ModularGrid Rack

Here is an attempt at a small techno rack.

Random notes :

2 brooks will serve as bass and lead.
2 doepfer vco and noise will be used to patch percussive sounds (ideally kick, snare and some sort of hh). Kick patch will likely go through LPG 1U.

I dig minimal techno. So the most important thing for me is to be able to easily mute/unmute stuff and control the length/snapyness of sounds.

Steppy will sequence the 3 percussive sounds and a reset signal.

Bloom will handle bass and lead.

One brooks (lead) will go to mixer Xer dualis via Wasp filter, Dvca and Electus.

The second brooks will go to mixer via Wasp filter and Mega tangle.

Mega tangle will also power percussions and MFX will be patched through send/return.

Neo trinity ans Pons asinorum will modulate, with quadratt to attenuate modulation.

Does it work?
Can I get a powerful kick patch here?
Any changes I could make to improve the setup in this form factor (104hp/4U) ?
Any feedback ?


My concern here would be playability. With minimal stuff, you want subtle changes over time. Turning all of those tiny knobs so close together when a bunch of cables are patched will be difficult, if not maddening.
Befaco Percall might also be a module to consider here.
Good luck and have fun.

Thanks for taking the time farkas

True. I built a few super dense cases (like 12+ modules 62hp palettes) and accessibility/playability is an issue. I manage-ish by iterating on module position/direction and using angled Tendril cables with optimized length (once patched I usually keep the rig for a few weeks).

Maybe I could try and leverage something like this fader module ?

Yes. Percall seems like a good idea. It would replace the Mega tang ? Only issue is I would not have the Fx send/return, which is kind of cool in such a small space. I'll think of a way. Maybe I could take out Pons Asinorum and add and small submixer to emulate an Fx send.
