It's quite possible, but you don't need the A-177-2 for that. Just run a CV or mod signal directly from the source in the synth cab to the pedal's expression input. And if you're concerned about overvoltage, just run the signal through an attenuator first. In fact, running it through an attenuverter will allow you to rescale the expression range and even mess with inverse voltages (if the pedal can deal with them appropriately).

ModularGrid Rack


I'm starting my first rack and here are the modules I have so far - wondering what else I need as I'm interested in doing ambient stuff. What would you recommend? VCA? VCO? to any and all suggestions. Thanks, y'all.

Latest latest update:

ModularGrid Rack

I took the wavefolder out because I think I can achieve similar results using the Tides and Rings modules and have plenty of automation with my LFOs and VCAs. (And to save money)

I took the Pamela's out to save money as I have 2 external sequencers (keystep and Deluge).

The Ochd and Milky Way are both not currently available anywhere that I can find, so those are future updates.

I'm pretty close to being settled on this. Any other feedback before I open my wallet?

Thanks again for the input so far!


Thank you very much, guys!
@Warren, you're right, I'll leave it to myself for now. Love it too much! :)
@GarfieldModular, big up for your permanent support! It means a lot to me!

Hey Garfield,
Thanks for your feedback and kind words - I'm kinda humbled and in all honesty, while I may have some percussion-skills, I am not overly talented. Back in the day I played drums in a band or two but as it happens I'm just about to sell all my drum gear. I'm more and more attracted to electronic percussion though, I think, if done with feel and good timing, "not programmed percussion" can make the whole set a litte more organic. If I ever make it to the stage again, I'll have the Nord gear up there with me. As for this video, my time and groove were not the best, thanks to the camera, I'm much better when it's not rolling :)
Thanks for the tip on Die Wilde Jagd, I listened to a few of their tunes and I love what I hear. I'd say at points it's krautrock reinvented, other times it's pure experimentalism. And I love German lyrics, eventhough my German skills are weaker than I'd like them to be. Still, my long-time favs include Einstürzende Neubauten and Rammstein :)
My recommendations: Electro Guzzi (a trio from Austria I guess, they play techno-ish tunes on mostly regular instruments, the Nord Drum+Pad included :), and Brand Brauer Frick, another band with classic/traditional instruments playing very tight, "programmed-like" music. I love when there are no rules in music and diverse universes meet in harmony :)
Thanks again and alles cute! :)
Cheers, Gabor

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Did some demos

Atm I am more on an ambient like trip, so no worries, will post my efforts here :)...

What kind of music are you making? Do you have a sc or yt link?


Latest version: ModularGrid Rack

Top Row:
* Beehive (smaller, cheaper Plaits clone)
* Sinc Bucina (gate and more)
* Befaco Even VCO
* 2hp ADSR
* WMD/SSF Ultrafold (waveshaper)
* Filthy (LPF,HPF,BPF)
* Nano Rings (smaller, cheaper rings clone)
* Ochd (LFOs galore)
* Clep Diaz (LFO and more)
* UMotion (smaller, cheaper Tides clone)
* Milky Way (effects, including reverb)
* 2hp dial VCA

Bottom Row:
* Mimetic Iteritas (sequencer with randomizer)
* Pamela's New Workout (sequencer)
* 6 channel mixer all the way on the right.

I have 80HP for future additions. It's a bit over my budget once I factor in the cost of the case (even if I DIY), so I might omit something.

Playable? Fun? Anything obvious missing? If I had to drop $200+ in cost should I skip the Pamela's for now and rely on my Keystep and Deluge as the additional sequencers?

Rings is a resonator. Feed it with an audio signal and the built-in pluck sound will become madness. I have Rings and it's definitely a favorite but in a basic setup I would start with 2 analog VCO with FM and Sync Input and a wave folder as my main sound source.

Distorted Rings
-- defragmenteur

I've tentatively settled on a second true VCO but haven't considered anything in terms of waveshapers. Off to do more googling, thanks. At specific recommendation to start my searching?

Hello, I'm curious to know if this module can work in reverse.

ie is it possible to send cv from eurorack through the A-177-2 to the expression pedal inputs found on some stompboxes?

I'd like to try this but I'm afraid I might damage the guitar pedal.

I watched some more videos on the Rings and while it's not a VCO is is definitely capable as a sound source even without an oscillator fueling it. Still, another standalone VCO would probably be good to have. I'll keep researching these.
-- Mikecd

Rings is a resonator. Feed it with an audio signal and the built-in pluck sound will become madness. I have Rings and it's definitely a favorite but in a basic setup I would start with 2 analog VCO with FM and Sync Input and a wave folder as my main sound source.

Distorted Rings

I watched some more videos on the Rings and while it's not a VCO is is definitely capable as a sound source even without an oscillator fueling it. Still, another standalone VCO would probably be good to have. I'll keep researching these.

Thank you for the replies, Garfield! I'm actually a Texan with no Japanese either. I was trying to quote Star Wars ("Help me, Obi-won Kenobi, you are my only hope" - princess Leia's recorded message on r2d2).

Rack size: this will have to be a compromise as my wife and I live in a small apartment and she is not thrilled by either the expense or space taken up by my hobby. 6U 104HP will have to do for now (with 2x 38HP unused based on my above design (the second one))

Rings: I definitely need to learn to read closer, you are correct. My above build only has one VCO at the moment, with rings as a mod. I'll ponder a second VCO for a while. Originally I was eyeing a Loquelic, and maybe I will re-add that, or maybe a Dixie. Any suggestions you would make for a beginner, to compliment the Plaits?

Ochd - I need to learn to write better, too! I did know this was an LFO. Oops.

Sequencers - I hope to use my rack by itself, and supplement with the deluge as needed. Maybe I can drop the Pamela's, but I love the randomizer in the Mimetic.

USB Power - good point. I have a terrific USB battery I can use for these, as well as the wall itself. I guess this really isn't needed.

Deluge: I started my synthesis journey with a Korg Electribe 2, the synth version, not the more common sampler. Then I purchased a PO-33. I've I understood sequencing well enough, and modulations, LFOs, Envelopes, and Filters I outgrew the electribe. So I bought the Deluge direct from Synthstrom Audible having never seen or used it (but watched countless videos from every super YouTuber, like Red Means Recording, Loopop, Cuckoo, and more. What impressed me most was it was all-in-one: subtractive and FM synthesis, infinite sequencer (no max pattern length), sampler, and now a looper. I love it! I have produced a different or more songs entirely DAWless, and entirely on the Deluge. But it has limitations, too. None of the synth engines are best in class. The FM synthesis is pretty limited, the subtractive is as well, with the unison not being amazing, the overdrive / saturation being good-not- great, no bandpass filter, the reverb and delay again are sufficient but nothing is ultimately exceptional except the sequencer and the fact that you get ALL of these pieces in one box. I love the Deluge and won't ever give it up. When I traveled for work I kept the deluge in my backpack and jammed out on the plane. I love it love it love it, but now I want more robust synthesis. My other quibble is the deluge quantizes everything (latest firmware unlocks 256ths notes) and while I can use probability triggering, that's ultimately different from the randomization and happy accidents I see people getting in modular.

I'm happy to share my music, or answer more questions on the Deluge. It's so good! (The Deluge, not my music. That's still not very good).

Thanks again for the reply. I'll continue researching VCOs for my second voice.

Besides rack size, and besides USB power, and besides maybe having too many sequencers (I envision these also triggering and mutating effects, as CV and gate modifiers - is a sequencer overkill here?) .... do you see other aspects of this build you would change?

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Hi Defragmenteur,

Yes I agree with that. Then again... you can never ever have enough VCOs/DCOs, filters, VCAs and a good assortment of effects and EGs wouldn't harm either ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

Edit/P.S.: Forgot to wish you good luck with your Ochd module, I hope you like and enjoy it :-)
-- GarfieldModular

Yep, it's actually on duty with the mimeophon!

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Hi Defragmenteur,

Yes I agree with that. Then again... you can never ever have enough VCOs/DCOs, filters, VCAs and a good assortment of effects and EGs wouldn't harm either ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

Edit/P.S.: Forgot to wish you good luck with your Ochd module, I hope you like and enjoy it :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Aphew Goodman,

Oh my goodness! I love this! And your percussion skills, that's definitely something to be jealous about. I wish I just had a few percent of your percussion skills :-)

From a music type, point of view, it's different kind of music but I think you might appreciate music from "Die Wilde Jagd" (band name), that's electronic music with percussion and the percussion is making the music fantastic there too, like your demo here. I know, different styles of music but if you have some spare time try out Die Wilde Jagd, you might appreciate it :-) The big pity is that they only have so far two albums released that's indeed not much however top notch stuff.

By the way, you forgot to mention the OP-1 ;-) Nice one too!

Now you made me so curious about your percussion skills versus electronic music, now I "want" more demos to hear from you :-D

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: You are welcome regarding your other demo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hey Jingo,

Thanks for coming back to me on the details. Wow, that's amazing that you have done all that by modular and DAW-less, fantastic :-)

I am sorry, but I will be honest here, I am not much of a Techno person, it's not my cup of tea. Your Fall Asleep is however a nice exception to that, I feel. So if you are going to make more stuff like Fall Asleep or more into non-Techno, please let me know :-)

Good luck and enjoy making music, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mikecd,

While I was looking at your rack layout and writing my reply to you, you wrote another message :-)

Don't use the rack power supply for powering your Deluge and your Arturia Keystep; you are going to need the power of the rack for the modules themselves...

Since you consider to DIY rack then go for a large rack, 3 or 4 times 168 HP or something like that and add power supply once needed. In that way you save some bucks as you already mention it and at least you will have some space to grow with :-)

Please check my previous post too.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mikecd,

Sorry, my Japanese (assuming it's Japanese) is close to zero, what means won kenobi?

You might be inspired by the minimal size of Ricky Tinez's racks but please keep in mind that not many people have the experience like Ricky to be able to get some decent sounds out of such small casing.

It's as a beginner much easier to start with a large rack, not from the beginning planning it full though, leave from a three row 84 HP rack at least one row empty for future extensions.

If I am not mistaken then Rings (Mutable Instruments) is rather an effects module or a filter if you like than an oscillator. So what you could do is place it next to Plaits (Mutable Instruments as well) module, these two might go nicely together. I got the Plaits (DCO) and I like it a lot and I am now planning a Rings to add to it.

You mention the Ochd in the same context of being a filter but if I am not mistaken (the Ochd is rather new and the first few videos/sounds are appearing here on this forum and they are indeed amazing) it's an Octa-LFO rather than a filter.

You are mentioning sequencers but you got already a Deluge! You are making half the world population bloody jealous with your Deluge and you are still thinking of adding sequencers to your rack? ;-) On the long run yes, you might need that but for the moment put additional sequencers on a low priority (that's at least my advice). Your Deluge will out run on that level for the moment your needs within your Eurorack. Save the space of sequencers because you will need the rack space for (currently) more important modules and functions.

By the way, how's the Deluge? Are you happy with it? Could you please share some experience values with us? I heard only good news about it but the big pity with the Deluge is that no dealer has it, so you can't really test it, it needs to be bought "blindly" so to speak.

Another advice is to do some more reading, checking and planning "home work", take a few points of my above advice into consideration and once you are ready show us your updated (larger I hope) rack :-)

Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I've been making changes. I guess this is still a work in progress.

Latest version: ModularGrid Rack

  • I replaced the loquelic with a Plaits clone.
  • I got rid of the midi module since my Deluge and Keystep both have multiple CV out and the deluge also has gate out (x4)
  • I added usb power for the keystep and if needed for the Deluge
  • I replaced the rings with a nano clone to save money and space
  • I replaced the mixer with a channel that can do 3x: L, R, and Stereo
  • I added a nano motion (maths clone)
  • I added an abstract data event boss
  • I expanded the case to 6u 104hp (was 6u/84) (this current build will still fit in an 84hp case with some room left over (16hp total, not much)
  • I added a milky way for reverb, among its other effects

I am seriously considering buying a rail/power kit and building my own case to save a few bucks and have that pride of DIY.

How's the system looking now?

Hi Later On Maybe,

It certainly helps when you have the sequencer and most of the effects external so you can optimise the space here in this rack.

My advice is to not plan the rack entirely full but leave close to one row empty first, gain some experience with the modules you are going to start with and then review your own planning how you like to proceed.

Though you mentioned that you would like to have a complete voice like the Atlantis, for a small rack like this I would reconsider that if I were you. Instead you could consider to take a hybrid modular system, like for example a Neutron. A) It's much cheaper and B) it saves you a lot of space in your rack.

The Atlantis is 40 HP that is 19.2% or almost one-fifth of your total available rack space... are you sure you want to fill up your rack with such large modules and soon need to buy yet another rack?

The same question goes for the Harmonic Oscillator from Verbos, I don't know the module but I am quite sure it's a fantastic oscillator, especially when you look at the price then it must be something ;-) Look at the HP space as well... 32 HP, another 15.4% gone.

So leave these two modules out and you save yourself 72 HP or 35% of rack space --> that's more than a third of your total available rack space! So you might want to reconsider these two modules.

Instead you could consider a Plaits from Mutable Instruments and a Dixie II+ from Intellijel; just some examples, you can add any other oscillator you like. My advice is start simple and when you are ready for it you still can buy another rack and go for the large & heavy stuff.

The 1 U passive multiple, do you really need that when you get started? Perhaps not yet, right? So my advice is to leave that out first and keep some 1 U space as a reserve. The same goes for that FSR 1 U module, I am sure that the first few times using that module is a lot of fun, but on the long run a good investment? Perhaps consider an expression pedal instead on the long run?

Instead of the 1 U pedal module I would consider a 1 U Audio I/O module. Then once you bought your 2nd Intellijel 2 x 104 HP case then you could consider the 1 U pedal module. You don't believe me that you are going to need a second rack? Well the way you plan your rather large (don't take too small modules either though) slurping HP-modules ;-) You need a 2nd casing faster than you can say: "Shit my first rack is already full! I didn't expect that to happen" ;-)

I might overdo it here a little bit but I hope you get my point :-)

Oh yes, I am not sure but I don't think I saw a mixer in your rack, consider a four channel mixer so you can mix that to a stereo output to your external mixer.

I guess for a starter this should help you a bit I hope, shout if you need to know more. Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I've been thinking about a Serge rack and curious what people think about it. I have a very Euro-y rack I've been putting together recently with a ton of digital modules, but I'd also like to explore a more strict approach to synthesis, and there seem to be a lot of folks out there who just love Serge. I've taken a crack at it, and you can see it here:

ModularGrid Rack

There's a few non-Serge utility modules (do they not make any VCAs for Euro?), but it's 95% Serge. The biggest question I have right now is if the sequencer is really worth all that HP, so I'd love to hear thoughts on that and just Serge in Euro in general. Does it live up to the hype? Would it make more sense to just buy the old school Serge format racks like the Bestia? (I'd really love to chain my synths together though!)

Thanks in advance as always for any help!

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Received my Ochd this week .... 6 months after I placed my order... You can never ever have enough ... LFO's!

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Hi Mowse,

Wow, this is seriously good and entertaining! So lovely to listen at it. I mean you already managed to provide us a quick demo the day after you received this module in the You section of this Forum, but this demo, that plays in a total different league!

Well done and I look forward in hearing more from you :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Doepfer A-132-4, A-132-2. The Malekko Quad VCA has some tandem CV functions. Mutable's Frames. Erica Black Quad VCA (with jumper adjustment). Bubblesound HexVCA (with jumper adjustment). Befaco Hexa VCA. Zlob VnIcursal VCA. Bastl Quattro Figaro (which actually gets more complicated than simply passing CV from one VCA to the next!) And I'm sure there's probably more, but that should be enough to start with.

If you can think of it, it exists somewhere...especially on Modulargrid.

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Low-level night flight over the sea. Thanks for this journey!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

howdy gridders and wigglers,
What are you thoughts and opinions on the LIP?

I've been planning on buying the Loquelic Iteritas for a while now but would I regret not getting the Percido version instead?

I really like the fact its a standalone voice now with the benefit of the envelopes and vca, not to mention more holes to patch in i could ever fill but it is more money and takes up more HP. Initially i was going to use the rest of that money towards a BIA since both modules take up the same hp as the LIP.

I'm really stuck on the fence here, on one hand with the LIP i get a deeper version of the voice that can also produce a lot of percussive sounds among all the laser farts or i can go with the LI/BIA route not having to worry about tying one module to one duty, i get the voice i wanted and some wicked percussion too.

Would love to hear your sage advice, keep on patching in the free world!

Hi Aphew Goodman,

Wow, that's super cool! I love the percussions in this track, however beside your nice percussions, the other sounds, those make me smile and here and there I had to laugh :-) It doesn't happen many times that I have to laugh during listening music (which I do see positively) but you can make that happen! So many nice and happy sonic surprises in your music!

Well done and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Thanks, Garfield! :))

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Nice work :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: DivKid Ochd

Really enjoying øchd for ambient, droning work. The slow ebb and flow of 8 independent LFO's is where it's at for me.

I've been unable to find any other dual or quad VCAs that have cascading CV inputs. NOT cascading audio input/Mixer, but when you put an envelope into the QVCA, it will envelope all unpatched VCAs below it.

Hey GarfieldModular,

thanks for your kind words :)! I really appreciate them!

My setup is pure modular and dawless. I record live into an AH QuPac. My setup contains of 360HP of various modules and an es techno system. There is some more on my SC,


Hi Jingo,

Ha, ha, funny title "Fall Asleep", well I can assure you I did everything, listening carefully, felt interested, was amazed about certain sounds and rhythms you managed here but one thing I didn't... I didn't fall asleep for that your music is far too interesting and nice!

By the way, everything done by modular synths? The drums/percussions as well, or if not how did you managed that?

Well done and I look forward in hearing more from you, kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Igor,

Nice to hear from you again and this, I agree with Warren, is cool. Again a nice track to listen at :-)

I hope you will steady deliver us lovely tracks like this!

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks for the valuable advice. This mixer seems to be the perfect solution for drums and/or synthesizer voices.

In the case of the PealPal FX module, I have a full effect peadalboard with good power from Strymon. I am currently using the Mooer Ocean Machine (2 x delay, 1 reverb + miniloper). I also have the effects of the Source Audio Sadnblox manta filter, orbital modulator and hot hand set - unfortunately I haven't tested it yet.
In addition, octaver, Dark Glass Bass Overdrive, Ravish Sitar EH and M5 line6. I just realized that with such a number of effects I have to buy another pedalpal module :)

When it comes to double uburst in my rack, explaination is very simply.
The first, white has the Kammerl Beat-Repeat firmware installed and is most often used as the last module for mixed drums. Kammerl Beat-Repeat adds a lot of organic, glitch and life to the final drum sound.
The second Uburst, black, has Parasite firmewaer uploaded and most often serves as a final effect for synthesizer voices.
The peadl pal module is final effect modul for other synthesizer voice or radio modular.

To add to this: I see this as a starting point and I fully intend to add more modules over time* once I've had time to play with it. I don't want to break the bank in my first purchase but instead buy enough now to get started, run into gaps and "I wish I could..." situations to inform future upgrades (which adds the benefit of being able to buy a little more here and there over time, reducing upfront cost).

*Reverb/delay, better it additional mixer, more options for randomness, more options for drums/samples, more vcas, filters, the possibilities are endless. I'll see what I actually find to be missing or compelling.

ModularGrid Rack
I am interested in moving into Eurorack and am looking for critical feedback on my setup design so far.

My Goals: I am a hobbyist with some experience with synthesis. My current gear includes Synthstrom Audible Deluge, PO-33, and a Keystep. I enjoy song-making but am self-taught and my efforts are not yet notable. I enjoy the spectrum of EDM and IDM. Sound design is where my interest in modular primarily comes from, and my thinking for now is to use the Deluge and/or PO-33 for drums, the Deluge for an additional option for sequencing, etc... BUT! I have been pretty inspired by Ricky Tinez's minimalist 62HP/4U setups, and would love to play with sound design, create a happy accident then add some drums and jam for a while. Ultimately I know I want rich sounds play with and good options to modify and shape and reshape the sounds.

I chose a larger case than I think I need (seems to be common feedback here) but am not attached to the case size. Someday I might make my own, but most likely will start off with either an Intellijel (I have a pared down version of the above that will fit into their 4U/62HP Palette (using nRings and a 1u Steppy instead of PNW and a couple other sacrifices) or more likely I will stick with this design and have found some cases on Etsy and/or something like the Dopefer A-100P6 or Erica Synths 6u (super open to case-recommendations if you have any).

Here's what I think I've collected.
* 2x VCOs (and I am pretty enamored with both the Rings and Loquelic)
* 2x Sequencers (I really like how the Mimetic can randomize to create new rhythmic textures; and Pamela's seems to be a versatile module with many applications) (note: the Deluge has 4x gate-out and 2x cv-out in addition to midi out/in)
* 4x Filters (2x Clep Diaz, Filthy LPF/HPF/BPF, and 0chd)
* 2x ADSR envelopes/VCAs
* 2x quantizers to keep the sounds in-scale (do i need these?)
* 1x 4-channel mixer with L/R out
* 1x USB/din Midi

Please offer opinions! I am new to this and my local synth-shop is not open to the public due to COVID. You are my only hope, modulargrid-won kenobi!

thanks for listening

hi there
ive been having fun watching videos and learning recently, but i think i've hit a point where feedback would be useful
i dont have any of this so far, and i have a few questions.. hope this isn't frustrating for regular users. im not planning to build anything soon but i thought itd be good to hear others thoughts on what ive been picturing in my head
i'd like to build towards a 7u 104hp intellijel case, and i'd like to do it slowly. but i also wanted to have an idea in mind to work towards, and look forward to (obviously subject to change..)
i would be planning to sequence with a squarp pyramid hence the lack of sequencing in the case, and that would be the primary use of the fh-2. i haven't included something like Scales for that reason as well, but is that a mistake? most effects processing would be taking place externally but i thought between the disting and the springray id have some good options in the case as well.

ModularGrid Rack

i like the idea of having a complete voice to begin with and love the sound of the atlantis/sh-101.. the harmonic oscillator a totally different approach which appeals as well. id like to be working with interesting resonances, harmonics, textures and timbre in addition to conventionally melodic ideas, with the possibility to work with chords. the two filters seem very different and it seems like id get a lot out of the belgrad self oscillating. i thought i probably had noise source covered between the atlantis and the disting? rings is in the case primarily to work with external instrument signals
is there anything here that would be completely redundant? im wondering if maths, batumi and planar2 are all necessary, and i was wondering if id find it useful to have something like Mutamix in the case..
would it be more useful for me to have the synth voices and oscillators in the bottom row, and the utilities/function generators in the top by the 1u modules?

this user has left ModularGrid

Cool and soothing, as always!
As far, as I understand, you changed your mind about selling me Soma FX? :)

I'll try to see if we can get @modulargrid to make the Panel Selector option more apparent. It would solve a lot of issues I think if more people started using it.

Using the Panel Selector doesn't change the image for everyone. Editing a module and adding yet another image does, BUT the users can then use the Panel Selector to go back to the previous panel they had. It's still there so it's not so much of a problem.

I know how this works. But you're right, it may be irritating for other users. Especially those who don't know about the panel selector. Not really a problem, though. At least not as much as dozens of duplicates.

Use the Panel Selector feature.

Duplicating modules is something we should be avoiding not indulging. How many instances of Monsoon or Clouds are really needed? 15 Monsoons? Really? Would it hurt to use a different black/silver/white/xxx panel instead of the one you own? Can't you upload it in private if you really need yet another alternative? Do you really need anything more than the power specs for a module you have in private?

But doesn't that change the default image for everyone? While I wished people would stop adding separate "whatever panel" versions to the database, I'm not sure the current implementation is sufficient. Or am I missing something?
-- senor-bling

Using the Panel Selector doesn't change the image for everyone. Editing a module and adding yet another image does, BUT the users can then use the Panel Selector to go back to the previous panel they had. It's still there so it's not so much of a problem.

Having the same module 10+ times is more of a problem, so if you really have to choose, it's better to edit an existing version than adding yet another iteration of the same. Unless it's a different manufacturer (e.g. some of the clones have different manufacturers, meh), so pay attention.

At some point I'll merge most "Other / Unknown" duplicates into one and write "USE PANEL SELECTOR" in the description :)

Thread: Modcan A

i'm looking for modcan A modules, if you want to get rid of few ones, please let me know

Made a new sketch based on drones, pads and strings.
I continue to study delicate distortion of Soma Lyra8 FX module.
The solo string part is from Intellijel Plonk.
A significant role here plays pitch shifting from Happy Nerding FX Aid.
Better to listen with headphones at high volume.

Interesting thread!
And thanks to Chaos215bar2 (what a lovely name :) for having posted his comment and making rise the subject again.

'...I'll pause videos just to stop and work out what's going on (and look at what modules they're using), and videos with cables going offscreen the whole time are a big turn off for me...' (chaos215bar2).
Same method... and print screens, and notes :))

Ok, I need to think a bit before returning with something useful here... See you soon.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Too many people watching Youtube videos and liking the sounds that they are hearing but not doing enough research into HOW those sounds are actually being generated. There's such an unsexy side to Eurorack consisting of a lot of modules doing utility work so a few featured modules can do their thing. That's always glossed over in demos with those modules off screen or connected via a maze of patch cables. Anyone who's not familiar with the Eurorack ecosystem would just assume that the featured modules are all that's needed to get "that sound" as if each module was its own synthesizer rather than being a module.
-- Ronin1973

Just came across this thread, and wanted to throw a little encouragement all of your way.

1) The guide you're proposing sounds awesome.

2) I found the quote above kind of amusing. It's these flashy videos that got me interested, but more often than not, what's most interesting to me is everything else going on to drive the module they're showing off. I'll pause videos just to stop and work out what's going on (and look at what modules they're using), and videos with cables going offscreen the whole time are a big turn off for me.

Your audience is out there, even if they're not the ones making the most noise. (And just for the record, all my racks are purely conceptual at this point, even if I think a couple of them are pretty decent.)

Thanks for the help @defragmenteur and @lugia. It seems like this might not be an easy fix for my at my beginner stage. Ill look around the city to see if I can find some local help. Feel free to link me to some helpful youtube videos that might be able to walk me through the process.