hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think

If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.
In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.

hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think > If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.

In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.
-- modular01

i have some recordings but just video on my phone can these be uploaded on this site ?

Put recordings on Youtube or Soundcloud, you can then link to them here.

ADSR's / Envelopes are indeed a crucial part of modular unless all you want are Drones, imagine playing a pianio key and the length of time you hold it down is the Sustain, when you let go it rings out is the Release. Its a way of seperating notes from oneanother.
The same envelope that is used to control the Volume of the note van also control the Filter Cutoff to animate and give life and movement to that note.
At the moment my Rack/s have up to 7 envelope generators from simple Attack/Decay to ADSR's and also an LPG.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


thanks for the reply ill upload a sound snip soon..i always use lfo for modulation on filters which gives movement..am I right is saying truger/gate from sequencer to adsr to CV on filter an vca. ?

yep, thats correct.

Sound Source>Filter>VCA
Trigger or Gate>ADSR>out of ADSR into VCA and mult to Filter Cutoff.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
