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It's been a while since I last recorded a track, this one was a lot of fun and I though I would share it here :)

A lot of what's going on is modulated by hand, like the wet/dry in the effects or the cut-off in both the filter and the 303. This hand modulation thing was pretty much inspired by Blawan, who seems to do everything by hand instead of using cv.

The 303 is from a Behringer td-303, if I recorded it again I would probably use less resonance though. The original recording was 8 minutes long but I removed the intro as it wasn't really interesting. To record it I multi-tracked into ableton live and arranged the parts I liked the most, I also added a bit of compression.

By the way, Star Club Kaoos was a pretty cool club in Ibiza during the '90s. It was then rebranded as Eden which is still one of the most popular clubs in the island.

Hi Exposure,

Nice! A recording from you, that has been awhile ago indeed :-) But you nailed it with Star Club Kaoos, great, high energy tune that has great variations and sounds indeed you had tons of fun! It's tons of fun to listen at too :-D

How was that club called in 1988, also Star Club Kaoos? It was back in 1988 when I had been there on Ibiza... can't remember the club names though I have been.

Ha, ha, your filter-fun just before 4:30 is great! Nice one and thanks a lot for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.

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Ah yes, it seems like the club first opened in the 80s, so yeah, it might be that one :)

Thanks for listening!

Nicely done :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

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Thank for listening wishbonebrewery :)