Hi Sweelinck, All,
What I love about modular is the enormous flexibility for starters, then knowing this, at least theoretically, you can build any kind of (modular) synthesizer (system) you want. That kind of freedom, again the flexibility that it provides, is beyond believe and borders. The more modules you have, the more complex synthesizer-system you can build, the less good overview you will have of what is all possible because it's just too much ;-)
In that forest of trillions of possibilities, starting your day with a clean system (no patch cables plugged in yet), you start to switch on the system. "The blinking" of the system, as a kind of invitation for you, saying: "Come and try me". Once you switched on the system, stand or like I prefer, sit in front of your modular synth, one hand full with patch cables, the other hand scratching your head, that very moment of starting a new patch, a new design of your upcoming synthesizer, that's what I love so much.
Then the next moments, start to patch, trying out a sound or module, adjusting knobs, trying another patch cable with another module, till you get that sound you were looking for (or not really were looking for but just lucky to find it) and then the next patch parallel to what you got already, making it more complicated, more complete, more your own synthesizer. You build that synthesizer!
That's what I love about modular synthesizers ;-)
Kind regards and have an enjoyable modular weekend,
Garfield Modular.