Looks tasty. Though, with that little space you'd be better off loosing the (great) Akemie's for a couple more narrow osc/vcf and utilities. Doing that would give you a more useful rack, IMHO.

thanks! im going to use my idea of the new setup in that software,maybe it Works.
My idea to complete the stuff i posted is something like this...

alt text

Actually, the Zadar is a really good idea as a companion for the Akemie's Castle! Coupling that with the Pams and the Varigate could yield some really interesting FM results...nice!

Here is a follow-up and my current thinking:

ModularGrid Rack

What I have so far:

1u row except for the Zeroscope, BIA, Ripples, Maths, Quad VCA, Pamela's New Workout, Akemie's Castle, Atlantis and a Beatstep Pro. The Zadar is pre-ordered.

Modules were bought in stages and in my first pass I used Ableton to sequence thru the uMIDI. That was great for getting up to speed, but after considering the 3 primary sound sources, I decided to hold off on sequencing in the case and picked up a BSP, which works great and is close enough to being a physical experience rather than a computer driven one since there is no mouse tempting me to tweak something minuscule in the sequencing.

For the time being, I am mostly running only two things at a time (e.g., a BIA/Atlantis duet or a Akemie/Atlantis duet) with each taking an out channel in the case. The two channels go into an audio interface into two tracks in Live for effects, mostly delay and reverb. Live can also supply the drum machine or other accompaniment.

The goal is still to have the option to move entirely out of the computer for playing. I am probably going to go the route of an external mixer and per this thread I posted:


(As an aside, there is a great link there to a Muff Wiggler forum thread on the technical details about the audio levels...)

I am going to look at something with lots of headroom and see if it can handle the signal strength of the modular. If not, I'll probably follow Lugia's advice in that thread and look into supplementing the Intellijel case's outs with Ladik P-530s. If that is needed, it would likely take up some/all of the space of the Varigate 4+ in this latest iteration.

I am grateful for all the advice here, but a few points that I have acted on are Lugia's note that the Akemie's Castle will eat up modulation and envelopes and Ronin's comments about letting the case tell you what it wants next (in so many words). Since I was compelled to get my hands on the tactile FM that is AC, but also mindful of these comments, I got the Pamela. It's is a great source of timed modulation in a relatively small space and I can't wait for the Zadar to show up.

Thanks for all the feedback so far and keep them coming if you have any comments about the current iteration.

Thread: Bug Report

So I frequently use modulargrid on my phone

What kind of phone are you using?

Oooh, idea: mobile app?

There will be no dedicated native mobile app. I try to make sure that MG runs in most mobile browsers, therefore your bug report is greatly appreciated.

-- modulargrid
I use a lite app shell called Hermit for this (and many other sites) it works really well and allows you to have a couple sites as lite apps before you have to purchase a license.

Getting your hands on free gear is awesome. But you're going to need to add a lot more things to make them useful. My first thought is that you should get a better understanding of how basic modular modules work. There's a free eurorack simulator known as VCV rack. There's a virtual version of Clouds and Braids in it. You will also find a lot of other modules like VCAs, envelope generators, etc.

Learn how to build a basic set-up in VCV first. It costs nothing so you can make as many mistakes as you like and experiment recklessly. Get a good understanding of how it works and you'll find that making decisions on which pieces of kit to add to be a lot less daunting.

traded a Magneto with @tomlaan - perfect condition, great module, highly recommended seller, trader.

traded an Erbe Verbe with @zvuku, all went smooth and module arrived in good condition! thanks!

hi there! im gonna start this adventure and have some modules i received for free, so i would like some advices to complete it.

Will make ambient stuff, and here is what i have for know.
Maybe i need to add MATHS? people says that is a must, but for the moment i dont know anything about it.
Maybe elements?
Any mixer or vca?

let me know please! thanks a lot.

alt text

Anybody knows what the connectors on the back are for?

Bought MI Marbles from @yari. Everything was ok. The item was exactly as he described, communication and delivery were also satisfying. Thanks! :)

Thread: Bug Report

I am not sure what's going on, I never heard of this problems. But I agree there should be a simple option to set the location, so this feature will come.

-- modulargrid

Thanks, this feature will make spending my hard earned money on modules much easier again.

Thread: Bug Report

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My VPN is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

-- pkkkkknn

I am not sure what's going on, I never heard of this problems. But I agree there should be a simple option to set the location, so this feature will come.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net


Disting F6 parameters

  • not much to report, other than Z knob is manipulated throughout the recording to either open or freeze the shift register pattern, which is set to 8 steps long


M32 parameters

  • sequence is a saved set of pitches, mostly C's and G's in different octaves
  • sequence length alternates throughout the recording between 1, 3, 5, and 8 steps



  • Ears receives audio from M32, which is being driven by its' own internal sequencer
  • M32 is also given a direct out which is summed at the Mix3 to a single mono output
  • Rings receives audio input from M32 via buff mult, but has its own pitch information coming in the form of random quantized cv's produced by the Disting F6 algorithm, which advances every time it receives a gate from Ears (aka every time M32 input audio goes above the 4V threshold, highly Gain knob dependent)
  • 2 AD envelopes from Peaks in Split mode handle various modulation tasks in Rings and in Maths
  • ADM10 Kompressor, first use of the ADM10 as an ACTUAL compressor without Makeup Gain, works great


bought a Midi to Clock V2 from @Slocap ... all good. arrived in good condition and good communication with seller. thanks!

Thread: Bug Report

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My VPN is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

Ableton: Many Firsts

  • Haven't multitracked this many inputs before (6)
  • Used Ableton to clock the KeyStep via MIDI Out from 18i8
  • Used Transient Shaping for most tracks to either add or subtract "front end" from each
  • Grouped Dry and Delayed Rings signals and applied compression and/or EQ to the Group tracks (sometimes in addition to the individual tracks)
  • Panned everything between 35 and 5 away from C


Colour Scheme








Disting - Used C4 (Clockable Ping Pong (Z Input Pan)) algo instead of B4 and sent only delayed signal out of A and B
Routing - Sent Dry and Delayed signals of both ODD and EVEN Outputs on Rings, for a total of 6 tracks recorded at once (Blofeld Dry, Rings ODD Dry, Rings EVEN Dry, Rings ODD Delayed, Rings EVEN Delayed, and BIA)
Rings - Used Modal Resonator instead of Sympathetic Strings, which didn't turn out terribly interestingly
Ears - Sent GATE Into Mod Input instead of State Select Input, sent ENV into Rings Position & Damping as well as BIA Fold, sent audio OUT into M32 Buff Mult to free up space on ADDAC200B for Rings copies
Tempi - Modded Channels 1, 2, and 3 of State #1 and kept it on State #1 as opposed to last Home Improvement patch
Blofeld - Used B043 Marimboid with a bit of Sustain on the Amp ENV so it was a cross between a percussion and a bowed sound


Tyme Sefari? Makes sense...it can do that grit-fi sound, and even give you stereo with the Sound of Thunder expander, which is optimized for circuit-bent noisemaking.

this user has left ModularGrid

What's the impedance of the preamp input? I found nothing on the webpage and in the manual.

I have recently dealt with these sellers and I have nothing but good things to say :

Thread: Excessive?

I am not sure I want too much random, so that’s deliberate. But I could see use for a probability based gate signal from the sequencer. Hence I have the Antumbra Cara and a logic module.
I might add a Turing machine and quantizer at some point.

Thread: Excessive?

Excessive???? Never! The journey is the destination.

You seem light on random. How about ADDAC 506?

bought a Mordax DATA from @groovar .... all good!

Thread: Excessive?

I’m spending too much time on modulargrid, too much on gear, and I still have fun.

Any thoughts on omissions additions?


A Tyme Sefari maybe?

A lot of the key to that, IMHO, would be in your filter selections. You'll want some LPGs (I suggest Make Noise's Optomix) to add that plucked, woody Buchla-oid sound alongside the 2s's Steiner-Parker-derived VCF. For the other, given space and cost, I doubt you could do better than G-Storm's Tonus VCF, a copy of the tried-and-true ARP 4012 "pre-lawsuit" VCF. And in both cases, you get two-input mixers thrown in for good measure, which cuts out some of the need for mixers for your VCOs.

As for a replacement for the Shapeshifter, you might consider a pair of Mutable's Plaits...two morphable digital VCOs for less than the other, in 24 hp, still saving you 2 hp for something else. And for reverb, look at Purrtronics' Purrvrrb...a mono-to-stereo digital spring (the classic modular reverb) emulator in 8 hp for only $130, then you can also add a delay like the Chronoblob II for $250, giving you stereo reverb and delay in the same space as the Erbe-verb while coming out over $100 ahead.

As long as you only use the square and pulse waves, and never turn up the VCF's resonance, sure!

Hey guys, thanks for the replies,
I'll consider getting the 6U rack, I think it's the sensible choice just in case I need more space in the future. Regarding the modules sizes, I guess the shapeshifter and the erbe-verb are the guilty ones, can you suggest smaller replacements for them?

I've watched a couple of videos about the Expert Sleepers Disting suggested by Laupellim, it seems a very powerful module, however, at this point I'm not sure I would know how to use it or how to patch it with the 2s, there's a lot I still need to learn. Right now I lean towards something that can produce smooth and soft sounds, as the 2s can already pretty harsh.

Designed this version of a Casio Sk-1 (my first sampler at age 10), around a Doepfer A-112 module in a Happy Ending kit.

What do you think?

Bought Marbles from @yrn1. Arrived after 4 days, perfect conditions as described. Recommended!

Lugia> Thank you for your advice. I was intend to use Pico Drum as just tiny sample player not only for drum. Yes, it seems godd idea to replace with DSP for stereo out.
Power supply, I have changed rack configuration and put a uZeus now.

The PICO Drums seems like a poor choice to me, especially if you have drums on some of your other devices (like the Elektron gear). It would make a lot more sense to have gone with a PICO DSP so that you can have mono-to-stereo FX as part of the build. This would leave 1 hp (like it does now) which I'd suggest you fill with a Konstant Labs Power Checker...probably the smartest thing anyone can put in a 1 hp 'hole'.

The other thing I'm puzzling over is that if this is in a Happy Ending mounting and not something with a powered cab, where's your power supply?

Not sure about that. I managed to fit an ADDAC812VU which is 35 mm deep, with no problems.
-- ParanormalPatroler hhhmmmm, weird. I measured mine with fairly decent digital caliper.

Not sure about that. I managed to fit an ADDAC812VU which is 35 mm deep, with no problems.

Ideally, with those 4ms pods, could a mismatch in depth be highlighted?
-- liquid_air

Unfortunately the data here cannot be fully trusted. I run into such an issue where the depth info both in MG and in the manufacturer's manual is not true, which made me purchase a module which ought to fit in a Pod but didn't. 2hp Rnd v1 still has depth set as 34mm last time I checked and I had to reach out to manufacturer for a change. Real depth is 45mm with power cable, 40mm without. Both are too deep for a Pod and I have no idea why they don't state the real depth.
-- ParanormalPatroler I know! I bought a 2hp NSE and it's deeper then stated and wont fit in a Pod.

Also 4ms seems to have over stated the Pod depth at 34.1mm, from my measurements 32mm and under will fit, under 33mm might fit, and over 33mm probably wont fit. Maybe their prototypes and/or manufacturing proofs were 34.1mm deep but the production copies ended up a little shallower?

Ideally, with those 4ms pods, could a mismatch in depth be highlighted?
-- liquid_air

Unfortunately the data here cannot be fully trusted. I run into such an issue where the depth info both in MG and in the manufacturer's manual is not true, which made me purchase a module which ought to fit in a Pod but didn't. 2hp Rnd v1 still has depth set as 34mm last time I checked and I had to reach out to manufacturer for a change. Real depth is 45mm with power cable, 40mm without. Both are too deep for a Pod and I have no idea why they don't state the real depth.

Is there a way to have different rows to have different widths to plan module arrangements across different cases in one convenient location?
Say four rows 3U 88HP with an Intellijel 7U 104HP case.
-- liquid_air

You could just make one big case with many rows and then fill in the "shorter rows" with blind panels?

Perfect transaction with @fredeke - great comms, well packaged, fast delivery :)

Is there a way to have different rows to have different widths to plan module arrangements across different cases in one convenient location?

Say four rows 3U 88HP with an Intellijel 7U 104HP case.

no, that is not possible

Ideally, with those 4ms pods, could a mismatch in depth be highlighted?
-- liquid_air

In the Data Sheets view of your rack you see the deepest modules like in a spreadsheet view.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Thread: waves

Hello What to you thinks about this modular ?

This is my first modular synth rack on Tiptop Audio Happy Ending Kit.
Currently I only have left three modules, Plaits, Rings and Marbles.
I also have Moog32, DFAM, 0-coast beside this, and some other synths, microKorg, microbrute, Rocket and Elektron boxes.
I am going to control via Keystep and SQ1. May also connect with Analog four.

I agree with Lugia— I have a MB 2 and a MB 2S and the 3U rack can feel very limiting. (Currently working with one 6u and one 3u rack now.) Perhaps you might want to try a smaller module like Expert Sleepers Disting which would add a lot of functionality. Also echoing the thoughts regarding filter — adding Polaris to my rack made a lot of new sounds possible. Finally, you may find the clock limiting on the 2S. A small clock divider/multiplier is really handy. 4ms makes a quad clock distributor that would allow you to trigger events at different rates. Good luck!

Pittsburgh, PA
“Have a good trip!” — Karlheinz Stockhausen

Tempi Parameters

Uses the default 16 States, except State 1 uses Channel 1 @ 2x multiplication (other 5 channels are 1x as default)
