experience with your rack, your ideas might change a bit on what you want to add, etcetera.

Regarding those 1 U modules, make sure you don't forget to add an audio output module, that can then connect to your Intellijel casing output connectors.

I think this should do for starters, should give you some "food for thought". Take it easy, don't plan the entire rack full and I wish you lots of fun with planning and later playing your rack :-) Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

First things first i should mention im a complete modular noob but im not new to synthesis. After spending a couple weeks reading forums and watching a tonne of videos i thought i would make a "dream" starter rack. I would massively appreciate it if you could look over this setup and any advice would be appreciated :)
Is there any blindingly obvious utilities im seriously lacking? Not enough modulation? (which i love) Do i have redundant modules? maybe due to not having the prerequisites to use it properly. I understand this could be absolute trash that cant even make a sound but If you are going to critisise it, please can it be constructive criticism only :)
From my basic knowledge i believe i have two sequencers that i can route to 4 sound sources two of which can be used as lfos which in the end i can route to the mixer module in the top so i can balance levels. If i am missing crucial modules for this to work please do tell me.
Also I intend to start my modular journey with the atlantis and metropolis modules. Correct me if im mistaken but would i have a functioning albeit limited synth with just those two modules?

Thanks for the advice and knowledge :)

EDIT: I did replace the granular processor with the ADE-32 Octocontroller but it didnt update for some reason.

Thanks for the suggestions. I certainly wasn’t expecting that a another filter would be a good thing to pair up with a Filter8. Something to think about when I’ve got a decent delay installed.
For now, it looks like I shall have to up my LFO/envelope game. Shall start doing some research, but initial thoughts are that MI Stages or the Xaoc Zadar could be put to many uses in my rack. The Kermit looks like a beast, but maybe a bit fiddly to use - certainly merits a deeper look.

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I have the Dual Borg filter and love it. Get that one.

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Hi Jim,

Well so far I have not have to use anything but sequencer, VCAs, mixer and mults in my patching learning experience. Below is my second rack and I am open to suggestions and recommendations before adding more voice modules. Right now I just have 2 the BIA and Cursus but the Kermit can be a quad LFO, EG, dirty VCO or combination of these which is unique in a module.

ModularGrid Rack

I will check out Sloths, Shades and Streams modules to see what they can do for my setup. I do want to add Pamela New Workout for clock duty and ALM Busy Circuits Boss Bow Two - 8 way sequential switch in the short run as these would open open patch ideas for clock generator, clock divider and switch patches.

Hi guys,

I would like to build a rack for dark techno, industrial techno. I am totally new to modular, just own the Erica Synths Techno System and i plan to buy the same Erica Synths case and fill it with module for melody, noise and effects. I plan it on modular grid and need your advice ! Can it work like this ? What i need to change ? What would you change to improve it?

ModularGrid Rack

I will buy modules little by little, and think to begin with Noise engineering basimilus iteritas alter, zularic repetitor and manis iteritas. Do you think its nice for begin ? I can use BIA and Manis with the Erica Sequencer, right ? Do i need other things ?

Thank you for your help ;)


personally I prefer simple functional blocks for utilities and preferably ones that can handle audio and cv at the same time - plus manuals in plain english help - so I would never buy a cold mac, or recommend one

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Ho, one last question: what do you think of the Cold Mac in this configuration? I haven't enjoyed it as much as I thought I'd do but it may come from my lack of actual modules. The manual mentions a "Cross FM combinations" patch that seems quite nice but requires 2 mangroves - I only have one at the moment. You mentioned the need of a submixer so maybe the cold mac could act as one?

I'm with Lugia. This seems good to me as is.
I love the 3xMIA but the Levit8 should give you similar functionality.
Have fun!

Yes! I came to post this. This would be great to play with 19 inch rack gear configurations.

an offset module would be something like shades NOT kinks

How many support/utility modules would I need in a setup for each voice? Like if I have 4-6 VCOs and 4 LFOs, how many logic modules, matrix mixers, switches, VCAs, EGs, and logic/offset modules would I realistically need for a good setup?
-- sacguy71

as many as you need is the answer - do you find yourself reaching for an extra mixer? or logic module or EG or VCA or whatever

if so you need that module so buy it - this is why disting/o&c/maths are particularly useful - as they can stand in for so many things as and when you need them

a good starting point is 2 vcas per vco - but that really only applies to east coast style synthesis - more is useful - and remember some 'vcos' etc have vcas built in

for my 7 voice/4 filter rig (total 63 modules) I have Triple Sloths, Maths, Stages and Peaks (plus a second peaks to be built) as envelope generators/lfos, links, kinks, 3 shades, 2 passive mults (+ a handful of headphone splitters and 2 dozen stackcables), 2 2hp trim, a sequential switch, a buffered mult, Marbles, sinfonion, an a-151 sequential switch, a morphing controller, an 8 way attenuator, a switched multiple, a bank of 8 a/b switches, 2 clock dividers, veils, a dual vca, 2 clock dividers, a panning mixer, a matrix mixer, a 2hp tune/tm combo, Streams, 2 pedal interfaces (one with a cross fader), an instrument input, 2 compressors, branches, a micro mixer, an inv mix, a joystick, an erica swamp, 5 waveshapers and an ES8/ES6 - so roughly 2/3rds of the modules are 'support modules' and I think I need more envelope generators and mixing - currently mixing outside the box - NB I use and abuse as much of this as possible with my video rig - mostly the waveshapers and morphing controller

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thanks a ton for your answer, I can't stress enough how useful it is to me :)

On drum modules: alright, it makes sense to drop them all + I didn't mention that I also had a DFAM. I totally forgot about noise modules indeed. Do you have preferences on these? I found the entropy by Zlob, that also has an expander that adds blue and purple noise. The noise and filter from Verbos seems interesting too.

Maths: check ✅ To me, another argument for going with Maths is also the ton of ressources available. I will also wait a bit before buying the Joranalogue, as they feel a bit less necessary than a number of other modules. Also, I feel like the Just Friends already offers nice ways to screw with clocks.

On Borg, would you go for the Borg 2 rather than the dual borg? I'm having difficulties to find any of them but I'm planning to trade my Jove 80 as soon as one of them is available.

Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to the order of the modules, I'll make an updated version of the rack once I digest all the information you gave me.

Thanks a lot again for your help!

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I just picked up the Industrial Music/Harvestman Bionic Lester MK3 and that is one crazy complex and deep dual filter that can do a million things. For LFO, I really like Batumi Quad LFO a lot and IME Kermit MK3. Both have quad LFO options and the Kermit can do even more like function as an envelope, S&H, oscillator and more. But lots of programming so have to be open to a super deep module.

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Thanks Lugia,

I have a Befaco Hex VCA, Doepfer DVCA, and Intellijel Quad VCA in my two 6u racks and passive mults, buffered mults as well as Kinks for offsets/logic. My follow up question regarding utilities and support modules is this:

How many support/utility modules would I need in a setup for each voice? Like if I have 4-6 VCOs and 4 LFOs, how many logic modules, matrix mixers, switches, VCAs, EGs, and logic/offset modules would I realistically need for a good setup?

The Filter 8 is a modulation hog...throwing some more LFOs/envelopes at it would be useful. Also, the Filter 8 is pretty much the same thing as the STG Mankato, so it also outputs signals with different degrees of phasing. This makes it useful as a device for generating cancellation signals as well as a VCF. It's worth having, but my choice for ultra-screwy filtering has to go to the Intellijel Morgasmatron. First up, it's a filter pair, sort of like the Sallen-Keys on the MS-20. Secondly, it has some very interesting patchpoints, notably CV over resonance which I'd like to see more of out there. Another "sleeper" filter is Doepfer's A-106-1...another Sallen-Key pair version, but in THIS case it offers an insert point in the resonance path, allowing you to screw around with processing the filter signal ONLY. These pair wonderfully with delays; you could have the 106-1 causing the delay to degrade in quality with every single repeat, for example.

Honestly, you might find the Filter 8 and 106-1 to be a pretty excellent combo, given what each has as their "special trick".

You might already have one. Check your attenuators without an input to them to see if they output CV offsets in that state, as many active attenuator modules double as offset gens.

Change nothing. I know there's always that naggy little voice in the back of your skull, questioning things, but this is really spot on. I would take this to hardware with no regrets.

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By offsets are you referring to mixers, rectifiers and inverters? I use the ones in Kinks to good effect with LFOs and envelopes quite a bit now that my Kinks arrived. WMD SSF makes a nice offset combo module as well as Mannequin Cold Mac. How many of these would you recommend per 6U rack that has 3-5 voices? Logic modules are fun as well. I want to get another offset module and logic module.


Currently, my rack looks like this
ModularGrid Rack

The two Gristleizer modules (filter and VCA) are borrowed, so I have been thinking about a permanent filter. I think I have settled on a Joranalogue Filter 8, and have been wondering what utilities would help to get the best out of it.

Beyond that, the next purchase is likely to be a mimeophone, as a delay/reverb seems like a sensible addition ( probably accompanied by a smallish stereo mixer, perhaps a Doepfer a-135-2 M)

Any suggestions gratefully received

The most important category you're missing from your list are offsets. I'm not sure how people get by with so few offsets, but I can only conclude that their music must simply lacks the nuance that comes from being able to dial in a specific range of CV voltage...

I wouldn't say clock and clock dividers are utilities, more like LFOs. But comparators and rectifiers are two other important utilities that you're missing there.

Well, finally, I've decided add ochd, kinks and Zadar. I'll keep function for the moment, and the others modules. The result rack will look like:

alt text

Ochd and kinks had arrived, and in first test I've noted it was a good choice, because I'll free so much outputs from PNW's, and now I could modulate almost all parameters on elements, and keep outputs from Pamela's for the others modules. I guess when Zadar arrive it will be even better.

Thanks you so much for the tips, they are so helpful.

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We all know that the sexy voice modules and filters get the screen time on Youtube whenever Divkid or someone else promotes the gotta have it big module. BUT support and utility modules while not sexy are super essential sauce for a good modular setup. What are your top ten must have ones in even a small setup and why?

Here is my list:

Mults- passive and buffered
Logic: Kinks, Cold Mac, Klavis Logic xt
Clock and clock divider
Mixers: audio and CV
Switches: ALM Busy Circuits Boss Bow Two, Doepfer sequential switch

So far I have Links, Kinks, tons of passive mults to plug patch cables into as well as mixers and attenuators in both my small setups. Looking at getting WMD/SSF Toolbox and Mannequin Cold Mac and perhaps an Expert Sleepers Disting EX.

My case is almost done, but I have a persistent feeling that I need to add something like a 3xMIA or A*B+C. In other words, more mixing, offsetting, and/or VCA capabilities... I already have a LEVIT8, 333, a bunch of 1u Duatts, 3xVCA, etc. Am I tripping? Should I replace Tree with a 3xMIA? Is there anything else I should be doing differently here?

As you can probably guess, the rack is for noise / drone music with an emphasis on chaotic or stochastic processes and signal processing and less emphasis on sequencing.

Link to upper case (7U 104hp)
Upper case

Link to lower case (7U 104hp)
Lower case

There's a bunch of issues here. First up, if you're looking to lose something, lose the drum modules. These days, the drum machines we're getting don't have many disadvantages over modular drums, so my suggestion would be to get a standalone. DO make sure it has clock in and clock out, though, as there'll be times you'll want to drive the Pam's with it, and at other times you'll need to drive the drum machine's clock with something in the cab. Also...noise module. Very necessary if you're trying to design your own percussives.

Next up...of the Joranalogues, I'd lose the Contour. As you'd suspected, Maths fits MUCH better here. The Dual comparator and the CV processor are super-useful for a number of things...the latter, modulation tampering and the former, if you add some Boolean logic, is a fantastic way to screw with clocking behavior by using freerunning slow LFOs to shut down and/or turn on different voicepaths.

BORG filter, not the Boogie. Rationale here is that the Borg gives you two VCF/gates with variable response. And this means you can have screwy things like a bandpass gate or a highpass gate in addition to the typical LPG thing, or you can couple both up together for weird filter curves.

I would also consider adding some dedicated ADSR envelopes for your main VCF, main VCA, and the like. The Zadar is awesome (esp. with its expander; the Batumi has one as well) but it seems more like the proper implement for all sorts of other modulation sources that you can implement all over the place in this build. Have a look at Doepfer's also gives you some CV over envelope parameters, and it's only 8 hp.

The VCOs need a submixer. Since it's a set-n-forget module as a rule, a 2hp one will work here. BTW, since you really only have the three VCOs here, you can toss the Buffered Mult. These come in handy when you get above a certain amount of splits in a single CV and you want to avoid detuning from voltage sag...but three isn't quite in that area yet. More like five (or more) works with these. And you don't need buffering for anything else, so I'd suggest keeping some inline mults handy so that you can regain space you'd lose to mults.

Last thing I'd consider here would be to reorder the rack so that the signal flow makes more sense. As an example, right now you've got the Diode Chaos in the upper right...and the Select2, which has your sample and hold capability, is bottom-middle. These really need to be co-located, and there's plenty of other spots that need this, too. Try and envision what you're doing here as building up functional "blocks"...random sources here, VCOs there, filters in...well, you get the idea. Grouping by function really snaps a modular's capabilities into focus.

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Sure thing Garfield! Same here, I plan to visit places in socal after covid ends to try out verbos and buchla gear for fun as well as some other more esoteric things. has some cool modules worth checking out as well. Would love to try out the ground control, drum modules and shuttle system. Yes, it can get seriously expensive. Best to do it gradually. I have plenty to keep me busy for at least a year or two now. Only really need a clock and switch and these are not expensive modules fortunately. Maybe get Hertz Donut MK3 if it comes in stock toward end of the year.

Hi Sacguy71,

Thanks a lot for your extensive details on those brands, I will keep that in mind for future decisions. In October I plan to visit my local dealer (if Covid-19 situation allows of course) to hopefully being able to check out the Ground Control (of, if I have time left, I think I should try a few Noise Engineering modules to give them a second chance :-)

Yes, I agree, from a financial point of view this hobby is a serious disaster but indeed not much as buying a new house ;-) At least not yet, I wish I had a bigger house so I have more space for Euroracks but other than that there is no reason yet to sell my house :-)

Going to zzzzzzzzz, good night and kind regards, Garfield.

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