I found 1850 threads containing Music in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Any suggestions for the remaining 18hp of my first Eurorack? 104 eurorack (planned) Racks by 10 687
3HP left - what to squeeze in? Racks by 4 78
Short/Medium/Long-term Plans Racks by 2 127
84HP Rack Racks by 3 293
CV thing from Befaco eurorack kit build and test video You by 4 66
New to Eurorack Racks by 11 404
Beginner 6U/104HP rack for techno/EDM Racks by 8 181
SKY FALLING! AAAAHHHH!!! (or YT, wtf?) Modular Discussions by 3 134
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
Unsung Machine You by 5 90
your favorite VCFs. Modular Discussions by 56 2593
Sakura: a composition for modular synthesizer You by 3 57
EDU mixer from Erica Synths build and demo You by 1 11
Running sales calls through the rack Modular Discussions by 4 123
Vaemi’s first Eurorack formatted module, high quality Thru Zero Oscillator “Osi-Op” Modules by 1 35
Tips and ideas for First Eurorack system and expansion for DFAM Racks by 4 236
New album: Hot Wisdom You by 5 63
The Void You by 2 23
"These merchants probably sell this module" how to get EU Merchants ModularGrid by 15 298
If I had a makenoise case Racks by 6 185
what modules i need? Racks by 5 200
practical advice on how to use es-8 with another interface Modules by 7 156
Tape Loop Ambience with microphones - First rig - Be gentle... Racks by 6 234
Forget About the Sea You by 5 70
The Golden Cesspool revisited (Just Friends, Plonk, Ts-L + Nord Drum2) You by 7 98
EDU VCF from Erica Synths build and demo video. You by 1 9
Some notes about generative music Modular Discussions by 9 1159
My crawling modular - cinematic, melodic, shaping noises Racks by 22 563
First eurorack build - help and comments much appreciated!! Racks by 3 211
Rack complete Racks by 11 377
Kalambient 1 You by 2 43
feeback on first rack Racks by 30 666
Fun ideas for rounding out a 18U system? Racks by 3 86
Complement to DFAM and Subharmonicon with focus on random elements and live performing Racks by 7 304
EOR/EOF Use Cases Modular Discussions by 4 179
Deluge Outboard Synth Patch Diagram Template Patches by 1 44
My little Toybox ! Racks by 7 211
ALM Busy Circuits ALM002 - Beast's Chalkboard Modules by 6 3460
Rare Waves Grendel Formant Filter V2.2 Modules by 14 1319
Whats Missing? Modular Discussions by 5 137
Elka MK88 midi keyboard - Eurorack ? ModularGrid by 10 90
Thats some Twinkly $h!t right there You by 6 125
complexnonsense You by 5 131
Opinions And Suggestions On First Rack Racks by 13 154
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
your ideas on this rack update? Racks by 7 189
Goodbye Stages :’( You by 8 269
Melody with Rings You by 9 116
Something with Theremin samples You by 6 47
State Funeral For Shinzo Abe You by 5 114
Thoughts and feedback appreciated - New to eurorack please help Racks by 17 466
Industrial Music Electronics Argos Bleak Modules by 1 1417
Starting out rack - Please share your thoughts Racks by 6 284
The Island in My Dreams You by 1 13
Mostly Acidrain Chainsaw You by 3 54
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
Would anyone recommend the nRings? Modules by 15 610
Routing help + general advice Racks by 6 124
The plan Racks by 6 238
Rate my Rack! What do i need? Racks by 5 257
Zippy Kid's releases You by 2 62
Need advice on my first Techno System Racks by 6 215
external oscilloscope? Modules by 18 658
Continue my journey Racks by 7 183
Modular and Digitakt Jam You by 1 40
Bursting! You by 6 115
First Idea Racks by 8 210
Lead And Bassline == Two Arpitechts?? Racks by 26 534
Assistance with Rack Build (Intellijel 7U) / Returning to Modular after many years Racks by 22 388
Willie Mae Rock Camp Charity Show You by 1 14
Does anyone own the Modulör 114? Opinions? Racks by 1 71
Big T Music Rangoon Modules by 1 4258
Jam in a Box #16 - Shimmers & Shadows You by 2 53
Slightly weird You by 7 125
Help in a small Beginner synth setup Racks by 10 444
Hot from Ukraine...the NEXT FX Aid Modules by 6 218
used parts Racks by 5 179
EDU Sequencer from Erica Synths build and demo video up You by 1 30
Eurorack Sampler Modules by 8 188
Lost Tapes: Orch R You by 2 33
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
Knob turning rack Racks by 2 147
EDU VCA from Erica Synths build and demo video up You by 5 62
Beginner's guitar processing rack, hopes of generative Racks by 5 201
"Mutable's End" - Rack Feedback? Racks by 13 560
Can you point me to "power switch module for individual module ? Modules by 9 94
208HP rack for performance... Racks by 5 174
My new single "Far" is out now on all digital platforms! You by 3 32
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 872
a better layout Racks by 21 464
First Rack. New to Music and Eurorack. (Total newb) Racks by 4 176
Roast my Rack!! - Looking for advice Racks by 16 364
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- Racks by 10 357
Erica Synths Educational envelope generator build and demo video up You by 1 16
Looking for ideas on what i should add to my rack Racks by 9 203
Mutable Tides V2 VCDO Video You by 3 91
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Beginner Drum Rack Racks 15 377
Best utilities for N00Bs? Modules by 28 785
First Foray into Modular -- Flexible Drone Box Racks by 3 103