Thanks! When I check Muffwiggler I see the brand "BlackMarket" passing by a lot.
They are easy to get here in Belgium. Do you have an opinion on them?
Thanks! When I check Muffwiggler I see the brand "BlackMarket" passing by a lot.
They are easy to get here in Belgium. Do you have an opinion on them?
LMNTL and Nazca (part of Pittsburgh these days) see a lot of use. Both have some fairly cost-effective multipacks of their various lengths. Also, LMNTL makes some very convenient inline 1-5 mults that most anyone should have a few of. I've known people who've been happy with both.
KICK ASS!!! February 2019 edition
Well, since the onslaught of Winter NAMM is now done, things have cooled off considerably in the new Eurorack arena. Don't get used to the lull in the craziness, though, because Superbooth is only 2+ months away and I think we all know that there's going to be yet another deluge of nifty toys as we approach that event's date (9-11 May). For those who don't know what Superbooth is: basically, it's a three-day carnival of electronic instruments, performances, and other related craziness, held annually in Berlin. It functions as perhaps the largest trade exhibition for modular synths in Europe, and it's yet another of those events where manufacturers are going to be dropping new modules and instruments like they're hot. It, the two NAMM events (although not so much Summer NAMM, or “guitar NAMM” as it's sometimes called) and Knobcon are the four seasonal big-shows for synths.
So in the lull here, only a few things have jumped out of the module miasma. Here they are:
1) Error Instruments KRUSNEK FORST EURORACK: I have to respect the hell out of any Eurorack module that can be controlled with a wad of steel wool! No, seriously! Anyway, what this is is a “controller” (in quotes, because it's always somewhat out of control in of itself!) that applies itself admirably to the production and performance of blips, glitches, and full-on noise! Various studs on the panel are used with other conductors to complete circuits Cracklebox-style, but this also contains some CV alteration/generation possibilities, and can also be used with a special LDR sensor for light-controlled craziness. “Psychedelic”? Maybe. Full-on bonkers? You bet! This one is going to appeal to the noise/industrial crowd, but I can also see some potential generative usage here, too, plus there's some great bits in the video clip where one could easily sort out how to use this as a percussion-type controller. $279, 20 hp.
2) Warm Star Electronics Fragment: On first glance, this just looks like a set of attenuators. Appearances deceive, though. By using patchpoints in the IN and OUT columns in a certain way, it's possible to break the module up into a multitude of mixer and/or attenuator combinations. This is totally brilliant; I'm sure that all of us have found ourselves in situations where we need more submixers than we have on hand, or where our need for those submixers changes radically from patch to patch, and having only fixed-configuration mixers suddenly becomes a hassle. Or you just need one attenuator, not several. And I shouldn't have to mention that any of those issues in a smaller rig can lead to a lot of hair-pulling and other stressy reactions. If you've found yourself there, then here is your fix. $195, 12 hp.
3) VoicAs LEDRover: This thing sounds great! As opposed to some other distortion/overdrive-type effects, this has a wonderful, lush, wooly yowl to it. At one position, it does. See, this is really several distorters in one; VoicAs uses three very different diodes in here (2 LED types and one germanium) so you can tailor your fuzziness to your needs. There's also three bass-boost settings onboard, making this very optimal for ACIEED-type applications (like what you'll note in their video clip). You get CV over Drive amount, plus an extra tone-color fine-tune setting to dial in the exact snarliness required. I also like the fact that the Drive is on a very large knob that begs to be used as a manual controller, so you can play your nastiness just as you might a filter cutoff, etc. Very skiff-friendly, too! $150, 8 hp.
4) Noise Reap SLOPES. It's easy to think you've seen it all after some 5700 Eurorack modules have made it onto ModularGrid. But here's something you've not seen: a logarithmic ADSR, with CV over the A, D and R parameters, paired with and controlling a DC-coupled VCA, all in 12 hp. Seriously...there's not another of these; while there are other EG/VCA combos in Eurorack, this one...pretty much the optimal audio control combo...hasn't popped up. Until now. Not only that, but this can work with either triggers or gates, the VCA also has an additional CV parameter, and you get normal and inverse envelope outputs to boot! This is just brilliant! I can't think of anyone who wouldn't benefit from a couple of these in their build. And not only does it space-save by co-locating your VCA with the EG, it's also only 30mm deep, making it a prime choice for skiff users. Noise Reap has done some interesting things, but this time, they hit the ball outta the park!
5) Ladik L-121 and L-127 LFOs. Ladik continues to amaze. These two 4 hp LFOs are genius. The L-121 is a Folding LFO, incorporating not only CV over rate, but CV over an internal wavefolder that can warp any of the module's 36 waveshapes (uh-huh! Wavetable-style waveshape selection!) into a panoply of strange modulation curves, bending either the positive, negative, or both polarities of the wave cycle. Cycle times range from 30 Hz down to a super-lethargic 10 minutes per cycle. $62-ish. Then the L-127 Delayed LFO goes somewhere else entirely. This has three different delays modes...or rather, two different delay modes and a third one-shot mode that makes it behave more like a transient generator. Again, you've got 36 waveforms in the same sort of arrangement as the L-121 above, plus some jumper configurations that alter how that last mode functions as well as a decaying “echo” mode for the transient function, and alterations to the retriggering function...all of which can, naturally, be brought to the front panel with their P-060 jumper switch kit. $73 or thereabouts. Ladik's modules might not be the snazziest-looking in the Eurorack game, but what's going on behind those basic panels is downright beautiful!
And that, as they say, is that. Like I noted, sort of a spare version of KICK ASS!!! this month, but expect more craziness through March and definitely in April. Until then...
I know technically this is not the question to ask here but since I don't know where else
I'm going to give it a try!
What are the most commonly used patch cables? Budget wise let say from mid range to the more expensive ones.
I was thinking to use a combination of the tiptop stackables and EricaSynths patch cables.
Thanks in advance!
Hi doc11
I'm also not that long on the forum but let me help you with the knowledge I already have.
You will need an output module that brings your signal from synth level to line level I use the Bastl Ciao!
You will need a mixer to mix your signals together. HappyNerding offers some good mixer modules or since you are tight on space the 2hp mix you can use a couple to mix CV and audio signals.
I don't know all your modules and how they interact with each other I leave this to the experts but here you have some basics!
Good luck!
Hi all,
I am new to Eurorack, been around the forums for a while (thank you all for all the useful information) and playing with VCV rack and a Neutron for some time, and I feel that after some planning I have an idea of where I would like to go with my rack.
This rack would be accompanied with a Behringer Neutron and a BSP. Most of my pads / ambiences come from my DAW, and what I am really looking for is agressive/dissonant drum sounds, noise, metallic...
I have added a rings because i fell in love with its sound and its one of the modules that made me feel in love with this.
I have some space in this rack, but not sure what for. Thought about a stereo mixer (doepfer) or a mutes module (like divkids) but I am looking for some advice here. I would go straight into my soundcard that's why I thought of having a stereo mixer in the rack.
Do I need a different filter maybe? I would have the neutrons one, plus a low pass gate and this 2hp filt. I would like a random source too, but I guess that could be done either from the uO_C or the Disting.
Have a great weekend!
Hi everyone,
After reviewing all your comments I came up with my new (final?) design.
Since the Disting is such a versatile module and is mentioned here several times for different applications I decided to add an extra module. It can fixes a lot of problems in my build.
The Mutes also got a place in my build because I think it is a good aid in live performances.
A 2hp and HappyNerding 6mix (which can also handle 2 stereo channels) in conjunction with the Bastl Ciao! can handle
all my mono AND stereo signals and output the synth to line level.
For all the guys following this thread and and helping my to build a synth that follows my philosophy can we consider this as a solid build?
Thanks in advance for al the comments!
The Chronoblob 2 has dual delay modes, which when clocked and fed audio from something percussive like the Digitakt create polyrhythmic delays bouncing from one ear to the other. Also your rack doesn't really have a spare filter or something to put in the send/return loop of the chronoblob, whereas the new module can be run mono with a feedback loop OR stereo. Again the Disting has a clocked delay, but the chronoblob 1&2 have a lot more functionality.
-- JohnnyCogs
Yes you are referring to a ping pong delay. It sounds cool but in my opinion I don't know if it is worth sacrificing the 2hp and the cash. That is what I meant :)
Also the latest image of the rack I posted didn't update either, I left a 6hp gap which you could fill with something like a Dixie 2+ from Intellijel which is an analog VCO/LFO with sync.
-- JohnnyCogs
Strange things happening here...
I tried hit the picture from your rack but I get a large question mark as result.
Thank you for your answer!
Yeah, maybe.
To be honest, I don’t think I need it. I’m not a fan of Toms and I just pulled the trigger on a Trigger Riot and two Switched Multiples. Hence, I don’t really need the sequencer. I might add the drum sample module at some point, but I feel I’ve got what I want.
I’m interested in the drone system, though.
Updated the layout across a dual 6U RackBrute, an Intellijel 7U, a 6U 84HP Erica case, and two Moog cases 104 and 60 HP this is it:
Hello all!
Other than some semi-modular gear, I am fairly new to the Eurorack world. I am looking to put together a 60hp rack that I can use to process external audio, as well as modulate other instruments and video gear.
Here is my current rig:
Elektron Digitakt
Moog Mother-32
Koma Field Kit
Koma Field Kit FX
64 Pixels Vc.ocd
Several circuit-bent, DIY, and lo-fi instruments
Yamaha MG10 mixer
Video Gear:
Gieskes 3TrinsRGB+1c
BPMC Premium Cable
LZX Industries Andor 1
Between the Digitakt + Vc.ocd, and the M-32 I have a lot of envelopes, LFO's, gates, triggers, etc. However, considering my live rig uses anywhere from 20-30 circuit-bent instruments and such, as well as the CV inputs on my 3trins and PC, I thought Maths and Disting would be useful. Rings and Clouds (I know) would be used for processing said circuit-bent instruments, and Ripples could provide additional filtering.
I'm not sure what to do with the remaining 6hp, though I did think it might be wise to go with a Nano Rings instead, to bump that extra space up to 12hp. I think Maths and Disting provide ample modulation sources, so I'd probably like to fill it with something else to process the audio from my existing instruments, perhaps an additional delay or reverb. I also use a lot of contact mics, motors, sensors, and other experimental tools with my Field Kit, and if there is anything that pairs well with these things I'd love to hear about it.
I would generally describe my style as downtempo experimental beat-music, with a lot of ambient influence.
Thanks for taking the time to help!
Erica offers their modules in a pre-configured rack for 3700Euros called the "Techno System". Perhaps they will make you a deal on a system minus the modules you already have?
Here's my take. The MiniBrute 2 is capable of sending and receiving Eurorack clock pulses. I would expand it based around that functionality. I would consider three modules initially: Expert Sleepers Disting mk4, Ornaments & Crime, and Temps Utile.
All of the modules are multifunctional. This will give you a wide palette of options to augment your brute with. As you learn these three modules, you'll get a better taste for what direction you want to go with your expansion. O&C and TU are available in micro 8HP formats. That will go a long way in a cramped case. You're looking at less than $700US for the lot if you shop around.
There are tons of videos on these modules on Youtube if you choose to go that way.
The ErbeVerb is tasty. You will always want a good reverb. If you have the budget get that too.
Once you feel you've mastered these modules, you'll be in good shape to decide what's next. If you find yourself using a specific feature of one module over and over... you might want to find a dedicated version. For example the Disting and the O&C have quantizers. If you're always using a quantizer then it might be prudent to get a stand-alone module.
I recently got a new turntable (Audio Note TT2dlx) and am looking to find a piece of furniture for it. It's currently on a $20 IKEA table. A wall mount is unfortunately impossible, so I'm left with the option of a rack. It's a wooden floor. I'm interested in a rack made of wood because I think wood looks nice. I fell over the "Podium Reference" of maple from UK company Hi Fi Racks. Any thoughts or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
- the mono signal after the mutes can be routed trough the delay and then to the 2hp mix or to the Panmix. The signal can also be routed to the Purrvurb but then the output is stereo, to process this with I need a stereo mixer not? Or do I have an alternative way to do this in my setup?
-- Jazzygerard
Disting also has a very nice sounding mono to stereo reverb, and I'm pretty sure the Ciao can take 2 stereo signals or internally normal a mono channel to both left and right speakers. So channel A on the Ciao comes from the Purrverb and B could come from Disting reverb or directly from 2hp mix.
I considered purchasing the stereo version but I don't see the win of a stereo delay compared to the loss in hp and the extra investment.
-- Jazzygerard
The Chronoblob 2 has dual delay modes, which when clocked and fed audio from something percussive like the Digitakt create polyrhythmic delays bouncing from one ear to the other. Also your rack doesn't really have a spare filter or something to put in the send/return loop of the chronoblob, whereas the new module can be run mono with a feedback loop OR stereo. Again the Disting has a clocked delay, but the chronoblob 1&2 have a lot more functionality.
Also the latest image of the rack I posted didn't update either, I left a 6hp gap which you could fill with something like a Dixie 2+ from Intellijel which is an analog VCO/LFO with sync.
Edit: I don't know why but modular grid is not showing the synth the way I saved it... If you click on it you can see the good version.
So I put all the thoughts together and came out with the following:
First of all I moved the power supply away to avoid noise issues.
To start from scap. The Pamela is the general clock that drives the whole system. It drives the Digitakt for drum rythm, the Octone that drives the Moog and the Memetic Digitalis which is the main drive for the modular part. Not keeping modulation in mind. The oscillators are patched to the Pico SEQS for some crazy sequences since the twin waves can output quantized signals I can keep everything in key. All my mono signals are patched to the mutes and then the signals go to the 2hp mix. The output from the 2 hp goes to the Happy Nerding Panmix Jr. Which if I understand if you put a mono signal on the input it outputs a stereo signal. The output from the Panmix is routed to the Bastl Ciao and I have a line level output.
This is the general idea.
Does this sound like a good general approach for this setup? As always tips are welcome, Is this working in a technical way? Musically/soundwise that is al about taste but if it does not work technically no sound can be generated :)
Thank you all for your input!
Can you explain this more in detail please?
-- Jazzygerard
The quattro figaro is 4 vcas with mixed outputs, if you use the AC & BD outputs as left and right respectively, you can put a mono signal in input A and have it normalled to B (mono to stereo) or the left and right outputs from the purrverb into VCA channels A and B (stereo to stereo). The top half of the module (above the black line) is the CV section, there are 4 CV inverters and attenuators, so you can create a stereo field by having the volume go up in one ear and down in the other. Check out this video at 42 seconds for more info, they demonstrate mono to stereo as well as panning.
AAaaaaah! So much input! (love these emoticons!!) thank you so much guys!
I need some time to process all the comments and figure out what suits my needs!
Meanwhile I have some questions:
Actually, I'd suggest keeping the 2 x Mixup version, or maybe consider substituting a pair of Happy Nerding PanMix Jr.s for the Mixups, which would then give you panning over each mixer input. Summing down those into the Ciao! would then make a lot of sense.
-- Lugia
What is the advantage of panning my audio signal? Should you use it to create more "space" in the sound or more effect wisely or am I seeing this wrong? :)
It's worth noting that the Chronoblob 2 is 2hp wider than the original, so if you want to keep that rack configuration pick one up second hand while you still can!
-- JohnnyCogs
I considered purchasing the stereo version but I don't see the win of a stereo delay compared to the loss in hp and the extra investment.
Quattro Figaro can sum 2 stereo channels together (A&B,C&D) and be used for panning with it's normalled CV inversion.
-- JohnnyCogs
Can you explain this more in detail please?
The dual Doepfers kind of kill a lot of HP. Malekko has some interesting options that combine sequencing with envelopes or CV modulation. You can make room for them by switching to a 7U rack and using tiles for some of the functions (I/O, power, mixer). I added a steppy sequencer but you could also use two Quadratt tiles as sub mixers. Also, consider a dual FX in a more compact form, unless full parameter control is a critical component.
Ditching a few modules with non-essential or now redundant function allows you to add a BIA plus compressor, which is a Techno workhorse. Consider a Pico Polivoks VCF for a sub mix. Tallin combines a dual VCA with drive and a stereo mixer plus Pico A-Mix for FX sends round out a alternative version of “your” rack:-- liquid_air
Hi Liquid_air,
Thanks for your thought on my rack but that is not really the "path I want to walk". The modular will be an addition to my current setup where I use an Elektron digitakt for drum rythms and other sounds which I can not generate with the synths and a moog minitaur for bass. The first thing that I notice is the Noise Engineering Basimilus which is a drum synth and not useful in my setup.
As you mention I want full parameter control for my delay and verb and therefore I'll stick to the Chronoblob and Purrverb I prefer to have more control on a few specific effects than have a bunch and use them all because then it is going to sound "cheap".
I see 6 modules that all can act as a sequencer which is to much for this relatively small synth.
I already own the rack and 50% of the modules most of them are coming from the modulation section so so abrupt changes cannot be made any more. I can imagine this synth can perform but not in the way I want it. All though thank you very much for your thought and input!
The dual Doepfers kind of kill a lot of HP. Malekko has some interesting options that combine sequencing with envelopes or CV modulation. You can make room for them by switching to a 7U rack and using tiles for some of the functions (I/O, power, mixer). I added a steppy sequencer but you could also use two Quadratt tiles as sub mixers. Also, consider a dual FX in a more compact form, unless full parameter control is a critical component.
Ditching a few modules with non-essential or now redundant function allows you to add a BIA plus compressor, which is a Techno workhorse. Consider a Pico Polivoks VCF for a sub mix. Tallin combines a dual VCA with drive and a stereo mixer plus Pico A-Mix for FX sends round out a alternative version of “your” rack:
Not sure for the reason for the quantizer, though, unless you want to sequence VCF cutoffs. The Twin Waves (which aren't intended as LFOs here, but VCOs, giving four rather complex VCOs in just 16 hp) are internally quantized...sort of an unusual feature, but it definitely saves space + cost. The logical thing to replace it with, of course, would be the PICO MScale, as this would allow bidirectional CV conversion between this build and the Sirin, which fixes the Octone's inability to output negative CVs (which Moog stuff likes for some unholy reason). The Octone also internally quantizes, again sort of negating the need for a separate quantizer. Also, if you're removing the Batumi (bad idea, IMHO), the Poti would have to go as well, as it's the expander for the Batumi.
Actually, I'd suggest keeping the 2 x Mixup version, or maybe consider substituting a pair of Happy Nerding PanMix Jr.s for the Mixups, which would then give you panning over each mixer input. Summing down those into the Ciao! would then make a lot of sense. Also, it would be possible to retain the Chronoblob2 (for stereo delays) if you lost the 1U blank and the PwrChecker on the top row, which would let you swap the earlier iteration of the Chronoblob out. Last thing to do is just a position swap, then: move the RowPower 40 from the right end to the left, to get the power supply away from the audio mixing/processing in case a noise issue tries to sneak in. You'd lose your channel mutes, but that's not too disastrous...just have to twist a knob instead of flip a switch, same result in the end.
It's worth noting that the Chronoblob 2 is 2hp wider than the original, so if you want to keep that rack configuration pick one up second hand while you still can! I don't think this case has too much audio processing, but too much modulation. Between the Disting, Pamela's and Twin Waves I think you're good in the LFO department lol.
I removed the Batumi, mixers and the blank panels, and added in a new mixing suite, as well as some modules to compliment the Mimetic Digitalis. 2hp mix and mutes can take in all your mono patched synth voices and send them to the Disting or Chronoblob 2 to be converted from mono to stereo. Quattro Figaro can sum 2 stereo channels together (A&B,C&D) and be used for panning with it's normalled CV inversion. The pico modules (sequential switch and quantizer) when paired with a grid sequencer like the Mimetic Digitalis make generating new sequences a breeze.
Thanks @Groove_Addict for the great module Erica Synths bassline, mint condition fast shipment! Great seller!
Thanks @pauk for the module Arp! Fast shipment mint condition! Reliable seller
I need some help to sort out a dilemma
After reviewing my rack for the 10th thousand time. I think that maybe I have a little bit to much audio processing for my size of synth. Originally I want to use a Chronoblob delay, Purrvurb reverb and uclouds audio processor.
So I came up with an alternative version of my synth
I took away the uClouds and the 2hp mixers. Instead I used 2 Inetllijel mixup's. These audio mixers have mute switches and can be chained together underneath the control panel. In this configuration I can route the audio from my Moog in the modular synth if I want, mute it and,... Is sacrificing the uClouds a good choice for this alternative? I'm in doubt and can't figure it out. Hope I can find the answer here!
User @lohacker is awesome. His module was the cheapest on the marketplace among the 4 users I could buy it from, I got it in 5 days whereas it came from another country, it was packed like the most precious thing on Earth and the communication with him was easy and great.
He's more than a recommended seller.
Nothing special at all. I have a 15 year old JJLabs condenser mic and a Behringer UFX1604. Recording to Ableton Live. I’m EQing using the Ableton 8 band EQ and the reverb is D16 Toraverb.
Scrambled as a sketch for my own planning of my system from info found in comments on the question:
'Could one construct a Rutt-Etra style scan processor from Cadet modules only? .. '
on the LZX Video Synth Community on Facebook:
A more recent thread on the LZX Video Synth Community on Facebook (that links to this rack) explains stuff a bit further:
Other resources for smaller system configurations and explanations:
also check out this (long and dense) documentation from an event held exploring the Rutt-Etra Scan processing system and its contemporary uses:
Pulplogic LBZ42, maybe? It'd give you 50mm depth over the bus board, comes powered, plus you get a 1U (conventional height) tile rail for a bit of extra basic functions, all for a measly $200.
There's a very real reason it's called EuroCrack, you know. ;) I'll second the use of the ProVLA-II on this, btw...I have my original one, love it so much that the current upgrading I'm prepping for specs a second one to go with it.
Lessee far as the VCF question, the difference is in the circuits. The Polaris is definitely the more complex filter circuit, with the ability to do many sorts of multi-response types, has an OD control, can be configured as a phaser, etc. But you do lose the 2-in mixer. The G-Storm one, though, that's a very old filter circuit, replicating the "pre-lawsuit" ARP 4012 lowpass that was in the original versions of the ARP 2600. Very iconic sound, for one thing...that classic ARP filter pops up all over the place, and I know you've heard it on a lot of tracks from the 1970s. You do make a good point though, particularly if you're still considering the Optomix in the build, since that also has a lowpass VCF in its filter section.
But the Optomix isn't really a 1:1 substitute for a pair of VCAs. True, it does have a VCA in there, tandemmed with the VCF, but the Optomix is very much designed for audio. Technically, yes, it can pass DC, which makes it usable for CVs and modulation signal control, but that's sort of a waste of what it's really designed to do. The better thing to use for CV/modulation level control is always going to be a proper DC-coupled linear VCA, hence the need for the Quad VCA, which also allows you to sum CV/mod signals via its mixing capabilities. In fact, you can use the Quad VCA to mix two sources of audio and CV/mod signals at the same time, by taking one output off of OUT 2 and the other off of 4 MIX, and you can alter the VCA response along a continuum between linear (which you'd want to use for CVs and mods) and exponential (better for audio).
But wait, there's more! The Optomix (rev. 2016 and fwd) has the ability to process a sidechain signal to allow some rudimentary compression to the audio signal. And that's something the Quad VCA can't do. In the end, yeah, both are preferable, and the use of the Optomix for your final subtractive VCF(s) would enable the use of the Polaris with some more complexity, such as LPGing separate Polaris outputs differently to create a rapid timbral "morph" by feeding the outputs to two different LPGs, then using differing envelope curves to "strike" the LPGs.
Zadar...yep, good idea there, long as you don't object to a little menu-diving. That would give you four envelopes that can be more complex than just the two (or three) stage Quadra ones, plus you wouldn't need an expander for looping and/or chaining envelopes, which the Quadra requires for that sort of voodoo.
Yeah, I was hoping the Mordax Data could fit, but it’s 40 mm with plug.
I wish they had made those pods just a smidge deeper.
I have all but about half the Erica Drums and the 4ms, which are en route. I’ve stopped looking too closely at the sum cost Modulargrid tallies up.
I also need to stop thinking about what else to add. But contemplated how cool it would be to add a simple OSC and another MSCL just for some pumping sub bass with the kick as SC in.
So, right now I’m looking at this as the current “final” setup:
This also exhausts the physical space I have. So, there’s that.
I might just run the three sub-mixers separately into a Unit Audio Micro Unit ASM and then from there into a processing chain of ART TPS-II Tube pre-Amp and VLA-II Vactrol Compressor into an Analog Heat, which always does wonders to the sound. Multiple line out modules might be interesting as well for tracking.
It started with: oh, let’s just add a few unique FX modules... well, that escalated quickly.
Hey, thanks a lot for your suggestions Lugia.
I've been doing some research on these modules as I didn't know them all. I think getting a pair Plaits is a great idea, and the chronoblob2 is also a fantastic suggestion.
Having the delay and reverb in two separete modules makes complete sense, however, I'm not totally sold on the Purrvrrb because it doesn't have any cv and I'd have to tweak it manually. Maybe I don't need the cv as much as I think I do, but I guess I'll make some more research for the reverb module.
The filters you suggested are pretty cool too. I like the G-Storm's one a lot, but wouldn't an Intellijel Polaris make more sense? It would save 2 hp and provide more filter types. Not sure if the Tonus just sounds better or if the mixer makes it worth the extra 2 hp.
I find the Optomix quite interesintg, isn't it like an VCA + VCF? if so, would I still need the Quad VCA at this point? having a couple of Plaits and being able to use the Optomix as an VCA may be enough, or how would I use the Quad VCA in this system?
I'm also considering replacing the Quadra with a XAOC Devices Zadar, there's not a lot of difference on the price and the Zadar seems able to provide many more shapes.
Complete noob as you see, but really appreciate the help and all the knowledge I'm getting here!
Not modular question
What do you use to record the sound of your cello ?
Yep! No good for 4ms Pods (original depth).
MMG, Maths, no Problemo.
The FH1 can serve as an expander to the FH2. The FH2 also has dedicated expansion modules for gates/triggers and CV. If you're integrating with a DAW, that would be the way to go.
A logic module or two might be nice. Joranalogue's Compare Two might be considerable.
The Z4000 is good. I would also recommend a couple of linear envelope generators like the Intellijel Dual ADSR. Stages is good to have but after VCAs, you can never have enough envelope generators.
This is going to be one expensive case. Is this an end-goal or are you going to buy all of it in one go?
Definitely consider a PICO MScale for this to translate incoming/outgoing CVs for the M32. That'll open things up for making ample use of the negative CVs the Moog stuff uses. Also, instead of the Beast's Chalkboard, maybe using an ALM OA/X/2 would be better? Granted, the signalflow isn't the same, but it does give you swept CV offsets instead of fixed values, plus you can also use it as a proper inverter, and you save a little $$ and 2 hp in the process.
One other idea: if you've not gotten the case for this yet, have a look at Pulplogic's Lunchbox series. This would allow you at add either one or two conventional-size rows (depending on which size case) of 1U tiles, which are pretty great as utility devices such as what this cab's intended for. That way, you can jam even more interconnection utility into a space not much bigger than your build above. Plus, they're powered right off the shelf.
No prob...module UI aesthetics definitely are a stumbling block for a lot of people, myself included. I generally prefer things that are ultra-simple as far as panel markings go and find the efforts by some manufacturers to snazz up the panel design to be kind of intrusive. Others like something that has that sort of marking, shooting for something more cyberpunk-ish. Still others demand their panels all be the same color, for uniformity (especially the MU crowd). So, yeah...I can see how the Ladik stuff might be a visual turn-off, as it really is simplistic and minimal-looking. But then, looking over at my Digisound 80, it's got that same sort of no-frills look, too, so even I fall into that "needs to look like X"-type of conundrum.
Wouldn’t a mixer be useful? In the theme of it, the Pico A-mix? I suppose an all Pico box sorta looks cool, but they still run right around 1/2 the cost of a full size module. So, something like the Stereo mixer and the Dual FX would give you some options.
@Lugia I looked at the LDB series and, while that may sound misguided to some, I just can’t abide by those hideous designs. Personally, I find that the visual and haptic experience of interacting with a modular system is a significant component of the fun. Those modules look like they suck (even if they don’t).
I opted for Hexinverter Mutant Rimshot instead. Looks great, sounds even better.
I looked at Ladik and boy do they look ugly as well. Also, not quite the functionality I was hoping for. I guess, if I find I may need more envelopes, I might stick with another Malekko Quad and add a Mini Slew or go for something really orthogonal such as a 1010 Toolbox or a Falistri. I prefer variety in general.
Work in Progress. Using it for tying all my semi-modular/modular together: Behringer Neutron, Moog Mother-32, Arturia MicroBrute (x3), Korg Volca Sample/FM/Kick, Roland Torcido/Bit Razr/Demora, 5 Panels of Frac modular - Blacet/Metalbox/Wiard
Looking to add Ladik M-217 to control the Korg Volca Sample.