It all depends on your musical goals.
Random and quantizing was important for me, so I first got Marbles (quantized random), then Bloom (opposite way).
And after a while, deeper 'ADN cooking' with URA plus Rnd Step, and... (the winner is :) ADDAC207, the solid choice.

It took me several months to discover (YouTube and forums), buy (Money, desperately a big key: 'That's What I Want', 'It's a gas', etc.), and learn (Manuals). And I'm still learning, and still resolutely don't want any traditional sequencer in my modular.

We must choose tools for the music we want to listen to.
So truly, which kind of music do you plan to ear from yourself?
The answer will be there. I'm not saying anything new...

PS: l use µMidi for Midi clock. Perfect.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).


Just now I think the next module may be dictated by price (quite possible the Tiptop Forbidden Planet VCF), I do feel I'm always running out of effects I like the Wash of sound that Clouds reverb gives but if Clouds is doing proper Granular stuff then I need something to help create that ambient smeared wash of sound.

A bit more pricey - but a Happy Nerding FX Aid XL would do a significantly better job of 'ambient smeared wash sound' than a filter

I do have quite a bit of modulation, Ochd, 2hp RND which I'm really enjoying for the random gate lengths to control the Freeze button on Clouds, Noise Engineering Clep Diaz, but you are right, I do seem to run out of LFO's pretty easily. And I need to do more about modifying their range (Offsetting, Full & Half rectification and Mixing them).

I'd concentrate on the multing and modification of modulation rather than adding more - shades, kinks and a matrix mixer (AI Synthesis for example), maybe a sequential switch and some passive mults or stackcables will go a lot further than a few extra lfos

I'd also consider Maths as being an interesting complex modulation source - especially if you work your way through the online manual enough times that you can patch program it without thinking too much

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

The aesthetic dimension is important. Regardless of the standards we have, our pleasure is visual too.
For example, please take a look at this page:, some are stunning. And you could easily find the same thing for pianos or harpsichords...

Welcome in our 'wacky' universe, sacguy71. And yep, modular is fun. From the very beginning, and at each stage of our endless learning.
I saw your 'First patch Doepfer A100 Basic System' on YouTube too... a historical document!
A two notes primal loop caught out in a nearly total darkness :) Lovely.
I should have shoot my own first patch too... One thousand regrets.
Please keep yours forever!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

True, but I don't really love the idea of changing two modules at the same time and they don't allow for custom scales or adding and removing notes. They do have the nice feature of CV-controllable transposition, though, which the µTune doesn't seem to sport.

You could get multiple 2hp Tune modules, fairly cheap, you could get 4x for less than the price of the ADDAC.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Just now I think the next module may be dictated by price (quite possible the Tiptop Forbidden Planet VCF), I do feel I'm always running out of effects I like the Wash of sound that Clouds reverb gives but if Clouds is doing proper Granular stuff then I need something to help create that ambient smeared wash of sound.

I do have quite a bit of modulation, Ochd, 2hp RND which I'm really enjoying for the random gate lengths to control the Freeze button on Clouds, Noise Engineering Clep Diaz, but you are right, I do seem to run out of LFO's pretty easily. And I need to do more about modifying their range (Offsetting, Full & Half rectification and Mixing them).
Yes and Yes on the VCO and YES to Waveshaping, that is kind of the reason for thinking about a Pittsburgh Lifeforms Primary Oscillator as its already full of analogue waveshaping.
If I went for Rings or Plaits, I'd pick Plaits.

Interesting, I quite fancy the Dual S&H from ADDAC, there looks to be plenty of options within it. Maybe a full on noise source like the SSF Quantum Rainbow.

Cheers All.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Hey, what's good? This is my very first post on the forums, feels like a great place.

I started assembling my rack in April and now I was looking to quantizers. I've got two voices in my rig and noticed the modules I've been having in mind only support a single input channel. Then I found this nice comparison chart¹ and extracted some candidates, but I'm still not really convinced and thought I'd ask for help.
My requirements would be 2 input channels, customizable scales, no screen, not wider than 10HP if possible and bonus points if microtunable.

ADDAC207: Unfortunately quite pricey
Kassutronics Quantizer: I don't really have good experience with soldering and stuff
Tenderfoot Quad: Only one custom scale and 12HP
Tubbutec µTune: Screen :\ But also a tuner and slim module
Shakmat Bard Quartet: Yet to be released

At first I was leaning towards the ADDAC, but now that I've gone through all of them again for writing this post I'm quite astonished as to what the µTune can do. I'm also looking for a way to get a clock from my MIDI sequencer and the µTune seems to be capable of handling that as well!?

So does anyone have any recommendations on this or practical experience to share in these regards?


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I have been experimenting with S&H using LFOs to trigger the module and noise module to sample. So far it is fun and I came up with this cool texture ambient patch this evening:

It is so relaxing to listen to. Amazing what one can do with this tiny module using a single oscillator and LFO.

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Sample and Hold (S&H) and a noise generator would be great additions. I came up with some crazy ambient textures just with one VCO and one LFO because I fed these basic ingredients into a S&H module triggered by an LFO and sample noise.

Some suggestions...

More LFO (classic and random modulations)
Another analog VCO with FM input and Sync to complement the STO
A wavefolder
Rings to rule them all

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Thanks, yeah will explore stuff tonite and this weekend. So fun! I did order a new Keith McMillen K-mix to chain my modular and other gear together and manage levels. Plus nice touch of the K-Mix mixer is that I can layer reverb and delay on the modular without buying a dedicated module for that. I do have some more modules on the way to fill the empty 84HP space heheh

Hi Mowse,

Yes, a very good start on a nice Friday evening :-) The track could go on and on and I still wouldn't have enough of it, I want more!

Nice work, enjoy your weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rijn,

That's a great part 3 finishing your project of video's :-) Pity of the current virus situation otherwise would be nice to see you at work in live situation.

Thanks a lot for sharing and I hope you will come up with more video projects like this one. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

He, he, yes, you are nicely busy with exploring your rack. Nice video, it's lovely to watch you playing and discovering the possibilities of the modules and modular synth in common :-) !

Try to give that A-110-2 VCO some CV input (as well as other modules).

Have fun, enjoy the weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Morphon,

I am using several types of Doepfer cases (especially the low cost cases) and no noises and I am quite sensitive for disturbing noises. So with no noises I mean really no noises :-) Other than the noise(s) I produce with the modules themselves, naturally ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

You are welcome :-) That's all what I wanted, have you made you think about some pointers I provided you. The rest is up to you, but looking at your comments, I think you follow up quite well on the subject :-) Provided the fact you have only one power socket free to use... that must give you some stress to make sure it's a good choice for the next module you are going to take ;-) Just teasing you!

Yes... for percussion I have a bit the same struggle as you do... shall I do that externally or also within Eurorack? Difficult to answer, I am not sure myself either. Hopefully time will teach us (hence more experience). I am still waiting for the - Ground Control sequencer to become available, with that I hope to do some percussion, but I wonder if the Ground Control ever will be released?

Samples?! Yes good point, your feedback about my track I made is still in the background of my mind. I think I am going to follow up on your advice to use the Disting Mk4 for that but I need a few quiet moments to do some sample recording of some sounds and then see what Disting Mk4 can do for me. You done that already, so more sampling possibilities? How about the Erica Synths - Sample Drum? Or the Make Noise - Phonogene? I need to look a bit more into it as well but haven't come to a conclusion yet for my own situation. Let me know your experiences once you have moved forward with the sample "stuff" :-)

It would be interesting to know what your last/final module will be once you have made the decision before you have to think about some power extension.

Good luck, have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Morphon I have two Pittsburgh Modular cases (an EP-208 and a 360) and I'm curious how maxed out you're talking, I've never noticed this before.

Thanks Farkas!
I will check that one out.

Any other recommendations, anyone?

I've had great luck with my TipTop Mantises (Mantii?). No noise at all.

I am looking for recommendations for a super quiet powered case.

Currently, I have two Pittsburgh Modular Structure EP-208 cases but when maxed-out with modules they start to give off some noise.
Does anyone have any ideas for great quality 6U 104hp alternatives?


Recently purchased Radio Music from @templar arrived super quickly, great packaging, and perfect condition.

And finally, part three!

I'd like to find one


Sequencing & controle
- Nerdseq + 16 trigger + 16cv expander
- Polyend Preset
- 2x WMD Sequential Switch Matrix
- 2x Acid Rain Navigator
- 2x Shakmat Knight Gallop for Drums

3 voices:
- SSF ZPO (for bass)
- MI Tides (for lead) (Waiting for Frap Tools Brens0)
- Acid Rain Chainsaw (for chords, arps, drones)

- WMD Crater (KD)
- NE BIA (KD + percussion)
- WMD Chimera (percussion, metal hits)
- Patching Panda Hatz (CH + OH)
- Erica Pico Drums2 (Clap, Snare)
- 2 Channels Nerdseq Sampling for other percussion, drops, rises, etc)

Drum modulation:
- NE Mimetic Digitalis
- Malekko Voltage Block
- Patching Panda Punch
- Abstract Data Event Boss

Enveloppes / LFO:
- Frap Tools Falistri
- Intellijel - Quadrax
- XOAC Batumi
- O&C Robots 1U

Utilities / Random:
- Mannequins Cold Mac
- Frap Tools Sapel
- Frap Tools 333
- 2HP Comp (for sidechaining)
- Doepfer Waveshaper
- Doepfer Ring Mod + S&H

- Verbos Four Pole HP, LP
- Joranaloque Filter8
- MI Ripples
- Erica Pico VCF3

- The Gristleizer VCA module overdrive
- Allright Dev. Chronoblob2
- Tiptop Echoz
- Zvex Lofi Junky
- AJH Synth Next Phase
All Effects are mixed and muted by 2x WMD Sequential Switch Matrix

Aux Effects:
- 2HP Verb
- Erica Pico DSP

- Verbos Scan & Pan
- Joranaloque Mix3
- 6x Intellijel Quadratt 1U
- Acid Rain Switchblade
- XAOC Praga + Hrad (2x stereo end mix + Pan + aux + headphone)

it's common to refer to doepfer modules by their number, not their name - weird I know as it's difficult to remember!

googling the doepfer a-147-2 vcdlfo -

lots of videos - but basically it's a resetable lfo with 4 waveforms, that has a vca attached which will open and close with the rise and fall of the delay lfo (unless something is plugged into the vca cv in - if nothing is plugged into the input then the triangle doepfer is sent to the vca input) and a delay which triggers after the lfo and starts a ramp which opens the vca and holds it open until re triggered - unless something else is plugged into the vca cv in - the delay ramp can also be patched to something else

same with the a-171-2

basically slew is the rate at which a signal changes - a slew limiter slows this down - you have 2 ways of limiting the slew of a waveform - on the way up and on the way down - so you can take a waveform that looks like this |\ and turn it into one that looks like this /\ by altering the up-slew amount and then to this /| by altering the down-slew

if nothing is patched to the input and trigger is sent to the trigger input then a single envelope based off the up-slew/down-slew will be output

if the cycle switch is engaged - then it becomes an lfo based on the up-slew/down-slew

midi out of elektron to midi in of module - set elektron midi channel to the same that the module is set (read manual on how to set this) - at a guess - cv1 is pitch - patch this to the voct of a vco - patch gate to envelope

hope this helps - might be a good idea to get a basic oscilloscope - so you can see what is happening to your waveforms

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Just bought something from @sebastopol and everything is fine.

Hey!! Thats an interesting way to look at things. :)
I recognise that I may need more VCA, though a lot of my patches only ever use one channel of the Veils at the moment, a VCA addition would be a MI Blinds as it will Offset as well as Attenuvert, I mainly started thinking about this when I was patching up for Ducking on the beat which meant setting an Offset with the AV-1 and inverting an envelope output from the Pip Slope which then went to 2 channels of the Veils so i could duck the volume when the Bass beat hit (I notice ST Modular do a well priced Stereo VCA with an offset, it looks like a perfect module for ducking).

Btw, my reason for asking for 1 more module, I have 1 power socket left with the current Tiptop uZeus' so 1 more module then I need to think about some Konstantlab Busboards and my future power use.

Multiples - yeah, thats plenty, though I could use a Buffered Mult for keeping some of my Clock signals at full strength as I sometimes find I can be stretching them a bit too far and it will miss triggering something at the end of line.

VCF - I have my eye on the Tiptop Forbidden Planet, its a good price and looks interesting.

VCO - I feel I have maybe 3 options here, Befaco, Electrosmith (good price) or Pittsburgh (bit expensive).

Percussion - I'm slightly torn whether to keep most percussion as outboard gear or whether to bring more into the rack, if mor percussion comes into the rack I would be looking at getting a good sequencer like the WMD Metron, I like that Drum Machines are easy to program and very direct as outboard gear, though when within the rack there are endless other possibilities for percussion that is not necessarily used as percussion.

Cheers for that Garfield, you have made me think!

One other thought... haha, is more ability to bring samples into the rack (but that would men me buying a digital recorder too so I could do some field recordings).

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Played live on two Moog Mother 32's and a modular synthesizer.

Thank you both for the kind words. Looking forward to getting more time in this week.

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Hi everyone,

Been learning how to use my new Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 that came with a few modules including two weird ones that are not common: the delay LFO called VCDLFO and the VCS Serge type Slew Processor/Generation module. I read the Doepfer manuals but they were confusing at best and lack patch examples. Unable to find anything on how to use these. Any ideas?

I am also trying to figure out how to hook up my Elektron Octatrack to the Doepfer A-190-4 USB/MIDI to CV/Gate module that is confusing for me.

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@Garfield Modular,

Thanks! Yeah I had a blast today at lunch messing around with the crazy Doepfer A-171-2 VCS Slew processor/generator take on Serge low pass gate. Little good documentation on how it works and I tweaked cables and learned how to use it. Also a fan of S&H with creating weird patterns without a sequencer. I figured out how to create different kick drum and acid bass lines today with envelopes and LFOs. Here is what I came up with today:

I am finding out that with just one VCO, filter, LFO and EG, one can do really cool stuff. It is a fun learning process!

When it’s used standalone it will use current, and will add to the total current draw when used as an expanded. You should list what it draws in any case.

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

It's not an easy question if you "just look at the rack" :-) So what I did is I kind of "analysed" the modules you have in this rack and put that in a spreadsheet (contact me by PM if you like to have that spreadsheet per E-mail). It's a bit pity that I can't copy and paste it here, well I did, but it doesn't look fantastic.

So what I did is, I had a look at your rack from a "functionality" point of view, for each functionality, how many of such a functionality you have represented by your modules. I didn't include the power modules for the cases and even if some of the modules have multiple functionalities, I choose the "main" functionality only. Now I don't know all the modules well, so I did it based on the description I could find here on but you might see things different, just adjust it then accordingly. The only module I counted double was the Addac - 105 - 4 voice cluster, I counted that one time as a VCF and one time as a VCO, all other modules just have been counted for just once.

If you look in the below "table" (pity copy/paste doesn't work proper here), you see in the last "column" the "Status". That's how I see it if it would be my rack. The way you might use your rack, my status indication might be totally wrong, so it's pure indicative meant to be.

First "column" is the functionality. The second column are the modules for that particular functionality followed by a number that's the total of modules counted for that particular functionality.

Having said that, I think you could need one more dual VCA module or if you find that your VCA (Veils) + ADSRVCA from SSF is sufficient then perhaps look into either one more VCO, one more VCF or one more Drum/Percussion module. If you love EGs a lot you might want to consider one more of that one; same then for the LFO. Up to you of course, but that's after I "analysed it", my 2 cents of conclusion :-)

Functionality - Modules - Total - Status

Attenuverter - DPW-Att Av-1, TH-At-at-at - 2 - sufficient
Clock & random - 2HP-TM, OM-Clock Div Mk2, 2HP-Rnd v2 - 3 - sufficient
Drum/Percussion - 2HP-Bell, AD-T-networks - 2 - consider more
Effects - ES-Pico DSP, MSW-Monsoon, 2HP-Verb - 3 - sufficient
EG - SSF-ADSRVCA, ALM-Pip slope - 2 - sufficient
LFO - NE-Clep Diaz, DK-øchd - 2 - sufficient
Mixer - OM-UPE, BF-StMix, IN-Mixup - 3 - sufficient
Multiple - 2*MA-4x4x4, MI-Links - 3 - (more than) enough
Others - 2HP-Vowel, ExS-Disting Mk4 - 2 - sufficient
Quantiser & Arpeggiator - 2HP-Tune, 2HP-Arp - 2 - sufficient
Sequencer - 2HP-Euclid, PM-µSeq., NE-Bin Seq, DM-Dot - 4 - enough
VCA - MI-Veils - 1 - requires more
VCF - HN-VCF, AD-4 voice cluster - 2 - consider more
VCO - MN-STO, 2HP-Pluck, AD-4 voice cluster - 3 - consider more

Good luck with the decision and the planning. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Congratulations on your first Eurorack system! And from the look of your video, you are straight away enjoying it a lot :-) Nice 0-coast & 0-ctrl from Make Noise by the way, so lovely & useful modules they are!

Yes take it easy with that 84 HP free space, gain some experience with your setup and after a while I think you will start to know and realise what you might miss and might want to add, but take it easy on that one; step by step. You only have 84 HP left :-)

I wish you have loads of more fun with your setup and please enjoy, kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

ModularGrid Rack

What single Module would add the most to my rack?

Part of me is thinking; another oscillator, a Pamela's new Workout (with expander), a Mutable Marbles.

Let me know what you think.


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

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Here is one of my first pages on the Doepfer A100 with Make Noise 0-coast for the kick drum.

I personally don't leave things patched (or when I do I use Tendrils cables) as I like having a slimmer case but yes for some cable height is probably enough since most knobs aren't higher.

killer tip on the Shallow Water! Did not know of this. Thank you 🙏
-- bigham

You're welcome! Admission time - Fairfield Circuitry is hands down my favorite pedal maker. Their Randy's Revenge ring mod rivals the Moogerfooger, imho, and is regular pedal size, the Unpleasant Surprise is king of the fuzzes, and the new Long Life tilt EQ/filter looks phenomenal, and it's cv controllable. I cannot wait until my Long Life arrives.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Amazing rack!

I'd have though cable height would be more important... so you can leave it patched!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hey thanks to both of you for the really thoughtful input! I tried to address common concerns up front (“how will this be sequenced”) etc, but even so all of this is super great.


Some thoughts/responses:
- i was not aware of the Shallow Water, that pedal looks awesome! My thinking with the original setup was that the bass shouldn’t be sent through the same fix chain as the lead because delay and reverb on bass can be muddy and gross so having the lo fi junky as a later stage effect seemed to make sense. but i like this idea a lot
- however! the ADDAC pedal i/o is a really solid choice that i also wasn’t aware of and since it has two sends i could have multiple fix loops for different signals which is great
- i actually initially had Veils in here because i really liked the cascading aspect of it but also did recognize the amount of space it took.

at 12hp for a quad cascading vca - veils only works out at 3hp per vca - and given the cascading and amplification that most smaller vcas don't have - it's space well used

thanks for the great tips and reality checks around Pams and the rest. i love how flexible this all is but also it twists my brain up a bit trying to put it together. but in a good way, which is why its so much fun to think about.

that's why it's a good idea to start slow and grow slow - get a minimum viable synth - and then add gradually and naturallyfrom their - it may take you in a completely different direction (in terms of modules) than you thought - as you come to realise that a matrix mixer is more important than a 3rd delay, for example

Since I have the pedal board already I have been trying to resist adding fx to the rack itself, but I can see where it might still be worth it, particularly to be able to route fx sends in complex ways. maybe this can be accomplished with a couple mixer units and some sends. So it’s a good call out to be able to mix like crazy and focus on that ability to route signals. attenuators and rectifiers i am still learning about so I have some reading to do there!

one massive advantage of in rack effects is that you can modulate them - another is that you don't need to attenuate/amplify the signal to use them and as such are easier to incorporate into a mixing set up

yes lots of mixing is useful - not just for audio - where for shoegaze style music I would want to be (voltage control) mixing a lot of layers of effects - but also for control voltage (modulation and gates) too - newbies often forget about mixing entirely or only think about final stage audio mixing not sub mixing audio or any mixing of control voltages with or without voltage control

I'd be tempted to make a list of all the types of modules that you don't understand and then ask yourself what do you think they do before looking it up and once you have gone through that exercise go back and ask yourself what you would use it for note down any further questions you have about it, note them down - maybe the only way to answer some is to buy a module - a disting mk4 or ex may be a big help in this regard...

On the stereo front, I’m split on that. In terms of live performance most club PAs at the level I am at are mono anyway so stereo is a bit pointless. But for studio recording and of course headphone jamming it cant be beat.

I completely agree on this - but it is something to keep in mind

in terms of going bigger on the rack, i’ve looked seriously into both the intellijel 7u 104hp and the make noise 7u 104hp. people seem to not like the power supply on the latter but the bus looks like it could be really helpful for a project like this where lots of mixing and modulation is key.

seriously - I think the mantis has better power than either of those - definitely cleaner - I use mine for video which is much more fussy and see no unwanted noise artifacts in the signal

and the mantis is significantly cheaper - ok you loose the 1u row, but I've never been a fan, the functionality (that you actually need) can probably be had in 20-30hp or so for much less and the savings can be put towards the next case

if/when you need to take it out the decksaver lid and case are not that expensive to add

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Is that really a shuttle system? I don't know it well enough - but I thought it was a single panel? there's one available...

anyway - whilst reasonably balanced in terms of ticking boxes of sound sources, sound modifiers and modulation sources, for me at least there is a distinct lack of utility modules

I know that some people see utility modules as boring and unsexy, but these people do not understand modular synthesis very well - I see modular synths without them boring and unsexy...

Utility modules are the inexpensive dull polish that makes the expensive shiny modules actually shine...

it is in the spaces between the functional modules, where all signals, which are but electricity, can be combined, multiplied and modified, that the real magic in a modular synthesizer happens

at the very least I would want an mi kinks, a matrix mixer, a sequential switch, a quad cascading vca, some passive mults, attenuverters, offsets, a slew limiter, a switched multiple (all of them dc coupled, so that they can be used for modulation as well as audio) - some of which may be a few functions in one module - for example an mi shades or similar

in all probability if I built a rack with these modules in it I would add another 84 to 104hp of 3u, mostly for utilities and to have some space over for possible future modules

If I were constrained to these racks then I would throw out either the Magneto or the Rainmaker (probably the Rainmaker) in order to accommodate the minimal set of utility functions listed above

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Suggestions for Patch Editor

Been trying out the patch editor as a way of documenting patches for others, and really like it.
a couple of suggestions (and one issue?)

a) patch notes
it be nice to just record some freeform patch note.
I see you can link to a forum post, but thats not quite the same really.

b) patch cable colour
when you have a lots of cables on one modular, that overlap colour coding is pretty important.
Rainbow is great for this, but still sometimes there is a confusion.
a simple option like shift+click (?) to cycle to next colour could do wonders
(esp. with limited colour palettes like stackable/doepher... as often I only need 3 or 4 colours)

issue: save screenshot doesn't use selected cable colour scheme
(not really a big issue, as I use macOS screen capture instead, but thought id mention it)

Mixing happens at the moment mainly with the Quadrat and/or the Cockpit. However I mainly use just a few of the modules at the moment and not everything together.
The Happy Nerding XL is already on my list together with a couple of others. Here's a rack with some more ideas:
ModularGrid Rack
– First rows: Intellijel Palette 62 HP
– Then: Intellijel Stealth 104 HP
– Then: Shuttle System
– Then: 0-Coast and 0-CTRL

if you are using stages for sequencing you might want more envelopes.
-- richc90
Frankly, it's not something I do that often, I don't know why I wrote it like that, it's just that if I ever want to build more complex chord progressions, I would use it like that. But I use it mostly as an envelope generator.

Also, bear in mind you need 2HP for the Arbhar expander and that random modulation is really useful for getting the most out of granulators.
-- richc90
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

And I already bought the buff, I'm super happy with it :)

@Petmodule Super nice seller, everything was smooth and easy. Thanks again!

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Indeed it is fun. My new Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 arrived this afternoon and I was able to hook it up and create some basic patches. Amazing sound and love the SEM Doepfer filter as well in LP or BP mode. Then I sequenced it with the Korg SQ-1 which was ok but the real fun came when I hooked up my new Make Noise 0-CTRL that also arrived today. I then patched in my Make Noise 0-coast for some wacky fun. Ran a basic S&H patch with random noise and played around with the slew processor/generator which is all brand new to me. Here is one of my first ever patches in modular:

Well done @mowse, digging this one a lot

I'd forego the Lofi Junky altogether and go with a Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water (for my money it's pretty much the most musical effects pedal on the market). You can also combine delay and reverb in one pedal with the EQD Avalanche Run and save some room on your pedal board. For a small case, the suggestion of Pamela's New Workout is excellent. My $0.02, which is probably worth more like 1/2 a penny.
-- baltergeist

killer tip on the Shallow Water! Did not know of this. Thank you 🙏

Hey thanks to both of you for the really thoughtful input! I tried to address common concerns up front (“how will this be sequenced”) etc, but even so all of this is super great.

Some thoughts/responses:
- i was not aware of the Shallow Water, that pedal looks awesome! My thinking with the original setup was that the bass shouldn’t be sent through the same fix chain as the lead because delay and reverb on bass can be muddy and gross so having the lo fi junky as a later stage effect seemed to make sense. but i like this idea a lot
- however! the ADDAC pedal i/o is a really solid choice that i also wasn’t aware of and since it has two sends i could have multiple fix loops for different signals which is great
- i actually initially had Veils in here because i really liked the cascading aspect of it but also did recognize the amount of space it took.

thanks for the great tips and reality checks around Pams and the rest. i love how flexible this all is but also it twists my brain up a bit trying to put it together. but in a good way, which is why its so much fun to think about.

Since I have the pedal board already I have been trying to resist adding fx to the rack itself, but I can see where it might still be worth it, particularly to be able to route fx sends in complex ways. maybe this can be accomplished with a couple mixer units and some sends. So it’s a good call out to be able to mix like crazy and focus on that ability to route signals. attenuators and rectifiers i am still learning about so I have some reading to do there!

On the stereo front, I’m split on that. In terms of live performance most club PAs at the level I am at are mono anyway so stereo is a bit pointless. But for studio recording and of course headphone jamming it cant be beat.

in terms of going bigger on the rack, i’ve looked seriously into both the intellijel 7u 104hp and the make noise 7u 104hp. people seem to not like the power supply on the latter but the bus looks like it could be really helpful for a project like this where lots of mixing and modulation is key.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and take it seriously with your thoughts :)