Hi Sajmund,

Well you know what's the saying that goes around here, right?

You never can have enough VCAs

Though your approach... yeah, that might be just about enough ;-)

So what you could do is, you completely clear out your living room and then for each function you fill up one rack like the above with all VCOs, then another rack for filters only, then another one with LFOs (you might want to combine them with EGs) and a rack full with mixer might be helpful too. The one full with VCAs, you got already.

If your living room has more space, also get one rack full with sequencers only, one with logic modules only, one with effects modules only, one with percussion modules only, etcetera... It is actually a nice idea :-)

Unless you just won the lottery or you are otherwise a wealthy person, it might have here and there a few financial issues your plan but other than that, yeah, go for it :-D

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jingo,

Oh yes, this is the good stuff! This is some nice and decent ambient music.

Ha, ha, I felt it was quite funny to read that you couldn't reproduce your last patch, but I guess you felt it was rather frustrating so for you I feel sorry that you couldn't find back your previous settings.

But that lead to this beautiful piece of music. So it wasn't that bad that you lost your last patch ;-)

What you mean with quality remains shitty? I sat in my listening chair and I hear a clear high tone arpeggio and a nice wave sound that goes through out the music that builds up a good tension. I don't hear quality issues there...? Might it be your speakers or amplifier that provides you issues?

To be honest, I don't mind you loose this patch as well, if that brings yet another beautiful piece of music, then keep loosing your patches, ha, ha :-D

Thanks for giving me a good start of the weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rijn,

Wow that's a nice and clear video. I think it's a very good introduction into modular for beginners. So I can't wait for your next video :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Yes, I agree here with Bmooncd, it's verro nice

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello Overand,

I am Garfield Modular, I am lazy, don't mind to eat lasagne and try to sleep when possible. Any other time left I try to spend with modular synthesizers, well Eurorack stuff that is.

Haven't had time (too busy with modular :-) ) yet to check on my signature here so, I am afraid can't help you with that.

Welcome, enjoy modular stuff and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Wow, after you catapult me back in hyper space, I just arrived at planet Xydrtop 4A9, zopple it. Zopple is your best friend here in hyper space what google is down to earth ;-)

But you must have been on Xydrtop as well (I hope you brought your towel along with you!) because when I just arrived here early this morning (earth time, GST) then I just heard this very kind of similar music. I actually decided to stay on Xydrtop because of the beautiful music and noises here. Since you managed to do the same back home on earth, I think on the long run... I might come back to earth and enjoy more of your beautiful ambient and experimental noises :-)

Well done! And by the way, if this is what you just do during an evening. I am wondering about what you can manage to do in a week holiday time? ;-) Kind regards from Garfield, Xydrtop 4A9.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

I can't wait for your holiday and I am hoping for some fruitful demos :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Oh come on! This is not fair, I just recently arrived back home from the many outer space journeys I had by your tracks and a few other members around here. I enjoyed having Internet access again because that's a serious issue there in outer space but now you hyper spaced me again somewhere beyond Saturn, if I am not mistaken, at least it looked like Saturn that I just saw passing by.

Well, thanks a lot for sharing this nice track, providing me this beautiful feeling of travelling through space, switching of the mind from the daily stress and just focus on your music, yeah that's what I call relaxing and well... the imagination as you can see, that follows kind of automatically with your music.

Thanks a lot and spacious regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

That sounds like a very nice DIY case project, luckily you tested that red on a bit of scrap MDF first :-)

I am a bit jealous that you got such a nice and good neighbour ;-)

Enjoy your case and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello Mezlamezla,

Welcome to modulargrid.net and to modular synthesizers!

I like the size of your case, not too small, finally a beginner with a bigger case :-) Very good, keep it at this size (or consider even one more 84 HP row, you will see, you need the space in the (near) future).

My next advice is to keep, if possible, even a slightly bit more space free for future use, you have kept one row free, very good, when you start with this rack, don't buy everything in one go though, start with the more easy and simple/standard modules/functions and then consider the more complex and larger modules. So, if possible try to keep two rows free to start with.

Ditch that large Lifeforms module and the Koma, I am sure they are fantastic modules but look at their sizes! 48 HP + 36 HP = 84 HP, that's one entire row of your rack, or 25% of your entire rack space capacity...

Now we have space :-) I see you got a Plaits there, that's good, many people (including myself) are very happy with that one however consider a second oscillator to come into play. Be it an STO of Make Noise, or a Dixie - II+ from Intellijel or any thing that you would like and kind of makes sense.

I also see from Make Noise the Maths & Contour modules, both good modules. I am myself still not sure about the Maths if that was a good investment, yes it's a good module but for that kind of money, for the size of it? Am I sure? No... to be honest. But if you must have a Maths (because nearly everybody got one ;-) ) then perhaps consider the Contour to exchange against a more classical ADSR to get yourself easier started within modular? I can recommend the Doepfer - A-140-1, a standard plain ADSR that does what it needs to do, nothing fancy but good to start with and to understand an envelope in a bit easier way. But up to you, if you are happy with those envelopes Match (that's more than just a simple envelope, I know) and the Contour then go for it. My advice is, that it can't harm to take two envelopes from different brands to see a bit the differences and the (other) possibilities that the market has to offer.

The Make Noise Morphagene and Mimeophon are nice modules, I am pretty sure about that, but to start with those modules, are you sure? Perhaps if you like them so much that you start with one first (the most favourite one) and you leave the other one out first, once you build up experience with your rack then (re-)consider of taking the second module? These are quite complex modules and as a beginner to start with complex modules, I am not too sure if that's the right approach? :-) But if you are as nuts as I am and you like complex stuff, then go for one of them to start with; but you can't say I haven't warned you!

I would consider one more filter, the Doepfer Wasp filter is a nice one so you can keep that one in your rack but consider another additional filter, like a multimode filter for example. The Wasp filter is a nice one but a bit weird one too, so putting a multimode filter next to it that might give you just a bit more filter possibilities that you might need.

This Pamela's New Workout seems to be a great clock module, many people here in the forum have it and are (very) happy with it. I don't have it but I think it's good to keep it in here, you can't do much wrong with that.

I do miss some LFOs though, consider to take two LFOs or if you like to take it easy, start with one first but you will see that sooner or later you need more LFOs. If you want a simple, plain but (very) good LFO, start with the Doepfer - A-145-1. It's simple straight forward with this LFO but that's actually the beauty of this module, it's so sublime because of being so straight forward. I use it in almost every patch.

I don't see an audio (input/) output interface either? It's not per se a must but advisable to consider it. The Intellijel - Audio I/O is a nice one otherwise consider the Befaco - Out v3. And before you put everything to an output module, you need to send it through a mixer first. I don't think I saw a mixer in your rack? So consider that too.

The rest of the modules up to you, check for each module if you really need them to start with? Instead of starting with so many "fancy" modules consider to add rather a nice effects module to give your sound a nice final touch before you send it to your external mixer unless you have external effects then of course you can use those.

Well that's it for the moment. Do some more homework, if I may advise so. Lots of reading and checking is required for modular synthesizers. Don't think you can learn this over one night, this takes ages of preparations, reading, learning and understanding. How you take my above info is up to you, you have to make the final decisions. There is with modular synthesizer actually no real wrong or no real good, at the end it's up to you how you fill up your rack (but do it slowly, step by step and build up experience with each step and re-adjust your opinion about modules and the entire concept). I am just trying to avoid here for you a disappointment because that would be pity, it's too expensive for that. But once you found your way into modular synthesizers, there is no way back and you only want to be more intensively busy with it :-)

Good luck, have fun and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh yes! I am enjoying this track too, I keep repeat listening at this track :-)

You got a lot of nice sounds in this track, well variation of sound usage and you keep the listener here at the tip of the chair, so exciting to listen at it, well done!

That casing... is that an ADDAC casing? Looks pretty nice! Let me know the details if you don't mind.

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

I am sorry to hear you are facing problems with your mixer :-( I hope you find a solution :-) Buying a new one? ;-)

If wrapping up your EP-420 case is the consequence of this fantastic music, I would like to ask you to keep wrapping up your EP-420 every week or so :-)

It sounds so naturally, so easy going, the music you create, it's amazing and yes, keep on coming with "stuff" like this! Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

I am glad you found the issue being a design flaw :-) I look forward in hearing your next track!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

This... this... this music of yours... it's like a magnet... it dragged me into my listening chair and it's a strong magnet, barely able to move, listening at your music...

At the first few tones I thought: "What's this?" --> revering here to that very high tone sound, but a few seconds later I was all over with goose bumps, yes I felt seriously cold there for a few moments. It's not often that I have this and I see this as a very positive sign if music can give me goose bumps, you must have got something good, nice and special here!

Just one little feedback, am I imagining this or is most of your music on the left channel?

I keep listening and repeating your track, going to continue doing this after this message. Well what can I say? Thank you very much for sharing this :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: I went back to the listening chair and wanted to check this out for you about the left channel, you have a few sounds on the left channel and a few less on the right channel, so that's okay however the main voice is rather more present on the left channel, giving it a bit much stress on the left ear (on the long run), while the right ear is lacking of something or in other words: left channel is a bit overwhelmed and the right channel a bit underwhelmed. If the main voice would have been in the stereo middle, I think it would have been perfect; it might be a personal opinion, so please keep that in mind as well. Perhaps for a next track you can look into this and pamper my ears a bit more ;-) ?

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Farkas,

That's a very good point regarding misunderstood messages/communications between each other. Your project describing these kind of errors and your musical reaction to that, I feel, is a very interesting approach. It makes your videos much more understandable. Funny, the music was already understandable for me :-)

Still I guess I will have included a few errors here and there in this and other messages of mine but this makes me only more "hungry" at listening at more tracks/videos of your very interesting project! So keep that stuff coming, I am ready for it to add a few "errors" on top of those already implemented ;-)

Nice and thank you very much for sharing this in so many details, kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Cacharrada,

Your rack looks quite complete, a bit small but as you said you would buy a bigger case, so then that's fine and keep then at least one row space free for future extension.

I don't know the Pamela's New Work Out, so can't help you on that one. I am using a clock module (Make Noise - Tempi) and using that in combination with the Shakmat Modular - Time Wizard, that's a clock multiplier/divider with some logic options, I feel theses two combined is a nice combination. I can imagine however that the Erica Synths - Black VC Clock v2 works well too with any other suitable clock divider module; actually... I consider the Black VC Clock v2 myself for the future. Sometimes it's nice to just have the BPM value that the Tempi can't provide.

My advice is to start your above rack without the Vermona - meloDicer and the Make Noise - Maths. Waiting with the latter one shouldn't be a problem since you planned already the Doepfer - A-140-2, naturally the Maths covers more than what the A-140-2 can cover but for starters I do think that's sufficient. Keep that freed space reserved first and buy those two modules later once you build up some experience; if you by then still want them... you will see: after building up your experience you will change your mind here and there a bit about what you think of modules and how to judge & appreciate them. That's totally normal, so don't worry about it for the moment hence the advice not to buy everything in one big go but build up your rack layout slowly step by step.

I would consider a 2nd filter though. Your choice of Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF is excellent. I just recently got this module myself and I am starting to fall in love with this module, finally I got again a filter module that provides me a lot of pleasure. It's a bit weird one and I am still learning but I believe this Black Dual VCF is a jewel ;-) But consider a second filter just for the variarity's sake.

Consider to add an audio interface (input/) output module though, makes things easier in life.

Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jingo,

I will stay tuned, I am waiting impatiently for more ;-)

But hurry up please, do you know that next weekend still takes ages...?

Ha, ha, just teasing you and please do not hurry, if something is contra-productive for one's creativity then that's under (time) stress producing something, so take your sweet time, even if it takes weeks/months, important is that you can please us with some more of your fantastic work!

Looking forward to your next surprise and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Farkas,

Interesting way of looking at that (you said: "thanks for letting me fill your time") however I would rather like to thank you for sharing your work, for making interesting videos and modular synth music that invites the listener to be absorbed into your creativity :-) I enjoyed the full length of this track.

Thank you very much for filling up my time with your art work! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jingo,

Woooo... that sounds very promising. That's a little mean from your side though, make me so hungry to hear the rest, this demo is so short, it sounds to me like I want so much more to listen at :-)

This demo on it's own would be an almost perfect sound track for a superb film!

P.S.: I can't hear the ACL - Sinfonion in action, you must have used it so subtle :-) Or that background kind of music, are that chords via the Sinfonion? I only know one way to use the Sinfonion and that's the brutal full way ;-)

I want more, I want more, I... ;-) Thanks a lot for sharing this and I seriously hope to hear more of this, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Baltergeist,

Thanks a lot for sharing your new track. I like the tension you are building up with your track, a bit spooky here and there as well, yeah I love it :-)

This song could go on and on for me and I still wouldn't have enough of it :-) Going to listen it for the fourth time, can't stop discovering all the nice details!

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse.

So which modules do pay you a rent? I need those modules, get some side-income to finance some other modules ;-)

Have a good weekend and enjoy the Panharmonium... oh typing that is quite okay ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello Mudmux,

Welcome to the forum :-D

Well... you could start with the Stereo Line Out module only and then see if you miss the Headphones, if yes you buy that one too :-) You don't have to buy everything in one go. It's advised to take it slowly and buy only a few modules in one go, get experience with those and the (re-) adjust your opinion on those you still want to buy, and then buy again a few, etcetera.

Sorry, can't help you with the ALM hpo, don't know that module, perhaps someone else who got it can help you with that one.

Good luck with modular synths and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi JRenklint,

Always 4 times faster... that's weird isn't it, looks like a setting to me. Did you had a closer look into the Logic Pro already? Perhaps somewhere multiplied the clock before sending it out on MIDI? It also could be a setting in the Erica Synths - Black MIDI to CV module but that one you should be able to find in the manual.

For the moment as a work around (till you found the problem) you could use a modular divider and divide the clock by 4 then you are back to the original clock signal :-)

Good luck with the troubleshooting and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jingo,

If you every time after your holidays come up with music like this, then we should keep sending you on short holidays and as a reward get a superb track like this! Spot on, again :-)

I enjoyed this very much, you made my Saturday night perfect, thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

This is nice subtle. I like it!

Keep the good stuff coming ;-) Have a nice Sunday and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Derek the Diver,

It's a bit pity to use a VCA as a kind of pre-VCA for yet another VCA :-)

If you have a Make Noise - Maths or ModDemix you might be able to get it done with those as well, not sure, I haven't tested it myself but from the look and the quick read from the manual it looks like they should be able to help you out. The Maths Channel 2 should be taken if you consider the Maths, channel 3 has an offset of -/+5 V only while channel 2 can go up till -/+10 V.

Not sure if this helps and in case you seriously want to use a pre-VCA for a VCA and you consider to buy a new VCA for that, consider then the Waldorf - DVCA1, that's a fantastic and underestimated VCA, it can do linear or exponential or both, whatever you want and has an additional boost of up to +13.5 dB.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

You wrote: Hope you enjoy the track.

Ha, ha, that's a large understatement. This is far beyond enjoying your track, this is at the kind of level of almost can't believe it, that kind of good and in addition of course very, very enjoyable!

This track sounds so good to me that I wonder why you not trying to publish this commercially? Perhaps here and there a twist and it's ready for sales :-)

Nicely done and what could one wish more to start a fantastic weekend with than a track like this?

Garfield's motto: yet another track like that ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and providing such a good start of the weekend! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Thanks a lot for the detailed information, very interesting and very tempting :-)

A bit surprising that the 103 is a bit of a struggle regarding the space with the knobs, that's a bit of a disappointment then :-( So the 104 would be the better choice then? Since the knobs are smaller and more further away from each other that should be easier or more comfortable to use?

Thank you very much for the feedback and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh that's some nice piece of musical art while showing off your new ADDAC 103 :-) Nice!

Thanks a lot for the details on how you did this, interesting to read, at least for me it is. What I loved about this track is that kind of wave-sound that went throughout the entire track, how did you make that one? Did you used the Ochd for that? And the voice?

Looks like I need that 103 too :-) You don't have regrets of not getting the 104? Going for a good user interface with the 103 is still the better choice, isn't it?

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Humanoid01,

I like your case choice, bit pity you planned it already very full. I would like to advice you strongly to keep some blank space for future extension in your rack free, having that said... consider to ditch the Marbles and Alter modules either one of them or both. Once you gain more experience you still can consider them to add later.

Marbles = 18 HP = 7.1% of your total rack capacity
Alter = 16 HP = 6.3%
So these two modules together = 34 HP = 13.5% of your total rack capacity, that's about one-seventh... are you sure that's worth it?

I see that Baltergeist and Troux already answered two of your questions. What I did is I made a rack configuration, shown here below how it could look like with your own comments and that O'Tool Oscilloscope, that one saves some space.

ModularGrid Rack

You still could consider to exchange the 2nd Doepfer A-140 ADSR with another brand's ADSR. There didn't come one to mind to me for your case here but perhaps you could consider an EG from Erica Synths?

That matrix mixer I ditched it and replaced it by the Doepfer A-138p & A-138o combination, this is chainable with just a 2nd 138p and then you get 8 channels; but that's for the future ;-)

I ditch one of your Kinks modules, you had two of them in your rack. Start with one, if you really love that one then get a second unit.

That Bastle Instruments - Cinnamon filter, I don't know it, might be indeed a nice module but it's a nasty one with 5 HP so next to your two chosen Erica Synths - Pico modules, I planned another 3 HP (2+1) blank space for yet another Pico (or other 3 HP) module, so it's nicely filled in again in the future; up to you of course. Instead of the Cinnamon you could consider the Doepfer - A-124 (Wasp filter) or the A-106-5 (SEM filter). I can recommend both, the Wasp filter can provide perhaps a bit more of a sonic adventure, the SEM is a bit more subtle, both are nice filters.

I have a bit lack of time so my rack layout suggestion here might not be ideal but is perhaps an idea of how to get started, the rest is now up to you to plan it the way you like! :-)

Good luck with it, have fun with modular and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Quantum Erase,

Oh yes! That sounds nice ambient :-) Nice reverb too!

Looking at the price, it's a difficult decision. I wonder... if the input you feed to this module is a rather "fast changing pattern" (for example a quick arpeggio) can this module then follow it suit and still everything as nice as you demo it here?

Ha, ha, the last half minute is fun, the music without the Panharmonium, that really demonstrates what this beast can do! :-)

Thank you very much for sharing this with us and demonstrating the Panharmonium. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Marc,

Thank you :-) That arpeggio is done by the Sinfonion of ACL and the voice used for that is the Make Noise - STO (voice 5) and that through the Ventris Dual Reverb pedal from Audio Source. A bit more complicated then that but roughly like just described.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Defragmenteur and Troux,

Troux: okay, looking at Defragmenteur's comment, the better choice :-)

Defragmenteur: Thanks a lot for sharing this, makes me pretty scared about this Pro thing... pity, on paper it looked so good... Or is it a matter of waiting a few more months to wait till all these kind of "starting problems" have been solved?

By the way, are you "touching" all your synthesizer stuff with a ten feet pole? If yes... poor synthesizers, might not be much left of them ;-) Hence, why I use my ten fingers to touch my modules ;-) Or is this because of Covid-19 and that's why you rather take a ten feet pole instead of using your fingers? ;-)

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Logical Phallusy,

On one hand it's interesting to read your explanations (a bit like myself) on the other hand it's difficult to judge on what/where you need advice, input and/or feedback. Perhaps the best is that you summarise it in two maximum three lines and then below that mention the questions you have? I haven't come across any real question or did I overlook the questions of yours?

Some general information: I would add one extra row to the rack and keep that empty for adding modules in the (near) future. You still can stay within your 4k budget (going to be tough though) but you have at least the space to extend in case you need, and you will need that :-)

You mention the Rubicon 2 from Intellijel is expensive and indeed that's the case. I got this one myself and though it's certainly a good module but is it worth that kind of money? I am not sure about that, for less money and at least as much fun I enjoy my Make Noise - STO. Perhaps to keep in mind that larger/bigger/more expensive VCO/DCO modules doesn't mean automatically more fun to play with. Of course it depends a bit on what you want to do but your observation is right that the Rubicon 2 is (bloody) expensive and you might want to ask yourself if that's worth it for what it gives you. Best advice is to have it tested at your local dealer. Testing the modules before buying is the best what you can do; not always possible though.

Also generally I would advice to start with a simple setup of: 2 VCOs, 2 LFOs, 2 EGs, 2 filters, ring mod perhaps, noise?, VCAs, mixer and audio input/output module, that as a contrast to your choice of "quite sexy modules" ;-)

Good luck with your planning, as you mentioned it yourself already, start slowly with a few modules and build it up bit by bit, while gaining experience, that's indeed the most enjoyable way into modular. Have fun and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Humanoid01,

By the way, last week I met Humanoid03, a brother or cousin of yours? ;-) Just pulling your leg ;-)

Personally I feel you got a bit too many "sexy looking modules" ;-) Some of them are very nice, I will believe that, but perhaps you should keep that for later when you have more experience with your rack; up to you of course. Think of ditching the Mordax - Data (yes it's nice but straight away buying this one? Is a bit too early I believe), the Plasma drive from Erica Synths? It's pretty large and to start with in a rack, mwah... not so sure, keep that on your wish list, is my advice; and perhaps a few more of that kind of modules.

I would consider one more EG and you might want to consider one more filter to start with. Add also one more empty row to this rack to have some space for the (near) future.

It's easier and better to have an Audio I/O module to "export" your audio out of your rack to your external mixer. From the external mixer take one of the outputs to your speakers. Eurorack modules, the audio signals are of a higher level then audio line levels; so keep that in mind in case you decide not to go for an audio module. I am using the Intellijel Audio I/O and I am pretty happy with it, the only thing it doesn't have is a headphones output. If you need that consider the Befaco - Out v3.

That should do it for the beginning, after that build up experience, at just your opinion on certain matters and then see if those items I asked you to leave it out first, if you still want to have them added. Good luck with it and have fun with modular! Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Eonblue77,

How about going to a hotel room and playing around with your modular rack and using headphones, shut yourself off from the rest of the world and enjoy modular synthesizers? ;-)

But I guess that's not really what you wanted to know, "where to go with your rack" :-)

Okay then, regarding your rack, the size is kind of okay I think, for starters. It's good to keep some space free, keep roughly one row free, if possible a bit more because you will see that you need that free space in the (near) future. But that's what you already did, so that's good!

You might consider one more VCO/DCO, perhaps an EG more too beside the Maths? What I completely miss (or did I overlooked that?) are LFOs. Didn't really see them, not as such at least.

How are you going to "output" your sound from the modular rack to the outside world? An audio I/O module would be helpful here, if you take one with headphones output you can use your rack with headphones too (to go to that suggested hotel room). But of course you can use headphones via your external mixer too (that's what I do and feel is most practical but that's up to everyone's personal taste of doing things).

Good luck with the planning and have fun with modular :-) Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Marc,

I am rather new into modular synths myself too, so I haven't much published yet, only one track that you can find here in the below post in our forum under the same You section:


I totally agree with you that with modular synths anything can happen and will happen! :-)

Have fun with modular and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

The Keystep or the Keystep Pro? I am still hesitating between the Keystep Pro and the earlier mentioned Ground Control from Endorphin.es.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Modulargrid,

I am so sorry, never really noticed that

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Baltergeist,

Oh wow! Yes nice "stuff" you got there :-) My favourite is "The Invocation" though the Ridden is (very) nice too, somehow The Invocation doesn't want to let me go. I keep listening at it, clustered at my speakers, not really able to move much and just listening, enjoying, listening, enjoying, listening...

Yeah keep on coming with the good stuff :-) Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Marc,

Sorry to hear that it didn't went the smooth way for you. I hope you will find a more comfortable way into the modular synth world. It can be actually very enjoyable, that's at least my experience. On the other hand, it's easy said from my side because I never managed to come up with great music like yours so perhaps I would be struggling a bit more than too :-)

Just keep the spirit up and I look forward to seeing and especially hearing more from you in the (near-) future. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Ha, ha, yeah let's do more "no notes into the system" based tracks ;-)

Though I said that indeed for my shared track but I used the Sinfonion module from ACL and actually the Sinfonion is creating the tones/notes... so it's just only partly correct from my side. What I meant though was, that I didn't use a keyboard, MIDI input device or any other kind of input device (other than the Sinfonion).

Having all said that, I still can't wait for the Endorphin.es - Ground Control module to become available. It's a sequencer with a kind of mini-keyboard. I really hope this module is going to be released "soon" (waiting more than a year for it) and as good as I am hoping for.

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Modules that make me really happy are:

Mutable Instruments - Plaits
Make Noise - STO
Make Noise - Tempi (clock)
Xaoc Devices - Warna (buffered multiple)
Xaoc Devices - Tirana II (step sequencer, 4 steps)
Hikari Instruments - Triple AD
Hikari Instruments - Atten(uator)/Mixer
Waldorf - DVCA1
Shakmat Modular - Time Wizard (clock multiplier/divider + logic)
Doepfer - A-124 (Wasp filter)
Doepfer - A-138o & A-138p (mixer combination)
Doepfer - A-145-1 (LFO)
Intellijel - Audio I/O
Intellijel - Springray II (spring reverb)
ACL - Sinfonion (complicated thing ;-) )
Bastl Instruments - Tea Kick (percussion)
Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF
Erica Synths - Black Octasource (crazy LFO)
Synthesis Technology - E330 (Multimode VCO)
Patching Panda - Punch (dual VCA)

Of course there are many more nice modules but the above I am most happy with at the moment, my top 20 :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Modulargrid,

How to get/use those troll faces?

Thanks a lot in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Oh yes, I did enjoy it :-) Thank you very much for sharing!

It's nice relaxing, I just came back from a weekend away from home and just before going to sleep listening at your track. relaxes me and with kind of spacious dreams I will look forward to my bed/space ship ;-)

With your previous track you took me to Alpha Centauri, now with this track no idea where I will end up but for sure even more further away :-)

I can't wait for more space-adventures from you and I am sure you will have a few more nice surprise for us :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Yes, I saw your picture of your EP-420, looks great indeed. It's a bit difficult to get here (Germany) Pittsburgh casing or modules at all, so I hope that will change in the future and will keep in mind the Pittsburgh casings, they certainly have a nice touch!

I look forward to hearing more nice stuff from you :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Ghost Rider

Hi Farkas,

Ah, I am so happy you are still around :-) Yes, nice one indeed. Very recognisable that's you :-)

Keep it coming, I wouldn't mind it, thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Marc Oller,

Oh this is nice music, what a long track :-) I enjoyed every minute of it and the nice video is a good added value!

Have you managed to do all the music by modular synths?

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

This is serious stuff! You are blowing my head clean off with this track ;-) The way you take your time and slowly build up the tension in the track and let the listener relax, sit back, and yet very exciting listening experience.

I can put a lot more prose here but this is just fantastic, so good, so enjoyable! No further words needed other than that I want your list of concert data! The only bugger at the moment is Covid but straight after that I hope you will consider a few concerts in Germany :-)

I look forward in seeing you performing live and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Gabor,

Oh this is nice and interesting! Again nice usage of the Planar and your OP-1 just complements the setup here.

I love the effects in this track, with some nice stereo effects in there too. I also appreciate the video, it's nice and interesting to see you at work here, well done!

The perhaps nicest thing to notice here is your "dark forest of cables", massive and impressive to look at it while enjoying to listen at your music :-)

Keep up the good stuff, I enjoyed every second of it and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads