Handmade replica of classic Moog's filter, enjoy:
Handmade replica of classic Moog's filter, enjoy:
I'm trying to slowly build a modular system to help with my Sound Design venture. I'm looking to generate sound and modify foley type sounds from my computer with the modular.
I already have the Model D, hence it is there.
Any tips and suggestions welcome!
Thank you!
Hi all, my album Tides is now available. Thanks for checking it out!
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
Hi, it's been a while :) I finished my new setup, but am still waiting for new patch cables, so a little VCV wouldn't hurt ;) ... sometimes I also prefer the lesser harsh digital sounds.
I am new in the world of eurorack and I wanted to ask if I still miss some modules?
I am open for advice and suggestions.
You're right. We have to be both. And I must admit that the concluding question was a bit provocative.
As if I'd stopped playing in the middle of the field, asking 'Hey! What the mess, where is the goal?' And beyond: 'What's our craft? What are we living for? Music, sounds or instruments and techniques?'
Modulargrid and the module I will order next month (an ADDAC 207) are surely amazing tools. But this thread was done to evoke the reasons for our common passion: our common interest for the chairs, not the planers.
Music lovers: we all know it's tough to talk about love sometimes :)
So, thanks for your remark, baltergeist.
George Szell, the Cleveland Orchestra and Rudolf Serkin in the Brahm's 1st Piano Concerto... Oh bliss!
Sincerely pleased to discuss with a connoisseur of classical music and a true modular expert at the same time.
'...such a musically-rich period...'
Same opinion, but with a little shade: I tend to compare the current period with the Middle-Ages followed by the Renaissance: development of polyphony, beginning of modern music notation, plethora of instruments, and a QUEST FOR A NEW WORLD...
'...most music we hear now technically IS "electronic" by default...'
I totally agree with you. And it's a too neglected observation. Many musical genres are indebted to the invention of 'Recording'. Jazz music is partly a children of this decisive technical turning point. And Sergent Pepper himself said that he still confirms this point of view :)
Modularists benefit from the same intake.
We are the Modularists Lonely Hearts Club Band, looking for Lucy...
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
Its a Slippery slope!
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
@troux My thinking is now.... 'Everything is too small or My fingers are too fat' I am trying to keep things compact. Though seeing as I'm on my 3rd Row of 84hp and my Wishlist of modules is about another 3 rows... I'm not sure how compact it will eventually be! Ha!
Optimizing rack space will save us money... At first we all thought it make sense...
Nice one wishbone, digging the melodies a few minutes in a lot
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Greetings. This is my first post.
First, my Eurorack vision is to make a complete instrument. I'm looking to create a Eurorack version somewhere between a Buchla easel and Reason's Complex-1. Here's what I was thinking:
The only thing I'm 100% committed to is the Endorphin.es Shuttle System (I already [just] bought it - and love it). Right now, using shuttle control, I can add 16 LFOs/envelopes/sequences using Bitwig, but again, my vision is a complete instrument.
I was thinking an Arturia Minibrute might be a good control center as it has that button keyboard, a good sequencer (from what I hear), and an extra oscillator and envelope and lfo. Also, it seems to be reasonably priced. Alternatives would be a Eurorack sequencer like Rene or Ground Control or whatever...
My questions are:
1. Do you recommend an Arturia Minibrute 2s (with 6U case) as a control center for this Eurorack? Pros and cons?
2. What modules do you think would compliment the shuttle system/minbrute 2s combination. I would like an oscilloscope and a speaker (if possible, but those do seem hard to find)... edit: This second row likely won't come for a while...
Thank you so much. I'm excited for this journey...
Jeff B
Thanks for any advice.
@troux My thinking is now.... 'Everything is too small or My fingers are too fat' I am trying to keep things compact. Though seeing as I'm on my 3rd Row of 84hp and my Wishlist of modules is about another 3 rows... I'm not sure how compact it will eventually be! Ha!
Here's the latest ambient track/loop/thing now with added ADDAC103, this is how I want to use it for little clicky blippy stuff, though you do get a nice Kick drum out of it too to annoy the wife with ;-) I need to restrain Ochd, so some bits are going through the AT-AT-AT to tame them down a bit, I probably need to look at getting a Passive Half/Full wave rectifier too.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Really nice :)
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Very good stuff @baltergeist, I especially like fly and grace, a wide range there.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Received DivKid's øchd earlier this week. Spent the evening patching, learning and wandering into this little drone with a simple sequence dropped in. Trident, Telharmonic, DPO, tiny bit of reverb by Clouds, additional space created with Mimeophon. All modulation performed by øchd.
What I'd like to see most is a button above (info) when you hover over a module which is 'manual'. It links to all manuals. This would be a massive time saver as I could just go to my setup and instantly find the manual rather than having to search.
Is modularist community overwhelmingly a nation of music lovers or technicians?
-- Sweelinck
Yes, absolutely.
These days, music and technology are so intertwined that you can't exactly separate them. See that drum circle over there? OK...now, what they're doing might SEEM like getting back in touch with primitive whatever blahblah, but if you look at what they're playing, you start seeing synthetic drumheads, devices that (these days) are carefully researched to create the optimal thudding noises everyone likes (OR NOT!!!) in commercials for SUVs to get numnutz consumers to pay attention and fork out for something they don't need, etc. And if you RECORD that drum circle...well, then you're up to your chin in tech all of a sudden!
Conversely, if we didn't have that tech, we wouldn't be in such a musically-rich period right now. Not only does the presence of cheap and easily-available technology propel the creation of new music, it ALSO allows for everyone to be able to access musical styles, cultures, and periods that...prior to the emergence of proper electronic recording technology in the mid-1920s...would've been lost to time. Consider: there's long been arguments of how early music is supposed to be performed. But there are ZERO arguments of how, say, Stravinsky's music is supposed to be performed, because you had the tech to record how Stravinsky actually wanted it across several decades of his life.
Also, most music we hear now technically IS "electronic" by default. One of the original criteria for electronic music was that it could only be heard with loudspeakers. But then, what do you make of a recording of the Cleveland Orchestra conducted by George Szell? For one thing, Szell's death in 1970 pretty much assures that ONLY recordings of his performances now exist; I don't see any concert announcements that read "MAESTRO SZELL RETURNS FROM THE GRAVE!!! ONE NIGHT ONLY!!!" Secondly, the confluence of players in the orchestra, the hall used for the sessions, etc etc also implies a non-reproduceable live performance situation. So...you're stuck with what's coming out of the speakers, and arguably, that makes it fit that criteria. Plus, should you so desire, you can take those Szell recordings (with a dubious degree of legality) and repurpose them in the same DAW that takes in those raw synth waveforms and does...well, much the same thing there, too.
Nice, I'll give em a listen!
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
I sold my Marbles a little while ago and, as is often the case, am feeling some remorse. Looking to save both money and space, I'm considering a clone. Does anyone have thoughts on Pachinko vs Cara micro vs the other cloes out there? I'm assuming functionality is identical and the differences have more to do with ergonomics/layout/aesthetics. Thanks!
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
A simply factual observation: this thread, 'What do you love (or prefer) about modular', totals at that moment 252 views and 9 participants (and thanks to them, 16 posts).
252 views, 9 participants.
3 or 4 percent...Is modularist community overwhelmingly a nation of music lovers or technicians?
-- Sweelinck
What do you mean by music lovers or technicians? One could be both?
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
I have a few things I've used a Cocoquantus 2 on, as well as a Tetrax:
And a long one:
These are just doodles/improvs.
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
Feature Request: Filter by depth. Certain cases are rather shallow (like skiffs) and it would be nice I could filter out any modules that just can't fit.
-- WesleyM77
As a workaround: you can order by depth.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
A simply factual observation: this thread, 'What do you love (or prefer) about modular', totals at that moment 252 views and 9 participants (and thanks to them, 16 posts).
252 views, 9 participants.
3 or 4 percent...
Is modularist community overwhelmingly a nation of music lovers or technicians?
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
After diving in for several weeks of tweaking knobs, I surfaced to make changes that yield big returns.
First, I swapped STO for DPO and migrated Plaits to the "travel skiff" top row. I'm now very psyched about my bottom row VCO layout with this beautiful landscape of deep, complex oscillation. One potato... two potato... 17 outputs across four complex VCO's? I think I counted that right.
Second, I decided to not purchase Make Noise X-Pan. Instead, I went with Intellijel Planar2 because it's just SO interactive and fun to play. I love the flavor of Make Noise, so it was a harder decision than most. So far, I feel like it was a good one.
Third, I bought a second Maths. It lives in a 60hp skiff, called The Modulation Harness, geared towards modulation of my semi-modular gear. If HP isn't an issue then one probably can't go wrong with a second Maths.
Fourth, Rene v2 is now my primary sequencer. Rene feels good to play. Mimetic Digitalis is tons of fun, but I sometimes I feel like it lacks a certain intimacy. It cranks out fast variations and 'shreds' but can feel a bit one-knob centric and "searchy" when I want to slow down and be purposeful about what I'm doing. I moved it into The Modulation Harness.
So, what I've achieved is simplification of my overall landscape that came with big improvements to what I like to do and how I do it. Sitting down at this instrument is now such a mesmerizing and enjoyable experience.
Oh, one last thing... ochd arrived in the mail. Totally worth the wait. Super sweet module. Thanks, DivKid!
Now I've got three weeks to dive back in to measure my decisions.
Hi Wishbonebrewery,
Yeah! I wish you lots of fun with the 103 :-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Apache-Raver,
Thanks for the info on those Dreadbox modules, I might consider the Ataxia actually.
Thinks are going well here, just that I am not sure which platform I should use for sharing music, any suggestions of a website that doesn't cause trouble if you want to quit it or not using it for a while?
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Nice @wishbonebrewery, I need to find a disting but they're MIA everywhere right now! One takeaway from your rack that I'll give you kudos on is how much you've prioritized smaller modules. I took a look at mine after seeing yours and was like "Everything's too big!!" I need to reevaluate my next steps
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Hi Garfield, the 103 Arrived today, I can see this being lots of fun :) Just playing with the pure drum vibe its fun.
@Troux, its the combo of Erica Pico DSP, Monsoon Clouds and 2HP Verb and I think I was using the Stereo Tape delay from the Disting MK4 too.... lots of effects haha.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Nice pieces, I'm especially enjoying STO in the wash. Are the pads generally from the Clouds clone? They sound really great.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Feature Request: Filter by depth. Certain cases are rather shallow (like skiffs) and it would be nice I could filter out any modules that just can't fit.
Hey Buddy, Yeah Atraxia is good mate, well worth the money, the envelopes are quite snappy, not as snappy as the frequency central system X envelope, but quite close, and the lfo's can be triggered to your clock. Well worth the money. I also got the Nostalgia delay which is a lot of fun. How are you doing?
Hi Garfield,
Thanks for your opinion too! Endorphin products are really amazing. I will take a look about Ground Control! I liked that it is a module. Because Im looking for a little controller to mount an little system for performances. Maybe Polyend PRESET module. To sequence rithms I though in Circadiam of tiptop. But it doesn’t sequences notes or different scales and them my system become more bigger. I tink that T-1 could be a new option, I mean that T-1 can mix rithm and melodies. Well, every opinion can help me!
Thanks for your time again, and Apreciate your answer.
King regards,
I remember their stuff from way back in the day and stumbled on them again recently, it's very cool that they're still making synths. Have any sounds you've made that you'd want to share? I'd be curious to give it a listen.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
I've been looking at this one for a bit and pretty sure I'm going to get it. Thanks for the demo!
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
If you're curious about the sound of the 4MS Ensemble Oscillator this may help
NEW EP: https://fastus.bandcamp.com/album/terra-incognito
Latest works: https://soundcloud.com/fastus
Modular studies & sketches: https://soundcloud.com/problivion
Hi Apache-Raver,
Nice setup you got yourself there, nice to look at your setup and looking at your modular "activities" while listening at your sequenced music!
That red module in the right bottom corner, what is that, by any chance the Dreadbox - Ataxia EG? If yes, what's your impression about this module and Dreadbox' new modules series in common, good? I might consider here or there one of them too...
Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Wishbonebrewery,
There are some fantastic nice sounds in it and that together with the beautiful percussion sounds, well done again :-) !
So when is this ADDAC 103 module arriving at your doorstep? Can't wait for your demo patch on that one :-D
Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Pablo,
In context with modular synthesizers I agree here with Lugia, not having at least CVs & gates out and in or at least a clock in, is a big miss from a design phase point of view.
The Arturia - Keystep Pro or the Endorphin.es - Ground Control (a Eurorack module by the way) have this already... granted, I am waiting already a year or so for the Ground Control that still hasn't been released and recently has been postponed till October...
Some basic ideas and concepts sounds indeed interesting but so pity of this missed chance :-(
But please let me know once you have found the ideal sequencer for modular, I would love to know since I still haven't found the ideal one; though the above two mentioned ones come quite close (but haven't tested them yet).
Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Iammurals,
You are writing that you are not really looking to ever have to use it as a stand alone system but you then forgot to tell us what you already have and how this is going to fit in your current situation, so because of that, it's pretty difficult to advice on anything useful.
I have two main advices:
Please carefully think how you want to go to use it and how this then all should fit within your current situation? If you have the possibility then you should try at least a part of that setup at your local dealer to see if it delivers what you expect from it, such testing might give you a total unexpected result, believe me. Before I bought any module and casing, I came once till thrice a week to my local dealer and the only thing I did was testing, testing and testing. I tested (as far as the modules where available for testing) all the modules I was interested in and then I continued with testing, testing and testing. I have done that for about 3 till 4 months in a row before I started to buy my first modular stuff and yet now I got a modular synth, I keep testing, testing, testing and reading, reading, and checking, checking and checking everything I can find about modular synthesizers.
To summarise: modular synthesizers are fantastic, really! But they require you to do a huge pre-work and pre-investigation on it, to get a rough idea on how it's going to work (or not as it will show in test results).
Good luck with it and oh... did I mention already that you should test it first at your local dealer? ;-)
Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Jrs77,
The ACL - Sinfonion might be just right then, ridiculous expensive but ideal for us lazy people who don't want to put any notes into any devices. With the Sinfinion you just provide a clock and some input, let's say a slow LFO and there you go. You have three "normal" channels/voices for notes, then one specific "chord" channel (3 or 4 note-chords), for that you can use the chord "sequencer" but even if you don't use that "sequencer" (officially it's called chord progression sequencer) it still runs fantastic and putting some input in that sequencer is easier than eating an apple. It's not in a way that you have to put single notes for that chord sequencer, just a few settings, removing / adding only a few notes in a few chord steps and there you go.
The part I like most of the Sinfonion is the Arpeggio, just plug the clock into it, use the 1 V/oct output to connect it to one of your nicest oscillator sounds you got and the Sinfonion is doing the rest for you, playing chords, melodies (well kind of, created either by those 3 voice-channels and/or by the arpeggio), whatever you want. If you get a little bit less lazy than 100% (so let's say being lazy at 95%) then with once and a while pressing a button you change the sound, note, chord, arpeggio, transposition and all the other things I most likely forgot.
You can let sound it all nicely in-tune or if you want to let it sound not too perfect you use the detune option and there goes your nice sounding sounds to smithereens ;-)
The Sinfonion is quite complicated but the manual is written pretty good with quite some humour, so it's easy to read through, follow the simple steps mentioned there and you got most likely what you want (and way beyond that).
The user interface is very friendly and once you have gone once through the manual, you need that manual only for a few special settings but most of the time it's easy, not much to remember, no serious menu diving, most is just one-level, with a few exceptions I think (like factory reset or something like that, but the often used options is just pressing one button and then you can select what you want).
You have assignable "things" like: 4 CVs that you can assign, 2 inputs, 2 outputs and... nice one: two pot-meters that you can assign to parameters you like to change with them.
Oh yes, make sure you got enough voices that you can "feed" the Sinfonion with, that's perhaps the only con (beside the price) of this fantastic thing: The Sinfonion is like a black hole, it absorbs (and requires) all your modules you have in your rack; it's for medium till large environments. So if you just have two oscillators you might just not have enough "food" for the Sinfonion to feed it and keep it happy ;-) You need 8 voices: 3 for those normal channels, then 4 (so a quad VCO is perfect for the job; I am using here the Doepfer A-111-4 for the chords, these two go quite well together) for the chord channel and a voice for the arpeggio. I guess you can start with 6 voices and in the future grow to 8 voices, starting with using just one normal channel first; but 6 voices is the minimum I would advice to go for. If you don't have a quad VCO yet, you could even start with 5 voices, 3 voices for the chords then, 1 for the arpeggio and 1 (to start with) for one of those three normal channels.
Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Lugia,
Yes, you right about the process of design.
But I think that they make the process of this way, for being a part of the crowdfunding paltaform to go ahead with the project.
Honestly, the design of the piece looks really strong and functional, I trust the Nordic industrial vision. Look like Elektron product.
I decided to be part of Backers and trust in the work of these guys. Lets take a chance for good design.
We will see Lugia, really appreciate your opinion. Maybe Beatstep Pro form Arturia be the most similar product.
Cheer Lugia!!
Great regards,
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Hey peeps. My goal for modular is having a box for processing and sound design that I'm not really looking to ever have to use as a standalone system.
My main wants are processing modules and sound sources for sound designing and adding effects to techno projects or bass music in general.
Let me know if anything seems odd given those goals, this is my first setup I've designed and it has gone through many iterations.
I'm planning on just starting out with the ES-9 and the BIA (with the Morphagene hopefully following soon after).
Thanks for any feedback,
Not yet, it's not. The site lists the CV/gate/vel and clock I/Os as a stretch goal, not available in the present version. And this was probably a big mistake on the developers' parts, given the amount of similar devices available that have that connectivity already.
It's not that this wouldn't be a useful device, mind you...I just think that the developers should've considered that connectivity from the beginning, not as an afterthought.
Note to Self:
The O-CTRL lacks a quantizer, so I would need to add one to my rack. PNW cannot quantize inputs - only its own internal waves. I would probably want Sumdif if I add BIA so I don't have to mix it through the W/D knob of Morphagene or Arbhar. Trying to mix that way would be annoying and make it difficult to add effects to Morphagene or Arbhar output, alone. Therefore, this is really the minimum viable setup for adding BIA. This setup has 11 powered modules. Apparently I can add another ribbon cable to add the 11th module, but I would have to verify this.
Here we got a new Midi controller, at the Kickstarter backer support.
I think that it is interesting to integrate whit modulars. They included recently CV/Gate whit pitch and velocity.
Take a look at the project...
Maybe a new flavor for modulars.
CV/Gates on T-1
23 hour left
So, If anyone interested
Take a look