Keep around:
* White Whale to swap with Ansible
* Shades to swap with Meadowphysics
* LoFiJunkie to swap with Chronoblob
* O'Tool+ to swap with Cold Mac
* Submodular 208 case?
* Malekko Power Supply?
* Lxd could be interesting to swap with Nano Rand.
* Make Noise Contour could swap with Shades.
* Morphagene or 4ms Sampler to swap with DLD/Erbe Verb?
* Arpitecht or Tuesday could be interesting to swap with Quadra.
* Frap Tools Sapel and Instruo Harmonaig are both interesting and 18hp but I probably won't get either.
* Tiptop Quantizer or Folder?
* Voltage Block or Praga?