Thread: Change Log

Fixed some issues on the Rack and Patch browsers pagina which prevented to go back to page 1.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Shapeshifter Preset #1
INT FM 10 o'clock
Ratio 1
Shape 1 10 o'clock
Shape 2 12 o'clock

Fold 9 o'clock

Little Knobs:
Ratio/Time : Any
Int FM 1 o'clock
Fold CV 1 o'clock
Shape 1 9 o'clock

Shape 2 9 o'clock

2/0 Patch Out
3/ Div/Mult 8

Ping Div/ Mult /4
Scale + Full Tilt
Skew |\
Curve /^\ (rounded)
Ping Div/Mult /5
Scale - 10 o'clock
Skew /|
Curve /^\ (rounded)

Everything else is legible with the dots - use the dots for reference points

Hello world
Ive yet not bought the d-lfo, Stilton adaptor, evin209 and addac 802. Im new at this so Im wondering if Im missing an important element here.....or something..

Your opinions is at this stage of great value:)


Thanks for your response! I guess I will discover the limitations fairly quickly. I just don't hope I've forgotten something important to play around with it all. :)


I'd add in a VCA, another ADSR, a LFO and a noise source. (at least! ;-)


So, I entered the modular domain some weeks ago. Started with the Pittsburgh System 10, and after countless hours of playing I decided to buy some more gear. I bought some Synthrotek because they had DIY-kits. I'm not very interested in just making blip-blops and wierd sounds. The idea is to use the Pittsburgh sequencer to control the ground note of the Metropolis to add some variaty. I wan't to make melodic ambient-ish patches, and I think I at least have something to start with. But, since I'm new to this, am I missing something? I know I really need a filter. That's on top of my list for my next money burning.

Here's a link to my rig(It's just partially put together. Still waiting for the Metropolis and the Synthrotek stuff).

The bottom rack is in the System 10 box, except the powerswitch.

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for the quick answer. :)

It is based on LM13700 OTAs and TL072s opamps

Does anyone own one and can say what opamp/chip is used or if it is discrete?

There. It has been un-privatized. :)

However, I'm not sure every modification to every module deserves a new entry. It waters down the module counts and add confusion. For instance, what if someone thinks such modules are actually available.

What a cool mod - hats off for navs!

(not a duplicate obviously)

Maybe name it "Doepfer A-143-9 navs Lin FM mod"...

-- exper

I think it's not a duplicate, cause there is a linear FM-Input added.
Please, note also the link to navsmodularblog.

Regards, Jojo

Fair enough. But why in the world didn't that pop up on a search? Would've saved me some time.

Holy bananas and sandwiches!
Don't you find the exponential number of patch options overwhelming?

-- mt3

Sometimes. But I am trying to experiment with as many combinations as I can to see what does what. I have to resist the temptation to stick with familiar combinations and keep pushing the experimentation. Over time, if I find I am not using a module enough to justify its existence, I will sell it.

Holy bananas and sandwiches!
Don't you find the exponential number of patch options overwhelming?


thanks! i'll check em out

plague bearer

ye, i see you also like the ecclectic. can you recommend a multi-wave oscillator and a good filter?

Added 2nd MakeNoise Rene today. spent 3hrs rearranging the skiff portion of the mx104 to get it just right. i ended up stacking the pressure points. really looking forward to rene-cross-cv-modulation of the x and y function pages. things are evolving:

studio shot

Some nice pieces. Check my Lazy rack for some other off-beat modules (I list many you have here as well).

Yep I know I don't need a Rubicon to modulate a Rubicon - what I meant was that with the Cyclebox I didn't necessarily need to use another oscillator to FM it and hence my other non Through Zero oscillators would be free for other functions.

I shall look at the Shapeshifter now,

Thanks for the reply,


The sound you hear is that which you are listening for

The rubicon is an excellent choice for analog through zero. Very clean sines are important to the process, and the rubicon has some of the cleanest I've heard. You don't necessarily need 2 though. A Dixie will fm it quite well, and track in a similar way.

For digital TZ, the cyclebox is pretty great. It id discontinued though, so you might want to look at the Intellijel shapeshifter which is cyclebox's next iteration in a way. It has TZ fm, tons of wave tables, an analog wave folder (cycle box has a digital one), chords and much much more.


I'm looking to get a Through Zero Oscillator (actually I think I need three for the thing I have in mind). Have seen demo's on YouTube for the Zeroscillator and while it is amazing it is just too much money. I'm in Eurorack Format and I've been looking at the Cyclebox and Rubicon. Are there any others that I should be looking at? What do people think of the Cyclebox and Rubicon? My understanding is that the Cyclebox would FM itself internally which would free my other oscillators for other things which would be good. I'm mainly thinking of bell-like sounds for the thing I have in mind. But with both of these options there would obviously be many other applications.


The sound you hear is that which you are listening for

i currently have the below modules in a PBG 104 case:
Circuit Abbey axis

thoughts on what next?

Bottom row is actually external. Also CV'd to FR Mobius, Moog Little Phatty Tribute, Arp Odyssey.

Yes sorry. I didn't want to confuse you. In the future you can just change the image for a module if you have a better/more appropriate one. I copied the image from yours and applied it to that original. It's just better to have as few copies of modules as possible.

It wasn't a duplicate -- the other Planar Inverted was just an upside-down picture of the right-side-up Planar (the graphics were all upside-down) which was why it has the description "(placeholder pic kludge)". But I see that one's been changed to my photo. So you can delete it now if you like. Thanks

This is a duplicate, so I'm going to mark it as private.

Hey, Xanu here. I'm afraid Xanu modules and other products are not currently in production. They are slowly being added to the MG lineup both for personal use and so that there's an online, easily accessed (hence they are not private) backup in case things go wrong on our end, like a hard drive failure or something. Many of the modules can be made on demand right now, however others (like the Delay) have not been performing adequately yet (in the case of the Delay, we've been having issues with the Gate system and proper voltage control). We're expecting to bring the full lineup to the public market with a new website and everything in a few months.

Do these modules exist? Where can I buy them?

No worries. It's a common problem. People just need to search before adding :)

not sure how i missed both of these modules. not trying to make duplicates, sorry about that.

For sure the statistics can't show the actual amount of modules in the wild, but i think they are a good hint of what is popular for sure. As for just counting the modules in most recent racks only, i'm not sure, as i personally tend to copy my actual rack some times to plan ahead for the future.

Not sure if other EGs have this feature integrated, but since it just seems to be an VCA after the EG output it shut be easy to replicate...
Math can do such things, since it has a sum output for the two AR envelopes.

i mean a dynamic control of the envelope output level, for example Intellijel Dual ADSR can control it, can i control it also with Intellijel Quadra or make noise math

Love, love, love the knob recorder. Use it in pretty much every patch. Can liven up anything. An absolute steal. 10/10.

What exactly is accent? Is it the shortening of an envelope on an additional trigger impulse?
EGs with cv-able rise/fall can do this.

Hi, im looking for an envelope generetor, wich is able to be connect to control the accent/dynamic?
I use some parameters, the accent is one of this, which module for accent?

Thinking of a 2nd Rene. I just can't get enough. One for the modular, and one for Ableton.

Thread: Change Log

Unicorn Accounts and 500 series universe is online

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Good idea. It would depend on the discipline of users to use that function though :)
Best thing is always to implement something where the user has to do nothing, like counting only modules in the most recent rack or something.
Nevertheless the stats only show tendencies and of course are not meant to be very acurat.

Just one small idea to get perhaps a bit better statistics: You could add another category to all the racks where you also mark them as "private" or not, so that you could mark them as "active" or something like that. With that, all the racks that are just copies of the real rack of a user won't count for the statistics any longer?

I also think this is quite fair. The free account offers enough for almost all situation and racks, i just like to plan little steps in the further development of my rack, so i copy them quite often ;)

no torches and pitchforks here, happy to support your efforts. roughly $2/month is alright for those of us who try as they might just can't keep their setup small.

Thread: Bug Report

Ah, bollocks, unicorn...
I don't know. I just need one rack duplicated once for possible changes from time to time.
I'll probably leave it as it is...
It's a good job you're doing and I would be glad to honour it financially but I really don't need all those huge values for 20$ a year. I just want to keep my extra rows. Maybe you should introduce something in between.

Thread: Bug Report

I can't seem to duplicate my rack anymore.
Currently I have 7 rows, I am somehow not allowed to have more than 4 all of a sudden.
When I try to edit my rack, it sets itself to 4 rows automatically now...

Anyone else has this problem?