Thread: Maintenance

ModularGrid will be offline due to maintenance on 28 Apr. 11.00 CET. Might take a couple of hours, so if you have some urgent planning needs, do them now!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

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One of the most interesting things with this module I have found is the ability for self oscillation that is pretty undocumented.

I was 100% sold after a demo of it due to this. It's a pretty unique creative tool in itself with this

Mark as private. Don't turn modulargrid into scrapyard

Thank you for your feedback, I'm not looking for perfection but creativity. MN seems to be my main veil to this objective!

Really appreciate your message.


Thank you inuat

It's a complex composition

Loops a sample in the beginning

Arturia's beat step
Braids and sto
Also mutable struthi
Effects are by the rt 60

nice video personator.
did you use only the rene for sequencing the hole parts . ?

and concancon..
do you think i should replace the deopfer a-131 by the manhattan vca?

thanks for help

Yes, it is one of those modules you'll probably never want to sell - I won't for sure. ;)
The character of the basic reverb sounds like a well executed delay tank - not bad at all, though there may be better ("more expensive") sounding reverb algorithms available. But the unique, outstanding aspect of this module is the practically artifact-free CV-modulation of every parameter, which makes it so valuable in the modular context.
Clouds is very different, conceptually. I did not receive my unit yet, so I can't compare its reverb.

It was in their rack at Messe. I would assume maybe late summer. They said "not happening in a month or two" in this video at 1:51

Affirmative :)

A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)

So with this I could hook my guitar into INSTR IN then from IMPORT patch to another modular and back to EXPORT and out through LINE OUT to my amplifier creating my costume FX pedals?

No problem at all! I just remembered that they were indeed there somewhere. And thanks for asking first before creating duplicates. It's a big help in keeping things tidy.

Thank you very much Exper.

I was unable to find these as I searched via the 'module finder', 'manufacturer' option. And these do not show up in that search.

Again, my thanks :)


And apologies for not knowing which forum to post this in. But ModularGrid is missing at least two eurorack modules from Synthrotek (both of which I own)

They are :


Hope these get added and my thanks :)


LIve set recorded at Volt Divers 4.11.15 - all modular:

Live recording of my set at Volt Divers 4.11.15:

hey looks nice. might want to consider getting a logarithmic or semi-logarithmic vca, e.g., manhattan analog, for audio duties. it will sound better! check the mmg before you get it as well.

Looks good so far

I've learned a lot in a few months

I've got a small setup too
Check out my video

Ambient beginning techno ending
Mathis has been a great module for me
Finally understanding rene

The music in this video was created using the Qu-bit nebulae, mutable instruments braids and the Make Noise STO.
Also Roland TR8
And effects pedals


Subtractive?? More like ATTRACTIVE! Nah but I realize it's there's not much subtractive synthesis in here, but idc

On the detail page of the module you should find a link Edit Module (top right).
For now I have unlisted the module.

I’m relatively new to the modular world and currently I’m looking for a starter system to begin my adventure. Since I know something about analog synthesis, but nog being a real tech head, I'd like to go for a pre-configured system with some room te expand.

With that in mind, this Doepfer A-100 Mini System appealed to me:

This system meets my budget and it seems to contain some essential modules. I’ve searched around the Modular Grid forums but couldn’t find any topic about this particular system.
I’m wondering if there are people out here that have bought this system or have build a system similar to this one. Apart form that, I’d like to know what you experienced modular heads think about it.

Would this be a wise choice in my case and is it good value for money?

Thanks in advance.

I submitted Synthrotek Combine OR module. Being a noob, I realised AFTER I sbmit the picture that it was not suitable to be used in the racks.
How can I correct that?
I edited a pic so it should be OK now but I don't want to add a thiord instance of this module....

Hey there!
I'm quite new too in the modular world too, but if you want to use your effects pedal you need an attenuator and an amplifier, to reduce the signal from the modular and then to re-amp it from the pedals, there are thousands of different modules and some of them are made especially for using guitars pedals (es. Malekko SND\RTN).

Hope it's clear enough and it will help you!

Hi guys

I'm trying to set up my first rack and could need some advice. I own an Arturia MiniBrute which I would like to use as keyboard.
I also own a few FX pedals (MemoryBoy Delay, Freeze, Phaser, Flanger), that's why I don't have any FX in my rack yet.
I'm planning on buying the Doepfer A110LCB which has enough space for a start and can be expanded easily.

I tried to chose parts that have more than one function and/or make sense when adding modules in the future.

Right now it consists of the following elements:

Inetllijel Dixie 2 VCO/LFO
Bastl Instruments Skis Dual Delay / VCA
Doepfer A-124 Wasp Filter
Doepfer A-140 ADSR
Manhattan Analog Three Channel Mixer

With the case included I could stay right under a thousand bucks, but I'm sure I forgot something crucial or did something that makes no sense. :)

Here is my rack:
ModularGrid Rack

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Radian Pixel

The music in this video was created using the Qu-bit nebulae, mutable instruments braids and the Make Noise STO.
Also Roland TR8
And effects pedals

use the S&H on the cv in on the LPG or VCO

those links didnt work
look for raul's world of synth and divkid on youtube a good resource to learn from

no worries
check out this youtube chanel lots of vids to learn from

and great demos on this one

Nice one!!
I followed your advice and couldn't quite get the random effect. I then put the signal through the LPG, adjusted the Mod, Freq & Resonance and BINGO!!
Trial and error, but that's cool with me. All part of the fun of it.
Thank you very much for the nudge.
I'm glad you added the "i.e feed it a square wave" bit. Wasn't quite sure what clocking an input meant.

Cheers MarsFace!!


hi i dont have the toolbox but just had a look at it,all you need to do is clock the h input i.e feed it a square wave

Ultima Ratio as a Waveshaper

If you put the envelope outputs of the Ultima Ratio into an audio mixer and feed in an audio rate square as clock in the UR behaves like a pretty ugly dual digital Oscillator/Waveshaper.
You can adjust the waveform to a small degree with the Envelopes Attack and Release knobs.
The knob for Clock Divider 2 will adjust the pitch of the second "oscillator", so you can set musical intervals.
E.g. ratio 1:12, boom, octaver ...

Hi. Can someone tell me how to get that random S & H effect out of my Pittsburgh Toolbox?
I've got a PB Synth Box, Mix Mult, Toolbox and Outs in my sweet little set up. Having fun, but could do with a few nudges in the right direction... Thanks, Simon.

That's what I was thinking. I'll probably have to add a Zeus Studio board in addition to the uZeus in my 6U rig now. If the 15 sub module system works as Roland advertises, it will be worth it. It would be like having a modular in a modular.

Another option which I will probably do is to use the Dremora's stock AC adapter and cut a hole in my case for a jack plate and run an extension to it. Here's a 2" diameter jack plate that would work for DIY:

At least that's what they post on their website:

Three of those modules will overload a Doepfer 9U case.
We will read about that in the near future a lot ;)

I know this is a very new entry and it's a hungry digital module, but is the power requirement of 450mA on the positive rail correct?

hi i'm going to build me a modular system .but I do not know much about the different modules in spite of long observation.
I am going to build me a rack with a lot of power complex sounds, ambient noise deep and just noisy sound .. anyway. which modules I still need that I have a system, or can I replace that? there are even better for my module sue .
please help this noob out.thanks in advance


Can someone who owns this module let me know if it's as good in the "flesh" as it is on YouTube? It's looks rather special (more so than Clouds for my taste).

Second question - does anyone want to sell a used one? I haven't seen many for sale which must be a good sign.


I had the same issues - sounded great but it just needed more CV inputs and control over the glide.

It was a real shame as the sounds it prodcues are quite unique.

I'd buy one again (for cheap) but this was my main Osc and it didn't really work out for me.

for me DIY MU offers the best "bang for the buck" large panels big knobs.
i am not taking my gear out of the studio any more
- for live i can use a ipad and under 84 hp of eurorack , even that is getting to be overkill

Two of these would work well in your rack:

Since you're going for sound design, I would skip the Azimuth since panning and stereo width are things that would be more important farther down the signal chain and could be (mostly) duplicated at your mixer. To give you a wider array of sound tweaking (and give you more patching options for your Quadra), I'd replace the Azimuth with an ADE-10 Reactive Wave Shaper. Other than that, looks like a fun set of modules!

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The target for this Eurorack is to be a compact SoundDesign/Experimentation lab.
It will be paired and sequenced with an Analog Four.
Analog sound will be managed by other synths and potential drums by a Rytm.

That's my first Eurorack (previous was just and Atlantis+Peaks in a cell[48]).
What do you (modular expert) think?
Any feedback would be be appreciated (probably lots of noob mistake).

DYI option
-- GmbH

Do yourself it ? (needs Yoda emoticon)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

You can't really count the serge price as a 'module'. A single panel of serge can contain many individual module sections. A couple of oscs, a filter, dusg, mixing, cv processing, etc.

hang on a second, wasn't Serge supposed to be an affordable DYI option back in the day??

Calculated the average prices of modules based on MG data. For those who care

Eurorack: $221.45
Frac: $224.96
MU $274.18
MOTM $364.49
500 Series $1018.77
Buchla $1397.91
Serge $2087.50

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

YES!!! Brilliant, thanks solitude!