Thank you Gunnar! Sync as in clocks? ( I do own 2 Happy Circuit - Missing Links) Do you think I should go for the Dixie 2+ instead of the Doepfer vco? I thought an analog vco with basic waveforms would sound a bit different than the Enosc...
Thank you Gunnar! Sync as in clocks? ( I do own 2 Happy Circuit - Missing Links) Do you think I should go for the Dixie 2+ instead of the Doepfer vco? I thought an analog vco with basic waveforms would sound a bit different than the Enosc...
The only thing I would like to have more of in a rack like this would be more sync and FM capability, but apart from that the rack seems it would be fun to work with.
For me, the beauty of modular is the unlimited freedom to create your own custom synthesizer instrument based on personal tastes, goals and infinite expansion options. I came from Ableton/laptop VSTs and hardware synths like Moog Sub 37 and Elektron gear that is great but really the vision of the designer and little expansion ability. Well software VSTs have that feature but I work all day on a computer and wanted to get a tactile hands on approach to lego building blocks for synthesis. It is more fun and challenging.
Keep in mind that the Mimetic Digitalis only sequences pitch CV signals whereas the Varigate 4+ sequences pitch CV & gate signals, using the Mimetic Digitalis- you would still need another sequencer like Pamela's New Workout or Numeric Repetitor to handle the gate sequencing duties.
I am already craving for more vco's ...but I guess I should leave it the ways it is....considering the size of this system. How balanced do you find it? I was thinking also of a matrix mixer, but i couldn't find a way to add it ( most of them take a lot of hp).
Would really appreciate some feedback on my system ( I tried to build a balanced drum/synth fun workbox system). I don't own the tetrapad, tete, doepfer a-111 and lxd yet ( but that's what i have planned to purchase next).
Is there anything you would use instead of those 4 modules mentioned above?
Thank you very much for the explanation!
I do not have all the modules that seems to be needed but I will make a try with what I have.
My 6U Rackbrute Setup to complement my semi-mod setup of Minibrute 2s, 0-Coast and Digitone FM Synth.
Hi Lugia,
This is why I learned basics on the free VCV Rack and this week bought my first modular setup with the Doepfer A100 Basic system that only has the core basics like VCO, VCF, VCAs, envelopes and mixer and clock and mults to get experience hands on before I expand. Several very experienced modular friends of mine suggested this as they started with a basic set of Doepfer modules and learned. I was looking at the affordable $300 Cre8audio kit but the demos looked really bad and it was more of a toy than a real music workstation for learning long term. I did spend under 2k but figure it will supplement my other gear and let me explore hands on modular synthesis. Besides, my hands are getting tired of using mouse clicks to setup modular in VCV Rack and its not as fun. I love loopop he knows his stuff but others annoy me as they are gear whores and never explain how basic patches and what a module does by itself. Once I have the basic routing of VCAs and EGs down with the Doepfer A100, I plan to expand the empty 84HP case with a wave shaper/wave table oscillator like the 4ms offerings and a weird new filter like the Belgrad or Dual Borg Richter filter and of course more VCAs and EGs since the basic Doepfer A100 only comes with a single DVCA which won't be enough to modulate new stuff. Looking at the Erogeneous Tones Radar for EG and the Befaco Hexmix for VCAs. I see these used to save money on utilities. I figure that in a few years my modular knowledge will allow me to produce interesting soundscapes without tons of fancy modules. I do like modular sequencers but due to case space and my two Elektron machines, I can wait on those until I start another larger case. I did order the Make Noise 0-ctrl to use for a touchpad modular sequencer with the Doepfer modules and my Make Noise 0-coast as i love this stuff.
My beef with all these YT celebrities who have millions of dollars of free modular gear that is gifted to them by sponsors and never admit they are paid to push product with the freebies.
-- benprusinski
Yeah, I know the set of people you're talking about. Their relationships are really suspect. Back during the Korg 2600 FS fiasco, it was interesting to see how these people had ZERO trouble getting one of these damn things, but the general public had pretty no chance to snag one. Why, if Korg liked you enough, you could even get TWO. Then there was this one interesting of the YT celebs got one, but the case (remember: the case is a big part of why this synth was "limited") had been busted up in transit. Which, when you think about it, is something WE MIGHT ALL NEED TO KNOW ABOUT, as it makes Korg's "limited edition" claim even more specious. Anyway, they shot an unboxing with this...then RAPIDLY took it down under some...odd...circumstances (involving Korg, apparently) and replaced it with a new demo vid that was very careful to NOT show the damage to the road case. I confronted them about this, and they got REAL salty about it...but also made an admission that, yes, they'd gotten their synth through "other means" and not as a retail purchase, and no, it wasn't a "loaner" for review purposes. Read that however you like.
And yes, the "LOOKATMYBIGASSSYNTHAINNITCOOL!?!?!?!" YT crowd. Pft. Yep, you're 100% spot on...these YT creators love to show off this NEWAMAZINGSHINYTHING...but do you ever see one of them giving a tutorial on how to use basic modules? Like VCAs? Y'know, the module that everyone IGNORES but that they NEED? Nah. I'd love to ask a couple specific ones about how they use LFO sync...and see if they even know how to do that!
I would like to point out that there are very good synth users on YouTube, though. Let's take loopop's reviews as an example...
OK, with loopop, you get perfect views of the device in question. No extraneous narrative; everything he's saying is germaine to what he's doing. You get scope views to see things like spectral purity of VCOs, VCF behavior, etc. There's even a "skip-to" timeline on screen! To me, THAT is what I expect in a review. The device gets a workout by a knowledgeable synthesist and we get a "fly on the wall" seat. They're not thrilling, not trendy...just purely informative, like they SHOULD BE.
Contrast that was someone telling you "YOU NEEDZ VCAZ! KAN NEVRR HAZ ENUF VCAAA!!!" and not explaining WHY you need them...OK, that's just plain sucks. Why do I need 'em, mo'fo? Hm? Buehler? Buehler? Or "demoing" a module that we can barely see behind a tangle of patchcords. OK...then, why are those patchcords there? What are you doing with this thing? What's it hooked up to? What's that knob you're turning while hiding the label behind your hand because you don't know how to stay out of the camera's way? In the end, this isn't constructive, and just confuses prospective modular users even more, which results in people getting onto MG and putting up these abortions of builds that seem like they're showcases for how much money the user in question feels like blowing...but which also won't make for anything resembling a proper synth. Great if you like to shop for deals on eBay and Reverb, I guess, but not so good for those people who bought into this under the wrongly-held mindset that they would be instantly K00L once they had that patchcord-dripper built and installed.
Basically, it's like this: YouTube, by its own design, has turned into the same sort of ugly creature as regular TV. Content gets tailored for ad revenue and max eyeballs, information suffers as a result because information in of itself doesn't sell [INSERT COMMODITY HERE]. That's not helpful.
leaning towards getting more make noise modules such, possibly maths, qpas, morphagene...i just used this rack templet because i couldnt find mine listed...not really sure what else i should be looking for, some people mentioned kinks, i feel like im definitely missing some sort of utility to make things work better...thanks
also this is being used with a minibrute 2s/drumbrute if that helps (since i have a drone beefy bass line/basic drums taken care of)
any suggestions on utility modules or anything?
Shepard tones (also called Risset tones, after J-C. Risset, the INA/GRM composer who used this quite a bit) are sort of weird. It sounds like the tone is continuously going up or down, but that's not what's up at all. The spectrograph above gives a few clues, tho...
You can see a continuous pattern of up-swept pitches that overlap. But you'll notice that you can't actually see the origin of the pitches, and that the amplitude reduces the higher the pitch goes. That's part of the trickery. The other part is purely psychoacoustic, and relies on how we perceive sonic foregrounds via amplitude.
OK...let's build one of these things. Take several VCOs, for starters. Set each one to the same low pitch, and mix them all together. Send this to a bandpass VCF so we can limit the passband we're listening to...this eliminates the obvious "bottom limit" and "top limit" pitches.
Now, here's the voodoo part: each VCO also receives a modulation signal from...oh, let's say we'll use several AD EGs. Long linear attack, pretty much no decay. The attack has to keep going while the signal is within the VCF's passband, but it starts moving the VCO's pitch up before the signal enters the passband, and keeps going until it's gone past the top limit. So now, we've got several VCOs and several individual ADs sending them pitch-rise modulation. Then the key to this is a trigger sequencer. Each EG gets triggered in turn; if you have six VCO/EG combos, use six steps. As each EG receives a trigger pulse, it starts to raise the VCOs pitch through the passband, then out the top where the decay kicks the pitch back down. Technically, you could stop there, as that right there gives you the continuous sweep illusion. But if you want to really make this perfect, you then use the EG triggers to trigger a second EG and then a VCA on each VCO, so that the VCA is only open for the time needed for the sweep, eliminating the possibility of the bottom pitch drone from bleeding through or the very rapid downsweep of each VCO being reset to the initial pitch.
So what WE hear now is that continuously-rising tone, with tones entering at the bottom, vanishing at the top, and yet it doesn't move...or so we think!
There is still time to learn :-)
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Hi all,
Bought my first modular system a new Doepfer A100 Basic system and look forward to patching and tweaking it with my Make Noise 0-coast and Elektron gear. I have 84HP row free for expansion so been toying with the modules to add once I know the Doepfer modules inside and out this year. I like ambient, techno, and industrial music. So adding unique modules like a fun waveshaper would be fantastic to fill out my first case and to avoid duplicating what my Elektron gear can do. I already have tons of drum samples on my Elektron gear so no need to buy these drum modules. I really enjoy cool light shows and knobs and switches without menu diving and tiny screens. The 4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator and Spectral Multiband Resonator modules look like endless fun to add to the empty row of space as well as more VCAs and EGs.
My beef with all these YT celebrities who have millions of dollars of free modular gear that is gifted to them by sponsors and never admit they are paid to push product with the freebies. We know who these kids are that own thousands of modulars and have done hundreds of videos but never bother to explain how a basic patch works and assume we know it already.
I'm no flute player :)
Cheers :)
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Several years ago I heard a strange musical illusion. I think it was on Jean-Claude Elloy's album Shanti.
It sounded like the tone was constantly rising in pitch without stopping.
Now I know that it is called the Shepard tone which can even decrease in a similar way.
Is there any one who knows how to recreate this in a modular patch?
Here are two Youtube examples:
Hi Wishbonebrewery,
Nniiiiiiccccccceee!!! Wow yes, the first half minute I thought I was listening at the new Kitaro (I am quite a Kitaro fan).
Overal a very nice track. You made my weekend worthwhile! While I wrote this message I was listening for the fourth time at your track. Once submitting, I will continue listening, really nicely done!
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Really pleasent transaction buying the uScale v2 from @cityz3n . Highly recommend this guy to buy from. Wish there was a better feedback system on here for stuff like this. Thanks! :)
Thanks for listening :)
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Four LFOs in that thing, with periods ranging from 500 Hz down to a ridiculous .0002 Hz (ie: 70+ minutes). And another module in a similar timebase vein that you might find useful is:
-- Lugia
Very nice! Thank you!!
Has anyone tried or has one of these for sale?
Yeah...G-Storm also nailed the sound of the ARP 4012 VCF, too. Dude's got it goin' on!
Four LFOs in that thing, with periods ranging from 500 Hz down to a ridiculous .0002 Hz (ie: 70+ minutes). And another module in a similar timebase vein that you might find useful is:
Hi Rijn,
Yes, great and clear again, like your part one. Well done again and thank you very much for sharing!
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi there!
I don't want to clutter up the forum with new posts, but wanted to share the full three part series here. So today we hit part two: Drums and Sample Playback!
My goodness, the Double Helix is quite a monster oscillator, heheh. Can't find the range in hz in the manual though...
I'd also like to toss in Pittsburgh Modular's Double Helix dual oscillator. The frequency ranges for both oscillators are absurd, from well below 1 Hz to nearly supersonic, and there's no range selection, it's all there on the same knob sweep. This makes dialing in a specific frequency a little trickier, but you'll definitely be able to cover a wider range than most modules.
-- dinorrific
Haven't checked this one... going to give it a look! Thanks!!!
Hi Pricto,
Here a few frequency ranges of a few modules, at the end it's a matter of checking all the manuals of those modules you might be interested in :-)
Erica Synths - Black LFO - 0.1 Hz - 60 Hz
ACL - QLFO - "a fraction of a" 1 Hz - 20 kHz (I am just phrasing what has been mentioned in the manual)
AJH Synth - Dual LFO & VCA - in slow mode it's 0.01 Hz - 2 Hz
Doepfer - A-145 - Standard LFO but I love this thing and have a look at this copy/paste from Doepfer's website:
H: about 10Hz - 4.5kHz
M: about 0.1Hz (10 seconds period) - 50Hz
L: about 0.005 Hz (3.5 minutes period) - 5HzHow slow do you want to go? :-)
Instruo - Ochd - 25 minute cycle till 160 Hz (even slower than the above Doepfer)
IO Instruments - Themisto VCO but can go from 0.5 Hz - 6 kHz or from 10 Hz - 130 kHz
Joranalogue - Generate 3 - VCLFO mode 0.0028 Hz - 180 Hz
Make Noise - Maths - from 25 minutes up till 1 kHzWell that's what I could come up with in checking about a half hour the manuals from several manufacturers. Perhaps there are already one or two modules that might interest you otherwise just keep checking all the manufacturers and their manuals :-)
Good luck in finding the right LFO and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
-- GarfieldModular
Wow! Thank You!! Yes, that's what I've being doing, checking the specifications of all the modules but none would have this really wide register that the Neutron has... 0.01 hz to 10 khz and with one knob sweep. I think the Maths has the widest range of all of the modules I've been checking, but still doesn't go as high. Curious, it seems Behringer has gone pretty extreme on this feature.
I'd also like to toss in Pittsburgh Modular's Double Helix dual oscillator. The frequency ranges for both oscillators are absurd, from well below 1 Hz to nearly supersonic, and there's no range selection, it's all there on the same knob sweep. This makes dialing in a specific frequency a little trickier, but you'll definitely be able to cover a wider range than most modules.
You mention about predominantly using cv/gate and not midi, can I ask for curiosity sake when would the use of midi be required as opposed to cv/gate?
a lot of people use midi to sequence (mostly from computers or - and maybe you could from the matriarch, but not much piint as you can use cv/gate from the matriarch - if you are not going to use midi then in buying the palette you already paid for 1/2 a midi converter - buying a mantis you pay nothing for midi converter unless you want/need one
In regards to listening to the Matriarch, my current setup is directly from the main outputs into a Saffire pro 40 interface. This shouldn't be affected by the use of Eurorack as long as I patch everything back into the Matriarch mixer right?
you can patch straight from the rack into the interface - no need to go via the matriarch unless you want to - just make sure your gain staging is ok - possibly attenuate signals from the rack (some passive attenuators will do the job)
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Hi Garfield,
Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. It's very generous of you :)
Hi Padmasan,
Sorry, I forgot to tell, check out the Behringer 961 Interface module, that should be a kind of indicator of the above ;-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Padmasan,
The Behringer 900 series are based on the Moog's System-55 and if I am not mistaken, since it's a, and I am quoting here website:
Authentic reproduction of the circuitry from the "Modular 55, 35 & 15" Series
You might have it so authentic that you need to work with s-triggers. But I am not too deep into that kind of "old" stuff. There are similar discussions already, please refer here within this forum to:
But at those times the Behringer modules weren't there yet. I am not 100% sure but I would be careful with those 900 series. At least check it out in more details (sorry I didn't had the time to 100% check this out yet).
Behringer also has the 100 series modules these are Roland 100m based modules, if I am not mistaken those are okay but better have those double checked too.
So generally, you are right with Eurorack, as long as it is a Eurorack module it should be compatible with the rest of the Eurorack modules unless it's a replica of some (old) sort (and that's here the case), then you better be careful and have this checked out very well.
Best is still to go to your local dealer and test a few of those 900 modules in combination with classic stuff like Doepfer, Intellijel, Erica Synths, etcetera.
Or perhaps one of the more "compatibility experts" can tell with 100% certainly if those 100 & 900 series of Behringer can be used 100% compatibly?
Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi GM and thanks for the reply.
I must be missing something. All of these modules are described as Eurorack. What must they be compatible with exactly?
Is it a voltage spec or firmware?
I was under the impression these modules were universal
School me please :)
Hi Padmasan,
Are you sure that all those Behringer modules are nicely Eurorack compatible? Yes they fit into a Eurorack but how about the compatibility? I am not so sure and would check that first.
Behringer - Neutron is a great device but for other modules I would check other brands if I would be you, at least to start with. Consider a mixture of different brands to give you a few different ideas of what is possible.
If you insist on using Behringer modules then go to your local dealer and have it tested there first.
Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Pricto,
Here a few frequency ranges of a few modules, at the end it's a matter of checking all the manuals of those modules you might be interested in :-)
Erica Synths - Black LFO - 0.1 Hz - 60 Hz
ACL - QLFO - "a fraction of a" 1 Hz - 20 kHz (I am just phrasing what has been mentioned in the manual)
AJH Synth - Dual LFO & VCA - in slow mode it's 0.01 Hz - 2 Hz
Doepfer - A-145 - Standard LFO but I love this thing and have a look at this copy/paste from Doepfer's website:
H: about 10Hz - 4.5kHz
M: about 0.1Hz (10 seconds period) - 50Hz
L: about 0.005 Hz (3.5 minutes period) - 5Hz
How slow do you want to go? :-)
Instruo - Ochd - 25 minute cycle till 160 Hz (even slower than the above Doepfer)
IO Instruments - Themisto VCO but can go from 0.5 Hz - 6 kHz or from 10 Hz - 130 kHz
Joranalogue - Generate 3 - VCLFO mode 0.0028 Hz - 180 Hz
Make Noise - Maths - from 25 minutes up till 1 kHz
Well that's what I could come up with in checking about a half hour the manuals from several manufacturers. Perhaps there are already one or two modules that might interest you otherwise just keep checking all the manufacturers and their manuals :-)
Good luck in finding the right LFO and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Odd. Never heard of that issue. Behringer synths have a 3 year warranty so you might want to contact them. And if they ever decide to release the Neutron VCO as its own module I would gladly buy one! Hopefully they would add a 'fine tune' control though.
So yeah - it isn't your average modular noodling deck because I'm not a modular noodler.
This one sits at the heart of my studio and is used for processing stuff from DAW or live analog synths. Also use the oscillators on the right hand side for instrumental parts for the track, controlled using the excellent CV-OCD
Also kicking around is a DFAM, Dreadbox Erebus v3, Epsilon and Komorebi as well as a Roland Aira Bitraizer I can never seem to sell ;)
Yes, that's a very good point with the case, I had thought about how they draw you in with the fitted stuff, and likewise I agree that something as simple as a metal plate to fill a gap can keep your wallet happy lol.
You mention about predominantly using cv/gate and not midi, can I ask for curiosity sake when would the use of midi be required as opposed to cv/gate?
As is clear, Maths is an extremely useful module, I probably need to dig into it a bit more to understand it's full capability (if that is ever possible :P) so I'll look more into that. Thanks for all the other tips, it is really about establishing that starting point and building from there, and it's just those starting points that I need the ideas/suggestions for.
In regards to listening to the Matriarch, my current setup is directly from the main outputs into a Saffire pro 40 interface. This shouldn't be affected by the use of Eurorack as long as I patch everything back into the Matriarch mixer right?
Thanks again, already helping me get to grips more bit by bit!
Man, I LOVE the Neutron's 3340 VCOs! haha The blending and cv mod of the waves... Magnificent! My favorite part of the synth actually. Was sad to see them go once I sold it but felt the Dreadbox Hysteria was a better replacement. The morphing LFO was very cool too.
By the way, the Neutron's LFO is digital so you might want to keep that in mind when shopping around.
-- catwavez
Have to agree, the wave blending and cv mod of these 3340 is really nice, haven't seen anything like it either... What I don't like is the stability of the knobs, I'm avoiding keyboards and other non-knob controllers, just fell in love with knobs I guess. My experience is that in my Neutron one of the VCO's jumps and wiggles at some area of the range when I tweak it. The same with the freq knob of the filter. Maybe is that I have to clean it or something, but is a weird wiggle, and Behringer its so cheap that who knows... but the other one is fine. All in all, I'll never sell my Neutron, I would even buy another one if I could.
Didn't know the LFO of the Neutron was digital... I'll keep this in mind! Many Thanks!!!
I don't know any.
But many LFOs accept a wide range of control voltages, so you could patch a +/-10v CV source in the form of a big knob or a fader into one and get the result you're looking for.
There are many such CV sources, and they're usually cheap. My favorite one is the Antumbra Fade. (It also doubles as an attenuverter.)
-- fredeke
Oh... This could be a really nice way to solve this single knob problem, Antumbra Fades are quite cool... THANKS!
In regards to the case, in reality it is something I'm not completely married to, I guess it's the minimal size which is more the point - I'm not looking to expand and expand so alternative small cases like you mention are welcome :)
I think it comes down to what you want - there are pros and cons for all case sizes and manufacturers of cases
My view is that even if the goal is a small case (under 6u and under 84hp) - then it is often better to start with a bigger case - most people seem to swap modules quite a bit before they settle on what they need - as this process will be significantly easier with a slightly larger case
the price differential - not taking into account the preinstalled 1/2u row - which I see as worth maybe 50 - is negligible - and they kind of tie you into buying extra modules to get a lot of those components to work
but - matriarch is already eurorack audio level and you are predominantly going to use cv/gate not midi - so you don't really need either of these - the other 1u modules, there are similarly priced alternatives in 3u
if you feel that a big hole in a case will inspire GAS then get/make some blank panels (this is a good idea anyway)
go slowly buy an interesting modulation source - Maths is really popular for a reason ("maths illustrated manual" via google) - maybe add a disting (mk4/ex) as a versatile module, maybe a quad cascading vca (veils would be my 1st choice then intellijel) and an interesting effect and start patching it with the matriarch
you don't mention how you are listening to your matriarch - via a mixer?
As I say, I am new to eurorack and seems I have mistaken the interaction between it and the matriarch? My initial thoughts were to clock from the matriarch to pams and use the eurorack modulation to affect the matriarchs features, using the cases trs as a line in for other potential sources.
It's ok if I've got it all wrong though lol, that's why I'm here! :)
Great attitude!!!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Man, I LOVE the Neutron's 3340 VCOs! haha The blending and cv mod of the waves... Magnificent! My favorite part of the synth actually. Was sad to see them go once I sold it but felt the Dreadbox Hysteria was a better replacement. The morphing LFO was very cool too.
By the way, the Neutron's LFO is digital so you might want to keep that in mind when shopping around.
I don't know any.
But many LFOs accept a wide range of control voltages, so you could patch a +/-10v CV source in the form of a big knob or a fader into one and get the result you're looking for.
There are many such CV sources, and they're usually cheap. My favorite one is the Antumbra Fade. (It also doubles as an attenuverter.)
I don't know any.
But many LFOs accept a wide range of control voltages, so you could patch a +/-10v CV source in the form of a big knob or a fader into one and get the result you're looking for.
There are many such CV sources, and they're usually cheap. My favorite one is the Antumbra Fade. (It also doubles as an attenuverter.)
Intellijel Dixie II+ is a pretty solid VCO/LFO and only 40mm.
-- troux
Yes I saw this one, this is the closest option, but it has the switch that cuts the range in half, making it imposible to make a full frequency sweep across the whole register... Thanks for the recommendation anyway!
Intellijel Dixie II+ is a pretty solid VCO/LFO and only 40mm.
my tunes:
I think you might be best off with a VCO that has LFO mode - or just goes deep down. Doepfers A143-9 might be a good contender as well, and it’s really cheap! But it only does sine waves and its derrivates.
If that’s what you need - recommended! It’s very modulatable, I use mine as FM modulator with v/oct into cv1 and a nice slider into the cv2 for playability :)
-- LYFoulidis
That's a cool modulator, 4 sines at different phase is very nice... But I have a problem, I've got a skiff case at the moment. Hope I'll get another one in the near future for Doepfer only, aaaargh! At the moment I would be blessed if I had at least one 0.01 to 10 hz LFO with just one knob for the whole frequency range. Thanks for the recommendation!
I think you might be best off with a VCO that has LFO mode - or just goes deep down. Doepfers A143-9 might be a good contender as well, and it’s really cheap! But it only does sine waves and its derrivates.
If that’s what you need - recommended! It’s very modulatable, I use mine as FM modulator with v/oct into cv1 and a nice slider into the cv2 for playability :)