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This one was recorded live in one take, the original one lasted something around 20 minutes so I removed the boring parts with less variations and left almost 10 minutes.

The bassline is from the minibrite 2s, drums are drumbrute impact and the rest is from plaits.

Sounds great. I'm impressed with the Minibrute 2s bassline!
I actually just had to unplug my TD3 and hide it because I couldn't stop making acid tracks. Haha
I really enjoyed your track on the best of MG compilation that @troux put together. Well done.

Nice! Especially when it switches up half way through. And those high hats sound perfect. Both thumbs up!

Well done @Exposure, this is excellent and also some inspiration to keep my bass lines simpler lol. And yes, the switch at about 6 minutes in is awesome. Looking forward to more from you!

Hi Exposure,

No complains here about the rhythm, nicely done :-) I love the sonic discovery tour throughout your track, surprising us with several surprising & interesting sounds!

Thanks a lot for sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.

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