If you haven't ordered the case yet, perhaps an Intellijel 6U+1U case would be wise? You commented on not having enough buffered mults. That would solve the issue since Intellijel makes a 1U mult. They also offer the Quadratt that can do mixing, attenuation and attenuverting. You can replace the triat with the quadratt and claim the HP space back. They also offer a synth to line level and line level to synth level interface in 1U as well as a small headphone out. I'm not sure if the 1U vector scope will fit in there as well but it's worth a look.

The Integra Funkitus is fine. But you may get more use out of a Temps Utile. The T_U might also replace the Tempi. The Quadra could be replaced by an Ornaments and Crime which has a four output envelope/LFO generator that may get you what you want. The T_U and O_C are both available in 8HP units. That will save you 14HP.

An option to replace the MakeNoise ModDemix is the Befaco A*B+C. You'll save 2HP if the features are to your liking.

All suggestions to evaluate and then make a decision.