Some observations here...
Cre8 case. Nuh-uh. Jim mentions the Mantis, and these days it pretty much is the goofproof workingman's synth cab. Lightweight, SOLID power, and expandable to a second Mantis via Tiptop's link brackets. And it's nowhere near this small, which is good because while you CAN make tiny modulars with 2-4 hp modules, these will be downright hellish to work with due to the dense panel space. For instance, you see that here with the Erica DSP and the 2 hp module to its right; unless you LIKE tweaking knobs with tweezers, don't do this.
Buffered mults are superfluous without multiple destinations that REQUIRE properly-scaled control voltages. You only have one module here that demands that, ergo no point in the buffered mult. Also, with builds this small, many of us recommend that you DON'T use mults of any sort in small-scale builds as you want as much functionality in the patchpanel, and mults eat this up.
+1 on the "why four channels of quantizing?" from Jim. Seriously, if there's only ONE oscillator, you only need ONE quantizer. And that even applies when you've got two oscillators, as you'll want one to detune a touch to get things HUGE.
Behringer Brains. No. When Uli makes something that hasn't existed in years/decades, that's...OK? I mean, he's still a total asshat, but he's being quasi-ethical with those (aside of handing Korg its own ass on a plate in the "2600 wars", which I thought was not only ethical given Korg's antics, but the only way for "normal people" to get the 3620 circuits) and the gear IS really useful. But when Uli goes at a small company, steals their circuits, steals their interface design, and tries to front that they cooked that up...oh, HELL no. And that, in a nutshell, is what he's done here. Actions like these are why you could make a mint by kidnapping him and setting him in a state fair-type dunking-booth at the next Superbooth..."C'mon folks and get a shot at an inhuman and totally unhousebroken corporate jackass! Only 3 balls for a dollar! Win yerself an actual Mutable Instruments Plaits! C'mon down, folks!" Pft.'s a shot at reworking the build...

This is in the same cab...1 x 84 hp. Again, I still think that you'd be better served by building this in a Mantis.
Left end has a Konstant Labs PWRchekr so you can have some visual feedback on your DC rails' performance. Then the sequencer is next, and I went with a Tenderfoot Lattice, which is sort of like a scaled-down Tiptop Z8000. I put an Erica PICO quantizer by that, and since you're not going to be frantically tweaking a quantizer, that placement should be fine. Then to substitute for Maths (saving panel space, y'know), there's a Befaco Rampage, which is their take on a complex Dual Slope Generator (see the Serge modules to check out the original). Then we're into the audio end with the Plaits, paired up with a Joranalogue FLD6 wavefolder. A pair of After Later VCAs, built on the same topology as the Mutable Veils VCAs, follows, and then a Happy Nerding MMM. The MMM is a dual state-variable, with LP/BP/HP outputs on both -12 dB if you feel the need to crack plaster with BASS, you can series the lowpass sections for -24 dB slopes. More VCAs follow, to control either a single or dual output from the MMM. To get things into stereo, I put in a Doepfer A-138s 4-in stereo mixer, and then the final bit is a Happy Nerding FX Aid XL for your stereo processing.
But like I and others have said/will say, don't build this in an 84 hp skiff. You WILL want to add onto it, and having to include a second skiff in that expansion's price will just make things (more) expensive, when you can drop $335 on a Mantis and be done with it.