Thread: RNDSynth

Hello there. I found interest in modular synths due to the fact that I could'nt find anything that would allow me to create rather random melodies. so I came up with the idea of a small modular synth that I can pair with my stuff from Elektron.

I don't know if I'd actually need the SYNC module, or if I could just send the clock from my Model:Samples or Cycles into the CLK IN of the Varigate. Also I'm not sure if I'd be able to get sound out of this system with my chosen modules, as I don't see how the Manther Growl would connect to the intellijel Outs.

Basically I want to use the external clock from my Model:Samples or Cycles to set the tempo and then have the Varigate 4+ to control the Manther Growl. The sound would then need to go into my mixer.

Any help is apreciated.

Hi Carl,

Thanks for the details on that bass. Wow, I am a bit jealous. Once and a while I hear some interesting stuff about Pittsburgh but where I live in Germany most of the dealers let go the Pittsburgh brand, no idea why but it means I can't try it out and even just buying it blind is getting difficult since you barely can get it... pity my modular life has to be some longer without Pittsburgh I am afraid.

Have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks Kel!

Hi Carl,

That's very nice indeed! I tried to reply to you yesterday already but for some weird reasons I couldn't send posts/replies; hopefully that works now again.

I admire that almost crystal and clear sound you got there! At almost exactly 1:00 there kicks in some quite deep sound, what's that? I mean how did you manage to make that?

I look forward in hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
-- GarfieldModular

Thanks ! The bass is made with the Pittsburgh Oscillator V2, into a Lider for suboctave, and filtered out with the Pittsburgh Modular FLTR. Glad ya dig it!

Hi Mowse,

Bloody Nora! This is some nice & heavy exciting music, I like it quite a bit :-)

If every time when you clean up something in your setup something like this nice comes out of it, then please keep on cleaning up your setup ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Funbun,

Wow, a complete album, well done!

Does Frankenputer means anything (sorry my English isn't very good) or is it a name? He, he, you are pulling all the registers there with this track :-) Of your... I guess AE modular system, right? Nice!

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Carl,

That's very nice indeed! I tried to reply to you yesterday already but for some weird reasons I couldn't send posts/replies; hopefully that works now again.

I admire that almost crystal and clear sound you got there! At almost exactly 1:00 there kicks in some quite deep sound, what's that? I mean how did you manage to make that?

I look forward in hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Plenty of problems here...starting with the placement of that Row30. NEVER put a power device anywhere near an audio module. This is the easiest way for noise to get into your audio path. Also, consider getting a different power brick; inputting 19V into a module whose max is 20V is probably overtaxing the Row30.

EDIT: Got interrupted...also, you might want to add a ferrite to the DC line into the Row30 if it doesn't have one already. Cheap switching supplies such as ones found in OEM bricks often spew garbage down the DC line. In a lot of devices, this isn't an issue...but with a modular synth, you can have so many different analog and digital circuits crammed together in a tiny box that, once some RF or other such crud gets in, it'll interfere with loads of these and numerous noise generation points can emerge.

One other suggestion might be to get rid of the brick altogether. On my AE system, I use a Tektronix LINEAR supply. These aren't subject to generating anywhere near the amount of crud a cheap switching supply typically puts out. The unit I use is a PS282, which is more than capable of powering that 160-space mutha with ZERO need for ferrites, etc etc. And mine was even calibrated by the seller (Valuetronics, up in the Chicago burbs) prior to sale, so it's 100% in factory spec...for only $100-ish. Plus, unlike a lot of linear supplies, this TEK is's about the size of a lunchbox, and even has a carry handle for convenience! With this thing on the AE, all of the VCOs stand right at attention, there's little to nothing atypical as far as noise goes, and the stability is...well, the ripple scopes out at something ridiculously low, essentially negligible, so that modular runs rock-solid.

Thread: ouGR 1U

Make sure to avoid transactions with @PinPinKula. I paid them a deposit to build a couple of modules over 9 weeks ago, and all my attempts to find out when they will be ready have been met with rudeness and now silence. They originally told me it would be a 2-week turnaround. I don't mind waiting and was polite in all my emails. However, after 8 weeks I asked if they would pay my deposit back and they now seem to be ignoring me. It's such a shame a few bad apples try to ruin this otherwise positive community.

Worked out a noise floor issue and cleaned up my monitoring environment. Felt like having some fun with Rossum-Electro Trident.

Patch is just Trident -> QPAS -> Clouds with tons of modulation. Backed up by a kick from BIA.

Very nice!!

Incredibly powerful combination for sure!!

Owned one for a couple months now, agree with it being a great value. Sounds nice!

It's pretty fantastic. Midi in and out, plus Launchpad support, sampling, nice amount of channels.
The firmware gets updated fairly often, always adding new stuff to it. Granted it's a different approach, hence the tracker format/notating vertically, but it does help to already have some exposure to any other type of tracker.

I've had a NerdSeq for a couple years now, and no complaints at all.

Just got into the Westlicht Performer and the STT16+, love them so far:

Planet Zaxxon

@protomski bought a rainmaker from me, money transfer was in that second he said he wants to buy it, conversation with him was top notch, sadly he had to wait for nearly two weeks for delivery though I shipped asap, DHL said it is CoronaVirus guilt, whatever...
totaly recommend trading with him! :)

Thread: My Eurorack

You have an adapter with an output of 19V, I would think that 12V would be better. You should get advice on this from 4ms before you turn your rack on again.

Read this:

Simply judging by the specs you should be fine. What kind of noise do you get? Does it appear in every patch or only in certain combinations? For example, do you have a high noise floor already when patching only Rings to the Audio I/O? Try disconnecting all modules from the bus board/flying bus cable and reconnect one by one, starting with the Audio I/O. At which point does the noise appear?

The A-199 can add a lot of noise to the audio path. Try placing the springs somewhere else, make sure both the springs and the cables aren't too close to other electrical circuits. Try replacing the RCA cable with one that's better shielded.

I don't have the A-106-1 but a lot of MS-20 style filters can be rather noisy (by design).
But of course, the AC adapter might well be the culprit.

Thanks, @farkas!

I am wondering if I am pushing this power supply too hard. I have always gotten some unwanted noise that I am trying to diminish. I bought the AC adapter from amazon with an input of 100-240V - 1.8A 50/60Hz and output of 19V-4.74A. Is my problem there? Or somewhere else. Any advice would be much appreciated.

ModularGrid Rack

Actually I have a Crave doing something similar

Quite a bit of bang for the buck. I like the idea.
Keeping with the theme I'd consider a Behringer Rhythm Designer RD-8 Analog Drum Machine outside the rack to send through those midi in's for some sequencing power. Have fun.


Hi Quantamiid,

Welcome to Eurorack! What I am going to write next is not to discourage you but I think we need to be realistic here, okay?

The case is far too small, consider the Intellijel 2*104 HP + 1 U instead, that's small enough. What you have here is microscopic and you will much sooner (than later) outgrow this extremely small casing.

Do you have everything to start making sounds? That depends on how you look at that question. If you want to hear something coming out of your speakers, yes, most probably you manage to do that. Is it going to be fun after a while...? Mwaahhh, I doubt that...

Not sure how much experience you have in synthesizers in common, especially the common setup and also depending on how much external gear you already have, but assuming you have nothing else just going to have this rack then it's far too less. For a classic, simple setup consider at least this here:

2 VCOs (Plaits is nice but get another one too), 2 EGs, 1 or 2 LFOs, 1 or 2 filters (the Wasp filter A-124 is indeed a nice one), dual VCA (or two single VCAs) - preferable those that have linear as well as exponential functionality so the Tallinn you choose might be just right, one or two effects modules (I see you got there already something so that might be fine) and then we haven't talked yet about utility modules... and... that's just to get started and build up some experience, etcetera, after that you want more to explore further, etcetera and then... indeed you need a bigger rack again ;-) It's actually very simple: You just can't have enough HP-space...

Oh and please do keep in mind no matter what you are going to do, a Eurorack is going to be expensive, so you need to be prepared for that and do lots of reading and checking on the different modules, on the basic principles and once done that, you have to ask yourself what you want to do with the Eurorack? What kind of sounds or music you want to make and how are you going to realise that with what kind of modules? Nobody said this comes on in easy ;-) So the pre-work for getting ready to get started with Eurorack is quite substantial, please don't under estimate that.

But once all done that, extended the budget a bit for at least a larger case, then you should be fine to get started. Till then, I do think you have to do a bit more homework ;-)

Still try to enjoy all this, also the pre-investigation phase, all the reading& checking and then bang! Go for it! Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I made my own racks to fit in my studio but the layout is exactly as you see here.

A little grumble:

I haven't worked since March...

...and I am getting squeezed for a few bucks on a module I'm trying to sell!

Digging my heels in now... no more discounts or lowball offers.

If you can afford to buy modules right now you are doing really well.

I've swapped a few things, to try and keep myself occupied and sane, but not investing.

I will be listing more in days to come.

Thank you for listening :)

I found that it will not work with 12v, it requires 15v for full functionality (e.g., touch plates are erratic at best with just 12v)

Oh interesting, that's a lot of functionality for what I am guessing isn't, comparatively, much outlay!

Which case did you put them in?

Got any photos?

hello im new to eurorack but have been really interested in getting into it for years now.. what do you guys think of this set up? do i have everything i need to start making sounds? constructive criticism welcomed. thanks

You just won’t be able to control different parameters of your pedals via CV (which is the fun of modular). You may find that bothersome, or you may not. Once you get started, you will know what you need next. That’s why it’s a good idea to start a little slow so you don’t waste time and money on modules you don’t really need.

I love Eno and Fripp too!
I'm actually a guitarist first and am planning my modular set up to complement my guitar and pedals set up.
My pedal board consists of loopers, delays, reverbs and more unusual things like the Count to 5, Tensor and Blooper pedals.
I was thinking of sending the modular to these via Rosie... would that work?
I'll definitely look into the Winter Modular Eloquencer sequencer.

Thanks again!

I like Eno’s albums with Robert Fripp a lot, so I would probably want some kind of modular delay unit like the Mimeophon, Magneto, or something similar to add some crazy texture. My next purchase is going to be the Winter Modular Eloquencer sequencer. It might be worthwhile to look at that before you buy Hermod. They’re both powerful, just different.
Have fun!

Built and working :D

Thanks for your help!

That rack looks great and I can see so many possibilities with it (love the Sloth and Disting).
If I was to get a slighter larger case is there anything you think I am desperately missing?

I think I'd like to eventually get the Hermod as I like that fact I could save sequences.
Is there anything similar but in a smaller size?

Once again, thanks so much for your help.

Hi Caroline. You will want something for triggers/gates to compliment the Voltage Block. You might want to consider replacing one of the Voltage Blocks with a Pamela’s New Workout and/or a Varigate. It would probably be a good idea to replace the mixer with a quad VCA too.
What kind of music are you making?
Have fun and good luck!

So I made this rack a while ago and I already have Clouds and the 4ms row power. I chose these modules because they were the ones the caught my interest the most. Would appreciate some feedback on my setup, thanks!

ModularGrid Rack

The Milky Way is 6hp and 30mm. You may want to check that one out.

Not really. 2hp verb is a great stereo reverb in, well, 2hp. Not sure if there's a 2hp stereo delay. Pico DSP does both in 3hp but is only mono in.

I'll look into the other VCOs. The first 1U module on the left is the Intellijel Midi 1U. It has outputs for a clock (and at a 1/16 rate), pitch, gate, trigger, cc, mod wheel, velocity, run, and reset. I was thinking that I would use the 4 4-out mults I have (the 2x4 part of the Palette and the 2x4 module) for the gate, pitch, clock, and have a 4th one as patch-dependent. The velocity out I would connect to the 1U VCA (which is the sole reason for the VCA in the first place) which would be the last module in the chain before I send it on out using the Line Out 1U module. I would use this with an Arturia Keylab midi keyboard or one of my other synths that have a midi out. I go back and forth with adding the Dnipro Modular Dot sequencer. If I were to add the Dot module, I would replace the Behringer VCO with a smaller sized VCO (probably a duplicate of the other VCO I currently have in there). I like the idea of having a sequencer but I don't think I would get a ton of value out of one for the kind of sound I would use this synth for.

I didn't know of the Deepmind but now that I have been looking into it I am strongly considering buying it

Thanks, @savagemessiah. Out of curiosity, do you know of any other 4HP modules that offer at least stereo reverb and delay?

I've got an FX AID in a palette and I didn't have to do anything weird to make it fit. It was very close so keep in mind that the tolerances of the metal folding used for eurorack cases are such that there's a slim chance it won't fit for you, though.

Hi all,

I am considering an Fx Aid from Happy Nerding for my Intellijel Palette case. However, I see that the module depth is 45 mm according to ModularGrid, although I can't find confirmation of that on the Happy Nerding website. The case's depth is also reported as 45 mm in the specs, and when I measured it myself and calculated the depth it came to 45.24 mm. That strikes me as so close that I am now concerned about getting the module and discovering that I'd have to damage it just to get it installed. Just how much clearance am I likely to have? Has anyone else successfully installed an Fx Aid module in a Palette case?

I would think that you might want something like a Triple Sloths or Zadar for unusual or evolving modulation. I just got the Ochd, and it is outstanding with eight "organic" LFOs in 4hp.
Yes, I think a different oscillator would be wise. The oscillators you picked out are ok for basic wave shapes, but you probably won't get great pads with these. Plaits is popular in these small racks for a reason due to its broad range of synthesis types. There is even a 6hp micro Plaits that would provide you with more options than the oscillators you have chosen. Maybe even the Cursus Iteritas for a wavetable-ish oscillator that can do evolving sounds with some modulation. For the "pluck" sounds, you might want a low pass gate in addition to VCAs and envelopes.
I'm not familiar with the 1u modules you have chosen. Will one of them provide triggers for envelopes or gates to keep everything in time like a Pamela's New Workout or other master clock/clock divider? How will you sequence or play everything? Do you have something like a Beatstep Pro, or will you need a sequencing module?
Ronin is right in that a Deepmind or something like that will get you closer to what you want for far less money, unless you have plans to expand beyond this palette case considerably. Unfortunately, that's kind of the state of modular synthesizers.
Let me know if I can answer any other questions.


Thank you for the recommendation. I will look into it.


What makes the setup difficult for me get what I am trying to achieve? How would I be able to improve the functionality so that the outcome is closer to what I am trying to achieve? I am not necessarily talking about modules specifically, but what type of functionality do you think is missing that I should try to add (ie: different lfo shapes, a more "flexible" oscillator, etc)?

The input has been much appreciated

What about something like this?
ModularGrid Rack

I have most of the modules suggested here, and I think you could get a lot out of them. Some of the other folks here will likely have other recommendations.
As this is a small rack, I tried to pack a lot of functionality and utilities into your rack so you won't get bored quickly. Maths is great, but you can pack a lot more into that 20hp. Disting can serve as just about anything, so it's almost a must-have in a rack this size. For Eno-esque evolving textures, you will want a lot of modulation sources so I have included Sloths for slow random movement, Quadrax for envelopes and LFOs, and Pique for a little bit of everything (envelopes, LFOs, drum sounds, mini-sequencing options, etc.). The 3xMIA attenuates CV signals, and you will also want VCAs to control volume over time.
Let us know how it goes.
Have fun!

Thanks for the reply!

My plan is to try and make evolving chord soundscapes. (Eno meets Reich?)
Originally the Subharmonicon wasn’t in there but rather than buy a larger case later on I thought I’d put it in there.
Eventually I’ll replace it with VCOs, VCAs, envelopes and filters.

For the moment I thought of using Hermod to sequence the chordal modes in both Plaits and Rings occasionally (or use them as single voices) as the Subharmonicon can produce nice chords.
On reflection, I think you are right, and the 0-control would be better used for its touchplates/keyboard abilities (I currently use it for controlling PWM and cutoff on the Moog as well as sequencing the 0-Coast).

I’ve had a fair bit of experience with synths (hardware and VCV) but am fairly new to completely modular.
I’ve learnt a lot from my 0-Coast and would really love to expand my setup... and knowledge!

My plan is not to really go larger than this though, as I’ll be using a similar sized pedal board for outboard effects and I’d like it to be fairly portable.

Any suggestions or help would be really appreciated!

I've looked at this rack a few times, but I have some questions first so I might be able to offer some advice: When you say "a lot of chordal voices," are you referring to the chord mode within Plaits? Are you planning to add other oscillators, envelopes, and VCAs so that you can sequence those as chords?
How far are you looking to go with this? If you are planning to sequence with the 0-Control, Hermod might be a bit overkill with a rack this small, but it's pretty common to expand beyond a first small rack so it might make sense in the long run. I'm just not sure what you are envisioning long term.
If you are ok with using external gear, why eat up all of your rack space with the Subharmonicon?
How much prior experience do you have with synths?
Let me know what your thinking is on these, and I'll help if I can.
Have fun and good luck!

You're going to burn up $1000 in a heartbeat and not get anywhere. Unless you have a budget of around $3000+, you're going to have more of a novelty than a system that you can use to get the results you want.

Buy a Behringer Deepmind 12D. Tons of modulation possibilities and way under your budget.

It's going to be tough to get what you are describing ("a lot of modulation, bass, leads, plucks, pads") from this setup. What you have built is not too much different than a Behringer Crave, which can be found for about $200-$250. I would recommend picking up a semi-modular (Crave, Mother 32, 0-Coast) for these duties and using the palette case to supplement that with more interesting modules like Plaits, or maybe even an E352? An Intellijel Quadrax or DivKid Ochd will give you a fair amount of modulation. Happy Nerding makes a lot of nice inexpensive 6hp modules like a 3xVCA and many more. I would recommend doing a bit more research before you pull the trigger on this rack so you get the results you describe under your price point.
Something to consider.
Have fun and good luck!

Hi All.

I am in the process of buying/building my first eurorack. I am a music producer and I can get most of the sounds I want from other sources. What I struggle to get is evolving sounds. I need this synth to be able to do a lot of modulation. In addition to that, it needs to be able to cover from bass sounds to leads and from plucks to pads. But I do not need it to be able to make drum-like sounds (which is why I don't currently have a sequencer). I also can only spend $1,000 on the modules.

I am going to get the Intellijel Palette case. In addition to that, there are a few modules I am going to get no matter what. They are the 3 Intellijel 1U modules and the Behringer 150. I also need some way of having velocity control (which is the sole purpose of the VCA but that is only the most effective way I found. I am not necessarily "locked in" to that specific VCA if there is a better way). Beyond that, I want your guys input on if there is anything I should change.

I also don't know how to post an in-line picture in the forum so I have attached a link to the eurorack here: . If that doesn't work, you can find my rack by searching "Loiben"

ModularGrid Rack

Hi there,

I'm planning on assembling a rack with for ambient performances but with a lot of chordal voices.
Currently I have the Subharmonicon and an 0-coast and 0-cntl.
I plan on using the 0-cntl for sequencing and playing live (but not mounting it).
Also, I've got a large guitar pedal board with a lot of reverbs, delays and loopers which I'd like to use (hence the Rosie).

What do you think of this rack set up?
I'm kinda going round in circles now so your opinions would be great!