Don't ask. I don't even have money left for a proper avatar.

newb here, but a simple question. I already own a eurorack rig, and use expert sleepers as my midi to cv, the ES FH1... im also thinking of build on a 5U rig, either synthtech or moon modular, and wondered if my ES FH1 could be used as my midi to cv for the 5u midi controller, instead of buying a new midi to cv controller in 5u. do the different types of format work on the same principles, or is there a different issue with combining the two. cheers.


Blofeld Parameters

A modified version of the "Ode to Joy" B047 Keys preset includes an LFO, which is sent to the cutoff of the first filter
- pitch of OSC1 is up P5 from the other two OSC's but all in the 4' octave (or "length")
- LFO with Triangle shape has the most noticeable and interesting effect, sync'd to the SEQ/DAW clock and resetting every 1/2 note


Polyend SEQ Parameters

16 total inputted patterns, 12-13 of which that were used
- begins with a simple kick and hat, then adding a snare in 3/4 time (polymetre as the rest of the tracks have 16 steps therefore 4/4)
- Track 4 is a velocity sequence that is sent to the cutoff frequency of the cinnamon in amounts that vary depending on the MATHS Channel 1 attenuverter knob position
- Blofeld provides simple, brief accents beginning with Pattern 5


Disting Parameters

G6: MIDI-to-CV w/ MIDI Breakout
- Output A Divisor = 6 (Default, quarter notes)


Colour Scheme

- Red

- Orange

- Blue

Quad VCA to Cinnamon
- Grey

- Purple

- Purple Stackcables

- Black



  • simple CV routing with complex MIDI routing (the most complex for me so far anyway) and use of H9's TimeFactor in a custom preset
  • Mother32 is simply providing a "drone" frequency via resonant filter and cinnamon signal running through it

Clock from DAW
- DAW MIDI Out to Polyend SEQ MIDI In
- SEQ MIDI Thru to Disting MIDI Din In
- SEQ MIDI Out1 to Polyend Poly MIDI Din In
- SEQ MIDI Out2 to Blofeld MIDI Din In

In spite of various attempts from different sources and trying different settings, could not get H9's MIDI In to receive clock properly, so I used tempo's similar to DAW Clock (approx. 120bpm)


this woud be handy to estimate the „damage“ done to our bank accounts

Here are a few suggestions:

ModularGrid Rack

  1. Zadar is a neat quad Envelope Generator that is loopable, giving you more flexibility than stages (and a greater number of envelopes)
  2. For mild distortion consider a Tallin Dual VCA and add a Geiger counter for more heavy duty
  3. For ambient, consider the Erbeverb. Pico DSP might not cut it. You could also consider an Erica Black Hole DSP/DSP2
  4. Consider smaller versions of the MI modules: quad VCA and Beehive are equivalent to Veils and Plaits
  5. You may want to add another filter, ideally an SVF, but the Polivoks has LPF and BP. Belgrad is a neat one, but larger
  6. You said sequencing isn’t a priority. Perhaps then ditch the Varigate 4 and the paltry 8 steps and consider a Voltage Block to control various parameters. You could also do that using Pam’s and a Lapsus Os.
  7. Consider an Intellijel 7U case

I appreciate your feedback. I might jump into a long term project :)

Thanks to @Groove_Addict for the Pamela's New Workout! Good communication and the module arrived well packaged and in great condition :)

Hello, this is my small(ish) 7u case comprised of many modules from Industrial Music Electronics and supported by a few others. While the configuration may change a bit over time, I will always try to keep it at 6/7u because I think of this as a stand alone instrument. This is currently what it looks like
eiusmod temor

And this is a bit of what it sounds like, though, in this track I only use the Hertz Donut MKIII as a sound source. The Piston Honda was not used.

Come to think of it, if you switched to the Even VCOs, that would give you enough space to use a AJH Synth MiniMod Transitor Ladder Filter, which I'm sure would be closer to the sound than you'd get with the Dynamic Impulse Filter.

Oops! Didn't realize I'd made this rack public. LOL Honestly, you could use any other oscillator you'd like that would fit within the space. I don't remember what the HP is on the Primary Oscillator. A Befaco Even VCO would be a good fit and free up an additional 8HP. I was trying to find a way to recreate the Subharmonicon since it doesn't look like we'll ever see a production version.

I contemplated the Mantis for a while. Something about the aesthetic of it I'm just not a fan of. Which is a bummer because it seems like a real good deal. At this point I think I'll probably end up sticking to the RackBrute, at least for a first build. I pulled the trigger on the Morphagene because Reverb had a really nice sale going that dropped the price of a new one about $80 bucks. Any opinions on the rest of my first purchases above? I've also been moving more towards Stages and away from Batumi a bit just because it seems like it has more usefulness in a smaller starting rack.

Always educational to see Lugia’s Suggestions.

Two additional thoughts:
Going for an Intellijel 7U case with the MIDI module, Audio I/O and two Quadratt attenuverters will give you more space that isn’t going into I/O and power modules.
The Quad VCA comes in a neat micro version, saving you another couple of HP, as does Plaits (and marbles & Clouds).
That way you could fit in some performance modules, such as a Voltage Block or bring back Pam’s. Or, for extra ambient duty, add Plancks, which is a micro-Forms module.
Don’t forget about Poti to go with Batumi, which gives access to the jumpers on the back in a more user friendly manner.

Here is what that could look like:

ModularGrid Rack

I also was thinking 19" racks would be cool.

Nothing specific, really...the Erbe-verb works really nicely with all sorts of modulation sources. Although, you might consider an envelope follower to drive a pair of VCAs at the output; by putting this before the input and using the envelope follower's gate output and some careful settings, you could then obtain a gated reverb by operating the output VCAs with the input's envelope follower. Might not be fittable now, but it's worth keeping in mind.

Thread: Pedalboard 1

A suggestion: check out Temple Audio's line of modular pedalboards, which allow for some extra user-definable submodules in spaces along the sides. One of these is a 1-3 mult, which would easily allow you to parallel some of this instead of straight-lining the entire rig. They also have an active buffer submodule that would make for an excellent buffering option for that.

Maybe a Tiptop Mantis, then? Pretty cost-effective for a powered 2 x 104 cab. Also, check Erica's stuff; they make some great cabs that're more studio-oriented that have serious PSes and even some major depth (like 90mm in their deep 126 hp stuff).

Thread: Pedalboard 1

I have been using multi-effects for about a year now, but I wanted something more. I just assembled my first pedalboard. What do you guys think?

                                                                                                                                 |Polytune Mini

Signal Path: Guitar--->Dyna Comp--->Timmy--->Palisades--->VPJR---<
|Memory Lane Jr---> DD-5 w/Tap Tempo switch--->RV-5

Funny enough I almost considered one of those PM desktop cases for a while, but just couldn't justify it with the transporting I will most likely be doing. That whole line is really nice looking though. I would probably go with the Intellijel 7U hands down if it wasn't for the significant price difference from the RackBrute. It's the only reason why I'm still undecided.

I started with a Minibrute 2s, so this made the Rackbrute more appealing to me, and bought a 3U to link to the Minibrute. When I out grew the 83HP in the 3U, I seriously considered the Intellijel 7U 104HP, but went with a Rackbrute 6U (the link feature is nice, particularly linking 2x6U). With the Rackbrute 6U, power distribution can become a balancing issue across both power buses (not an issue with the 3U). Also, the Rackbrute was 24 months no interest at Sweetwater, so that allowed me to buy a couple of them ;-) You can't go wrong with the Intellijel as a first case, and that would probably be my recommendation. If you're not concerned about portability, look at the Pittsburgh Modular 420 (great power, great price per hp ratio, and sliding nuts aren't that bad, just use a toothpick to position the nuts). A 2x6U Rackbrute is fairly portable (would take it on a car vacation, would not send it via air transport), and so is the Intellijel (I like to doodle on the porch). The PM 420 wants to sit in one place and be worshipped ;-)

Thanks @Anrilov for the CYMBL909! All perfect, whit original box and mint condition. Reliable seller!

That's not a bad idea, could make use of those new 4ms powered Pods that came out recently. Very cost-effective...the only drawback being module depths, as they only have a 34 mm depth, meaning that anything above 30 mm is going to start getting really tight when you add the ribbons and so on into the mix.
-- Lugia

how about to change tempi anda rene for other modules and use an octatrack ( i have) for sequencer¿ I have too an analog 4
in that case ,what other module do you add with erbverb?

That's great info, Ed. Thanks! I'm still been waving a little between the RackBrute and spending the extra money upfront and getting an Intellijel 7U. In the long run the portability, expansion possibility and extra 1U rack for those Intellijel utilities looks tempting. At the same time you can expand on the RackBrute too. Decisions, decisions.

Rackbrute is 89 hp. A rackbrute 6U has (2x89)-5 (for power) = 173 useable hp. I own several. Keep in mind that the power on the Rackbrute 3U is the same as the power on the Rackbrute 6U. Arturia recommends no more than 640 mAmps on each bus of the Rackbrute 6U (and 1280mAmps on the single rail of the 3U). I've stuck to that 640mAmps recommendation and so far haven't had any power glitches.

Thanks for the catch, Lugia. I had it at 88 per row but had extended it at some point just to fit a few modules so I wouldn't forget about them. Looks like I forgot to change it back after I posted. It should be updated in the link now.

Well, first up, if this is supposed to be in a Rackbrute 6U, isn't it a good bit too wide? That's an 88 hp x 2 cab. You might want to try this again in the correct cab size.

Help me build a Subharmonicon inside a Kb37.

Hi all,

I have been on verge of diving into eurorack for a while and have finally decided to jump in. After playing around in VCV Rack for a while, spending some time on YouTube and reading through the forums here, I feel like I'm finally becoming a little more comfortable actually making a few purchases. Before I do however, I was wondering if any of you fine people would be willing to take a look at the rack I put together and provide any suggestions as to where I should start with my first purchases. Because I'm new to the whole thing, I'm sure there are some obvious holes or redundancies in this build so any critique would be super helpful.

Ultimately, I have about $2k to spend so I'm looking for the best places to start and then build out from there later. A little bit of info into what I'm looking to do:

I already have an 0-Coast that I've been digging into and am looking to include it with my build. I will also probably be doing most of my clocking and sequencing in my DAW to start until my build is fleshed out a bit more so those are not urgent.

The only required purchases for me to start would be a rack (looking at the RackBrute 6u) and a Morphagene (I thought a long while about using just this as a standalone as well). This leaves about $1100 to play with. My thoughts to start were the Veils (for the Quad VCA), Batumi (for the Quad LFO), ES Disting MK4 (for the flexibility), Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO (to be a complimentary voice to the 0-Coast) and probably a simple mult as well.

I know the 0-Coast itself provides me with a bit of flexibility as it has a lot of the basics already built in, but I would like to make sure my first few purchases will be as musically compatible as possible. I would also like to make sure the build compliments the Morphagene as much as possible too. This probably sounds a little broad, but in general I am looking for a build that can do some interesting textural ambience as well as have some grit if it needs to go into a more industrial sounding direction.

In addition, if there are any modules you think would be a cheaper replacement but do the job better or just as well, I am open to that. And vice versa, if there is a more expensive one.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated and super helpful! You all seem like a welcoming group and everything that I've seen in this forum makes me feel confident I'll end up going down a road I'll be happy with.

Thanks in advance!

ModularGrid Rack

I hope u like it

That's not a bad idea, could make use of those new 4ms powered Pods that came out recently. Very cost-effective...the only drawback being module depths, as they only have a 34 mm depth, meaning that anything above 30 mm is going to start getting really tight when you add the ribbons and so on into the mix.

Ahhh...yes, this makes way more sense. MG has a weird glitch where you need to make sure your Screenshot view is loading the same way as your actual build before posting anything with the build page's link in it. Probably explains the Rene-laden atrocity that was up previously.

This build only has a couple of things I'd consider making changes to. For one thing, you might want to find a way to add another oscillator (Plaits might be a good match to the Braids) so that you can thicken up the single-oscillator sound with a bit of detuning, mixing waveforms, that sort of thing. The other is something the combo of the Zadar and QPAS open up, and for that you'd want a second Quad VCA. Here's what I have in mind...

Let's say you had the above combo of modules. Now, given that the QPAS has the stereo pairs of all of its outputs, with two Quad VCAs you would then have the ability to set up a patch in which a few (or all?) of the QPAS outputs go to individual VCA inputs, with one Quad VCA being a "left" and the other a "right", and then by various configurations of Zadar output patching, you could create Zadar settings that would allow the various VCAs to have differing envelopes, morphing across the QPAS response outputs to create sounds that can change in timbre and spatialization across time. Given that the intent of the build is for ambient work, that would fit right in with your plans, potentially creating patches that can evolve across time depending on the envelope rates programmed into the Zadar. You would have to lose something to get this and the Plaits in, though...hmmmmm...
ModularGrid Rack
OK...this. Note that some of the modules from your build are missing, most notably the Erbe-verb. I would actually suggest going with either an external FX unit for this (more flexibility) or using some of the Clouds' potential for reverberant-type effects. I also removed the Pam's and went with a Tempi due to the fact that the Rene has the ability to work directly with it for some additional Rene functionality. You'd not have that with the Pam's.

Other changes...removed the Bastl VCF (sort of redundant with the QPAS) and the PICO DSP (again, an external FX unit being preferable here). There are also no mults; in this case, having jammed the cab with as much function as possible, I opted for a build that requires inline mult "widgets" or stackcables. In smaller cabs where every hp needs to be pure functionality, those optimize space more than one might suspect.

Added: obviously, the Plaits and the second Quad VCA. I also dropped in a Doepfer A-184-1, which gives you a ring modulator, slew limiter, and extra sample & hold in 4 hp. The Plaits and Braids are set up to split the outputs to two channels each of the Doepfer A-138s, which allows you to set up a separate right and left mix for the QPAS's stereo ins. I also added a 2hp MIDI module to allow very basic MIDI control, but more importantly, it also adds clock lockup to MIDI so that your Tempi/Rene combo can run in sync with external MIDI processes. I also put in a PICO OUT, which gives you a stereo output stepdown via a 3.5mm TRS jack, plus a headphone amp. Last added bit, since I had 1 hp left over, was a Konstant Labs power check module...the very best way to use a 1 hp space, I think.

This seems more "instrument-like", ultimately. The functionality is a bit dedicated, but within that there's a lot of leeway for sonic complexity.
-- Lugia

thanks! noted!. will try to fit the erbverb because is one of the modules i received for free so... you know.. maybe i can make another little case only with 2 or 3 fx modules....
thanks again for all the info!

Also, pick up a copy of Patch and Tweak, great overview of just about everything, and google "Northern Coast Synthesis Part 2" for some good reasons to not get into eurocrack (the whole series is worth reading when starting out - it is written by someone who designs modules).

I've recently caught the eurocrack habit and have ordered from Perfect Circuit Audio, Detroit Modular (ordering can be flaky using Paypal, twice I had to call to straighten things out - but they ship timely and answer questions quickly - and track reward points for small additional discounts), Analogue Haven, Vintage King Audio, Control, Sweetwater, and Control Voltage with no issues. Many give 10% discounts on holidays. Sign up for their newsletters to get occasional additional discounts. I have not had to return anything, so I can't speak for return hassles. Most, but not all, give free shipping for orders over 100$. Vintage King and Sweetwater both allow 0% no interest over various times and various manufacturers if you use their Synchrony credit cards (just don't miss a payment, as their normal interest rate is something like 25%). I will say that initially I was storing credit card info on various vendor sites as I splurged on module after module (not a good approach), but I was hit with a rash of fraudulent credit card charges, so use Paypal exclusively to hide your credit card details and never store credit card info on vendor sites (I went a decade with no credit card fraud charges, and then bam had to cancel 4 separate cards in a 4 month span - since switching to Paypal no issues). Good luck.

I bought a module from @Ideo, and everything went smooth :)

Ahhh...yes, this makes way more sense. MG has a weird glitch where you need to make sure your Screenshot view is loading the same way as your actual build before posting anything with the build page's link in it. Probably explains the Rene-laden atrocity that was up previously.

This build only has a couple of things I'd consider making changes to. For one thing, you might want to find a way to add another oscillator (Plaits might be a good match to the Braids) so that you can thicken up the single-oscillator sound with a bit of detuning, mixing waveforms, that sort of thing. The other is something the combo of the Zadar and QPAS open up, and for that you'd want a second Quad VCA. Here's what I have in mind...

Let's say you had the above combo of modules. Now, given that the QPAS has the stereo pairs of all of its outputs, with two Quad VCAs you would then have the ability to set up a patch in which a few (or all?) of the QPAS outputs go to individual VCA inputs, with one Quad VCA being a "left" and the other a "right", and then by various configurations of Zadar output patching, you could create Zadar settings that would allow the various VCAs to have differing envelopes, morphing across the QPAS response outputs to create sounds that can change in timbre and spatialization across time. Given that the intent of the build is for ambient work, that would fit right in with your plans, potentially creating patches that can evolve across time depending on the envelope rates programmed into the Zadar. You would have to lose something to get this and the Plaits in, though...hmmmmm...
ModularGrid Rack
OK...this. Note that some of the modules from your build are missing, most notably the Erbe-verb. I would actually suggest going with either an external FX unit for this (more flexibility) or using some of the Clouds' potential for reverberant-type effects. I also removed the Pam's and went with a Tempi due to the fact that the Rene has the ability to work directly with it for some additional Rene functionality. You'd not have that with the Pam's.

Other changes...removed the Bastl VCF (sort of redundant with the QPAS) and the PICO DSP (again, an external FX unit being preferable here). There are also no mults; in this case, having jammed the cab with as much function as possible, I opted for a build that requires inline mult "widgets" or stackcables. In smaller cabs where every hp needs to be pure functionality, those optimize space more than one might suspect.

Added: obviously, the Plaits and the second Quad VCA. I also dropped in a Doepfer A-184-1, which gives you a ring modulator, slew limiter, and extra sample & hold in 4 hp. The Plaits and Braids are set up to split the outputs to two channels each of the Doepfer A-138s, which allows you to set up a separate right and left mix for the QPAS's stereo ins. I also added a 2hp MIDI module to allow very basic MIDI control, but more importantly, it also adds clock lockup to MIDI so that your Tempi/Rene combo can run in sync with external MIDI processes. I also put in a PICO OUT, which gives you a stereo output stepdown via a 3.5mm TRS jack, plus a headphone amp. Last added bit, since I had 1 hp left over, was a Konstant Labs power check module...the very best way to use a 1 hp space, I think.

This seems more "instrument-like", ultimately. The functionality is a bit dedicated, but within that there's a lot of leeway for sonic complexity.

I bought a module from @memoire-de-futur. Smooth process. Module in great condition. Recommended.

Not sure if you still need a reply, but I have a Morpheus installed in that exact spot in my KB37. It fits just fine.

What are other alternatives for the P.M.'s Primary Oscillator?

Thread: Bug Report

The entire FORUMS.

When sorting by the latest post, the results aren't so. I'm expecting to see the thread with the newest post at the top, followed by the second newest, third, etc. It seems almost random. Is it being sorted by the latest VIEWED rather than posted? It should be fixed right away as new forum messages and replies are getting buried by older posts.

The above build with all of the Renes doesn't strike me as a very well-considered idea. I see no VCAs, for starters, and a lot of the other necessary items are totally missing.

If you want this many sequencers, you either need a MUCH bigger cab, or you should just chuck the idea of using sequencers in the synth altogether and get something that's a dedicated sequencer device, such as a KOMA Komplex. Occupying this much room with Renes...especially with what's NOT here...seems like a recipe for an expensive and unusable disaster.
-- Lugia

sorry, there is a glitch with that image, dunno why all of the Renes... didnt notice too that when i make some changes,the pic changes... anyway,
here is the last testing of my module :

alt text

Go back to the top page of the Forum and you'll see links for the moderators at the bottom. Click on modulargrid's link then send him a PM via the boxed link you'll see at the top of his user page.

The above build with all of the Renes doesn't strike me as a very well-considered idea. I see no VCAs, for starters, and a lot of the other necessary items are totally missing.

If you want this many sequencers, you either need a MUCH bigger cab, or you should just chuck the idea of using sequencers in the synth altogether and get something that's a dedicated sequencer device, such as a KOMA Komplex. Occupying this much room with Renes...especially with what's NOT here...seems like a recipe for an expensive and unusable disaster.

Not really

I’m assuming that he modules remaining constant are the ones you have?

Adding Rene and Batumi is great, but you need a clock for Rene to work (Tempi or Pamela’s New Workout would do). A filter is great, but look also at QPAS or a state variable filter. You’ll also need an envelope module (Malekko Quad Envelope or XAOC Zadar) and at least one power module. Consider an Intellijel 7U case with Intellijel 1U modules, as you’ll want an audio I/O and some attenuverters.
-- liquid_air

maths can be the clock of Rene?