Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.
Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.
Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.
Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.
Don't panic. Start slow. Learn one module at the time. Be sure to read the manuals. Start with simple patches and when you explore few modules then just add another. By time you will see which modules you don't like and you can sell them.
PS: You have not enough VCA's!
-- reflecture
I fully agree with reflecture here, excellent advice. Simple patches are the way to go when you are lost, simplify your signal path and take things slow, you don't need to be creating masterpieces on your first minutes with your rack. Just exploring a few modules at a time and see how they respond to being fed different types of signal can be very rewarding (and give you ideas you can use musically). This will also teach you what you like to do with a modular setup and how you like to patch, which varies a lot from one person to the next and while trying other people's ideas can be fun, trying your own is equally if not more important.
Take Plaits for example : when I first got it in my rack, I needed a week of simple patches with it just to have an idea of which algos I could prefer in which context. The module is so deep, I even feel I have rushed things by spending only a week with it in "isolation".
And in the end, it can be a question of how you patch and your personal taste/needs, but I would also consider more ways to control modulation, like VCA's and attenuators.
Have fun with your setup, it's a good one !
--- Voltage control all the things ---
I've been lurking around here for awhile, and would like to hopefully get a bit of guidance on my first Eurorack.
My end goal is to create a rack that I can create 'ambient' music with, which I appreciate is quite broad. More specifically, I love the type of music being done by people like r beny ( and ann annie do (
I'd like to be able to create sounds that I can also combine with my Cello (not actually through the modular) and also using some interesting field recordings. I've put together a starter rack, with some of the modules that have caught my eyes, but was hoping for a few recommendations. I've linked my rank below.
Firstly, due to cash restraints I'm likely to just get a few modules to begin with. I was thinking Plaits, Rings, Maths and Veils would be a good start. Would that be enough to play around with and get a feel for what else I may want to add?
Secondly, I'm a bit unsure on the importance of sequencers. I understand I can use something outside of the rack to do this, but without an external sequencer of some sort, is it possible to do this using other utility modules or through patching in a specific way?
Finally, is there anything specific I've missed or any further recommendations people could make. I do have some guitar delay, reverb and loop pedals that I can push the rack through, but it's also my understanding I probably need a module to convert the signals to pass through these?
I think it will work together. Don't panic. Start slow. Learn one module at the time. Be sure to read the manuals. Start with simple patches and when you explore few modules then just add another. By time you will see wich modules you don't like and you can sell them.
PS: You have not enogh VCA's!
I think I dove into eurorack too quickly, I got excited and I bought all the necessary modules to make a system work, but I am unsure if I messed up along the way by impulsively buying some of the stuff without doing any research, in some cases, watching a demo on YouTube for 10 seconds was enough to convince me. Now I have so much gear, and surface level intuition with most of it so I feel like I’m left in the dark not knowing if my gear really makes sense together, or if I just need to uncover those locked doors on how each component is related. I’ve heard people say that not all modules will “work together” very well to create something that makes sense. I have found myself very frustrated with how I can rarely create something that I like. I knew it was not a healthy decision to impulsively buy modules with minimal research and experimentation before buying the next, but I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to create bigger and better sonic possibilities, but maybe the complexity of it all just overwhelmed me, and I made cluttered sounds that I didn’t like...It would be very helpful if someone with a lot of experience could take a look at my rack and give me some feedback on it, maybe let me know some imbalances are as far as functionality goes, and maybe even let me know what comes to your mind on what this rack is capable of making (ex: experimental, techno, ambient, etc.) and how I can integrate myself into it to let unleash its full potential, I love this thing more than anything and as much as I understand how it works, I really could use some help and feedback with this crisis of not knowing if I should regret my quick purchases or if my gear works together and is waiting for more sonic combinations to be revealed from it.
The N-1 switch on the disting mk4 can do that. You can apply a crossfade to avoid clicks with audio signals and use a trigger or cv to switch the 2 signals.
No i dident see that can you sned it agen?, my Biggest change now is that its a good and strong Perc/synth sound with layering, case number 2 is going to be Heavy on drum/perc. I buy 1-3 moduls a month so i have time to learn them. The problem is that when i think i have learn my moduls in group i leran somthing new abought it hehe.
I think its not what moduls i buy its how you learn and Connect to them thats important, coz then i realy use them 100% and dont have to have a Big system to make realy good sounds.
I forgot to say that i build this together with my daughter :)
Does anybody make a module that could, with a trigger, swap a left and right channel? I rather like the idea of integrating a mono guitar pedal, and having the effect hard pan from left to right and vice versa on a drum beat in both ears
Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.
Just my starting piont, from here I can add modulation as a where I feel it needs it. The O_c is running hemisphere, so one half has a midi cv and gate in and the other half has two trigger sequencers which can be selected via the tesseract switches. A clock trigger is coming from the drumbrute into the Takaab multiple on the right. The Steffcorp oscillators, DFAM, and Qu-bit chord are all routed thru the Divkids mutes and into the mixer, also chords has a second output going to the dreadbox delay via mutes.
bought from @Liminal_boundaries, very fast shipping and mint condition!
You are on the right track. Did you see my failed attempt to reply to your post? What changes have you made?
Perfect module, smooth transaction with @fredbo65.
Thanks a lot!
Well done, it is really groovy. Is the bass coming from the dfam? it sounds sick.
By the way, how did you record the video? I'm thinking of using an iphone to record my jams but I'm not sure how to get the audio in.
-- Exposure
Hey Exposure thanks, The low bass is coming from the Steffcorp Arp2600 clone oscillator, and the DFAM is playing the acid riff on top of it. I use a cheap HD web cam camera straight into my USB and record the video in Quicktime on mac. The audio comes gets recorded thru a UAD apollo into Ableton, and I edit the video in imovie which is free with the mac
Hi GarfieldModular,
yes, but that is not the only information about this PSU3 that is unclear. Another piece of information that I could not find out: what about these two earth connection points on the supply side? Doepfer does not mention this, not even in the official circuit diagram.
Even at MuffWiggler nobody seems to know in which situation these two connection points should be used. :-(
Since I am currently still in the construction phase with this case, I will remove the PSU again next weekend and take a closer look and measure it. If I don't find out, I'll ask Doepfer.
Regards, Blinkenlichten
ESD (electro static discharge) is an immersive multimedia collaboration. It was performed on a modular synth using only 4 modules being QuBit Electronix Nano Rand + Mutable Instruments plaits + Mutable Instruments Clouds + Worng LRMSMSLR. The modular sends MIDI out into Imimot Vezér. Vezér sends out sequenced OSC commands into Garagecube Modul8 where the images are triggered.
ESD is a modular synth performance recorded live. The track is from the cyberneticOhm album E=MX3 released January 13th 2020, available at all digital stores.
Hi Garfield,
Thanks for the reply! I was thinking about the differences between the 104 HP vs. the 84 HP - $50 for 20HP x 2 at 3U + 20HP at 1U seems like an easy upgrade decision. I would love to have more modules, but quickly found out my budget of $2k~ (case incl.) gets swamped before I have the bases covered and communication with my laptop. Is there some things I could cut back on to make room for what you'd suggest? I was planning on trying to cover as many bases as I could with the ins and outs of the ES-8 until I can get physical modules in the rack. Do you have any suggestions for a mixer?
I figured the cheapest way to model this synth and get started in modular was to have it create drones and backgrounds that can both be augmented by/augment what is happening on my laptop. I'm not sure if this rack screams that, but I was planning on making what I needed in Max to supplement what I found to be obstacles in the hardware - while still being flexible in future expansions. I appreciate your reply and it's gotten me considering the software vs. hardware feasibility of what I'm trying to do.
Hi Apache-River,
Thanks a lot for the hint of the Tascam DP-24 SD, will have a look at that one, smaller and cheaper than the Model 24 :-) Bit lack on inputs & outputs, but I will check it further.
If I have to use an iPad, then I rather use a computer :-) If I have to spend a million bucks to record without a computer then that's of course a no-go and I will consider the computer usage, but if there is a reasonable way to record without a computer then I would prefer that.
Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Garfield,
The Rene is "okay"...its just for the money and space, I was hoping it'd be more performant. Well, I got it, and it does the job, so maybe I can learn it better. I'm sure there's more potential than I tapped.
You'll have to let me know if your sequencers work out. Someday, I'm thinking of getting a standalone sequencer. I mostly use the OP-1's....which is pretty good. I was lucky enough to get it when it was "only" $1000. I think of it more as a toy studio than a toy sythensizer.
The Morphagene is great! If you want voltage-controlled tape (that doesn't sound like tape, but also doesn't have its limitations), go for it. My newest "trick" is recording voices, decreasing the grain size to small, and then morphing through the real with CV. Can get that horror-movie sorta sound.
The E370...also great! Yes, its a lot of money, and its huge, my if you want quad morphing wavetable oscillators (and I did!), it's worth it. It is a bit more setup (loading and selecting wavetables, usually hearing them on the computer first) than most of the rest of my modules (I mostly want immediacy), but I knew that going into it. Even just the wavetable playback by itself can make for some great oscillators....then you add morphing and yum!
The octasource is great. I'm glad you enjoy yours. I actually very often pair it with the E370 to have morphing with different LFO phase offsets, but its a great LFO for just about everything. I wish it had a clock out, but I guess having a clock in I can't complain too much.
Kind regards, Garfield. I just finished planning my rack (still several modules to buy); not enough VCA or LFOs, as usual, but...sigh, ya can't have everything. If I ever get to the point of having more time to actually make music, I may consider a bigger rack in a devoted music room.....but that day won't be soon!
Hi Blinkenlichten,
Interesting, it also mentions this:
"If required the value can be increased up to max. 4A. But this is recommended only if really a higher current than 2A is required."
Hmmm, not a very nice reassuring message, is it? :-) "Only if really a higher current than 2A is required." sounds to me like... "otherwise..." otherwise what? Frying the stuff? Pity that Doepfer's website doesn't provide more information.
But it's good to know, so to be on the save side one should be able to change the 2 A Fast with a 3.15 A Fast fuse (rather then going onto the edge(?) of 4 A).
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I'm planing to add a Mimetic Digitalis to my system, I would use it to sequence the MI plaits model and pitch.
I've been reading the manual and it seems like you can press and turn the knob to have semi-tones, does that mean the pitch would be on tune? what about randomising the sequence? Does it stay in tune when creating random sequences using the shred button? Also, can the Mimetic Digitales be used as a gate/trigger sequencer? From reading the manual I would say all that is possible but I'd appreciate if any of you have used the module and can confirm it.
The Mimetic seems straightforward and easy to use, my second option would be something like the varigate 4+. What are your thoughts about this modules?
Hi Xerah,
Do you have already some other synth stuff or just your laptop and this rack design? If you just have (or going to have) what's displayed here in your rack then I think you miss a few basic modules like: oscillators (you never can have enough of them; even though if I see the Atom and you most probably using that one), filters, EGs, perhaps a mixer and a logic module too?
What I like from your rack design is that you have left quite some free space for (near) future extension that's very good because you will need that. You might want to consider the 2*104 HP case from Intellijel instead; that one is easily to be extended with yet the same case for future purposes and has a bit more space compared to this one.
If you do most of it with your laptop then this might be fine, with the available information a bit difficult to advise you. Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Well done, it is really groovy. Is the bass coming from the dfam? it sounds sick.
By the way, how did you record the video? I'm thinking of using an iphone to record my jams but I'm not sure how to get the audio in.
Version one of this patch for lab 2 assigned 200129. Use Q108 gain as final volume going to mixer. Experiment with Q141 square out versus pulse out, with different PW settings on the attached Q106. Experiment with the output level on the Q141 to see the interesting switching behavior of the Q128.
I understand totally about wanting to get awayfrom the computer, especially if you work on a comp all day. Its been over twenty years since I recorded on hard disk like the tascam, so I don't really know what there is on the market these days, I will have a look. When I first started recordings back in the late 80's we used tape, as a mate of mine had this massive ampex reel to reel in his living room, it was massive. Have you thought about recording on an ipad, there are some good apps out there. These days I record onto my mac with a UAD Apollo soundcard. I sometimes like to jam with the computer and have ableton live synced up to my hardware, that is good fun, and then sometimes I just run my hardware thru the comp without any DAW. But I am sure there are some really good choices of harddisk recorder out there.
Check out Tascam DP-24SD 24 Track Digital Portastudio
Still nada. Called Paypal. Insufficient funds in his account. They are proceeding against him.
Buyer protection should kick in, but takes time.
His real name is Ahn Durr. He is a thief.
If I had used Friends & Family like he wanted I’d have had no recourse at all...
Still no response from boombipbass, I paid 130€ for a module two weeks ago (PP f/f), and he haven´t answered back since then.
did you find the illustrated manual? it does way more than you think depending on how you patch it
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Hi GarfieldModular,
I don't know. I've just copied the description "(max. 4000mA when the 2A fuse is replaced by 4A)" 1:1 from here:
Until now, I have no module, which needs 5V. And I do not plan to buy one.
If there was a cheaper version of PSU3 without the 5V part, I would have bought it. :-)
Regards, Blinkenlichten
This is my best-so-far, fits the budget, small but I think mighty rack for making ambient soundscapes with ability for Max MSP and Ableton to get in on the fun. Overall I want to make a system that is like a Cat's Paradise - things everywhere to twist, trigger, physically hit and touch that lends itself to powerful improvised flexibility (so if you fine people can point me in the direction of that, too, I would be soooooo grateful!)
I couldn't find many demos and opinions on the omnimod but it looks pretty sweet and versatile (if I expand in other ways it could still be relevant). And the third party MI stuff with the different firmware and capabilities definitely appeals to me, though, sorry folks at MI. ES-8 is the crux of this whole thing being able to flow back into my laptop and become part of a larger ecosystem, and I think that one fits the price to power ratio pretty well.
Psychedelic Environments as I'm looking to get some interesting evolving soundscapes going from the modular, to layer with Max and Ableton + live instruments. I'm also thinking I can cover my lack of logic with Max and the ES-8. Are there any simple tricks to get this rig more "trippy" without breaking the bank?
Thank you for checking this out and helping me navigate the modular waters!
Hey Apache-Raver,
Ah, that's the Yamaha RX17 you spoke about it, okay, interesting.
He, he, I never even made a video or a sound recording and published it here. I admire people like you and many others here who are so creative and get some decent sounds out of their modular system. Though I am deep into modular, it's just recently and I still have to learn a lot and buy a camera to make videos too ;-) Give me more time to get first more experience then I might consider a video or at least a sound recording but I guess most persons will switch that off after a few seconds ;-)
And beside that I am currently more into playing and exploring the modules rather than really making music with it.
Just recently I work a lot abroad and barely have time to explore and play with my modular system so it will take even longer for me to get some experience to get at a level where one could consider to publish sound (or video).
Additionally I gave myself a "huge task" by not allowing to use my computer for modular. So whatever I do with it, I don't want to use my computer since I use that for business already 12 hours a day or more and that's more than enough... So for me modular is something to keep me away from the computer (I use the computer to read the manuals though and being on this forum). Thus... making a recording without a computer, I still need to explore that further how I want to do that. For simple and basic fun recordings I have now a Zoom H5 but that's just for some basic and fun stuff, recordings from that doesn't sound fantastic though.
So any suggestions to a mixer/recorder that's able to have most important recording functions and enough input & output possibilities, is very welcome. I had a look at the Tascam Model 24 and wonder if that would fulfill all the needs for a proper recording? But the thing is huge and currently I don't have the space for it (and might never have). Model 16 is space-wise of course a bit better, same for model 12. The big con, beside the space and the price, is the somewhat low sample frequency of 48 kHz. I rather look into something like 24 or 32 bit and 192 kHz (or better) but that's difficult to find without using the computer.
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Blinkenlichten,
Are you sure you are not going to fry your power supply PSU3 when using the 4 A fuse?
Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Worstname,
Sounds good! I think you got yourself a nice rack here, enjoy modular and have a lot of fun with it :-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Make sure that all the modules are immediately playable. Remember that is why I am building this thing - to allow myself an outlet for spontaneous creativity. I don't want to be able to plan or save anything.
I envision using this setup in the following ways:
- Create soundscapes on Arbhar with inputs from either the internal microphone, Disting MK4, or my phone.
- Run Plaits into the Grandmother noise input as third oscillator. Play Grandmother keys into Mimeophon for delay.
- Use Pam's, Maths, SumDif and 3x VCA for modulation of everything.
- Arbhar and Grandmother/Plaits into XOH for final mixing, after Mimeophon.
*Alternatively, with this option I could use the modular sequencer to sequence Plaits separately for periodic input or baseline. Mix Plaits and Grandmother in SumDif before sending to XOH.
- Same as Option 01A, except run Arbhar through Mimeophon instead of Grandmother.
- With this setup, I may want to use the Disting for effects on Grandmother.
- Create soundscapes on Arbhar with inputs from either the internal microphone, Disting MK4, or my phone.
- Use the modular sequencer and Pam's to make drums from Plaits.
- Play Grandmother keys, or maybe don't and this option is just drums over the soundscape.
- Mix Grandmother and Plaits drums in SumDif, probably after Mimeophon.
- Arbhar and Grandmother/Plaits into XOH for final mixing.
*With this option, consider running Plaits through Grandmother for filter.
*Run either channel through the Mimeophon.
*If I don't want to buy a modular sequencer, I could use the Grandmother sequencer, if I don't intend to play Grandmother.
- Play Arbhar with Grandmother keys through V/Oct, using inputs from either the internal microphone, Disting MK4, or my phone.
- Use the modular sequencer and Pam's to make drums from Plaits.
- Run either channel through Mimeophon
- Arbhar and Plaits into XOH for final mixing.
*With this option, I could also sequence Arbhar with the modular sequencer, leaving the Grandmother free to play over top of everything. In this case, mix the Grandmother and Plaits signals in the SumDif before the final mix in XOH.
- Use Pam's to create drums with Arbhar and inputs from either the internal microphone, Disting MK4, or my phone.
- Run Plaits into the Grandmother noise input as third oscillator. Play Grandmother keys.
- Run either channel through the Mimeophon.
- Arbhar and Grandmother/Plaits into XOH for final mixing, probably after Mimeophon.
*With this option, the modular sequencer may be free, so Plaits could be separate for use as periodic input or a baseline.
- Run Plaits into the Grandmother noise input as third oscillator. Play Grandmother keys into Arbhar, then pass everything through Mimeophon.
* With this option, I could keep Plaits separate for periodic input or even drums. If so, select one of the channels to run through the Mimeophon, then send both signals to XOH for final mixing.
* I could also consider going into Mimeophon first, then pre-mixing and send everything into Arbhar before final mixing. I kind of doubt this would be a worthwhile sequence, but it might be worth trying.
- Take any of the above options and pre-mix everything in the SumDif so that everything can be processed through the Mimeophon for crazy noise creation.
*There are probably other options, but these are the most interesting I can think of to start...
If I need more HP for a different sequencer or a Links/Kinks, there are smaller VCAs. I just want to make sure they cascade to allow for signal mixing. I really may want to get an Ornament and Crime. It has a sequencer and many other modes. I have heard that many people had trouble with their Prisma+ Sequencer. There is a new model coming - maybe it will fix the issues.
The Disting MK4 can be used to play samples into Arbhar, as a stereo filter for Arbhar (stereo filters are rare), for recording the music I create, for effects on Grandmother or Arbhar audio signals, or for any of the other utilities. I may want to fit another into the system.
Find a sequencer that is enjoyable to use, like the Lifeforms Micro Sequence, which uses sliders for immediate control of the pitch of each step. The programmable ones look like a nightmare to use. The Micro Sequence does pitch, but it doesn't sequence gates. Do I want a sequencer that does both? The Micro Sequence leaves only 8 HP for my VCAs, though.
The VCA I get should have offset (can this also be called gain?) so that I can "locate" the waves of LFO's to accurately control my CV inputs as intended. There are many 8 HP VCAs, but I can't figure out if any of them do this. It appears that the Happy Nerding 3x VCA has these offset controls.
The SumDif looks like a great 2 HP mixer. However, it has no attenuators, so it will be very difficult to mix the Grandmother and Plaits at appropriate levels. It may be possible if I can patch an attenuator into the Level input on Plaits, then I can at least control the level of one versus the other, and finally the level of both together versus Arbhar in the XOH. This isn't ideal, but it might work. I should probably just switch the SumDif out for a 2 HP mixer, though...I'll have to investigate with the actual modules to see.
Hey, thanks very much for the support . I have contacted PayPal. I understand ModularGrid doesn’t want to get into disputes between people, but they really should inhibit sellers after a couple of complaints, I’ll contact them next.
PSU: Doepfer A-100PSU3
+12V / 2000mA, -12V / 1200mA, +5V/2000mA (max. 4000mA when the 2A fuse is replaced by 4A)
Sorry to read that then but at least you've got the right attitude, I'm impressed by how you're able to easily remember that one bad experience shouldn't put you off interacting more with the rest of this amazing community so I respectfully tip you my hat.
If I were you, I'd try to contact PayPal nonetheless, perhaps repeated complaints (the victim from the other thread said he introduced one) against the same user could have an effect ?
Wishing you the best luck for the future ;)
--- Voltage control all the things ---
No, and if I had done 45 seconds of research I would have seen the bad history.
I’ve bought at least a dozen modules from all over the world, and everyone, till this, has been great.
I love the community, and this won’t put me off. I’ll just do some basic research in the future.
At this point i wanna thank you all again for your input and give you a small update on my journey so far. In fact i went for the intellijel 7U stealth case and as i can tell so far it is a really great case. Concerning the modules i went for Plaits, Veils, Batumi with breakout, Mimeophon, BIA, Stages and a Disting which has sadly not arrived yet. Had a lot fun twiddling with the stuff i got already. For example it was quite interesting to learn that Stages has a hidden harmonic oscillator mode and the expert firmware for the Batumi added some nice features to it.
Nevertheless i updated my future rack plans a little bit after my first steps in eurorack. The new version must not be the final one, as i will update it probably on my further journey. As suggested i got rid of some fancy modules to incorporate some more classical and utility modules. I swapped the Rene for a Hermod because it uses less HP, has more channels and the ability to communicate with the midi world. I added an STO and Telharmonic as VCOs. The Telharmonic might be a Rings instead. The rack definitely needed more possibilities of filtering so i added a Wasp, Ripples and Forbidden Planet as Filters. Further on i added a dedicated quantizer and some logic modules. I went for the erica synths pico modules mainly because i needed to fill up the odd space left.
You mean that user with already one negative vote on his profile and a thread by another user getting scammed ( ? Not surprising but at least you used the PayPal protection, right ?
--- Voltage control all the things ---
bought a module very friendly very convenient and fast - can recommend
Ha ha....sorry man, I forget that not everybody on here is english, yeah if something is Phat, this means it sounds BIG and FAT. And the Bollocks is short for "The Dogs Bollocks", or "The Mutts Nuts", basically means its bloody good. I know what you mean about buying stuff blind, I am starting to learn about this as I have bought several modules over the past year or so that I have gone on to sell as they did not live up to expectation. The steffcorp are a bit special, and are quite hard to get as the company only makes a few at a time and they generally get snapped up immediately. I will probably buy a third one when I can.
She's a very naughty kitten, I have a polysix and a moog opus 3 that are at the top of my jasper stand and she has started using them as a climbing tree, so I have ordered some covers for them. The big black thing you see is an old yamaha RX17 that I recently picked up on ebay for £35, they are a fantastic addition to any analog drums, as you get that retro 12bit sound almost like the more expensive machines from that era, mid 80's. And it sounds great with some good compression. Have you got any videos of your stuff, I would love to have a watch.
I always wondered why I /had/ to have Maths in my build. It seemed like a nice addition but feh.
Alright, after research I /think/ I understand what it does. It allows you to (among other things)
to increase or decrease frequency while keeping the amplitude the same. I guess based off of
some things the Buchla's did? Or am I misunderestimating Maths?
Hey Apache-Raver,
Ha, ha, it's nice to see you are busy with it and the creativity of it I like it! What sequencer you got there, that black quite big thing? What is it exactly?
Most nice part of it is your cat, looking curiously at you what you are doing, cute! Just be careful that your cat doesn't put one of your patch cables in her nose and got LFO-controlled ;-)
Keep up the good work and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hey Apache-Raver,
That's an interesting point about the Mutes, to flick a snippet of something into it, interesting way of using it :-) Thanks for the hint, I will keep that in mind and I will reconsider the Mutes again.
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi All
Just to let you know the for sale listing
Mordax ... member.......!@#$%%$#@!ambientandambience
Is a rip off......
I do love a good DAWless Jam, although I am partial to a bit of Live action every now and again ;)
Hi Apache-Raver,
Nice racks and gears you got yourself there :-)
You got a nice rhythm tuned there. Wasp filter is always fun, isn't it? By the way, how did you realised your drum sounds?
Divkids Mutes, at first I was interested in it, but now I am not too sure. Can you perhaps tell why you like it so much? What are the pros of the module? Any cons?
Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular
Hey buddy, Yeah what I love about the mutes switches is the fact you can flick them, so if I want to just flick a snippet of the beat into the delay, I will use this, I am using this technique in most of my performances. It reminds me of the sort of dynamics I would get when I use to DJ on vinyl, using the crossfader to flick bits of beats over the track you were playing.