Hi Wishbonebrewery,

This sounds really nice and very entertaining! A few more of this and you got an album full, when are going to release that new record and CD of yours, you said? :-) No seriously, nicely done and worth for publication if you would ask me.

Your voice samples are a stamp or marker on your music, they way you use it, it has a nice touch!

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Nice evening that was! :-) This demo and your previous demos make me reconsider to think about a Malekko module, I don't have any modules of this brand yet but the Anti-Oscillator and the Borg sounds good and look like they provide you with a lot of fun (which you wrote indeed already). Between 5 and 6 minutes the viewer has a good view on these both modules, I like that section particular.

I hope you have more interesting evening jams and thanks a lot for sharing with us. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Exposure and Wishbonebrewery,

Ha, ha, yeah lots of space frogs there. He, he, nice one: male/female synth-frog-fight. Thank you both.

I just can't stop playing with this filter, it really invites you to play around with it. Cheers, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Ah yes, Tangerine Dream, one of my favourites too. I think to "copy" their music we need about a half million sequencers if I am not mistaken. I usually don't like to copy someone's style but a bit of TD style can't harm either ;-) So please let me know once you have figured it out!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi A_b_d,

Very interesting and good survey. I hope all manufacturers are reading all the posts here :-)

One big wish I have is that every module has either a switch to switch on/off the lights/LEDs that such module might have or even better: every module has a small potentiometer that can dim the lights/LEDs from full bright all the way till extremely dim or better to dim/switch it off completely.
I have two modules (Instruo - Tràigh and Erica Synths - Sequential Switch) that have so bright LEDs that these LEDs almost burn my eyes; just not pleasant to work with these two modules in a darker environment. Intellijel - µStep LEDs are too bright too.

Every Eurorack module should have at least a power cable that's 25 cm long or longer. When it's shorter, it becomes quite tight when mounting the module into the rack, this is especially valid for those modules (hello Mr. Doepfer, are you reading this? ;-) ) that have power cables less than 20 cm length; Doepfer modules are guilty of that. Funny or rather weird is that these Doepfer modules are difficult to mount in the lowest/flat row of those Doepfer cases A-100 LMB and A-100 LCB. Yes you read this correctly, Doepfer's own modules barely fit in those flat rows... (because the power cables are too short) bit strange to me. So for new modules, please make sure your power cable length is 25 cm or longer.

Just to satisfy the curiosity of module owners, please provide on the backside of the PCB (i.e. readable when you look at the back of the module) following data please:
- Copyright year, if possible including month (i.e. when was this module released first time, at least for this version?)
- Version number or revision number
- If the manufacturer has a testing "department" (or person who does QA testing) then please provide a test label at the back of the module when (date, year + month is good, full date is better of course) it was tested
- If the manufacturer provides serial numbers (all should do in my opinion but most don't) then please not only on the original box but also on the back of the module/PCB
- If manufacturers provide a date, please use the date format: yyyy-mm-dd and not mm-dd-yyyy (North American style) or dd-mm-yyyy (international style) because that always leads to discussions what the format exactly is, so instead use yyyy-mm-dd then all discussions are closed and not required ;-)

For each module, if not provided in the original box/packaging, at least as downloadable document (PDF) a clear and good readable user manual must be provided with clear information on where all the inputs & outputs are used for as well as clear information on the switches, buttons and potentiometers/encoders what they are used for. Some manufacturers barely provide any information... Hey I/O Instruments ;-) I hope you are reading this. I love your new modules but a good and "bit" more extensive manual would be nice! But there are other manufacturers with the same issue. If any of the manufacturers need advice or help with creating technical documentation please contact me offline, for my profession, one of my skills is technical document writer; so perhaps we can help each other here.

In the manual it would be nice for the reader if the manufacturer can provide some basic information on the used technology, for example which type of IC has been used or the type of vacuum tubes, or frequency ranges, voltage ranges or whatever is interesting to know about their module. Naturally the power consumptions for +12 V, +5 V & -12 V should be provided (i.e. those values in mA) even if one (or more) of them are not in use (just mention n/a or zero in such case), at least the user knows. It's unbelievable but there are still manufacturers around that don't provide this basic information. It goes to such extension that sometimes the values on the websites are different from those on their hardcopy manuals...

Additionally it would be nice to know who designed that particular module, i.e. providing the designer's name. Also interesting to know if the module is: pure analogue, digital or perhaps a hybrid of both? Most of the times it can be guessed but it would be just good to have it confirmed by the manufacturer and not always it can be guessed, so why let the user guess?

It's not a must but makes life easier when patching, it would be nice that if manufacturers don't agree with each other to come to a standard, which I can understand by the way, there are far too many manufacturers, that at least for the modules of one manufacturer, the manufacturer makes for their own modules at least a standard for the patch cables. Either all on top (not recommended because of gravity the cables will hang down) or all on the bottom (my preference) or all on the right or left side. Or perhaps a combination of maximum two. So the user has at least a bit of a chance to reach the knobs & switches while everything is fully patched :-)

Try to make modules chain-able there where it makes sense. I am thinking of at least chain-able mixers, sequencers, perhaps even VCAs, multiples, switches and filters.

Perhaps a good idea to start using the bus board again for some basic "information" along the casing, like: 1V/oct, gate, trigger and whatever that could be useful and more "channels" of each so not just one 1V/oct, one gate, one trigger, but more per type (at least for the digital modules this must be possible). Doepfer does this a little bit (without my "channel" suggestion as far as I know) but I don't see it much mentioned in other user manuals, a bit pity because it can reduce in some cases the amount of cables. A control LED in such case would be good: so the user can see if the signal comes from (green) or to (red) the bus board. Just some ideas ;-)

Well that's it for the moment that just pops to my mind. If there is anything more I will let you know.

May I ask the meaning behind this, are you developing new modules? Or representing a manufacturer, or...? Would be nice to know your purpose. Anyway, it's interesting material, hopefully manufacturers are not only reading this but trying to take as much as possible on board for the design of their future modules! :-)

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rookie,

That ambient piece you are working on sounds interesting. I hope once it is finished that you will share that here with us? :-)

Good luck with your ambient piece and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Pricto,

You are welcome and please let us know once you received the Befaco - Out v3 if you still have any leaking issues, and if yes, how serious they are.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello All,

For quite some time now, I keep playing around with the Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF. While playing around with this filter I was searching for the (sound of the) frog. Do you think I found the frog? :-)

Relatively simple setup, 1 voice only, stereo though. Sorry for the sometimes pretty harsh stereo effects, it's the module (Black Dual VCF) doing that and I haven't found a proper method yet of reducing that harshness of it a bit.

Sound source is the Erica Synths - Black VCO, modulation is done by Erica Synths - Black Octasource and a little bit of effects by the Erica Synths - Black Hole DSP2 and the output via Befaco - Out v3 module. A little bit of handclap, CV triggered by the Centrevillage.net - C Quencer DLX and generated by Vermona - DRM1 (with triggers).

Thanks for listening and if you are looking for a filter, I can recommend the Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Ah... such a pity, I see I am too late with this message. In your title you mentioned you ordered already the Erica Synths - Black Polivoks VCF, if you can perhaps you try to exchange it for the Black Dual VCF. I got both filters, first I had the Black Polivoks VCF and I wasn't impressed, perhaps it's just me and I am using it wrong, that might be. So I gave up on Erica Synths regarding filters, though for some reason I gave it another chance and still ordered the Black Dual VCF. Oh what a beauty that is. It's very enjoyable using this dual VCF and can provide so much fun and pleasure, totally the opposite of the Polivoks VCF in my opinion.

If it's too late for you to change the order then I hope you can use that Polivoks filter better than I do. If you get some successful nice sounds out of that Polivoks then please let me know how you did that :-)

Have fun with the rest of it and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Pricto,

Ah yes... if you don't use an Audio interface with output to your external mixer then your output signal is "too hot". Eurorack signals have a higher audio voltage than the usual audio lines, so that might be one reason. Try to use an audio output interface module to provide a good signal level to your external mixer.

I know there are lots of members here who do this directly without an audio interface module, like you do at the moment but since you are a sound technician, I do think you should do it the proper way :-) I.e. with an audio interface module. But up to you of course.

Your description of the Black Quad VCA that the signal starts to appear only at about 11 o'clock onwards, that's what I roughly recognise and experience with my Black VCA too, so perhaps that's just Erica Synths?

I don't think you are too picky, checking on certain things and make sure that everything is all right, is in my opinion, not being picky.

Let me know what Erica Synths tells you about that Black Quad VCA and good luck. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Gabor and Steve,

Well, thanks a lot for your both feedback on the Mimeophon. Sounds like a pretty good module after your feedback :-) And if one has to get to use to it, okay, it might take a bit more time then but that doesn't mean necessarily that's not a good module, it's rather intriguing if you would ask me.

Ha, ha, your main problem is not to use it too much. Sounds funny but I think I know what you mean, I have that a bit with my effects pedal from Source Audio - Ventris Dual Reverb, I use it so much that I actually could use it a bit less to give other possibilities a chance as well...

Have a nice weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Thanks for the nice wishes... I am not familiar with labour day (the only one I know is the one on the 1st of May), in which country are you celebrating this weekend?

That gap in your rack looks more like 6 HP than 2 HP to me. With 6 HP you could but a blind panel first and take it easy but I guess you wasn't looking for that reply. :-) So consider perhaps 2 Pico modules from Erica Synths? Some of them have some handy functionality in only 3 HP. Don't get too many small 2 or 3 HP modules but a few to fill up your gap might be all right.

Otherwise Doepfer as a few newer modules that are 6 HP wide, choose one of those, if the Pico idea is not your thing. Or the Moddemix of Make Noise is 6 HP if I am not mistaken.

Ha, ha, I told you, you should get that Doepfer 3 x 168 HP case :-) Well, soon you will buy case number 3 then ;-) For that case 3, at least get there a 3 or 4 rows 168 HP case, at least that keeps you a bit longer going than one or two months :-D

Well have fun and enjoy your modular system, oh and please let us know what you did with that empty 6 HP :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Miroslav,

Welcome to modulargrid.net and modular synthesizers. Sorry about what I am going to say next, so take it easy on that but rather you know now then you start buying the stuff for your above rack and you get unpleasantly surprised (see it from that side please).

To be honest with you, for me, there is not too much good about this rack, here a few guidelines:

  • Perhaps you did but in case you didn't: One must do an enormous amount of "homework" before or during "going into modular synthesizers". This means that you have to roughly know the concept of a synthesizer plus you need to do a lot of reading for all (or at least hundreds of them to get to know what's on the market and what do you prefer) the modules. Think here rather in several months or towards years than a few days or weeks (the homework I mean). I know that sounds awful, it is if you don't like reading but I am afraid it's necessary to give you the knowledge on those modules you are interested in
  • The rack size, for such, on average, large modules you chose, you need a much larger rack, take at least 3 rows and/or take a wider rack --> if you go for 3 rows, keep one row completely empty for future extension(s)
  • Keep an eye on the basic and classic setup of a modular synthesizer, roughly to start with you could consider: 2 VCOs (I think you got those?), 2 LFOs (missing?), 2 EGs (seeing one large one), 2 filters (seeing one only? That combined one with VCA but you want a "real" independent filter too, multi mode for example to start with), 2 VCAs (lin + exp), a mixer (missing) and an audio output interface (missing; optional, some members prefer not to use it). We didn't even talk about effects, utilisation and other modules yet...
  • Don't look too much for nice/good looking modules, rather check in details their functionality and compare that with your plan of approach and of what you specifically require
  • Cjewman are (very) good modules I heard, I didn't had the chance yet to test them but they are very rare as well as difficult to get (long waiting lists, etcetera). Also those Schippmann modules, most of them are unavailable, sold out or not available yet --> conclusion for all modules you are interested in: check if you can test them at your local dealer, it's good to have them tested first (you will be surprised that some modules of which you thought would be great stuff, isn't that great after all after testing and those you might have thought are useless and tested them at your dealer seems to be the perfect modules for what you need). If you don't have a dealer nearby then you have to do even more homework on them to really make sure they are what you think/hope they are. Read the user manuals of those modules for example, check the websites of the few shops you consider to buy from, etcetera. Especially look for those modules that are currently available :-) You got quite a few modules in this rack that are not available (yet) or sold out
  • For a small rack like this you don't really need a multiple or at least not a passive multiple. If you feel for your own usage you still prefer to use a multiple then consider a buffered multiple instead

To summarise: Read and check "a bit" more on those modules you are interested in, get the general concept of a synthesizer well implemented in your rack and show us your updated rack and we will take it from there.

Good luck, have fun with the preparations and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Pricto,

Not sure if it's normal for the Erica Synths - Black Quad VCA to bleed, perhaps indeed the best is to check this out with Erica Synths. I don't have this particular module, so I can't test it for you. I have quite a few other Erica Synths modules but haven't notice any bleeding.

I do have a Black VCA though, so I just tested it to be sure but it doesn't bleed. So yes, perhaps better check with Erica Synths.

On the other hand, I have the Doepfer A-138p mixer and that one does bleed a little bit. If it's totally quiet in the room and I haven't opened the volume (completely at zero) of the channels then I still can hear them very far away. At the moment of writing, if I carefully listen, I can hear some sound now (the bleeding from the A-138p). I also just all switched the mute switches to mute but still can hear it a bit (the A-138p I am talking about here). But I don't have that with the Black VCA.

Not sure if this helps, better check with Erica Synths and please do let us know. Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Gabor,

Ah yes... the Mimeophon, that one is on my wish list as well... how do you like it? Is it worth it? Are you happy with the user interface? Is there space for improvement (what?)? I would like to know your opinion on this module.

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Gabor,

Oh this is a nice video, I am watching it again. Thanks a lot for the subtitles explaining what you are doing too, that's helpful.

I love the kick and the snare sounds, nicely done. It's a bit difficult to get Instruo stuff but I will consider this module now :-)

He, he, and how you end this video by disassembling your patch, is a nice touch too! Yeah, I don't mind Friday evenings to end like this with a good demo video from you!

Well done and thanks a lot for sharing this. Have good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rookie,

Ha, ha, I am being a bit mean here :-) Wanted to wait a bit longer but it's 3 am here and I need to get some sleep before get to work tomorrow... so I was hoping I could drag the tension a bit longer but on the other hand catching some sleep is quite good too ;-)

So, the module in my previous post I was mentioning is the Make Noise - Telharmonic. Check out Make Noise's website regarding this module. There are two (how interesting!) manuals as download for this particular module (Telharmonic). The Telharmonic, fair enough and that one on its own is already a very interesting module and has lots of interesting functionalities however there is a kind of hidden mode or special mode, if one presses the "H-lock" button for more than 5 seconds then the Telharmonic changes into the Spiratone music synthesizer module, different functionality within the same module! Now that was a nice surprise when I read that in the manual :-)

So I did that and then it didn't took me long to discover that Shepard Tone is possible with this module. I discovered that already last night but then it was getting to late, so that's why I came up today with this.

I hope this is what you were looking for, have fun with it and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rookie,

How are you and how is your modular going regarding that Shepard Tone?

When I read this post back on the 24th of August and especially after the explanation of Lugia (thank you very much Lugia), though I felt the idea is very interesting, I was too busy with other stuff and at that moment, for me, it was too complicated to look deeper into it.

Very coincidentally though that I received two days ago a module that was or better, that is a very interesting module. One of the most interesting matters is that I managed with this one particular module to create a Shepard Tone that I discovered quite unexpectedly, please check this out:

Is that what you mean? If yes, then suddenly I got a rather easy solution for you to create that tone, it's just a matter of getting one module :-) The above "demo track" goes in the beginning up and after a bit more than a half minute, it goes the other way around and goes down till I let it fade away.

Other than this one module I only used a mixer (Doepfer) and an Audio Interface (input/output by Intellijel). To give the sound a bit more "touch" I added a slightly bit of a reverb by using the Ventris Dual Reverb (using single Reverb only by the way) from Source Audio.

Let me know if this was what you were looking for and good luck with the Shepard Tone ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Ha, ha, your enthusiasm is very enjoyable :-) But look for yourself at your above new rack... it's full already?! If you still can change the order then go for the wider (168 HP) rack or at least one more row, otherwise next month you are buying yet another case :-)

Well my first advice you received already, take it easy... the above isn't really taking it easy, does it? ;-)

Second advice is, don't go for too many modules in one go and perhaps try to avoid here and there the "too sexy looking" modules? I am sure they are a lot of fun but some of them are pretty large in HP size and you got limited space; so check if those are really worth it from all point of views (price, space, functionality, beyond the sexy look, is it really worth it, etcetera). So, at the very least take it easy, don't order everything in one go, get a few modules first and then see if the rest of the plan still fits or if you like to update your above rack? But other than that, please enjoy!

You have chosen quite a few modules I don't have experience with or knowing them. So I can't give you much particular advice on those modules chosen. I have the Maths too, it's a nice module but for the money and the HP size, I sometimes wonder if the price-performance factor is high enough? I guess the Disting Ex is nice if you want to have a lot of functionality in one module. You can use that module then to use as a kind of "backup module". In case you are missing any kind of functionality, most likely the Disting can help you out till you got the module for that functionality that you require.

Ha, ha, thanks for thinking so highly of me, however I do think that's not fair to Lugia to put him on the same level then me or let me phrase that differently: I am far away from Lugia's knowledge and experience. Lugia plays in a totally different league of which I only can dream of... I am just once and a while active here and try to help where I can.

Thank you very much for your kind words, continue enjoy modular and keep us updated on your rack progress, again: it's lovely to watch you being busy with it :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Nice jam! :-) Sorry, I don't have myself the Octatrack but if I am not mistaken then the Octatrack doesn't have specific CVs and gate outputs so you are forced to do that via MIDI and that with that Doepfer module... indeed then doing the controlling of your modular by the A4 is a much better way to go I think.

Then this time buy directly a big case then you got enough space for a while. The Doepfer A-100LMS9 is a cheap case if you calculate it down on a per HP basis and with 3 rows of each 168 HP should keep you going for a while :-) I use myself the A-100LMS9 and I am pretty happy with it, still also that one gets filled up one day...

Have fun and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Gabor,

It's nice to see you playing with your modular synth. The Athru sounds good indeed, pity, as you mentioned yourself already, that it's not easily to spot in the video; so I can't wait for your next demo :-)

The sound effects are pretty nice too, which sound effect module or pedal did you used for this patch?

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

I am so glad for you that you managed to get your A4 working with your Doepfer system! :-)

So what was the problem? How did you solve it?

I actually do like/love Doepfer modules with the exception of the A-190-5, the MIDI module I had from Doepfer for a short while, it was the only module so far from Doepfer that I really disliked, not nice to use and partly illogically too, so I managed to swap the that Doepfer module for a Vermona qMI2 MIDI-to-CV module, so much easier and logically to use.

Good luck with the A4 & Doepfer systems and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Great to hear that your new modules have arrived and are installed and working, luckily without smoking them up into thin air :-) Nice demo by the way, it's clearly you enjoying your modules :-D !

Regarding the Elektron, I have myself the Analogue Four (A4) and I had MIDI issues as well, till I discovered...

The opening in the Elektron housing for the MIDI plugs isn't very large, so you might "think" you had plugged in the MIDI plug into your Elektron but though it fits "half-way" it doesn't really necessarily makes electrical contact... I had to buy a cheap MIDI cable with a cheap plug (hence as thin as possible) so the MIDI plug would fit into my A4 and then it worked.

I am not saying you have the same issue but since you mentioned: "and then no dice!" I thought perhaps you have a similar issue, at least it might be worth it to have this checked.

I like Elektron stuff but I do hate them for creating ridiculous small openings for the MIDI plugs :-(

Have fun with your modular system and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Ambrish,

Do you need an ADSR? At the end that's up to you :-) That's the beauty of a modular synth, you don't have to do anything you don't want ;-) So, you could follow up on Defragmenteur's advice, that saves you for the moment an ADSR however, I do think that sooner or later you need an ADSR but then again, looking at your rack you might need other things as well like a filter, LFO, another VCO, etcetera. But that it easy on that since your limited space and follow Defragmenteur's advice. Once you have build up more experience with the A4 and your rack then it will become clearer to you what you are still missing and then go for that.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

My advice is to not fill it up at all for the moment :-) You just got your system, so build up more experience first, see how your own thoughts will develop parallel to your build up experience and then slowly take it from there.

Once this space is filled up your rack is full and you need a new case, so again, I would take it easy first :-) Enjoy the system as it is now, it's pretty nice to start and play around with as you did already, looking at your sonic contributions here!

Have fun with your rack and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Steve,

Interesting way of doing the dishes ;-) Lot's of interesting and experimental sounds, never finishing listening, so many interesting stuff to discover.

Thanks a lot for sharing and if you don't mind, I continue listening at your art work! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

I love your evening jams, always something good comes out of that :-)

Nicely done, good night and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Which Doepfer case do you have? Anyway, most (if not all) of the Doepfer cases, as far as I am aware, do have the -12 V (the red stripe) at the bottom of the busboard connector. So if you look straight at the power connector in the Doepfer case, then the -12 V should be at the bottom of the connector.

Then on the module, on the backside on the PCB there is usually also somewhere a -12 V marker, make sure that there is the red stripe connected too.

I came across a few modules though where one couldn't see the -12 V marker (there wasn't one). In those cases I had that, luckily the power cable was already connected by the manufacturer. To make sure I wouldn't screw up, I documented those modules how the -12 V had to be connected, just in case I would remove the power cable and forgot how to connect it again... so you might want to do something similar when you receive those modules. Check if the manufacturer pre-plugged that power cable already, if yes, write down somewhere how it's connected, for future references.

Good luck and please let us know how things go once you receive the modules. I want to see pictures of the smoke coming out of your modular once you switch on the power :-D

Ha, ha, I am just teasing you, just be careful and check on both sides (module-PCB and the Doepfer case) where and how the -12 V (the red stripe) needs to be connected.

I hope you enjoy your new anti-VCO (quite curious how that works out... anti-VCO... hmm interesting that "anti") and the filter, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Ambi,

Perhaps for starters you start with a bit more simplified setup. Once you build up experience you can then try to play around with that build-in LPG of the Plaits. How about the following?

Connect your CV A (gate) from the A4 to indeed the gate input of an (ADSR) envelope, the output of that envelope to a VCA (CV input). If you have one more EG you could output that to a filter too; but you can leave out the filter part first. If your EG has a switch for the speed of the EG, for example: slow, medium or fast, then make sure that your EG speed roughly matches with your gate speed you "export" from the A4 towards that EG. So if the A4 provides a speedy gate, set the EG to fast and for example if the A4 provides a slow changing gate then set the EG to slow.

Then connect your CV B (1 V/octave) into the 1 V/oct of Plaits indeed, the output of Plaits (optionally through a filter) to the VCA input. Then output the VCA (optionally through a mixer) to your audio output module to send it from your Eurorack to your external mixer. Some members here skip that audio output module but my advice is to use an audio output module to make sure everything goes smooth; but technically it's possible without an audio output module if you are careful enough.

Start simple and try to get some sound out of it first, then continue to improve the setup :-) You also can show us here your rack layout then it's easier to advise you.

Good luck with it, and soon I hope you will have fun with it as well once you got it working and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Quantum_Eraser,

If you don't mind, I didn't use headphones, instead, since I saw it was you, I knew you would have something good up your sleeve, I straight away went to my listening chair and yes :-) I wasn't disappointed, very well done again!

Your track has a nice tension and provides a quite high excitement feeling to the listener, makes the listener stuck in the chair, can't move, just utterly impressed by your music! :-)

I stick with my statement earlier this year, back in May. Your music has a very good potential for movie sound tracks. For me you could be the next Hans Zimmer (and better if you would ask me). So let me know which first movie contains your music, can't wait for the movie as well as I can't wait for your music for that movie :-)

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: If you don't mind I will press a few more times the repeat play button for your track, enjoying my night with your movie sound track, just waiting for the movie ;-)

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Yes, a very good start on a nice Friday evening :-) The track could go on and on and I still wouldn't have enough of it, I want more!

Nice work, enjoy your weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rijn,

That's a great part 3 finishing your project of video's :-) Pity of the current virus situation otherwise would be nice to see you at work in live situation.

Thanks a lot for sharing and I hope you will come up with more video projects like this one. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

He, he, yes, you are nicely busy with exploring your rack. Nice video, it's lovely to watch you playing and discovering the possibilities of the modules and modular synth in common :-) !

Try to give that A-110-2 VCO some CV input (as well as other modules).

Have fun, enjoy the weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Morphon,

I am using several types of Doepfer cases (especially the low cost cases) and no noises and I am quite sensitive for disturbing noises. So with no noises I mean really no noises :-) Other than the noise(s) I produce with the modules themselves, naturally ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

You are welcome :-) That's all what I wanted, have you made you think about some pointers I provided you. The rest is up to you, but looking at your comments, I think you follow up quite well on the subject :-) Provided the fact you have only one power socket free to use... that must give you some stress to make sure it's a good choice for the next module you are going to take ;-) Just teasing you!

Yes... for percussion I have a bit the same struggle as you do... shall I do that externally or also within Eurorack? Difficult to answer, I am not sure myself either. Hopefully time will teach us (hence more experience). I am still waiting for the Endorphin.es - Ground Control sequencer to become available, with that I hope to do some percussion, but I wonder if the Ground Control ever will be released?

Samples?! Yes good point, your feedback about my track I made is still in the background of my mind. I think I am going to follow up on your advice to use the Disting Mk4 for that but I need a few quiet moments to do some sample recording of some sounds and then see what Disting Mk4 can do for me. You done that already, so more sampling possibilities? How about the Erica Synths - Sample Drum? Or the Make Noise - Phonogene? I need to look a bit more into it as well but haven't come to a conclusion yet for my own situation. Let me know your experiences once you have moved forward with the sample "stuff" :-)

It would be interesting to know what your last/final module will be once you have made the decision before you have to think about some power extension.

Good luck, have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

It's not an easy question if you "just look at the rack" :-) So what I did is I kind of "analysed" the modules you have in this rack and put that in a spreadsheet (contact me by PM if you like to have that spreadsheet per E-mail). It's a bit pity that I can't copy and paste it here, well I did, but it doesn't look fantastic.

So what I did is, I had a look at your rack from a "functionality" point of view, for each functionality, how many of such a functionality you have represented by your modules. I didn't include the power modules for the cases and even if some of the modules have multiple functionalities, I choose the "main" functionality only. Now I don't know all the modules well, so I did it based on the description I could find here on modulargrid.net but you might see things different, just adjust it then accordingly. The only module I counted double was the Addac - 105 - 4 voice cluster, I counted that one time as a VCF and one time as a VCO, all other modules just have been counted for just once.

If you look in the below "table" (pity copy/paste doesn't work proper here), you see in the last "column" the "Status". That's how I see it if it would be my rack. The way you might use your rack, my status indication might be totally wrong, so it's pure indicative meant to be.

First "column" is the functionality. The second column are the modules for that particular functionality followed by a number that's the total of modules counted for that particular functionality.

Having said that, I think you could need one more dual VCA module or if you find that your VCA (Veils) + ADSRVCA from SSF is sufficient then perhaps look into either one more VCO, one more VCF or one more Drum/Percussion module. If you love EGs a lot you might want to consider one more of that one; same then for the LFO. Up to you of course, but that's after I "analysed it", my 2 cents of conclusion :-)

Functionality - Modules - Total - Status

Attenuverter - DPW-Att Av-1, TH-At-at-at - 2 - sufficient
Clock & random - 2HP-TM, OM-Clock Div Mk2, 2HP-Rnd v2 - 3 - sufficient
Drum/Percussion - 2HP-Bell, AD-T-networks - 2 - consider more
Effects - ES-Pico DSP, MSW-Monsoon, 2HP-Verb - 3 - sufficient
EG - SSF-ADSRVCA, ALM-Pip slope - 2 - sufficient
LFO - NE-Clep Diaz, DK-øchd - 2 - sufficient
Mixer - OM-UPE, BF-StMix, IN-Mixup - 3 - sufficient
Multiple - 2*MA-4x4x4, MI-Links - 3 - (more than) enough
Others - 2HP-Vowel, ExS-Disting Mk4 - 2 - sufficient
Quantiser & Arpeggiator - 2HP-Tune, 2HP-Arp - 2 - sufficient
Sequencer - 2HP-Euclid, PM-µSeq., NE-Bin Seq, DM-Dot - 4 - enough
VCA - MI-Veils - 1 - requires more
VCF - HN-VCF, AD-4 voice cluster - 2 - consider more
VCO - MN-STO, 2HP-Pluck, AD-4 voice cluster - 3 - consider more

Good luck with the decision and the planning. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Congratulations on your first Eurorack system! And from the look of your video, you are straight away enjoying it a lot :-) Nice 0-coast & 0-ctrl from Make Noise by the way, so lovely & useful modules they are!

Yes take it easy with that 84 HP free space, gain some experience with your setup and after a while I think you will start to know and realise what you might miss and might want to add, but take it easy on that one; step by step. You only have 84 HP left :-)

I wish you have loads of more fun with your setup and please enjoy, kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Damn guilty! :-) Looks like you didn't need the holiday at all to come up with a decent track. 10 minutes is enough for you! Looks like you had an incredible and enjoyable holiday too :-)

Wow... speechless to be honest. Well done and I hope you skip your holidays for the next few years and just give us once and a while another 10 minutes of your musical time :-) While waiting for your next ten minutes, I will click the play button of this track a few more times.

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

There is still time to learn :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Nniiiiiiccccccceee!!! Wow yes, the first half minute I thought I was listening at the new Kitaro (I am quite a Kitaro fan).

Overal a very nice track. You made my weekend worthwhile! While I wrote this message I was listening for the fourth time at your track. Once submitting, I will continue listening, really nicely done!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rijn,

Yes, great and clear again, like your part one. Well done again and thank you very much for sharing!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Padmasan,

Sorry, I forgot to tell, check out the Behringer 961 Interface module, that should be a kind of indicator of the above ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Padmasan,

The Behringer 900 series are based on the Moog's System-55 and if I am not mistaken, since it's a, and I am quoting here Behringer.com website:

Authentic reproduction of the circuitry from the "Modular 55, 35 & 15" Series

You might have it so authentic that you need to work with s-triggers. But I am not too deep into that kind of "old" stuff. There are similar discussions already, please refer here within this forum to:


But at those times the Behringer modules weren't there yet. I am not 100% sure but I would be careful with those 900 series. At least check it out in more details (sorry I didn't had the time to 100% check this out yet).

Behringer also has the 100 series modules these are Roland 100m based modules, if I am not mistaken those are okay but better have those double checked too.

So generally, you are right with Eurorack, as long as it is a Eurorack module it should be compatible with the rest of the Eurorack modules unless it's a replica of some (old) sort (and that's here the case), then you better be careful and have this checked out very well.

Best is still to go to your local dealer and test a few of those 900 modules in combination with classic stuff like Doepfer, Intellijel, Erica Synths, etcetera.

Or perhaps one of the more "compatibility experts" can tell with 100% certainly if those 100 & 900 series of Behringer can be used 100% compatibly?

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Padmasan,

Are you sure that all those Behringer modules are nicely Eurorack compatible? Yes they fit into a Eurorack but how about the compatibility? I am not so sure and would check that first.

Behringer - Neutron is a great device but for other modules I would check other brands if I would be you, at least to start with. Consider a mixture of different brands to give you a few different ideas of what is possible.

If you insist on using Behringer modules then go to your local dealer and have it tested there first.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Pricto,

Here a few frequency ranges of a few modules, at the end it's a matter of checking all the manuals of those modules you might be interested in :-)

Erica Synths - Black LFO - 0.1 Hz - 60 Hz
ACL - QLFO - "a fraction of a" 1 Hz - 20 kHz (I am just phrasing what has been mentioned in the manual)
AJH Synth - Dual LFO & VCA - in slow mode it's 0.01 Hz - 2 Hz
Doepfer - A-145 - Standard LFO but I love this thing and have a look at this copy/paste from Doepfer's website:
H: about 10Hz - 4.5kHz
M: about 0.1Hz (10 seconds period) - 50Hz
L: about 0.005 Hz (3.5 minutes period) - 5Hz

How slow do you want to go? :-)

Instruo - Ochd - 25 minute cycle till 160 Hz (even slower than the above Doepfer)
IO Instruments - Themisto VCO but can go from 0.5 Hz - 6 kHz or from 10 Hz - 130 kHz
Joranalogue - Generate 3 - VCLFO mode 0.0028 Hz - 180 Hz
Make Noise - Maths - from 25 minutes up till 1 kHz

Well that's what I could come up with in checking about a half hour the manuals from several manufacturers. Perhaps there are already one or two modules that might interest you otherwise just keep checking all the manufacturers and their manuals :-)

Good luck in finding the right LFO and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mat1,

Looks to me that you are willing to go for two Brute cases 6U, fair enough. I don't know where you live, but I live in Germany and there the Arturia - RackBrute 6U costs about Euro 311 per rack (at the moment unavailable by the way). That's 176 HP for one rack, fair enough, not too bad to start with, you start with two racks of that, so yes, good to go from that point of view :-)

But let's have a closer look, shall we? Going back to one rack Euro 311 and 176 HP total rack space, this rack costs you 311/176 = Euro 1.77 per HP. That's actually a not too bad price. I use those cheap Doepfer cases, they are a bit cheaper but Euro 1.77 per HP is not too bad.

Let's take that Neutron module now of Behringer, that's 80 HP, so if you decide to put that Neutron in this rack, that will cost you 80 HP * Euro 1.77 = Euro 141.60, you have to add that on top of the price you paid for that Neutron. Let's say you got that for a flat Euro 300, then suddenly your Neutron costs 300+141.60 = Euro 441.60, is it that worth?

I mean, I put my Neutron in my rack as well but I keep in the back of my mind that I am willing to remove it at the moment I am going to have a HP space issue; do you?

Better idea might be to keep for the moment that Neutron in it's original case and just start with one rack (instead of two but prepare yourself to spend money for a second case). I believe once you removed the Neutron that most of it will fit in one rack. I usually ask people to keep at least one row free for future modules, so that would be your second rack then :-)

Or yet another idea is, you straight away go for the Doepfer - A-100LMS9 rack, that's a 3 row 168 HP rack, gives you a total of 504 HP. That rack costs here Euro 701 / 504 HP = Euro 1.39 per HP, still (much) cheaper than the two RackBrute 6Us. With this low cost monster case or whatever it's called from Doepfer, you can leave that Neutron in it, space enough for the moment and if you need space prepare yourself to remove that Neutron (or keep it out of the rack directly from the beginning).

These are just some ideas to chew on :-)

Generally I see some modules you could leave in your rack design (Maths, Mutable stuff, the Pamela's) however you might want to consider to reduce (to start with) a bit on the "fancy looking" modules. If you must have a few of them, then just start with one or two of them. Get some experience and then consider to get one or two more, build up again some experience, etcetera.

I do miss classical modules like oscillators, LFOs, simple EGs --> Maths is not that simple and it's a rather big module, so you might want to reconsider that one; on the other hand the entire world has a Maths... up to you :-) Get at least one more filter. I see, if I counted correctly, 3 sequencers but I am missing a bit the classic stuff. So you might want to have a look into a more "equal" distribution of the functions.

I don't know all the modules you have in your rack, so I might have overlooked here and there a function that you actually might have already put in the rack, fair enough. I just provide you here with some food for thought :-)

Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

That's seriously amazing!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Ajai,

And I feel you are a bit harsh towards JimHowel1970 :-)

A new user was asking for feedback, JimHowel1970 provided his honest feedback, what's against that? Perhaps we should try to value more the contents and values of feedback and advice rather than being too sensitive for how that might have been meant? I believe JimHowel1970 was just being honest here.

Of course you are being honest here as well, and that's good too :-)

My personal opinion/thought with if people ask feedback and/or advice is... be glad that you received feedback & advice (it can contain valuable information), filter for yourself the value of that for your situation and if you feel a bit upset... yes... that's of course sometimes not nice but I believe here in this forum we all just try to help each other, nothing else (no hidden agenda's).

And the best of all: if you receive advice, it doesn't mean you have to follow up on that, one can decide to follow up on that... or not :-)

Being honest here, not trying to insult anyone or not trying to be harsh here and with kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Ah yes, the TR-09 :-)

Thanks for explaining the details, interesting to read how you come up with settings and configurations. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Such a small module, so big & nice results! Nice one, again.

Around 0:38 some percussion kick in, how do you do the percussion in this track? Sounds pretty good to me.

Thanks a lot for sharing and this is a nice closure of my weekend :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads