Not sure what you mean with "contextmenu". If you mean this speech bubble thing with the specs:
You can click on the Popover on button above the rack to prevent the display of the popover.

It's basically the right-click menu. I activates on mobiles when you long-press a module, just like the popover, which it obscures. You can get around it if you drag really fast, but that usually just moves an unintended module. My standard procedure is to press a module, wait for the contextmenu to open, press somewhere else on the screen to close the contextmenu, then drag the module. I spend way more time on ModularGrid than I should already, so every second counts. I believe you can get around it by something like:

if(/Android|iPhone|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        document.querySelector('#rack').addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
            if( === 'img') {

Thanks again for all the awesomeness.

I rated a module that I don't own, just to see how it feels to own a module. I now regret it. Can I remove my rating? I'm sure it's a good module though, so I gave it a fair rating.

That's not possible for users at the moment, sorry. I have deleted your rating with super admin powers.

Another thing: How can you see a modules rating on Modular Grid? You can see it in the Google search results, so it must be somewhere on the page. I can't find it.

It's on the module detail pages. The last entry in the Specs list. Ratings will only show up if there are any available, which is not the case on many modules.

Another thing, for the Modular Grid developers: I suggest we can event.preventDefault() the "contextmenu" event on mobile devices so that you can drag and drop modules on the iPad without triggering the contextmenu every second time. And thanks for doing this site.
-- wiredearp

Not sure what you mean with "contextmenu". If you mean this speech bubble thing with the specs:
You can click on the Popover on button above the rack to prevent the display of the popover.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I rated a module that I don't own, just to see how it feels to own a module. I now regret it. Can I remove my rating? I'm sure it's a good module though, so I gave it a fair rating.

Another thing: How can you see a modules rating on Modular Grid? You can see it in the Google search results, so it must be somewhere on the page. I can't find it.

Another thing, for the Modular Grid developers: I suggest we can event.preventDefault() the "contextmenu" event on mobile devices so that you can drag and drop modules on the iPad without triggering the contextmenu every second time. And thanks for doing this site.

Great snappy AHDSR. My only gripe is the cheap feel as the faceplate is plastic. But for 2 ADSR's in one module and for the price, there's really little room to complain.

Thanks for the input man. I was already thinking about ditching the multi and just using stackables but i didn't know that about the midi.
The divider does seem a little much (given what the Pam can do) so i might toss it.
Thanks for the heads up on the Livewire, had no idea. Might have to see if i can snag that one before the rest of them if i see one for sale.

Here's a copy of the rack with a few changes to it (taking out the livewire, multi, midi, and replacing some things)
ModularGrid Rack

I would advise against the Pittsburgh midi module, especially if you're considering syncing modules like Pamela's Workout to it. It only outputs a clock trigger every quarter note, which is not really fast enough to get stable timing from. If you can, something that puts out 24ppq is much more ideal. Ditch the PGH midi, mult and Doepfer divider (not really needed with Pamela in a 6u) and get mutable instrument's Yarns. It's a very capable midi converter with many clock speeds, apps and Euclid patterns, sequencing, etc.

Also be aware that anything Livewire will be very hard if not impossible to come by, as sadly, the owner of that company passed away. There are some people who will be taking over the company and designs, but so far it hasn't materials much.

Otherwise, nice looking system. You have a lot of filtering for just one complex osc, so maybe look at another oscillator in place of one?

Just my opinions though, :)

Been looking at starting my own modular rack for a little while. So I've been on here not really knowing what I was doing and then I decided to look up some companies and youtube videos as well as some of my friends on facebook and I came up with this 2 row 104hp setup. It's meant to be something that's sort of a jack of all trades / master of none kind of thing that will keep me occupied and interested while I slowly save up for more modules (after getting the full/partial rack setup) and eventually expand to a nice room with a wall made out of modular synth racks.
Anywho here's the rack: ModularGrid Rack
Just want some feedback and to know I have a good foundation for my modular endeavors.
Thanks Everyone.

Cool rack.
Those silver Nebulae are kinda hard to come by though. :(

Its starting about 0:37 where the sound becomes brazen and crisp and changes to a higher tune.
Also a good example of that Ringmodulator sound can be heard at the end sequence in "Jon & Vangelis - I`ll find my way home" :
copy and paste and replace ** with ou ;-) !! I do not want to have the YT video included because the time stamp gets lost

Thread: sio


Can you point to a specific time stamp in the video? Also keep in mind, following the ring mod, the sound is getting resonant filtered and delayed. I got similar tones I suppose using squares waves like the video says. In the vid, it says the mod osc is manually tuned, so don't cv that. Run it through a filter with a faster envelope (clock wise) than the 4 step sequence.

I wish I could hear it without the delay and filter. That's adding a LOT to what is happening.

Hi exper,
thanks for your reply! I tried now according your recommendations to achieve the sound I have in mind. As mentioned - I get all interesting flavours of RingMod sounds but the belly-like sound as heard in the Oakley RingMod demo is I am not succeeding.
Can you confirm that kind of sound is possible to achieve with the Intellijel µMod?

Thread: Bug Report

O.k. that's an Android phone I guess. Sadly I don't have access to one and the simulators don't work with the touch stuff. I will try to borrow one and look into it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Just wanted to correct the HP. It is 45.
Thank you for posting this.

Thread: Bug Report

I'm on the Samsung Note 3, figured with the pen and all there wouldn't be that issue, but alas... I'm using the mobile version of Chrome, by the way.

I figured there wouldn't be a mobile app, and besides the delete problem its been working great!

Thread: Bug Report

So I frequently use modulargrid on my phone

What kind of phone are you using?

Oooh, idea: mobile app?

There will be no dedicated native mobile app. I try to make sure that MG runs in most mobile browsers, therefore your bug report is greatly appreciated.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

So I frequently use modulargrid on my phone, but have noticed a pretty important flaw: not being able to delete modules. If I poke the delete button it just moves the module and it makes things go all sorts of whacked out. Maybe I'm just being picky, but is there a way to fix that for mobile? Or will I have to continue just dragging them off to the side until i can get to a computer?

Oooh, idea: mobile app?

It's all in tuning the oscillators. Also, keep the quandrant knob centered, and keep the 2 attenuators back off from full clockwise. Also leave the 2 polarity switches in the center position. They are for removing the + or - from each channel, and using those can lead to more mangled tones. I assume you are taking the output from the RING out, so other than that, experiment with the tuning. Also try starting with sines. Its easier to hear and understand how the sum/difference work together when you have less overtones to begin with. Keep messing with it, because I find the uMod to be one of the cleaner sounding ones available. If you're stuck, I can try to come up with a patch for you later.

Hello ModularGrid community,
I am failing creating bell-sounding FX with my Intellijel µMod II Ringmodulator. Detuning the VCOs against each other extremely I am able to create interesting RingMod like sounds – distorted, FM-like etc. However I do not get the desired bell / chime like sound I know from other ringmodulators like e.g. this one

So my question is if there is anyone able to simulate this kind of sounds with the Intellijel RingMod ?
PS: I use 2x Analogue Systems RS95E as VCOs

I wish there would be a reissue. Could use a 4HP logic module with audio rate capabilities. The Plog is no real replacement and I already got it anyway.

Ah, missed (or forgot) that. Interesting. Thanks.

Maybe there will other GRP modules afterwards then.

According to their home page, yes:

"Hardware-wise, is stand-alone self powered, with hardware compatibility for mount on 5U module format; you can use in stand alone with its internal power, or you can install in your Modular system. R24 respects electrical and mechanical standards for the above manifacturers. Still, you can use R24’s own cabinet as a “presto-cabinet” for powering and using your spare 5U modules."

Would be nice if this would get a mix out or a summing feature per normalizing as it's not out yet.

wow great database, thanks for the link

I'm aware anyone can edit anything, I just naively hope people would enter more accurate values if they were told what exactly they should measure :)

I completely understand what you mean.
The problem: since ModularGrid is a Wiki there is no "authority" to validate all the specs, everyone can edit anything, and so you can quite be sure that a lot of specs are simply wrong or entered by different standards. We have this issues on the power requirements too and I doubt that this will ever change.
The quantity of modules in Euro is just overwhelming.

Overall I think the system works nonetheless by relying on some sort of swarm intelligence.
In doubt you can always double check by looking at John's Eurorack Database.

Is the GRP R24 really a 5U module? I was under the impression it's a standalone unit.

I will be controlling this 'current synth rig' with an arturia BeatStep. Eventually, after filling the case and buying a 2x monorocket, I will buy a dedicated midi sequencer (probably an alesis mmt-8, I'm old school as fuck!) and a mid2cv converter from paia to control this and start on the drum/poly synth rig v1

In that case it might be useful to also specify for each module whether the power cable connector adds to the depth or not. When planning some cases millimeters are at stake :)

I realize that manufacturers sometimes state some kind of depth for their modules, but I'd rather users measure theirs on their own and edit the module spec here. For example Doepfer says for their A-110 that it's 55mm when in fact it's 60mm and for A-120 they say it's 65mm, but really it's closer to 55mm

Makes sense and actually already works this way.
If there is a thread to a module then you can find the link to the forum at the very bottom on the modules detail page (and also the latest comments).
If you add a comment to a module without a thread on the modules detail page you automatically add a new thread to the forum.
Hope that makes sense too

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Just an idea, but if you're going to have a forum with threads on each individual module, maybe the pages for each module could contain a link to that thread. I hope that made sense, Fnord needs moar coffee.

Thread: Bug Report

Sometimes "improvements" do the opposite thing and do not work for everyone.
In favor of the new streamlined comment function the private comment feature is gone, sorry.
It will only come back if I am forced by a wave of angry MG protesters.
Until this happens consider to flag your rack as public and maybe share the enjoyment of your planning with some other users.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

quick question about "Comments won't work on private Racks."

this prevents adding (private) notes on private racks.
not the end of the world but I did found it useful...
any chance to have it back?

Using the same Harbor Freight case as Erthenvar for an Anushri and some extras. Instead of going with the 1u tiles, I'm getting 2x8hp of sideways modules. Hard part so far is finding a small, inexpensive, hopefully DIY power supply to fit inside.

I fucked your mother's dog in hell.....

Good question. Every manufacturer has his own way to measure depth, so I don't think we can set a standard here.
But as you mentioned, since the depth depends on the power cable you use, I would vote to measure the module depth without power cable attached.

should the module depth include the power cable attached? Some cable connectors are 5mm higher than others, so sometimes the resulting total module depth depends on which power cable you use

Thread: Change Log
  • Switched Module Detail pages to Markdown
  • Switched Manufacturer pages to Markdown
  • fixed a Bug where comments on private racks leaked in the forum

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

oh well, if you can fix it why not.
probably not a so big deal, excepted the fact that some foreign intelligence may steal my rack plan...
-- 0x00

The new "fix" is online. Users simply can not comment on private racks anymore and so they will not end here accidentally.
Regarding foreign intelligence: there is no solution in sight. Somebody is building a huge modular from your plan and tax money right now.

hhhm, I never thought about it before, but maybe evil's greatest power is people perpetually underestimating it? :-(

Excuse my spam: Need any gear, like a Supernova rack, Rapco 8-Pack 10' drop snake or Manley mono Enhanced Pultec EQ (early version, see history section here ) Make me a reasonable fire sale-ish offer if interested.

John, out of context, the sentence 'I just plunged myself deep into your slippery zombie love' is somewhat hilarious.

Thank you for the nice comments! Sorry to hear that things are not going well.

I should mention that I calculated the combined force of the set to be sufficient to unleash a million years of happiness on earth. But obviously I underestimated the forces of EVIL.

Hey, turnabout is fair play! ;-)

OK, I just plunged myself deep into your slippery zombie love! I really like this swirling nightmarish soundscape. And wow, Reverse mouse mercantilism sounds great too! Reminds me a bit of middle 70's period King Crimson.

How have you been? I hope you are well. Life is hard and totally fucked up for me at the moment.

Now you can come HERE to ignore my tracks!

Argh, this is broken by design. All comments end up in the forum section.
Have to fix this or find a workaround, sorry...
-- solitud

oh well, if you can fix it why not.
probably not a so big deal, excepted the fact that some foreign intelligence may steal my rack plan...

Argh, this is broken by design. All comments end up in the forum section.
Have to fix this or find a workaround, sorry...

how comes this shows up here? I was simply adding a comment on my own (private btw) rack...

No. It seems to keep getting pushed back.

any release date estimation?

Thread: Canvas

Good points - perhaps a Pamela's Workout and a μVCA II?

Thread: Canvas

Hmm, I don't think there is an alternative option for the Voltage Controlled Fan.
Perhaps you could use a more vanilla clock source for the Divider/Pressure Points combo? And some standard VCAs wouldn't hurt either.

Thread: Canvas

ModularGrid Rack

Been shuffling things around in this rack for a while now - I think it's just about planned-out enough. Any alterations to suggest?