I found 126 threads containing Trim in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Bug Report ModularGrid by 133 2035
Steady State Fate Zephyr Modules by 2 163
First Rack. Need Thoughts and Advice Racks by 8 159
(NEW) VoltRatio - for Analog Through Zero (TZ) FM (Frequency Modulation) Modules by 1 17
How durable are modular synthesizers? Modules by 9 555
current rack Racks by 1 223
saxophone , a minibrute 2s and a 3U rackbrute Racks by 8 115
Finish my case Racks by 8 195
What to add? Racks by 8 222
Would I be annoyed by a 6hp Rings versus a Full size? Modules by 5 107
My future debt Racks by 10 1623
Advice Needed: Integrating Taiga Synthesizer into Eurorack Setup Modules by 3 146
Another Beginner Asking 4 Advice Racks by 6 124
Random*Source Dual Universal Slope Generator SERGE MODULAR DUSG Modules by 4 1448
Plaits clones Modules by 4 98
Beginning my 1st build...gulp! Racks by 34 827
Module suggestions for Roland Boutique setup Modular Discussions by 4 156
Ideas for a good (small hp) matrix mixer? Modules by 10 205
what do you think of this? first Eurorack setup Racks by 8 220
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 11066
BuildInProcess_NiftyCase_A little guidance Racks by 4 153
Hi, Help me trim down this rack for my 1st foray into modular... Racks by 11 592
Feedback on this n+1 rack sketch please; Racks by 4 130
Ok I'm doing the I'm new thing. Racks by 4 153
Post your positive experiences with modular makers and companies here. Mine: Noise Engi... Modular Discussions by 6 254
First rack design Racks by 7 281
1222 Performance Oscillator kit from Look Mum no Computer build and demo You by 1 23
Tinrs RectangularThing Modules by 16 700
New euro rack hobbyist looking for feedback on my rack design Racks by 8 267
Rack Design Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 98
how to get dimensional patches? --> your fav techniques, patches, modules? Modular Discussions by 10 310
OTA VC Filter kit from AI Synthesis build and demo video You by 1 17
Seeking Guidance/Approval/Criticism :: 62HP (4U) Rookie Setup Racks by 27 923
Need recommandations for 88hp techno sequences rack Racks by 27 750
1st post! What do you think? Racks by 8 464
Other/unknown Matrix Mixer Modules by 9 271
New effects unit, the Scrat, from Neutral Labs build and demo video You by 3 61
My little Toybox ! Racks by 7 211
Starting out rack - Please share your thoughts Racks by 6 284
Send/return module as line input/output ? Modular Discussions by 12 282
Would anyone recommend the nRings? Modules by 15 612
Looking for feedback on 252 HP rack Racks by 4 115
Starter kit Racks by 36 907
Best utilities for N00Bs? Modules by 28 788
Doepfer A-118-2 Modules by 3 10278
Expanding 2x Roland System-500 system Racks by 1 32
venting blank panels? Modules by 25 375
Which Clouds is Kammerl Beat Repeat firmware most comfortable on Modular Discussions by 6 192
Two months of GAS, 18u x 84hp full. Seeking advice. Racks by 7 415
First Modular - Any Red Flags or Ideas? Racks by 8 215
Revised proposed synth based upon comments I received Patches by 24 362
Opinions on a new 2 x 104 rack Racks by 19 390
How to improve my rack Racks by 17 238
My first Modular Racks by 6 198
Ambient - Almost done... where do I go from here? Racks by 10 298
Newbie looking for 60 hp advice Racks by 10 232
Will this work? First rack build (Pitts/Dread/Doep) Racks by 19 278
My Rack for Dark Ambient,What do i need? Racks by 19 623
Feedback on first rack to compliment Digitakt/Digitone and 0-Coast? Racks 52 966
Vnicursal vs Veils Modules by 6 191
The ... 2500 modules, are they 100% Eurorack compatible? Modules by 9 108
DIY Beginner Modules by 4 71
Ideas Machine 3rd Iteration Racks by 11 155
how to incorporate the XAOC NIN Racks by 7 138
Trim Trigger | Gate to Trigger | Kickall Modules by 3 68
Experimenting with 84hp Racks by 19 395
Live Rack for Techno Racks by 35 776
Favorite / Least-favorite Mutable Instrument modules & recommended clones Modules by 7 1388
I've been MIA but getting back into the (acid!) groove You by 16 160
Elements clones Modules by 11 364
Shopping knobs and such Modular Discussions by 7 121
Rackbrute and Minibrute: why this set up Racks by 4 109
Help with finishing the rack. Racks by 6 174
Looking for feedback and suggestions Racks by 6 141
Would love some feedback on this set up Racks by 25 534
are there bad modules / brands / clones? Modules by 13 425
First modular system ever, need advice on utility modules (ambient experimental) Racks by 9 442
Pico Case - Ambient drone with Plaits Racks by 9 301
210101 - Small Techno Box Moring Jam for Feb 21st 2021 Racks by 11 207
feeling uninspired Racks by 22 267
Looking for advice on a portable rack Racks by 13 357
Back for Revisions(Portable Live Rig) Racks by 9 144
Modulation source for complementing Pamela's New Workout Modules 25 1486
Pros/Cons of Mixing In or Out of the Case Modular Discussions 17 3109
Favorite support and utility modules Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 7 181
easiest way to send a Eurorack to DAW? Modular Discussions by 11 519
Critique my plan Racks this user has left ModularGrid 20 199
New to modular - need your help for patching ! Racks by 18 253
NerdSeq 1 Stripped Racks by 1 95
A-111-2 Pitch difficulty Modules by 4 41
How many VCOs did you start with? Modular Discussions by 14 1333
Hello Friends!......Sooooo......I already bought 12 modules.....what next? Racks by 7 249
VCA or Passive Attenuator for taming loud module output? Modular Discussions by 7 467
Which Modules , you see these kind of sound timbres? Modular Discussions by 6 119
Tension You by 7 61
Trying to finish up my final skiff for a heavily augmented Make Noise B&G Shared system Racks by 5 334
First Ambient/Drone Rack Racks by 30 1226
Should I buy everything I want to try or stick to a specific goal? Modular Discussions by 12 243
First rack completed! Racks by 7 190
Internal or External Mixer Modules by 11 1931