Picking up a Basimilus Iteritas today from the muffwiggler store. Drum modules abound!!
Picking up a Basimilus Iteritas today from the muffwiggler store. Drum modules abound!!
At the power consumption stats under your Rack you find a link to the Data Sheet.
It's a spreadsheet like table with all modules in your Rack.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Initial session after installing SSF Propagate, enjoy the sounds:
& some echophon meanderings :
Added TTA MixZ mainly for fx routing within the case so outboard mixing is streamlined. Things are shaping up nicely. Been a year now.
You can not upload any images to the forum, but you can already embed gifs via markdown syntax.
Do this

to see this
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Hey, this is a nice idea. This may come but not very soon.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
This feature adds a warning in Rack view under the power consumption stats, if modules of a Rack have missing power specs.
All power related values are displayed in the Popover so it's easier to find what is missing.
To exclude passive modules like mults from the incomplete power consumption alert they can be flagged as a passive module.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Added SSF Propagate to the case today :) what a fantastic module! livened everything up! especially Rene.
You have a new bill from Satan.
You gonna pay it punk, or do I have to eat your ancestors?
The first steps I am planning so far. Comments esp. by people who already connected Microbrute with an Eurorack are welcome.
This is my intended rack so far (might consider splitting the E560 to individual modules relevant to the effect for more depth). I am looking for suggestions on adding to this. Only modules that offer something psychedelic and sound sources are not needed as I'll be using a Virus Ti through my DAW. All suggestions welcome.
Screaming in the key of EVIL,
I noticed that your mind was slightly askew
Notes: The two outputs from Optomix are panned hard L/R for stereo panning.
The output from echophon is mixed center. The output from moddemix is processed with reverb (erbeverb) and mixed stereo
Hey, I am not new to music but to analog synths. I am very interested in creating drones and expansive sonic collages(I am currently trying to get my hands on a grendel drone commander). I guess I am lost with what types of equipment I should purchase first that will produce enough sounds for me to get started while I learn this entirely new language. Any help or reference would be extremely appreciated.
Added Hex Inverter Mutant Bass Drum :) & TTA 909 Hats... good times.
Hi -
I'm building small modular systems for customers and wonder if there's any chance of adding in as a feature the ability to select a case (and not just a style) before you build a rack?
if I could choose an Enclave 3U or Cheeks of Power and then have the total of case added to the "Price" of the rack, it'd be extremely helpful in quoting prices
any plans for this?
Building a eurorack with the pittsburgh modular move 104 case.
I'm mainly interested in basslines and pads, though I feel like there's a good bit of functionality that I'm missing from the rack right now. Any suggestions for other modules would be greatly appreciated.
As far as the whole "being able to buy it" plan. Probably going to start with the ripples, quadra, a single dixie II, and the uVCA II. If anyone has any recommendations about a more flexible VCA to replace the intellijel one I'd love to hear suggestions.
Just curious if I would be able to get away with not checking my modular on a flight..... Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but...
The rubicon has become my favorite oscillator in my system (previously the AFG). I've used my uLFO to make really nice bell sounds. The cyclebox is cool for a lot of different reasons, but I prefer the tone of the rubicon. You won't be disappointed.
...they introduced a version of Modular Grid for which you'd have to pay if you want your rack to have more than 4 rows. It's called unicorn and you can find exact information somewhere on this site. Old racks with more than 4 rows stay as they are (they won't be erased) you just can't duplicate them anymore.
I can't seem to duplicate my rack anymore.
Currently I have 7 rows, I am somehow not allowed to have more than 4 all of a sudden.
When I try to edit my rack, it sets itself to 4 rows automatically now...
I have a similar problem - when trying to duplicate or rename a rack that has five (5) rows, I get a message saying that I can't because tha rack has to have between one (1) and four (4) rows.
I'm constructing my first modular synth and it's going to be used for drums, I want to generate percussive hits that crack and whip with flexible routing options so I can get what's in my head into a tangible sound.
I've gotten as far as I can go with MG's modular planner, and I was hoping some of you pros on the forums could take a peek and tell me if I'm leaving anything out. This is going to be a pretty barebones setup, but I want to make sure I'm not leaving any obvious modules out (VCA's,Mixers)
Below is the list of modules in my rack-
Pittsburgh Modular Midi-CV
Pittsburgh Modular Synth Block- For versatility, Monosynth LFO VCA VCF all in one.
Pittsburgh Modular Toolbox (Does this work well for white noise?)
Pittsburgh Modular Mixer
Livewire Freqensteiner- I like this filter in high pass, overall good sound for my purposes.
Tip Top Audio z4000 EG- I like the sound of this e.g. Very quick and snappy
Tip Top Audio Trigger Riot- This one I am not sure about yet. I really like it for it's style of sequencing, but I have only seen it used for the other Tip Top drum modules. How will it do triggering an envelope with white noise? Does it have it's own internal clock? Also, I don't mind using a computer for sequencing, but having a go to drum sequencer as flexible and useable as the trigger riot seems like a good idea. I just want to make sure I can sync it with my DAW's tempo, or vice versa. Also hooking it up to a volca beats seems like it would be fun, all things I'm sure you can probably do, but I want to make sure as it's not a cheap module.
Here is my modular, please tell me if I'm missing anything obvious, or anything that would prevent the rack from working the way I need it to!
Thank you God bless,
P.s. Will one VCA be enough?
Our modular duo live set from 11-8-14 Volt Divers, pdx, OR:
w/jeph nor of Form of the Destructor on 9u wall of sound/noise/ambience/bass/springverb &
myself (aka SunFalls) on 12u glitched out modular beats, enjoy:
Human is paradoxical in a lot of aspects. Altho I am that kind of guy who never leave my flat unless I have to. But I am very interested in portable and self-contained music systems. Maybe that's because I love to make music anywhere in my flat. And maybe also because I love limitations being a user of Propellerheads Rebirth and Nanoloop in my old days of music making.
This little system built in a 64x2 wooden box is capable of not only some sound design, but also dual voice tonal music. White Whale is providing main sequencing, triggering Barton Delaying ARs which can mimic delay effectors. WW is also triggering changes on MengQiMusic Voltage Memory. VM, with its 84 storable pages, 6 outputs and multiple recall modes, is taking care of automatic parameter changes everywhere in the whole system, which is also very playable live-wise. Sound is produced by Verbos Complex Oscillator, which is capable of dual voice, the left side goes to Verbos Dual Four Pole for timber shaping, and the timber of right side is shaped by its on-board waveshaper. The voices can also be modulating each other. Each voice will go to MengQiMusic DPLPG for amplitude control. Finally an AniModule TriAniModule takes care of mixing and amplification, I also got some mono to stereo adapters for using it with a headphone - this is just one of the many ways to use this system.
Now everyone is making music with laptops. So here is my version of a music laptop.
Added MakeNoise Echophon yesterday ! Finally have an fx module in there. vundebar :)
Hi, Pyscheprog here, just want to say this place looks like I could feel at home. Really just finding out what modular synths are about lately eh, have also been using Reason for a while now and love being in the synth world, I do have some hardware and va synths.
I was looking at getting into modular synths :-) and I found this site!! I hope to gain some invaluable knowledge here and put it to good use! I also have started building a rack and hopefully I'm going the right way :-)
cheers Pyscheprog
I'm making progress. Here's a list of the new "features" on version 2.....
Already added....
- Gate can be 5v or 10v via a jumper
- Single step button. Every time you press the button the sequencer moves forward a step. Makes it easier to program.
- There will have 2 versions. One is the standard circle and the other is a straight line of sliders with leds in the sliders.
- The reset in jack will respond to lower voltages.
Working on....
- Single PCB for the controls and logic. Even more skiff friendly!
- Panel will be made from PCB materials. More colors!
The king's parrot is dead.
that's no excuse for what He did.
The king is an asshole, punk.
Your rack makes me feel inadequate as a man.
-- smcumber
Naah, some people would look at it and conclude that I am compensating.
Hi solitud, thanks for the reply and advice. I'll watch my bank account shrink a little for sure, but I'll keep tabs I bought Pittsburgh System 90 about 2 months ago which has a couple of oscillators and a LPF/LPG. I plan to often patch it with this EFX rack I am trying to build. Both of those should really keep me occupied for quite some time, but I plan to have future additions of a sound generation rack and a modulation/sequeciung rack somewhere down the road. Probably a couple of years or if I move to a bigger apartment someday.
I'm really looking for some odd and off beat things for this rack and to maximize its sound processing capabilities. I feel like the mults and mixes will really help me create some weird chains. However, I truly won;t know until I start getting some of the gear. I'm going to start with the ins and outs, phase, delay, reverb maths and mults. The rest will come later.
First thing, I think you have made a good decision to go modular. Beside being horrendous expensive and a huge time hog it is also very rewarding.
I don't know every one of your chosen modules but overall the selection looks good for FX.
I think sooner or later you want to have some oscillators and filters too. After all the modular should work as a synth too?!
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Hi everyone. I am both new to modulargrid and modulars in general. Wanting to increase my sound palette, a couple of months ago I bought a Pittsburgh System 90. I also have been wanting to do efx processing on outboard gear to hopefully get a warmer, sometimes nastier more organic feel than what I can get from working in the box. After investigating multiple rack and pedal units I've come to the conclusion I could get a lot more diversity of sound and modulation from a modular. So, in summary, I am looking to build a multipurpose modular effects processor. I plan to run all sort of audio through this thing, like audio from my DAW, guitars, synths vocals, pots, pans, dogs barking, etc.
Some of the basic things I know I want are
* Phase Shifter
* Delay
* Reverb (would like really long reverbs and possibly spring)
* Distortion
* Compressor
* Filter
* Envelope follower & generator
* Ins/Outs
* Mults/Mixers
Here is the link to my Effects Processor
I plan to send clock and audio out from my DAW through the ES-3 and then audio back in to the DAW mainly through and ES-6 but sometimes directly patched into my soundcard.
I've done research, I've listened to tons of modules but I would like your opinions. Are the modules I am selecting something you like/hate/stupid/redundant/pointless etc.? Am I missing something entirely?
Bloody nice timeline!
Slow and steady...Are you still integrating with Ableton?
If so, thru which module?
-- mt3
Thanks a bunch :)
I'm still sending Rene's sequence to ableton via the Doepfer A-192-2 CVtoMidi module
this is a duplicate...
sorry, missed that this was turned 180 degrees.
Bloody nice timeline!
Slow and steady...
Are you still integrating with Ableton?
If so, thru which module?
CV Bus used in place of stackable cables & for master output to Pro Tools
Mysteron-Quantize mode; bowed-sound
DPO-OSC1 in sync mode; no modulation
Optomix-Levels adjusted throughout
Pressure Points-Ch1 controlling pitch of Mysteron & DPO in unison, set to b6-6-b7-1
Erbe-Verb-Speed set just below audio level; mixed 100% dry at beginning, then gradually mixed to 100% wet; speed, depth, pre-delay, tilt, absorb, and decay adjusted at end
Show/hide "other/unknown" manufacturers is now set to show by default to prevent the upload of duplicates recently because users "could not find the module".
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
control by 8 channels by my new ipad zmors modular app
with expert sleepers ES3 mk2 / scarlett 18i20 (as usb to adat converter, it need to configure routing)
3: cv pitch (mfb osc-3)
3: vca (doepfer quad/exp)
2: filter cut/res (ssm)